Hera skillfully landed the Ghost on Lothal, her heart pounding. Surviving the battle above Scarif was nothing short of miraculous, and the Empires new weapon was devastating. Yet, even in landing her thoughts were on Kanan, wounded since the assault on Lothal, deep in a coma. The Ghost had no sooner touched down then she was darting down the ramp. Rex and Chopper stayed behind to finish securing the Ghost, a look of concern on the old clones face.
Hera arrived in Kanan's room, hoping to see him awake. The medical droid drifted by, shaking it's head gently at her unasked question. Sitting on the edge of his bed she took his hand in hers.
"Kanan, love, please come back to me," she whispered.
Across the galaxy, aboard the ISD Chimera, Grand Admiral Thrawn stood rigidly, only his eyes expressing his rage. He watched for the second time the Death Stars attack on Jedha and Scarif. The first an unnecessary expression of power, the second a sign of ultimate betrayal, both were against his personal code of honor and conduct. His initial thoughts that the Empire would be strong enough to survive what was coming had led him to question the construction of the Death Star. Now seeing it in action, he realized it was a device of fear, not strength. A chime announced a visitor at his door. Paging them in, he composed himself and turned around. Captain Faro stood at the door, worry and a touch of fear on her face.
"Sir," she began, her voice quavering, "There are rumors among the crew about the Death Star. Some feel it went too far."
Quietly Thrawn responded, "And you, Captain, what do you think?"
She searched his face a moment, looking for guidance, a hint, anything. "With all due respect to the Emperor, and you Grand Admiral, I didn't sign up to witness terror acts on our own people, or innocent civilizations."
Thrawn turned, away, a grim smile on his face. She had courage, and conviction, he had read her right. "I did not either Captain. Take us to Lothal, full speed."
Hera woke from her dream, raising her head from Kanan's chest. Three days after the battle of Scarif, and she still had nightmares. The fierce battle, the destructive power of the Death Star., the uneccessary deaths of the group calling themselves Rogue One. She had taken a leave of absence, turning down request and missions. She knew Organa's daughter, Princess Leia had been dispatched to Tatooine to find General Kenobi, but she had heard nothing else.
"No!" screamed Kanan, jerking up in bed. "No" he whispered, hand to his head. Hera leapt to his side in an instant, gently hugging him.
"Kanan, you're back, what's wrong?"
"Alderaan. I felt it. Destroyed, instantly, millions of lives snuffed out."
Hera looked troubled, Kanan was back, brought back by some will of the Force, babbling about Alderaan's destruction? Surely not even the Death Star could destroy an entire planet? Entering the room silently the medical droid came, concerned with the outburst from its patient. Hera stepped back reluctantly as Kanan sat, shaking his head.
Reaching for the intercom, she went to page Rex when the intercom chirped to life. "Hera, this is Ezra, I felt a disturbance in the force, something bad has happened."
Hera felt a chill go through her body. She hadn't heard from Ezra since he left to fight beside Sabine for the freedom of Mandalore.
"Ezra, I know, Kanan awoke, screaming about Alderaan. Whatever the disturbance was, it resonated pretty hard with him."
"Kanan, he's awake?" stuttered Ezra. "Sabine!" he yelled, "Kanan is awake!" Hera heard a voice call back to Ezra, and she smiled. At least they found happiness in her cause.
"Ezra, I'll see what we can find out, I'll keep you updated, Hera out."
She paged the communicator again "Rex, I need intel about Alderaan. Take Chopper and the Phantom 2 out there and do some recon."
"Right away General Syndulla" Rex replied.
Turning back she watched the droid finish it's examination of Kanan. It turned and nodded, then left the room. She came to his side then, and he scooted over to make room for her on the edge of the bed. She gently held him close, and in a moment he held her back.
Grand Admiral Thrawn sat in his office when his holo communicator pinged again. Colonel Yularen of ISB appeared, his face grim. "Thrawn, you need to see this." Without waiting for a reply, the feed switched to Alderaan. Thrawn watched as the full destructive power of the Death Star obliterated the planet. His blood ran cold. Even if the planet was the home base of every enemy of the Emporer, this was uncalled for.
"Thoughts?" asked Yularen, re-appearing in the holo vid. "None I would go on record having said," replied Thrawn. Nodding, Yularen cut the transmission short. Thrawn pondered the conversation. He trusted Yularen, as much as he did anybody, but he was ISB, and his communications were probably tapped, even if Yularen hadn't himself.
Pulling up an encrypted file, he re-read the transmission he received from Eli Vanto, from the Chiss homeworld. He detailed several incursions against an unknown enemy from beyond Wild Space. Something the empire could not defend against with it's mobile monstrosity. Time was running out for the Chiss ascendency, and the galaxy as a whole. His entire time with the Empire he had evaluated it. For the most, they were a competent military, although a bit brutal at times, but possibly able to defend the galaxy from outer threats. But not with the rebellion ongoing, and not with the reliance on the Death Star. His only option was one that was going to be impossible to pull off, but for the sake of the galaxy he must try.