A/N To quote one of my Favourite TV Shows. Did you Miss Me? Yes, I've come back from the Dead. Sorry everyone I haven't updated this story since June. I wish I had a good excuse.


It took a full week before Neville was on his feet again. Dany didn't really understand why it took so long for him to get better. She suspected that like her brother, this guy was overly dramatic when it came to being unwell. She wouldn't have minded normally. She actually quite liked the danger of keeping this man secret from her brother, but her Wedding was fast encroaching and they would soon have to travel to some place in the desert and then she would be wed, and after that… well she would be a horse person. Apart of her was furious with her brother for what he had done. She wanted to slap him so hard in his smug face that he hit the dirt. But she was terrified. Terrified of disobeying her brother. Terrified that she would wake the Dragon in him.

She jumped with shock when two arms tightened around her chest. Her head shot around. She relaxed. It was just Neville giving her a hug.

"Sorry if I'm stepped over the line but you looked so scared and afraid..." Neville mumbled.

Dany wanted to hug Neville tightly,She wanted to tell him about her plans to run away. To escape her brother, Khal Drogo, the crown of Westeros. Ask if she could get a job working for him as a maid or something. Instead she shrugged him off and whispered "Thank You."

"I use to have a bully" Neville commented, not looking at her. "He was my professor, he told me I wasn't good enough, made me feel like a failure, like nothing I could do would ever be enough. Your brother reminds me of him. But he was wrong about me. It took me a while to figure out who I was, but since i figured it out, my life has only ever gone up. My Professor was wrong about me and Viserys is definitely wrong about you!"

Dany sighed. "Viserys isn't though. I am weak, a failure…."

Neville grabbed her tightly by the arms. "...Don't believe that for a second."

"Maybe your professor didn't know you very well, but my brother, he has spent 18 years living by my side, protecting me. He knows me like his favourite book."

"No" Neville looked sad, "It suits him to think your weak but you are far stronger than him." Dany gave him a disbelieving look.

"You are kind, strong and caring. Tell me who else would have saved me from dying. Look out over that balcony and tell me which one of those people would have saved me"

"I'm sure one of them would of done"

"No, you are different. What would your brother do if he found me in your bed right now?"

"He would murder me."

"But you still did it."

"Neville, that is just one thing."

"Then make it another thing. it is our choices that show what we truly are. Let me ask you this. Would you rather be Viserys pawn or be Daenerys Stormborn, of House Targaryen choosing your own destiny."

"He's my blood."

"He doesn't care about you."

"You think you understand him lying in my bed and forming your opinions on him? You know nothing about him, he just wants to train me to be strong."

"I'm Sorry Daenarys but you will never be strong with him telling you you are weak all the time. He hasn't trained you to be strong, told you how to be a powerful Princess. He has just watched you and laughed at you when you made a mistake."


"Come with me! We can explore Westeros together, while you discover who you are."

"I can't. My brother needs me." Daenerys shouted and swore at him. It felt so good to shout and let all her anger out. Okay, she wasn't shouted at her brother. But Neville was the next best thing. After what felt like hours of arguing and raised voices. Viserys walked in.



Luna rolled over hugging the petrified Bran. She watched as Bran's direwolf started licking his master's body, searching for any wounds.

Luna made to stand but Summer growled at her. Body leaning back, ready to pounce, Snarl on his face. Luna had just saved the dog's Master and now it was going to attack her? Luna fingered her wand, wondering what her chances of showing Summer she meant him no harm were. That was when the direwolf lept.

"STUPEFY" Screamed a voice from behind Luna. Luna let out a large breath. Harry had saved her. It was interesting watching a pouncing animal being stunned mid spell froze the wolf but the momentum of the jump still meant the wolf came crashing towards her. Luna watched the fear in the Wolf's eyes as he came falling, towards her. She had to quickly flick her wand to stop the wolf breaking its leg. She tried to comfort the poor animal as it floated through the air.

That was when someone screamed.

Luna looked around, wondering where the noise came from. It was Bran. He didn't like the fact that his dog was flying. The boy bolted.

Luna cursed herself, She ran after him. Harry was close behind her. The problem with this plan was that the boy had a good headstart on them and knew the Castle a lot better. They soon lost him in the grim architecture.

"Let's give up Luna, no one will believe him anyway."

Luna looked sad. "Probably not, what about the Twins in the Tower?"

"Memory charm?" Harry asked.

Luna frowned. "Those two deserve to go to whatever this world's equivalent to Azkaban is."

"But Luna, we need to keep a low profile."

"Harry, when have we ever let the bad guys get away with their crimes? If Jaime Lannister thinks it's okay to throw a child out a window, what other crimes will he do in the future."

Harry didn't reply to that. Until…. His face lit up. "What if we did nothing."

"They won't believe a child over the words of the Queen and her brother."

