The night was dark and cold, you could feel that easily in that underground cell. Strange, it felt as if there would start to fall snowflakes to the ground, but what a strange thought, it is a summer right now. None of them understood why it is so cold there, maybe they wanted to freeze them to death.

Akihito shivered and snuggled closer to Kirishima to seek some warmth. Kirishima wouldn't agree to such an intimate act with his King's lover, but now he has to bear with it and hope that his king won't find it out. Who is he kidding of course he will report everything to his king, he can't hide anything from him, he will just ask forgiveness and hope that his king will still allow him to serve him. But for now he must think of Akihito's wellbeing, the omega is definitely a handful companion, but he must complete his duty, they must escape.

Akihito looked around, it was dark, torches started to dim, it was strange, all of a sudden loud footsteps were heard, many people were getting closer and closer, Kirishima pushed Akihito behind him that if there would be a need he could protect the boy, but his tied hands were a nuisance for him, if there would rise a need to fight, it would be troublesome.

Soon there was a huge crowd of people in front of their cell, in the middle of the group stood an average age looking man, he was quite tall, had a strong built and cold as ice eyes, there was no doubt that, that that young man was good looking.

Behind him stood a short older man, there were many golden rings on his fat fingers, it was obvious that by doing that he wanted to seem rich and powerful, to boost his wealth, but by doing that he messed up since he looked more like a clown, his colorful clothes may be beautiful and look expensive, but when they all were put together, they looked really untasteful, while the young man besides him looked well dressed, nothing too fancy of too simple, his silver long hair tied in a ponytail were splattered over his shoulders, they looked almost white, like a snow.

His white silver colored armors made him to stand out even more, he looked like a young hero, which could make any maiden weep. If that guy would have lived in Akihito's era woman would fight till death for him.

Akihito could imagine him as an actor, a singer or better a businessman, woman would totally do anything for him even probably commit a crime, but looking at this man Akihito was sure, there were already some people who done bad things for love and attention of this silver beauty.

Who wouldn't? After all beauty was always one of the biggest advantages a person could have, be it this ancient era or the future, beauty can mess people minds and make them do scary things.

And those cold eyes, it reminded him of northern wind, he wanted to escape from them, a complete opposite of his usual self- a carefree, active, funny, danger loving photographer, but he must suck it in, he has faced many more dangerous situations, he faced guns many times and dangerous yakuza guys, he won't back down, but when you are tied down and unnumbered it is difficult to stay strong, but he won't fall down.

Akihito didn't want to look like a coward, he really didn't, but those dark eyes who stared at him made him uncomfortable, so unintentionally he hid himself as much as possible using Kirishima's back, those eyes made him feel like a prey.

He hated that feeling and once again he cursed his luck in getting here, why did he have to go to another time, why? Not only did he went to another time, all alone, without his family and friends, but he also became like a prey for some crazy guys, who for some reason got a thing for his, just because he is omega... what a bullshit... Akihito hated himself for thinking about these kind of things, it made him feel weak, he never felt like that before.

When he came in to this world for the first time he also felt fear, when he saw the bloodshed in the war field and now a bunch of men are standing in front of him and looking at him as if he is some kind of nice piece of a meat, and the only one who can be as his shield and to protect him from this bunch of men is Kirishima.

Akihito hated himself for being such a coward. That's why he braced himself and glared at the tall man in front of him, the handsome young man looked back at Akihito and smirked, making Akihito scowl even more at him.

'If that guy want's to mess with me than I will make him to give up, I won't fall down or cover from him, if he thinks that I will then he is crazy.' Akihito thought while glaring at everyone. For some reason now he started to think about his friends.

Kou and Takato were always there for him, watching his back, protecting him, taking care of him and making sure that no danger will show up or threaten him, of course he did the same for his friends, nothing could be more important for him than his friends safety and wellbeing. He really needed his friends now, it hurt him badly that he won't be able to meet them… probably ever again.

His one of the biggest support in his mind just vanished, but he tried to believe on, that he will meet them again, he will return home and kick his buddies in their balls for getting drunk and being jerks for leaving him all alone here in this scary world.

But at the same moment a golden color flashed in his mind, he remembered those penetrating golden eyes, that deep baritone voice, which made him shiver, he must agree that he misses him… that man made him feel safe and probably the closest person for him in this world, they have spent little time together, but… that man shoved him that he actually cares for him and want's to help him, so he must trust him.

He doesn't want to be an optimist in this kind of situation, but he kind off promised to protect Akihito and he shoved it with his actions and so on, plus Kirishima is with him, so Asami will come to save him, right?

For now that golden eyed man is their only hope, so he must believe in him and hang in there, but if these bastards who are standing in front of him will dis him or will attack him, he will attack them back, he is not a coward, he is the great cameraman Takaba Akihito who is thought to not know fear and he will show it to those bastards.

Akihito continued to stare at the little army of men in front of him and felt pissed off, first they try to freeze them to death, tie them, dump them in a dirty cell in some kind of cave with no sunlight and then they come here and just stand and look at them, are they stupid of something?

"If you want something then say it instead of standing here like a bunch of idiots." Akihito glared at them not giving a fuck that if they wanted they could kill him and Kirishima straight away. He was even more annoyed when those men looked at him all surprised and everything. What did they expect from him? A greeting or some crying and begging?

"My oh my, what a wild omega, your caretakers and teachers were probably slacking off when training you." The fat man in the middle was the first one to open his mouth and tell something, he looked at Akihito lustfully. Kirishima tried to cover Akihito as much as possible, but with struggling Akihito who is ready to fight was quite hard.

