Hermione awoke the next day and smiled. She had a date with Draco tonight. She wondered what it would be like. When she asked Draco what kind of shoes she should wear, he had just smiled at her and said whatever kind she wanted. That gave her no hints whatsoever about the date.

Hermione got up out of bed, and dressed in blue jeans and a red blouse. She slipped on some high heeled boots, and threw her hair up in a messy bun. She sighed as she looked in the mirror.

"What the bloody hell are you thinking?!" Harry exclaimed, as he stormed in her door. His green eyes were full of rage, and he stood with his arms crossed.

"Well? Are you going to answer me, or stand there with a dumb look on your face?"

Hermione sighed. She should have known this was coming.

"Harry, I'm going to go ahead and guess that, somehow, you found out about mine and Draco's date."

"Somehow? Somehow?! Hermione, it's all over the bloody castle!" Harry yelled at her.

"This is my choice, Harry. You can't stop me." Hermione said, as she turned and went out the door.

After classes, Hermione went up to her room and into the bathroom. She showered, and then stood in front of her closet.

"Okay, so, since he didn't give you any clues about the date, we are going with a dress and some pumps." Ginny spoke from Hermione's bed. Hermione whipped around.

"When did you get here?" Hermione asked.

"When you were showering. Took a lot of restraint for me not to join you." Ginny said, winking at Hermione.

Hermione blushed. "Okay, so what dress?"

"First off. Lingerie." Ginny said, hopping up and walking over to the drawers and pulling out an emerald panties and bra set.

"Lingerie? Ginny, I'm not sleeping with him tonight!" Hermione exclaimed.

"Doesn't matter. Always be prepared. You never know when someone is going to rip your clothes off, and throw you up against a wall." Ginny explained, smiling and shoving the lingerie at Hermione.

Hermione sighed as took it. She stepped into the bathroom, slipped it on, put her robe back on, and stepped back out.

"Aww. No sneak peek?" Ginny teased Hermione.

Hermione gave her a dirty look. "Let's just pick out the damned dress. It's already 4:30."

Ginny walked over to the stack of magazines she brought in, and went from holding a magazine to a long white dress with roses all over it.

"Put it on, along with those white pumps. After you're done, we will do your hair." Ginny commanded. Hermione obeyed, and walked out with some light make up on.

"Okay, sit down." Ginny said, smiling at Hermione. Ginny magically curled Hermione's hair into long ringlets, then pinned up half of them, leaving two to frame her face.

"Perfect. Okay, it's 4:58 let's get down there." Ginny said, excitedly.

Draco's POV

Draco waited outside the Gryffindor portrait. It was now 4:58, and he was waiting for Hermione to come out, considering he couldn't get in. He sighed, and started pacing. He didn't really know how to feel about this date. He was excited, but also felt that if his parents would find out, he would be disowned. His dad was in Azkaban, and his mother now resided in Paris. Malfoy Manor was empty, simply because no one wanted to be there.

Just as he was getting ready to walk across the floor for the fiftieth time, the door opened. Draco saw Hermione come out, and felt his breath get caught in his throat. She looked absolutely breathtaking. Her hair framed her face perfectly, the dress she was wearing hugged her curves, and her shoes made her almost as tall as him.

This was going to be a good date.