I still don't own the game which drives me crazy but I'm broke, so y'know. I have played in all three Global Testpunches and I'm keeping up with news about it. Including the news of Lola Pop! She is adorable and I wish I could play as her… but I'll just write about her instead.

Let me know what you think - leave a review! Or you could also message me here or on Tumblr at datnuttykid-writes (dot Tumblr dot com). If you didn't like something, give me advice on how I could fix it! I need criticism to become a better writer. Thanks!

Spring Man, Ribbon Girl, and Mechanica watched curiously as the newest entrant in the ARMS league hurled punches at the targets held by members of the Cell.

"She's really good," Spring Man mused. "I'd hate to go up against her in the ring."

"What's her name again?" Mechanica asked. "Lola Pop?"

Spring Man nodded. "I heard she's French."

"French?" Ribbon Girl questioned. "Lola is a Spanish name."

"But she comes from Via Dolce," Mechanica interjected. "That's Italian."

"She says 'ooh la la'," Spring Man argued. "That's French, like Twintelle."

Ribbon Girl frowned. "But why would someone from France be named Lola?"

"She's not from France," Mechanica insisted. "Via Dolce is Italian."

"Just because that's the location she chose as her stage doesn't mean it's her home," Ribbon Girl fired back. "Maybe she just visits Via Dolce a lot. Or she just likes it because it fits her candy theme. Not everyone is like you and Helix."

"She has a clown theme, not a candy theme," Spring Man corrected. "Clowns come from France."

Mechanica shook her head. "That's mimes. Clowns are from England. And anyway, it's definitely a candy theme. Her name is Lola Pop."

"Whatever she is, I don't think she's English," Ribbon Girl said. "She has an accent. I can't place it, though."

"I think it sounds like Twintelle's," Spring Man muttered.

"It could be Italian," Mechanica suggested.

Ribbon Girl sighed. "You know what? Let's just ask her." She stood up from the bench and walked over to Lola, catching her attention by tapping her on the shoulder as Spring Man and Mechanica watched.

Lola's smile brightened when she saw Ribbon Girl. "Ciao, mon ami! ¿Como estas?"

Is that a good punchline? I'm kind of proud of it, lol. Sorry that this chapter is short, I'll probably write more Lola stuff but I wanted to get this out of the way first.

Seriously, though, Lola is kind of an ethnic mess. She appears to speak French, comes from an Italian stage, and has a Spanish name. Could they not just pick one and stick with it?