Hey guys, most of you already know this story,but I just had to fix it. It was so horrible, too much grammar error, and spelling mistakes.I hope you guys like this version better.
Please remember I dont own Naruto at all, and remember to leave a review If you enjoyed the chapter.
Don't read if you don't like femSasuke stories.
The pairing is obviously NaruFemSasu,but that pairing will have a very slow romantic progress.
Keep in mind that in this story Sasuke never left Konoha. He will become a bit OC,but still a bastard.
For Sasuke the last few weeks had been the strangest weeks of his life. His chest had been hurting like hell, and so had the rest of his body.
He tried going to Tsunade,to make sure that nothing was wrong with him, but she said that he was alright, and she couldn't see any reason for the pain.
Yesterday, his body was starting to feel better, and the pain was starting to seize. Today however Sasuke was feeling perfectly fine.
He woke up with not an ounce of pain. Standing up from his bed while yawning, Sasuke stretched, and slowly walked to his bathroom, still feeling sleepy.
When he reached his bathroom, Sasuke shut the door behind him, and locked it. He walked towards his cabinet, and grabbed his toothbrush and toothpaste, and began brushing his teeth.
Slowly Sasuke lifted his head up and looked at the mirror. He was so startled by what he saw, that he dropped his toothbrush on the floor and Shrieked.
"Ahh!". Sasuke screamed in a girly voice.
Her scream was so loud, all of Konoha could hear it, causing them to stop what they were doing and look around, searching for where the ssound came from.
He was a girl now! Sasuke touched her face,horrified by how she looked. She now had large eyes, and pink plump lips. This was too weird. "H-how the hell did this happen to me?". Sasuke thought, backing away from the mirror slowly in disbelieve.
Her hair looked longer now, the ends practically touched the floor! She was so shocked by her new look, that she never saw her fallen toothbrush on the floor, and accidentally tripped over it falling hard on the ground.
Sasuke raised her shaking hand,bringing them slowly to where her chest used to be, but now she could feel them, to her out most horror, she could feel breast where her chest should have been.
"Fuck! What am I going to do?!". Sasuke began panicking, quickly getting off the floor, and running to her room. Closing the door behind her Sasuke grabbed a t-shirt and wore it, to cover her chest up.
"W-how did this even happen!". Sasuke yelled pacing up and down all around her room. "Shit if someone sees me like this they'll laugh at me".
Sasuke could feel her heart begin to beat faster as she thought of all the villagers and all the Jounin team laughing at her.
"I have to find away to turn back.I can't go see Sakura, Naruto and Kakashi like this,they'll laugh at me". Sasuke started taking in deep breaths."Calm down Sasuke you're over thinking things. I have to find a way to hide this form".
When she deemed herself calm enough Sasuke decided that taking a shower would help her relax,so she slowly walked back into her bathroom, undressing slowly, but making sure not to look anywhere below, and she began to shower.
"I can't believe this is happening to me". Sasuke thought sadly, in self pity.
Elsewhere in Konoha
Naruto and Sakura sat down under a tree waiting for Kakashi and Sasuke. "I wonder what happened to Sasuke-kun, his never been late before. His always the first one here". Sakura asked Naruto, concerned about Sasuke not being present.
"Don't worry Sakura-chan, nothing could ever happen to Sasuke-teme.His too strong to be defeated so easily ". Naruto responded, trying to make Sakura feel better, Although deep down he was feeling just as worried.
"Yo,sorry for arriving late but I had to help a poor old lady get her cat off a tree, and safely down". Kakashi said, looking between Naruto and Sakura, noticing that Sasuke wasnt with them.
"So where is Sasuke today?". Sakura looked at Naruto concerned,then looked back at Kakashi, while Naruto just shrugged his shoulder.
"We haven't seen him since yesterday.Maybe his not feeling well". So these thoughts just made Sakura worry even more.
"I'm sure his fine Sakura-chab,but just to help you feel better, I think I'll go pay the Teme a visit". Naruto have Sakura a goofy grin, before running off in search for Sasuke, leaving kakashi and Sakura alone.
Kakashi looked at Naruto leave, then turned. his gaze back to Sakura. "Well I guess there's no training for today. You should enjoy your day off Sakura". Kakashi said before vanishing, leaving Sakura alone.
When Naruto arrived at Sasuke apartment, it looked pretty empty,but he tried banging the door anyways.
"Hey! Sasuke-teme! Get out of that house you lazy bastard, Sakura-chan is really worried about you".No response came, so Naruto tried opening the door,but it was locked. Then he noticed an open window.
"Tsh, I knew that bastard was home. He was just ignoring me". Naruto climbed towards the open mirror opening it up wider, and entering it.
The place was covered in mist. The bastard was probably taking a shower, which ment he was inside the bathroom. Just thinking about it made Naruto shiver, just the thought of Sasuke walking out of that Shower at catching him, was disturbing. Sasuke would probably think of him as a creep.
