Chapter Four

AN: I'm so sorry for not updating this fanfic for months, I've been so busy with university (I finally shift courses and took a major that I'm truly passionate!) Thank you for the lovely reviews, messages, comments and likes on this fanfic.

It wasn't supposed to end this way, he wasn't supposed to be hanging on the edge of his seat waiting for an answer. Flashes of memories burned at the back of his mind, remembering the time he loved and hated his brother. Remembering the days Sasuke can see again, the days he took for granted.

Everything, everything Sasuke wished was to see again but his hope shattered, instead he is wishing for his brother to live. Itachi deserves life more than he does, Itachi deserves to live.

He can hear the rush pace of the doctors and nurses, the quiet hum of the machines and the sniffling of his mother next to him. The impatient tapping of his father's foot and Obito's lighting fast tapping of his cellphone. Sasuke wants to curl on hi bed and rest, letting sleep drown his body and once he wakes up this is all a terrible nightmare.

But living blindly is already a nightmare.

"Mr and Mrs. Uchiha, we need to speak to you."

The clipped tone of the doctor as his parents suddenly stood up and walked towards the doctor, their hushed whispers are urgent and worried. Placing his hand on his gauze covering his blinded eyes, his fingers itching to remove the scratchy material. Sasuke just want to see the state his brother is in.

Then quiet footsteps approach closer to him, he can hear his mother's silent cries. Then the deep baritone voice of his father broke the trance.

"Itachi is awake already."

A huge sigh of relief escaped from Sasuke's lips, the tight feeling of his chest was released and he was finally be able to breathe again. "Are we allowed to see him already?" Obito asked, "No, not yet. He is still recovering from the impact of the car crash but he is slowly regaining consciousness." Sasuke's shoulders slumped and relaxed for a minute as he curls in fingers into a fish and whispered darkly "The driver of the truck, is he still alive?"

A menacing tone coming from his father and he said

"He is, but he won't be alive for too long."

Sasuke knew what his father meant, for he is a vengeful man and anyone who hurts his sons will suffer consequences.

"Hinata did you hear the recent news about Sasuke's older brother?"

Neji walked inside her bedroom as his place the tray of tea and biscuits on the coffee table. Hinata tilted her head as she continues playing the piano, even if she completely lost her eyesight her fingers understood the keys of the piano more than her eyes.

"No, please enlighten me about it Neji."

"Itachi Uchiha got hit by a truck last night."

The melodic tune of the piano suddenly halted and Hinata turned around and gasped "I-Is he okay?"

"I don't know; I was planning to go to the hospital to get your medicines. I was hoping you will come and visit him." Neji sat next to her and placed his hand on top of Hinata's he knows the pain Hinata is going through he saw her suffer and wrapped in pain, Neji is hoping that Hinata will come out of this shell of misery.

"I-I don't know Neji, I-I'll probably stay here instead." Her voice is nervous and uncertain; her body language speaks volumes of what she feels.

"Are you sure? Sasuke is your friend and Itachi is very nice when you come over to the Uchiha household." Hinata faces away from Neji and looked at the light coming from the open window letting the breeze kiss her supple cheeks and then she nodded slowly.

As selfish as it sounds but nothing, not even Sasuke and his brother matter right now.


Low voices and beeping sounds of his heart beat.

Broken bones and bruises marred on his sickly pale skin.

That's the first thin Itachi saw and heard when he opens his eyes, staring at the harsh fluorescent lights of the hospital room. Turning his head he saw Sasuke asleep on the plastic chair, his body curled and his head tilted towards the wall.

"So, you're finally awake."

Obito's voice broke the silent trance; Itachi turned around and looked at him dead in the eye.

"I don't know if I'm truly awake."

Obito sighed and replied "Always giving the vague replies and keeping your emotions miles away from us. You almost died Itachi, you should be more grateful." Itachi gripped the stark white bed sheets and stared blankly at the ceiling, then replied

"If I die, I could have donated my eyes for Sasuke's transplant."

Obito gasped and stared at him with disbelief written on his face then growled "You selfless bastard and how will Sasuke take care of himself without you?"

"He doesn't really need me. I'm sure he'll be just fine."

Obito balled his fists and gripped Itachi's shoulder and yelled "No! You're-"

"Mr. Uchiha! You're finally awake!"

The nurse rushed inside the room and check on his vitals, Obito angrily left the room with a slam on the door.

They didn't know that Sasuke was awake and listening to their heated conversation.

Neji stepped out of Dr. Tsunade's office carrying Hinata's medicines, his fingers quickly tapped on his phone as he step inside the elevator. A new comer arrived and this time its Sasuke's cousin Obito Uchiha, his eyes widen and smiled tiredly at Neji, "Neji, what a coincidence, what are you doing here?"

The elevator closed as two men stood next to each other in an awkward silence then Neji stared at him and replied "I'm here to get Hinata's medicines, I heard about Itachi. I hope he's fine."

Obito leaned on the metal wall of the elevator and fakes a smile, "He's fine, and he's a pretty tough guy for surviving an impact like that. It's crazy." Then he gave a forced chuckle and sighs exhaustedly. Neji nodded as silence overcomes the space, then Obito whispered "How's Hinata? Sasuke miss her so badly." Neji looked at his watch and replied "She's fine just tired from work, I'll tell her to visit Sasuke when I get home."