"What if the Queen and her brother were caught red handed."

Luna looked inquisitive, then she laughed.

Harry smirked. They apparated to the Tower, clearing away the little supplies into a Saddlebag they found when they first found the Tower.

"Where to now?" Luna asked.

"I think it's time I take a leaf out of Hermione's book." He grabbed Luna's hand and Luna groaned. The familiar feeling of being trapped in a tight tube came over her. Thankfully it didn't last too long. Luna fell to the ground, yanking Harry down on top of her. For the third time that week, Luna saw Harry blushing as they lay face to face.



Tyrion was disappointed. After seeing the Great Libraries of Oldtown, Kings Landing, even Casterly Rock. The Northerner's Library was small, dark and boiling hot. That didn't stop Tyrion climbing onto a seat and surrounding himself with enough books that the table he had placed them on was now groaning under the weight. But what he had found more than made up for it. Maester Luwin might not of had many books compared to other Maester;s Libraries but he definitely found ways to protect them against the elements. Tyrion had never seen such a well looked after copy of Aegon's Conquest of the Seven Kingdoms, written by Maester Aethur. He had just got to the part where Aegon's sister amazed the young King of the Eyrie by showing him her Dragon when… CRACK.

It sounded like a wildfire explosion. A dangerous thing in a room full of books. Tyrion instinctively checked the spot the noise was coming from. When he saw it was a young man on top of a boy. He had to do a double take. He looked again. His second take still reported that there was a distinct lack of wildfire or anything dangerous, it did add that the person he thought was a boy, was actually a young lady in trousers. Purple Trousers? The dye for that would cost a king's Ransom. Why would you use it to dye trousers of all things? The young man quickly got up off the lady. The lady said "Sorry Harry, Side Along Apparition always makes me feel dizzy."

"Where did these two come from?" Tyrion wondered to himself. They couldn't have come via the door." Living in Kings Landing made noticing people trying to sneak up on you a necessary survival technique. Besides what caused that loud noise? Tyrion hid behind the large pile of books on the table.

"You brought us to a Library?"

"There might be something here about how we can escape this world."

The girl Luna look convinced but she nodded. "Maybe the little man hiding behind those books can help us."

Too late, Tyrion realized the girl had walked over to his hiding place, and had now seen him crouching under the table like a little boy playing hide and seek. It was obvious he was spying.

"Hello, I'm Luna" The girl said dreamily. "We were wondering if you had any books on magic, or maybe different worlds?"

Tyrion tried to make himself look more dignified. The girl Luna was looking at her curiously. The boy seem to be hiding his face in his hands. The girl's name seemed to ring a bell in his head but he couldn't quite place it.

"Um….. I don't think you'll find anything here on that subject. These Northerners seem more interested in War and rationing than anything like that"

Where had he heard that name before?

The boy was whispering something in the girl's ear now.

"Don't worry Harry, we can always use Obliviate. You go look around for the information we need. I need to ask this man a question."

Obliviate? What is that? Sounds like a fancy word for Wildfire. Also why wasn't she calling him a Dwarf or the Imp? It had been years since anyone called him a man.

"What's your name Sir?"

Sir? It was only last week that someone called him Sir. Everyone tried to flatter everyone else in the King's Company while also trying to stab them in the back when they weren't looking. But when this girl said Sir, he actually felt she meant it.

"Tyrion of House Lannister."

"Hello Tyrion of House Lannister. What can you tell me about the Children of the Forest?"



Ginny Weasley had come up with an opinion. She hated camping. It had to be the worst experience of her life. Sleeping on the ground. She now knew why Muggles had invented beds. The ground was the most uncomfortable thing she had ever, and probably ever would, have to sleep on. She was always terrible at Cushioning charms in school. But three nights of freezing cold and uneven ground made her an expert. She swore Ygritte kept putting rocks under her side of the tent.

She reflected that if Ygritte was doing that, she sort of deserved it seeing as when they first met, Ginny tried to torture her in her own tent, trying to understand this backwards world she had entered. Not that that did much use. Ygritte was a muggle and why would a muggle know anything about magically being transported somewhere. She missed Harry. She felt exactly like she did when Harry dumped her in her sixth year so that he could go find Horcruxes. She didn't know if she would ever see Harry again then and she didn't know now. The fates were cruel, giving Harry to her for a few days before ripping him away again.

"Quit your moping, Lady Weasel, we need to go hunting" Ygritte smacked her, interrupting her thoughts.

She didn't know why but after releasing Ygritte from the bat bogey hex, Ygritte immediately offered to let her stay in her tent and then complain constantly about how posh and spoilt GInny was.

"My name is Ginny." Ginny scowled. "Don't make me use that bat bogey hex on you again"

Ygritte grinned mischievously, as she chucked a spear for Ginny to catch. Ginny didn't ask herself where her wand was.