Worse Than Being Shot
Eddie sits at her desk looking through paperwork bored out of her mind. She's eight and a half months along and on her third week of desk duty. She wanted to stay on the streets longer but her doctor told her she needed to take it easy – that her blood pressure was a little too high and too much stress or excitement could be bad for the baby.
She gets up and walks to the break room to grab her apple juice and leftover spaghetti for 'dinner.' It's really 11:00 at night but Eddie has the night shift and, honestly at this point, she could eat every hour on the hour.
Sitting back at her desk she digs into the pasta while continuing to read over an arrest report.
The hours trudge by and the paperwork blurs together. At 2:00 am she finally puts away the reports and boots up the ancient computer on her desk. There were some names from an abuse case that Jamie wanted more information on – technically not either of their jobs but there was no one around and she was about to die from boredom.
She looks through the names as slowly as she can, taking notes when interesting pieces show themselves. This task only takes a half hour and afterwards Eddie peruses Amazon's 'Baby' section – they had gotten almost everything they needed at Eddie's shower, but they still needed a car seat and changing table.
Two months before Jamie and Eddie had moved in together – after Jamie's lease had ended. There was a newly renovated apartment building a few blocks down from Eddie's place and they were able to get a good deal on a spacious two bedroom apartment with views of a small park.
The nursery was basically done – the walls painted a soft grey, the crib a few shades darker, one accent wall had hand painted stars and a moon covering it. Jamie, surprisingly, had decorated most of it and Eddie loved just sitting in the rocker, looking around the room and imagining the day there would be a sleeping baby in the crib.
Eddie is on page four when she hears someone spill their drink. Seconds go by before she realizes her chair and pants are wet. She looks on the floor and sees a puddle underneath her and she immediately stands up knowing what's happening.
"Help!" she yells. She doesn't know who else is in the precinct but two people come running – a young, new recruit named Melissa Reaser and Baxter.
"What's wrong?" Melissa asks breathlessly.
"My water just broke and I need someone to drive me to the hospital," Eddie responds just as out of breath. She doesn't think she's ever been so scared in her life.
"Oh my God, let me grab my keys," Melissa rushes away to the locker room. Baxter just stares at the floor, his face paler than paper.
"Baxter, can you radio Jamie and tell him what's going on. Tell him to run home and get the diaper bag and to have someone buy a car seat." Eddie notices Baxter hasn't moved, that he's still looking at the puddle on the floor. She slaps him softly and snaps her fingers in her face.
"Baxter! I need you to get a hold of Jamie, he's out on patrol and I need to get to the hospital. Can you do that?" She holds his gaze.
He nods slowly and then runs off to the nearest radio. Melissa comes back in.
"Let's go." She grabs Eddie around the waist and they walk outside to Melissa's patrol car.
Before Eddie can get in a sharp pain has her gasping and bending over to grab her stomach. "Ow, ow, fuck, that hurts." She slowly stands back upright, opens the door, and get's in.
"Are you alright?" Melissa asks as she starts the car and turns on the siren and lights.
"I'm fine, just drive."
Melissa Reaser can drive. They make it to St. Vincent's in record time. Eddie unbuckles and starts to get out of the car before turning back to the rookie.
"If I ever end up in a car chase, you'll be my first back up call. Thank you for this."
"You're welcome; now get inside before you have that baby on the street. I'll see you in a few weeks." Eddie gets out and walks into the hospital alone only to see Jamie already there and yelling at the woman behind the front desk.
"No, you don't understand. My girlfriend is in labor and she's here and you need to tell me where she is. Right now," Jamie sounds completely panicked so before anyone says anything else Eddie walks up right next to him and smiles kindly at the woman.
"Hi, I'm the girlfriend he's been yelling about and I need room as soon as possible please."
"Eddie, how did I beat you here? Baxter made it sound like you've been here for hours." He gently runs his hands down her arms and his eyes down her body. "Are you feeling ok?"
The nurse hands Eddie a form to fill out and she goes to sit down. "I'm fine, Reagan. A little scared but also excited. I thought we had at least another week before this would be happening but here we are." She fills out the form quickly and gives it back to the nurse who tells her someone will be down to get her in a few minutes.
