Just call me Sasuke


The light breeze ruffles her hair making her shiver if only a little. It's a contrast to the warmth of the sun. Fall was finally coming around and the change in temperature was much appreciated. The cool temperatures of fall and winter were always more to her preference compared to the sweltering heat of summer.

"Miss Sakura?" the soft voice of Ichiro sounds next to her from where she is sitting on the school's front steps. The young boy has a sketch pad in his lap where he is drawing what appears to be a dinosaur. "Who do you think will win in a fight, a hippo or a gorilla?" he asks curiously not taking his eyes off his drawing.

Sakura smiles softly at the question, giving it thought. "Hmm, I would think a gorilla. Don't you?"

Ichiro just shrugs, "I don't know, I thought you were supposed to be smart."

Sakura's shoulders deflate, she should have known he would say something along those lines. For being a quiet student, he did have his moments. She pulls out her phone checking the time, School had ended forty-five minutes ago and Ichiro's father still had not shown up. Just as the thought of waiting inside crosses her mind the sound of a car engine is heard rumbling pretty loudly coming down the street. She turns her head in the direction of the sound and soon there is a black car pulling up to the curb. It's one of those classic cars that men like to fix up, she knows nothing about them but it was a nice car.

Ichiro sits up straight, brows furrowed but he starts to put away his sketchbook. There's a man that steps out of the car and Sakura's breath gets stuck in her throat. The man is insanely gorgeous it should be illegal. His hair is so black and it looks so soft and the way it flops over his equally dark eyes makes her want to run her fingers through it and push it back, just so she could get a better look at his eyes.

He's tall and lean, broad-shouldered and the black t-shirt is tight around his form. Clearly this man works out. He has a full sleeve of tattoos on his right arm and a half sleeve on his left from his elbow down to his wrist. To complete his look he's wearing dark grey joggers and black Nike running shoes.

Sakura knows she's staring, knows that she should stop because this is the father of her student and she knows that he is married because she's spoken to his wife over the phone before. She's just never had the chance to meet him before, with parent-teacher night being the following week she had hoped that she would meet them both then.

When she's finally able to take her eyes off him, she turns to look at Ichiro and helps him with the straps of his backpack, willing her blush to go away. "Are you all set?"

Ichiro just nods before he takes her hand and they both start walking towards his father who also happens to be walking towards them. Sakura's brain short circuits when she hears him speak, voice smooth and deep. "Sorry I'm late buddy."

"Where's daddy?" she hears Ichiro ask and it's like her brain starts working again. Is this not his father? The similarities are there, dark hair, dark eyes, and pale skin. She looks from Ichiro to this now in her eyes stranger, halting her steps.

"I'm sorry, are you not his father?" she asks whatever feelings this man was evoking within her now gone with the thought of almost sending Ichiro off with a stranger.

His dark eyes catch hers before he speaks, "I'm his uncle."

So that's why there are similarities, these dark genes must be strong within the family. Still though she won't believe it until she's seen proof which she asks for. "I'm sorry but can I see some identification, I just want to make sure I'm not sending Ichiro here off with someone who's not family."

The man raises an eyebrow and chuckles, reaching into his back pocket pulling out his wallet and then his ID, "It's fine, glad to know kids won't go missing with you around." He jokes, Sakura just sends him one of her dazzling smiles.

He hands it out to her and she takes it diligently, looking it over. Sasuke Uchiha it reads, she looks over the rest of the information, his birthday, height, weight. Not that she'll remember any of it before she hands it back to him.

"Sorry again, I'm Sakura Haruno, Ichiro's first-grade teacher." She holds her hand out and tingles run down her spine when he takes her hand in his, shaking it. She takes notice of the various tattoos that complete his sleeve. There's a dragon that wraps around his arm, its face fierce and teeth sharp and there are various other images but she's sure she sees some flowers mixed in, they stand out because they're inked in color. Something she wouldn't have expected because the rest of the tattoo was done in black ink but it's all put together so nicely. his voice brings her out of her observations.

"And I'm not a stranger." He says amused, a smirk forming, making her legs weak. She sees the way his eyes drag down her body, causing her stomach to clench. When his eyes come back up they linger on her chest before they meet hers and the smirk on his face only gets more sinful, like he knows what he's doing to her.

"If you guys are done flirting, I would like to go home now." Ichiro pouts next to them.

Color blooms across Sakuras cheeks, she quickly pulls her hand out of his firm hold, clearing her throat. "Well, it was nice meeting you, Mr. Uchiha." she says flustered and in a much softer voice she continues, "See you in class tomorrow Ichiro." She turns to walk back into the school but the sound of his smooth voice once again stops her in her tracks.

"Just call me Sasuke."

A/N: yeah. I'm sure this could have been better. also I apologize for like not updating, I've been reading more than I've been writing and it's so easy to forget about other things I should be doing and I'm not gonna lie I've read so many books it's insane but it's given me so many ideas so who knows what the future holds. as always those who have reviewed in the past and for the new followers thank you! i love you all! :)