Rating : PG-13 Warning, mature issues. There is slash or sexual relations between two people of the same gender. If you are offended by this, please do not read this story. And please, if you're underage, respect the ratings and stay away. Thank you.

Notes : The first 4 parts have been sent to be beta read and there are some minor changes to them, mainly grammar and punctuations. Since there may be some problems occasionally with Fanfiction.net, I will also be posting my stories at Fiction Alley, It will be a little delayed there, however, as I am posting 2 chapters in one time over there.

Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to J.K. Rowling and not me, never has and probably never will

Part 1: Shocked

Harry stretched and got out of bed, his mind still fuzzy with sleep. He padded in his bare feet to the bathroom, not bothering to reach for his glasses. Normally, he wouldn't be able to do without his glasses, as there usually would be various articles of clothing, shoes, books plus assorted odds and ends scattered on the floor to trip up the unwary. However, it was the end of the year, and most of the students had left Hogwarts for their own homes in the holiday season.

Now Harry only shared the dorm with Neville, whose grandmother was currently visiting some relatives in Ireland. She had offered to take him along, but Neville wanted to spend the holidays with his newfound Hufflepuff girlfriend. Neville had changed greatly since his fifth year and with the onset of puberty, he was no longer as clumsy and nervous as he previously was. He had shot up greatly and lost quite some weight.

Harry's own puberty sometime after his sixteenth birthday had not brought many changes aside from his voice becoming slightly deeper and dreams that left him flushed and sweaty. The much hoped for height gain did not materialise as he only managed to grow a few inches and was still one of the shortest in his year.

Ever since Neville and his girlfriend had gotten together sometime in the middle of the sixth year, they seemed to be attached at the hip. Neville was usually out of the dorm all the time, so Harry didn't see much of him even though they were the only two Gryffindor students of their year who had stayed at Hogwarts for the holidays.

Professor Dumbledore had insisted that Harry stay at Hogwarts for his safety from Death Eater attacks after an episode in his fifth year. The Dursleys had left Harry alone at their home for over two months, and there had been an attack when the wards around the house were weakened. After that had happened, Harry now spent most of his time at Hogwarts since Dumbledore had finally lost his conviction that the Dursleys would take care of Harry.

Harry rather preferred it this way and he enjoyed having the whole dorm to himself. He yawned and groped for his toothbrush on the sink. As he stuck the brush into his mouth, he looked up into the mirror and what he saw made his jaw drop wide open. The toothbrush dropped out of suddenly nerveless fingers. The reflection in the mirror, even without his glasses, didn't look anything like him. He most definitely had not been a natural brunette and his hair was never that long.

Harry scrambled out of the bathroom and almost tripped over a slipper on the floor as he made a beeline for his glasses on his dresser. He grabbed the glasses, put them on and went back to the bathroom. He gawked at the reflection in the mirror with shock, not believing his eyes.

The reflection gawked back at him. It had long, flowing reddish brown hair that went past its shoulders to end somewhere below the shoulder blades. The face was his and yet subtly different. The only two familiar things were the jagged lightning shaped scar and the green eyes staring wildly. The most jarring thing was that the reflection staring out from the mirror at him was decidedly feminine!

~ ~ o `o ~ ~

Harry sat on the cold floor of the bathroom and stared blankly off into space in shock. "I must be dreaming…" he pinched himself hard and yelped. "Alright, so it's not a dream. Maybe it's some kind of weird prank? The only trouble is there's no one around who would play a prank like that, Fred and George are at the Burrow."

Harry pushed himself up to his feet shakily and walked over to the mirror again. This time, looking at it without the initial shock colouring his perspective, he could see that he didn't really look that much different in his facial features. In fact, he now could pass as his own sister or a close relative, assuming he had one.

He cautiously peeked into his shirt, and hyperventilated again. When he managed to get his breathing under control again a few minutes later, he was more sensitive to the changes that had happened to his body. His waist was slimmer than it was previously and his hips more rounded. He also had breasts but they were not very obvious and were just two slight mounds under his shirt.

Harry was at a loss concerning what to do next. He breathed deeply and tried to calm his racing mind. He brushed his teeth and went through his daily morning routine. He was then faced with the problem of what to wear. His shirts were tight at the chest and his pants felt uncomfortable, too. He finally settled for some of Dudley's old hand-me-downs. The large sweater and pants were loose and baggy on his frame but at least it wasn't emphasizing certain parts of his body the way his normal clothes were.

He looked at the mirror and a strange yet familiar girl looked back at him, "I still can't believe it."

"What's there to believe, dearie?" the bathroom mirror asked curiously.

"I can't really explain it," Harry said. "I woke up this morning to find myself looking like this."

The mirror frowned, "Well, you could benefit with some better fitting clothes, but you're a very pretty girl so I don't really see the problem."