It seems like the elevator ride is slower than usual as Neji turned around and looked at the elevator ceiling and murmured "Obito, please do me a favour and stop pretending you're ok. Itachi is still in pain and so is Sasuke." Neji looked at Obito's eyes and continued "I saw it first hand on how people fake happiness when deep inside their suppressing their sadness, don't be like that."

The elevator dinged as Neji stepped out of it and walk toward the hospital parking lot. Obito stood there gaping at what the Neji just said.





"Hinata please answer your phone, someone is trying to desperately talk to you." Hanabi placed the broken but still functioning phone on the table, Hinata continuously played the piano and letting the music control her veins then she asked

"Who called?"

"Sasuke Uchiha."

Hinata suddenly stopped playing and grabbed the phone, cautiously stepped outside the room and walk towards the balcony.

'Hello? Sasuke-kun?'

'Hinata? Are you okay?' His voice is filled with both panic and relief, he misses Hinata so badly his body aches to be with her.

'I'm perfectly fine, why did you ask?' Hinata's voice is faking innocence but her eyes are cold and calculated.

'I'm just wondering since we haven't met for a very long time.'

'It doesn't matter, what matters is Itachi-san okay? I heard he got into an accident.'

The other line went silence then Sasuke slowly replied 'Yeah, he's fine. He woke up hours ago the doctors said-'

And just like that Hinata spaced out and stared blankly at the sky, she can never see the colours of the sunset anymore or how the stars twinkle at night, she can never see the moon or the sunrise that brightens up the world. She can never ever see again. Sasuke's words become static and meaningless. It seems like life keeps on passing by and not giving her a second chance she deserves. Hinata has become a broken and hallow shell, for the fact her only hope to live was to see again but her only hope was taken away from her and she's left listening to Sasuke a man with so many second chances. Too many moments that he become so lucky to have the chance to see again.

As Sasuke continuous to babble 'So, Obito said he saw Neji in the elevator earlier, Neji said sometimes strange and I want to ask you about it-'


Hinata ended the call and turned off her phone, letting it drop on the floor. Jealousy is surging inside her like lava as she thinks of the moments she deserves more than Sasuke does.

Neji's voice broke out Hinata's trance

"Hinata, what are you doing?"

"How's Itachi-san?" She titled her head as she slowly close her eyes, "He's fine, he woke up hours ago. What matters the most that he's still alive."

"Oh, I see."

Silence consumes their conversations, there are days Hinata is filled with love and fervour that her smile can light up the world and her laughter can end pain and sadness. But there are days where her shoulders are hunched, her heart is guarded and her lips form into a thin line of frustration and sorrow. Her emotions are shown so clearly that anyone can read it.

That time Neji can't read Hinata's emotions, she looks sad and frustrated but relieved at the same time, as if she made her final decision already. The one question that is begging to be answered is 'What is on your mind Hinata? What are you thinking?'

Sometimes some things can't be said out loud and that moment is one of those days.

When Hinata woke up on the next day she made her decision.

Depression hits you so hard in the strangest ways; sometimes it crawls into your skin and makes it harder to breathe and the tidal waves of emotions makes you feel in the deepest depth of the ocean.

That is what Hinata feels as she cowers in her comforter trying to hide herself from the harsh reality, she can never see again.

'Blind forever.'

'Blind forever.'

'Blind forever.'

Words that haunt her and it will never stop haunting her. The one thing that keeps her alive, that someday she might see again all her hope vanish. Her family raised her to be a kind and selfless woman, a person with the purest heart but no matter how pure her heart is, there will always be darkness lurking inside it.

Hinata opened her eyes, all she can see is darkness but her hands know where her phone is as she click the name of her contacts and the number that she memorized by heart. She will no longer hide, she refuse to be swallowed in self pity and selfishness.





Sasuke stood outside of Itachi's hospital room the gauze is no longer wrapped on his eyes. But his eyes are still closed and his tone is slightly wavering.

"S-Sasuke? It's me, Hinata. I need to tell you something."

Nurses and doctors passed by Sasuke as Dr. Tsunade stepped out of her office with Sasuke's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Uchiha beamed as they walk towards their son, Tsunade also gave a smile towards the dark haired man.

"Can it wait?"

Sasuke replied with a clipped tone, he is not bitter that Hinata was avoiding him for weeks but sad why she didn't tell him what's going on.

"No, it can't. I need to be honest with you."

Murmurs of his parents filled the sterile hospital as Sasuke gripped at his jeans feeling the texture of the rough denim on her finger tips. Someday he will see the shade of blue of his jeans and someday he will paint Hinata's beauty on canvas. Someday he will see the world and this time he won't take it for granted.

"Then, what is it?"

A pause and Hinata said the words that shook his world forever.

"Sasuke, I'm permanently blind."

Sasuke gasped as his phone slipped off his hand and crashed on the floor. Tsunade paused in front of him and said

"Sasuke, it's time to get ready for the eye transplant. You can finally see again."

AN:The pain train is going strong on this fanfic, I'm sorry for the little romance and sappiness I truly want to capture the essence of Hinata's character the sadness and pain she goes through and I also want to capture a more kinder Sasuke, not the brash and aggressive one. I have few more chapters geared up for this fanfic, probably 4 more chapters to go and an epilogue. I'm so thankful for the lovely messages and inspiring me to write again a special shout out to DAngel7 for always posting sweet and honest reviews.

Please review and ask questions to me, I'll try to answer all of them :)

Thank you for reading!