"Thank you," Eddie responds before hunching over in pain again. Jamie rushes to her side and rubs her back. His face is a little paler now – in sympathy or fear, she doesn't know.
"Tell me what I can do to make this better," he says when the contraction is done.
"Just talk to me, keep my mind busy." A nurse with a wheelchair comes into the room and has Eddie take a seat. Jamie walks alongside the chair and tells her about his patrol. While getting Eddie settled in a bed he tells her how he broke his collarbone in first grade. While the doctor checks her out the first time he tells her about the time Erin said she was just his type. Eddie smiles at that before a look of alarm shows on her face.
"We need a car seat and clothes and diapers! Jamie, call Danny and Linda and have them go to our place to pick up the diaper bag for us. I told Baxter to tell you to get it but he obviously didn't. And call Erin and have her pick us up a car seat and changing table, she knows the nursery theme. I can't believe we're so unprepared."
Jamie actually laughs a little, "We didn't know the baby would decide to come early. This kid obviously has a mind of its own just like its mom. I'll go call them right now." He leans down to kiss her brow. "I'll be right back, don't go anywhere."
Before Eddie can form a retort he's out the door, cell phone already pressed to his ear.
"Kid, I'm kinda busy right now, can I call you back?" Danny says in a rush to his younger brother.
Jamie didn't realize his brother would already be awake at this hour – must be working a case. "Actually, Danny, you can't. Eddie's in labor and I need you or Linda to go to our place and pick up our diaper bag for the hospital. We were both on duty tonight and I'm not going to leave her to run home. It doesn't have to be right away – we still have a while before the baby comes but we're gonna need it eventually."
"Okay, I'll call Linda and tell her, I'd do it myself but Baez and I are on a stakeout for a couple more hours. I'll meet you at the hospital as soon as I can."
"Thanks, Danny. I'll see you guys in a little bit." He's about to hang up.
"Hey, kid."
"Congratulations." And Danny hangs up the phone.
Jamie smiles as he dials Erin. She'll definitely be asleep, but won't mind being woken up for this. She answers on the fourth ring.
"Hello," is all she says.
"Erin, hey, I'm sorry to wake you, but Eddie's in labor and it would be really great if you could go get us a changing table and car seat. You don't need to put the table together or anything, we just don't have one yet and the baby's coming early so…"
"Of course, I'll go get them! This is so exciting, Jamie. There's nothing better than when a baby is born, especially your own. Tell Eddie I said it's worth all the pain in the world. I won't be able to get that stuff until the stores open but I'll be at the hospital as soon as I pick them up. Love you, Jamie."
"Love you too; I'll see you when the sun is actually up."
Erin chuckles before hanging up and goes back to bed for a couple more hours.
Jamie doesn't call his dad and grandfather for a reason and he goes back into the room where his future is waiting.
Hours later Eddie is about to start pushing and Jamie decides to finally call his grandfather.
"Just hurry back," Eddie shouts over her pain.
He nods and steps out into the hallway.
The eldest Reagan answers almost immediately.
"Hey, Pops. I need you to go get Dad from the office and come to the hospital. There's about to be another Reagan in the world."
"I'll leave right away; do you need us to bring anything?"
"Nope, just bring yourselves. I'll see you soon; if I don't get back in to Eddie soon she might actually kill me."
"We'll be there as quickly as we can. Goodbye."
Jamie hurries back into the birthing room and forty minutes later a baby starts crying.
"It's a boy." The nurse says while laying the baby on Eddie's chest.
"Oh my god," Eddie says through fresh tears, gently stroking her son's head as the nurse cleans him off.
Jamie leans down, eye level with Eddie, and just stares at his son's tiny, wailing face – utterly speechless.
The nurse takes the newborn away to weigh and measure him.
Eddie turns to Jamie, takes his face in her hands, and kisses him fiercely. "Thank you," she says after pulling away slightly.
He cocks his head, voice incredulous, "For what?"
"I think I should be saying 'thank you' to you. You carried him around for months, now I just have to be the best dad ever to make up for it." He smiles at her.