"Arrgh!!" Harry was extremely frustrated. He stormed out muttering to himself, "What do you mean I'm a girl?! Dumb mirror."

The mirror was left puzzled and faintly insulted, "There's nothing wrong with my eyesight, I have perfect 20/20 vision and that is most definitely a girl."

~ ~ o ` o ~ ~

Harry left the dorm and hesitated momentarily outside. Who could he turn to for help? Most of the professors had left for the holidays and the few who were left were not always in the castle. Harry hadn't seen Dumbledore at all for the past few days. He decided to head for Professor McGonagall's room and hope that she would be able to help him.

Harry stood outside Professor McGonagall's door and knocked on it. After a few knocks, McGonagall herself opened the door, "Yes, what do you want, child?"

"I'm Harry Potter, Professor."

McGonagall's eyebrows rose in amazement over the rim of her glasses. "Mr. Potter," her voice revealed the depth of her shock. Harry looked pleadingly at her, hoping she would be able to help him out of his predicament. "Well then, Mr. Potter, you'd better come in," she opened the door wider and beckoned him in. Harry went in and McGonagall closed the door behind him.

She motioned him towards one of the chairs before her desk, sitting down in her own chair. There was an uneasy moment of silence, which Harry broke by shifting uneasily in his chair and asking, "Umm… Professor, so would you know of any reason why I would wake up in the morning looking like this?"

McGonagall looked increasingly uncomfortable. "It's rather hard to explain, Potter," she paused and looked a little uncertain. "I am not very certain whether it is the actual cause of your… transformation, but it is the most plausible explanation. I do not know if you are aware of the fact that the Potters are one of the old Wizarding families?" she looked at him quizzically. Harry shook his head and plucked nervously at a bit of fluff on his sweater.

"Well, at any rate, the Potters are one of the old families, almost as far back as the Weasleys and the Malfoys. And as with most old Wizarding families, they have their… idiosyncrasies that are unique to their family alone. One of those quirks was a curse that affected only the male Potters. It would turn them into females every month for a number of days normally ranging from five to seven days, although it was possible to last for as long as fourteen days in rare cases."

"So I'm affected by this curse?" Harry queried worriedly.

"It would seem so, however, the problem is that it normally skips a few generations and only surfaces once in a while every third or fourth generation. This is due to the fact that most members of the family had been marrying Muggle-born witches and wizards and with all this mixing of blood, the potency of the curse had been diminished over the centuries. Your father was affected by this curse which is why I am extremely surprised to find that you were affected too. For you to be affected as well, your mother would have to be related to the Potter family. She would have to have a good amount of Potter blood for you to be affected by this curse."

"Oh," Harry was overwhelmed by the sudden inflow of information. "Uh… Professor? How long would this curse affect me? Would it stop after a few years?"

"I'm afraid not, Potter. You will have to go through the change every month of your life."

Harry's jaw dropped open in shock before he managed to gather his scattered wits and close his mouth. "Oh," he said weakly, stunned. He sat for a while, turning the situation over in his head.

McGonagall allowed him some time to slowly come to grips with the situation. "Well Potter, look at it as an opportunity. You can reveal this or not as you choose, although I think you would prefer not to, correct?" she looked at him and Harry nodded in confirmation. "Very well then, as I was saying, this could be an opportunity for you to escape the burden of being Harry Potter, even though it is only for a few days each month."

Harry felt a lifting of his spirits at her words. Possibilities reeled through his mind and for the first time he wasn't filled with dread at the predicament he was in. He smiled a little and asked, "But how would I be able to hide this from my classmates when classes start again?"

"Well, we will perhaps be able to come up with some extra classes for you every month to teach you about countering the Dark Arts. I'm sure that given your unique position, people would not be surprised by such a move. It would effectively allay any suspicions about your disappearance for a number of days each month. I'm sure the last thing you would need is the speculation of certain parties that you are a werewolf," a faint smile quirked around the edges of McGonagall's lips.

Harry smiled, finally confident that he would be able to pull this off successfully, "Thank you, Professor."

McGonagall smiled at him, her facial expression relaxing from her usual strictness. "You're welcome, Potter. I would suggest you purchase new clothes that fit you better at the present. If you would like to do so, I will be going to Diagon Alley later this afternoon and you may accompany me if you wish to do so."

"I'd love to go along!" Harry was ecstatic at the idea of being able to go out, as he had been restricted to the castle for the whole of his holidays. It was still wonderful compared to holidays with the Dursleys but he would still take any opportunity to get out of the castle, as it was a little boring after a while.

"Very well then, meet me here at two after your lunch," Professor McGonagall's eyes twinkled.

Harry left her office and headed off to the kitchens to coax some breakfast out of the house elves.

~ ~ o ` o ~ ~