Disclaimer- I do not own any of the characters from Lizzie McGuire, and do not have any connections with Disney.

Summary- I stink at summaries. This starts at Christmas… Feelings that have been hidden threaten to come to the surface, and neither Lizzie nor Gordo knows what to do.

Email [email protected] or [email protected] or use either addy to IM me via MSN.

Author's Note


This is my first attempt at fanfic since a 9th grade spelling assignment and that was just dumb. But I love fanfiction.net, so after a 12 year hiatus, I'm trying to do fanfic again. Yeah, I'm 26, out of the normal range for Lizzie fans, but it reminds me so much of Jr. High…

I didn't think I was qualified enough to write a Lizzie story, since I still havent seen all of season one, but I felt I had to try. I have watched Lizzie McGuire since its debut, but I've actually only been a regular viewer since January 03.

I've used references to several previous events, but even the most casual viewer should be able to get into my story.

Big thanks go out to theRealXenocide (if you haven't, read his story) and all of the excellent authors here. Big props also to the members of Hilarydufffans@yahoogroups, especially but not limited to, Sally and Chris P. Also to the members of the LM message board at TVTome. Thanks for putting up with all my lame questions and remarks…

I tried to make this original, add some things that others hadn't, but...I don't know... Maybe I shouldn't have written the bulk of this after 2 AM! LOL…

I'm giving this story a PG rating, I almost went PG-13, decided against it, but couldn't go G.

This IS an L/G G/L story, and at the same time, it's not. If you are reading this note for the first time, please have an open mind. Everything will be explained as I go along. I have nothing against the way the show portrays the characters, I just thought maybe there is more to it.

Parts of this story are rewrites of episodes, but the rest is my twisted imagination.

I was a 14 year old boy not long ago, so I thought it would be easy to write Gordo's side… it's harder than I thought…

This was written out on paper before I ever posted it, but I added much to it. I felt if I didn't have it all written before I started to post, I might never finish it.

There are plenty of songs included here, but I don't consider it to be a songfic. Some are just mentioned by title, or are used for select lyrics. I will include a complete list of songs used, at the end. If you want full lyrics, look online, or email me.

There is no "Toon Lizzie" in my story, sorry, I think it works on film, not so well on paper. It's my story, deal with it…

Review if you will, but if you don't want your comments displayed for others to see, send them to [email protected] or [email protected]

All comments welcome, good or bad, I did not hold chapters hostage due to unfavorable comments or lack of reviews.

For the most part, I left my original notes to each chapter intact, in some, I was referring to reviews and emails, others just thought I should post.

Thanks for your time, now on to Chapter 1.

March 1, 2003