"I really need to find away out of here, before Sasuke thinks I'm a creep".
Well arent you kit?You just walked inside someone's house without permission.
"Shut up Kurama, I only wanted to check on him, for Sakura-chan".
Real smart way of doing that kit. Kurama said Sarcastically.
"Shut up and stay out of my thoughts ". Kurama rolled his eyes,but stayed quiet.
"Now to get out of here". Just as Naruto was about to open the door, he heard the shower door open, and nervously turned to look behind him,but frozen when he saw a woman stepping out, with her eyes closed.
He could see all curves, and her breasts, her lips so pink, so plump, her hair looked so soft and silky. It was so long and beautiful.
She was the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on, no she wasn't beautiful, she was gorgeous .It felt as though time had slowed down for him, and his heart speed up, and began beating hard.
She looked like a model, her eyelashes slowly fluttering open, it was like he was in some weird movie. His face began to grow dark shade of pink. She looked shocked to see him, but also angry.
"What the fuck are you staring at dobe!". Sasuke yelled feeling pissed off and embarrassed.
She quickly grabbed a towel and covered her body with it, glaring at the dobe, who was looking at her awestruck.
"Hey! I'm talking to you, you idiot!". Her yelling snapped Naruto out of his trans and back to reality, and he quickly glared at the woman
"Hey! I'm not an idiot, and what are you doing inside my friends house, you weirdo". Naruto yelled pointing an accusing finger at Sasuke.
"Me?! I live here, and I'm not a weirdo, your the one trespassing in someone else's bathroom, you creep". Sasuke yelled pointing a finger at Naruto too now.
Naruto looked at her shocked, then brought down his arm."W-wait is this the wrong house ?I thought Sasuke-teme lived here..."
"I'm Sasuke, you imbecile!". Sasuke glared at him.
Naruto looked at her dumbstruck. "Wait...your Sasuke,b-but what happened to you teme?". He was feeling so confused.
"I don't know you dumb ass, I just woke up like this". All these questions were really starting to annoy Sasuke. All she wanted to do was get dressed and get the hell out of this dobes gaze, because by the look on his face earlier on,that bastard was not thinking about proper thoughts.
Naruto wasn't sure what to say at the moment, he was shocked and also embarrassed for having drooled at his best friend earlier on.
"Fuck, the Teme, looks really hot right now, I can't stop looking". Naruto thought trying to look away from Sasuke,but finding it incredibly difficult.
It was silent for awhile, both feeling awkward at the moment, before Sasuke sighed breaking the silence. "Look dobe, if you don't stop staring at me, I'm going to cut that sick of yours and feed you with it". Sasuke threatened Naruto, wanted him to get the hell of of her apartment so she could change.
Naruto shivered at her threat and quickly left got out of her bathroom, and ran towards her kitchen, with his heart still beating fast.
Sasuke sighed relief, and stepped out of the bathroom, into her room, fetching a fresh pair of boxers and a navy blue t-shirt. The boxers looked like shorts on her now. When she was ready, she walked to the kitchen where she saw Naruto sitting, and looking at her.
Her hair, was really annoying currently.The fact that it was still slightly wet wasn't helping her either. It kept clinging to her face, and leaving drops of water on her floor.
"So dobe,likes what you saw". Sasuke teased Naruto,trying to make the room feel less awkward,but Naruto blushing, just made it feel even more awkward.
Naruto awkwardly coughed,"So eh, what are you going to do?". Sasuke sighed, and leaned taking a sit opposite Naruto, and leaned against the counter. "I don't know", Sasuke said in a sad and tired tone.
"Maybe we should go to Baa-chan, maybe she knows what's wrong with you". Naruto suggested. Sasuke looked at him with pure horror in her face. There was no way in hell she would go to that old lady. She'll laugh at her.
"No way dobe! I'm not going anywhere!". Sasuke shaked her head quickly.
"But you have to go, Sasuke-teme". Naruto said, but Sasuke crossed her arms, and looked away from him. It looked almost like she was pouting.Today was definitely a weird day for Naruto.
"You can't make me do anything". Sasuke glared at Naruto, and he groaned in annoyance.Standing up from his chair, Naruto grabbed Sasuke, and teleported them to Tsunades office.
"What the hell dobe! Why'd you do that".
"Uchiha?", Tsunade asked looking at Naruto and Sasuke amused. "What are you doing here brat, and what's wrong with Sasuke?".
"Well you see Baa-chan, it seems like Sasuke got turned into a girl". Naruto said letting go of Sasuke, and rubbing his neck sheepishly,while smiling.
Tsunade looked at Sasuke for awhile, who looked back at her glaring at her,then she burst into fits of laughter.
Hope you liked the first chapter.
Thanks for reading.