"Shut up you fatty." Akihito glared at the man, who the fuck does he think he is?! Akihito was outraged, he wanted to spew more profanities, but with getting sights of Kirishima's begging eyes, Akihito decided to calm down a little bit, he must not get his stupid pride and hardheaded-self run in to this moment and ruin everything. 'Think then do stupid!' Akihito reminded himself.

The man who stood in front of Akihito were taken aback, especially the King, he did not expect that comeback, no one in his entire life ever dared to tell something like that to him. The king's cheeks were red probably either from anger or embarrassment. It looked as if the king was shut down and he won't be telling him anything else, but Akihito quite expected something else to happen he wanted to curse that idiot king and others more, forgetting his promise to think and then act once again.

"Fiery aren't you? What a nice treasure we have here." The king tried to act as if nothing has ever happened and he wasn't just now called fat, he must play it off and not lose face in front of his men.

"Fucking dickheads, let us go now!" Akihito once again shoved his fiery side, making everyone surprised, even Kirishima was astonished.

Sure he heard few outbursts from the boy when his king decided to molest the boy and would get the taste of boy's fiery temperament, but he never heard him using this kind of words. Of course he would hear him calling his king a 'bastard, pervert', but that would be all, the boy would never use another curse words. Kirishima feels as if he is seeing a new side of his future Queen.

'Who the hell said that omegas are calm, elegant, obedient and very cowardly people? Those were fucking telling lies, how else could you explain when omega is on the verge of going in to a fight with a bunch of trained soldiers.' Kirishima was praying in his head for his King to arrive quickly to take control of the boy.

Everyone went quite, the king was rendered speechless and decided to shut up for now. When all of a sudden the handsome silver haired man chuckled and came closer to the prison cell where Akihito and Kirishima were held. He looked at Akihito and smiled enjoying new entertainment offered for him.

"If you wish to keep your lives, I would offer for you to act well, if you will try to run away we will kill you, if you will resist, we will kill you, if you will disrespect us…" The silver haired man was cutted off by Akihito.

"Let me guess, you will kill us?" Akihito mocked him, challenging him.

The silver haired man barely smiled at Akihito as if he wasn't cut off just now and very rudely.

"Smart omega… now keep these things in mind and be a good boy, okay?" The man said slowly as he devoured Akihito with his eyes, making Akihito very uncomfortable again, Akihito was feeling like a pray again, he hated that feeling more than anything in the world.

Akihito glared at the man, if looks could kill that man would already be dead, but sadly he was still lively and well teasing Akihito. When he saw that Akihito won't be retorting this time the man just smirked, that kind of smirk made him look evil, making a shudder run down his spine.

"As you already felt with your companion, that it has already started to snow, making cold weather to seep in to your cell, I will give you an option, either you stay here, or you come with us, we will provide you a better accommodation, after all, how will people view us if they heard that we let an omega to get sick or die from a cold." The man finished talking and knelt down in front of Akihito, he extended his hand trough the bars and tried to touch Akihito's face, but he quickly dodged and glared back at him.

"If you think that I will be going somewhere with you, then you are fucking insane." Akihito met the man's gaze with the same strength and refusal to admit defeat. The man slowly retreated his arm back not letting his eyes from Akihito's fiery hazel ones, for some reason those eyes, could make one sin, they could hypnotize one, making one at the same time to either brake the soul of those eyes holder, because such a beauty and power in one's eyes is too dangerous, or either to look at those eyes for the rest of your life, they can draw you within few seconds and make you their slave.

Those eyes… what a powerful weapon.

These were the only thoughts inside the man's head, he felt a very weird attraction, almost dangerous, no it was a very dangerous attraction.

"If you insist then, don't blame us for freezing you to death then, it was your choice, omega." The man finished talking and slowly stood up, retreating his all men and leaving the once crowded underground prison as quite as grave again.

Akihito sighed in relief, he was really nervous and didn't know how to deal with those guys, especially with the one with silver hair, he screamed danger.

And by his looks it seemed as if that man had some sort of albinism form, his eye and hair color proved that to him. What a scary guy Akihito thought and sighed in relief that for now everything was over.

Akihito felt strange that Kirishima not even once opened his mouth, since that guy loved to participate in these stuff and he wasn't the one who would stay quite in this kind of situation, not proving his captor that he is still strong and ready for a fight any minute.

When Akihito tried to inspect Kirishima more carefully he saw some drops of blood on the floor, a fresh one, falling down from Kirishima's shoulders, Kirishima was panting heavily, but still with a strong face expression, ready to attack at any time.

Akihito cursed himself, Kirishima probably reopened one of wounds when he tried to push Akihito back, but Akihito as stupid idiot as always decided to ignore everyone and do as he see it fit, not caring if it could cost people lives or not.

He felt so horrible that he was about to cry, he tried to swallow down his tears, but it was hard for him when he kept realizing in what king of horrible situation they are in.

"It's okay, Asami-sama will be here soon, he will save us, my wound is not that bad, we will manage it."Kirishima said it with a completely serious face expression making Akihito to believe him and trust him.

"Yeah, that bastard would better be here soon or I will kick his ass." Akihito playfully joked, whole giving a weak smile to Kirishima.

Kirishima decided that this time he can ignore the name calling and thing about ass kicking, only this time. He smiled back at Akihito and started to think how could they escape this place alive, or at least Akihito.

Sooooooooooooo sorry for late reply, I have become an University student, so I don't have much free time anymore, so sorryyyyy. But gues what guys, I am majoring in East Asia :)))) My main language is Korean but soon I will be starting to learn how to speak in Chinese or Japanese :D