"You will be the best dad ever, I already know that."
Before he can respond the nurse brings back their son and places him in Eddie's arms. Jamie places a finger under the baby's hand and grins when it grips his finger.
The Reagans take turns going in to see the newest family member – Frank and Henry stepping into the room first.
They both hug Jamie tightly and kiss Eddie on the cheek.
Jamie takes his son from Eddie's arms and hands him to his father. "Meet Charles Jenko Reagan, Charlie for short."
Frank stares down at his grandson, his eyes a bit shiny.
"Good name. He's beautiful, son. I'm so happy for both of you."
"He sure is a looker. The girls are gonna be all over him when he gets older." Henry says, not at all joking.
Eddie laughs though. "I don't even want to think about that yet. I'd like to have at least a few years of peace."
Henry turns to her. "When you become a parent you almost never feel peace again, at least when it comes to your kids. You'll always worry, no matter what, but you wouldn't trade being a parent for anything."
They smile kindly at each other.
Frank cuts in. "Why didn't you call us sooner? We only got here about twenty minutes before he was born."
"I didn't want to worry you or have you stuck in the waiting room for an undetermined amount of time. You guys aren't as young as you used to be you know."
Frank chuckles. "No we aren't. You still could have called us, we would have been fine waiting, but what's done is done and either way we still have a healthy baby to celebrate. Dad, do you want to hold him?"
"Yes, I would," Henry says reaching for the sleeping infant and taking him gently into his arms. "You might not have guessed this, Eddie, but I'm excellent with babies."
"It's true," Jamie turns to Eddie. "Sean had colic and Pops was the only one of us that could ever calm him down."
She smiles at the older man. "Well it's good to know who to call when I need a few hours off."
"I'll go get Danny, Linda, and the boys so we don't take up too much of your time," Frank says while walking towards the door.
"We all agreed before coming in that we would only stay an hour total, so that way you two could spend more time with this little one," Pops says.
"You guys don't have to do that, you're welcome to stay as long as you want," Eddie replies.
"We all know what it's like to be a parent for the first time, so we also know how important it is to spend time alone with the baby for the first few weeks. Don't worry, though, we'll be around so much you'll be wishing for some peace and quiet."
Frank comes back in followed by Danny and his family. Linda quickly hugs Jamie before making her way to Eddie and hugging her fiercely.
"How are you doing? The pain wasn't too bad was it?"
"Oh, it hurt way worse than being shot, but it was worth it."
"Yeah, it really is. Have you picked a name yet?"
Henry walks over to Linda and places the baby in her arms. "Charles Janko Reagan."
Linda smiles down at her nephew and softly touches his tiny nose. "That's a good name."
Sean, who had been standing by the window with his older brother, comes forward to look at the newborn. "Charlie is a good name. There's this guy in my grade named Charlie and he's super smart and athletic and has a new girlfriend every other week."
"I'm not sure names work that way, Sean, but I'm glad you like it," Jamie says with a chuckle.
"I don't know Uncle Jamie," Jack chimes in. "I had a guy in my grade named Charlie and he was super popular too. We won't know for a while but maybe our Charlie will be the coolest Reagan of all."
"I'm the coolest Reagan of all and don't any of you forget it." Danny says while reaching to take his nephew out of his wife's hands. Almost immediately the baby starts to cry and everyone in the room starts to laugh.
"Good to know Danny still has that affect on newborns," Linda says before turning back to Eddie. "When Nikki was a baby Erin wouldn't let him hold her until she was 6 months old – she started crying every time he even reached for her."
"She did not," but Danny is already handing Charlie back to Eddie and he immediately calms down again.
"Can I hold him?" Jack asks quietly.
Eddie's about to say sure, but Linda interrupts. "Not today, Jack. You two need to need to have your vaccinations updated first – you're both scheduled for next week, but I'll try to get you in sooner. We don't need Charlie getting the flu or anything else."
Jack looks mildly disappointed but agrees.
"Ok boys, let's let Erin and Nikki in, the hour's almost up and they would be upset if they didn't get at least 15 minutes in here with the baby." Linda gives Eddie and Jamie a kiss on the cheek before ushering her children out the door.
