AN: Well, the game refused to say anything about Alm's mother, so well… That's open to interpretation. Though, I do have a certain hatred for the trope of, "mom is dead so you feel bad now". Which will tell you my feelings towards Mikoto form Fates. So… Let's have a story about something we don't get much of when it comes to Fire Emblem characters, a stable-ish home life.

She breathed deeply, sighing in bliss as she cradled her newly born son in her arms. His hair was like her won, a beautiful shade of emerald that reminded her of the tall peaks of the trees around their home. His soft, round cheeks and the rosy tint of his skin made her smile as she fed him herself.

Though, she feared for her child and that moments like this would be gone in the near future.

For the brand on his left hand made her weep in despair. She knew what was going to happen. Her dear sweet child, her son conceived from love and hardship… She knew he was going to be taken from her. She could see it in the eyes of her husband, who sat on her bedside watching them with a pained look behind those eyes of his.

She gazed up at him, the two of them were like one soul, needing not a single word to pass between them. A simple look from each other's eyes could convey their words and feelings and speak words that they knew not how to make.

He placed a hand on her shoulder, squeezing softly. She could feel the warmth from his hand fade, knowing his distress. She cocked her hand and rested it on his hand, her eyes going down back towards their one and only child.

She longed for a child with her husband. After all eight of the past ones… She shut her eyes and felt a horrified shiver run down her back at the memories, thankful for the squeeze from her husband to help bring her away from those terrible memories. She sighed and let her eyes fall again on their child. She let out a shuddering breath, thankful they could have such a moment by themselves. The Midwife and the assistant had been sent away after vowing silence for what had transpired in the room.

Alm had made a small sound as he stopped feeding from her, causing her to straighten up and gently place him on her chest to start patting his back, humming an old Rigelian lullaby her own mother had sung to her in the past.

"So that is your answer."

She nodded at the words from her husband, she knew she could not let her own son go. She knew there is going to be much hardship, she knew she was going to say goodbye. But she couldn't let go of her child, she wanted so desperately to keep her child with her, to stand by her husband's side and show off their child to all of the nobles who scorned her in the past, to finally stop the dismayed looks coming from his sister, to finally…

…to finally be seen as a woman.

She did not even know her eyes had begun to form tears, though this didn't surprise her when she felt the gentle touch of her husband wipe away the fallen tears on her cheeks. Her deep blue eyes darted up towards his own black coal like eyes. Her face marred by the choked sobs coming from her and her uneasy smile spoke to him.

He shut his eyes and pulled his family into his embrace, for the first and only time that his wife had ever seen of him…

…was his own tears.

Downing potion after potion, did she stand and wrap her child up tightly in his sling around her. She had already donned a maid's simple dress and bonnet, hiding away her hair and figure to anyone who happened to see her during these crucial moments.

She shushed her child, storing away some necessities in a small bag that she would take with her. No finery, no jewels, just the simplest of cloth and delicates for herself and her son. Well, she did sneak in one or two trifles. She did take her pendant from her husband, her silver flower cloak clasp and a well made stuffed bear for her son.

Strapping her bag to herself and checking that she was packed, she let herself look at her shared quarters that her and her husband shared for these past few years. The canopied bed they spent every night beside each other, the vanity that held all her jewelry, hairpins and make up, the armoire that held their baser clothes… Even letting her gaze fall to the armor stands that held her and her husband's battle attire.

She ran her hand along the fine silk of the white dress before, the silver and gold spun threads that adorned it with the dual light green capes that attached to the thin shoulder straps, along with the white feathered wings attached. It was the most elegant and magically resonating piece of work that the Duma Faithful had made for her in the priory she stayed at her entire life before marrying her husband. She let her eyes fall one last time on the golden wreath adorned with the full blossomed solid gold Dahlia. She wore this dress when she married him, she wore this dress when she fought beside him in the fights against their foes, she wore this dress when she stood before the court to tell them of her pregnancy with her children.

She let her hand fall away from the dress and gazed one last time at the armor her husband wore for their marriage and in every battle he rode into. The dark blue, almost black armor shone back at her with its long black cape that had seen much wear and tear from its battles with the symbol of Rigel on the back. The armor and dress robes beneath wear adorned with gold and pleated cloth peaked from under the obsidian infused steel. The obsidian crown had many barbs, but it had two large imposing horns in the front, giving the armor set an imposing aura.

She knew these sets of armor would not be seen on their bodies ever again.

She stepped backwards, away from the last two reminders of their lives together in this room. She took a deep breath and left their quarters, taking all of the secret passages to avoid being seen. She was quick, silent and careful as she made her way into the stables, seeing her husband wearing a new set of armor. Red and gold… It didn't suit him, she thought. She took a deep breath and stepped forward to see Sir Mycen of Zofia with him.

Mycen asked what was going on, but with the words from her husband he knew. She nodded and started her walk towards Mycen before she was grabbed by the arm by Rudolf. She stopped and looked up at him, not noticing Mycen cough and turn his gaze away as her husband bent down to give her one last kiss. She squeaked in surprise, having thought that he would want their departure to be swift and without contact. Apparently not. She sighed into the kiss, her hands reaching up to run through his snow white locks one last time.

They parted all too soon, their bodies separated and their souls crying out in agony. Neither wanted to other to go, but they both knew it had to happen. How else was their son to live? They continued to grasp each other's hands before they finally separated when she climbed onto Sir Mycen's horse. She closed her eyes and broke their contact, feeling Mycen climb on behind her and start to call the horse to move.

The night was young, but they needed to cover as much ground as possible to get away from Rigel.

No longer was she going to be Queen Almeidia of Rigel. She was going to be Lady Medea, only daughter of Sir Mycen and recent widow and mother.

Just something short to get started. This isn't going to be some long epic, just short drabbles of Alm and his mother. Maybe show some moments of the two of them together, maybe show some tender moments. Any suggestions or ideas would be greatly appreciated!