Danny claps Jamie on the back before leaving. "Good job, kid. He'll be the best thing you'll ever do." He starts to walk out the door before looking back, "But don't think for one second that he'll be cooler than me." With a quiet chuckle still in the air the door closes behind him.
Erin and Nikki enter the room right away and more hugs and kisses are given. Eddie hands the baby to Nikki and smiles at how delighted the young woman looks.
Erin sees the delight too. "Don't get any ideas young lady. He's adorable now but he won't be nearly as cute when it's three in the morning and he won't stop screaming."
"Mom, chill. I'm not planning on having kids for like ten years, at least." Nikki coos at the newborn and softly runs a finger over his candy floss hair.
"Just remember that you can't always plan these things out," Eddie says. "Charlie was definitely not planned, so just always be careful. You can never be too careful."
Jamie chokes softly. "That's my niece you're talking too. She's just a kid."
"Jamie, she's twenty one."
Eddie just gives him an incredulous look.
Erin cuts in. "Ok, ok, you two, stop parenting my kid, besides we had that conversation a long time ago and none of us need the embarrassment again. Now hand over the baby, he needs some Aunt Erin kisses." Nikki hands him over.
"Mom and I got the changing table all set up at your place and the car seat is in the waiting room with everyone. Both are gray, so hopefully you like them."
"I'm sure they're great, Nikki, thank you." Eddie tells her.
"Don't you have class today?" Jamie asks.
Nikki rolls her eyes. "Uncle Jamie, I wouldn't miss meeting my new cousin for anything. Besides, mom called me at seven this morning with the news and all thoughts of class flew out of my mind."
"She has a 3.8 GPA, I think she can afford to miss one day." Erin says while softly rocking Charlie in her arms. His tiny eyes flutter closed.
Frank sticks his head in the door. "Alright, it's been an hour, let's head out." He brings in the car seat – a light gray one with tiny, darker gray buffalos stitched all around.
"You guys really don't need to leave; it's nice having you all here." Eddie says from the hospital bed.
"No, no, we promised, but one of us will be back later to bring you guys a real dinner, any preferences?" Frank asks.
"Chinese, please," Eddie all but screams the request. "I haven't been able to eat it in a month and I've been craving lo mein." She looks at Jamie, "I can eat it now that Charlie's here right?"
He shrugs. "I don't see why not. Thanks dad, that's really nice of you."
"Of course, son." He turns to his daughter. "Alright, Erin, give Charlie back, it's time to go."
Erin hands the infant to Jamie and kisses him on the cheek. "I'll be back tomorrow morning to see how you guys are doing and Linda has the night shift tonight so I'm sure she'll be in to check on you. Love you guys." She puts her arm around Nikki and the three of them go to leave the room.
"Love you too," Jamie and Eddie say in unison.
Jamie turns back to the bed.
"That's the first time I've heard you say you love my family," he says as he lowers himself into a chair.
"Of course I love your family – they're some of the best people I've ever met." She reaches over to put her hand on Jamie's cheek. "Besides, you wouldn't be you without them and I kind of love you." She replies with a smirk.
"Only 'kind of'?" He leans toward her, careful not to jostle Charlie.
"Well, you're allowing me to finally eat Chinese food again, so maybe more than 'kind of," she moves forward even more.
"I'll take that," he says before placing his lips on hers.
* Here's the last chapter – it took forever, I know. Hopefully you guys like it. I like to think Jamie and Eddie would kind of reverse typical parent roles when their kids are older. Like, instead of 'go ask your mother' it'll be Eddie telling them to go ask Jamie. I tried to get that to come across a little in these stories, maybe it worked maybe it didn't. Also, just as a side note, I use a quarter to decide the sex of most of the babies in my stories. Sometimes I have a girl or boy in mind but in this story I didn't, I can see Jamie and Eddie with both so heads was a boy and tails was a girl – heads won. It's been really fun writing these chapters and I hope you guys have enjoyed reading them. I have more ideas, so hopefully more stories will be coming soon – but this thread is finished. Thanks everyone for reading!