Its been a year... A long year hasn't it?

Enjoy this everyone and send me ideas for what should happen in the next chapter

Batman log entry number ####45

Two months

It has been two months and Hal has been busy fighting interstellar conflicts on nearly every other week now with few breaks. The Justice league has helped when they could but several powers tired to invade Earth do to the chaos that ass spread though the sector. Last month The Teen Titans were recovered after a failed attempt to take the capital of Blackfire's new empire. The member known as Starfire was nowhere to be found. Of the Titans only Raven was in the best physical condition, not withstanding her mind as the daughter of a demon lord who was killed.

She along with Superboy, Miss Martian, Blue beetle, Batgirl and Super girl have been in Jump city trying to show that the team still stood. However one by one they have been going missing or left on lone wolf missions. How they are still missing is anyone's guess but I am more concerned about Fate.

The lord of order is oddly silent about the chaos in the galaxy. When pressed his only words was something has changed and a new era was about to be born... That the lords of choas have increased in power by the one above all to counter the stagnation.

-End of log-

Hal Jordan swore loudly as the enemy swarmed over his position and forced the corps to retreat. The war to liberate the fallen empire was not going well. Civil unrest had spread throughout the regions of space where the rifts caused by the death of the demon Trigon. With many sectors under attack the corps was spread thin, too thin and the invading empire formed after the crowing of empress Blackfire only made matters worse. Interstellar wars were breaking out everywhere as planets and cultures fought of resources for their ravaged worlds or were refugees looking for a new start.

Hal flinched as yet another lantern died as its power ring failed after running out of power. Too many lanterns were falling as the conflicts ate away at their will to continue on with the idea of what they were here to do. The planet was lost and all they could do was buy time for the fleeing refugees and civilians to get to the last flying ships.

"Hal! We can't keep this up much longer! We have to retreat!

"I'm working on it!" He yelled as he used a light construct of a train to smash into an advancing alien form of a tank. Was it to his imagination or was it a modified version of an American M1 Abram? After a few tense seconds of fighting Hal scanned the vehicle and his fears were realized.

-Justice League Head Quarters: Medical Bay-

"You're sure that's what happened Robin?"

"Bruce that's enough, they have had a trying experience as it is and he just got out of his coma and lost a member of his team! Beast boy is still trying to regain control of his powers in the simulator, Cyborg has to rebuild most of his mechanical body and no one has seen Raven, Super-boy and Miss Martian in days! They lost and not in the good way against a more powerful force and were lucky to escape with their lives!"

"I know that Clark but until we know who or what took out the team we need to know."

"I'm sorry Bat man, but this is about my team. We'll figure it out..."

"I'm sorry Robin but this is far larger than your team." Batman interrupted with a tone that spoke of no nonsense.

That made Robin lose his cool, "You don't think I know that!"

Green Arrow peeked his head around the doorway. "Um, excuse me but their is something I need to ask the teens."


Ignoring the sharp voice of Batman GA went on. "You said that one of the ones that took out your team was a humanoid being with black skin with a white spider symbol? That could shift parts of himself into various tools and seemed to be trained in martial arts?"


"Well it seems that he's in Star city."


"Bats I'll go and bring back up. You should stay here in case its a trap."


Brock idly wondered as his partner 'drove' them to the central hub of Star city why did he opened his mouth. He was tired of hiding in the shadows and wanted to do something out in the open and Fox finally let him. His mission was simple and made him wonder if he was being too cocky. Challenging the Flash on his own turf was a fool's play and they weren't fools.

'Know everything about your enemy and the war is won without losing a single solider. Ha, if the League has any smarts they would know that this isn't going to be easy as the Flash will think-'


"What the!?" Venom Beta roared out as an exploding Arrow caused him to crash onto a roof top. Getting to his feet the Duo narrowed their eyes at the group before them. "Ah, so the Archer and the Song Bird." 'Got to be careful now, Venom can't handle loud noises and Canary is the worst enemy for me to face.'

'The sound dampers will help but we need to be careful regardless. Although look as those legs and bust, I'm sure that we could get her to scream a different tune.'

'And now he is encountering me to flirt with her. Great.'

Nocking an arrow, GA pointed his weapon towards the spider themed super in front of him. "Normally we would announce ourselves but after what you did to the Titans this is a little bit of pay back."

Getting up and brushing off a bit of concrete dust from his should the figure grinned an all fang smile that sent the GA shivers. "AND WHY WOULD WE DO THAT?"

"Because there are two of us to your one?" Came the response from Black Canary. 'Unless he's telling the truth or has multiple pers-' "WHAT THE-!?"

Lunging forward Venom Beta smashed Green arrow with this fist sending the archer off the roof. Before she could use her powers his other hand jutted out and slammed into her windpipe, damaging her and preventing her from using her power. Using her falling backwards motion she kicked at her opponent only to watch a black tentacle like appendage shot out from his side and wrap around her leg. Going taunt it then lifted her up from her stance and threw her at the air conditioner.

Canary watched as two arrows raced towards the clearly meta human only to miss as he ducked and dodged like a martial arts master. Lifting his fist blobs of webbing shot from them to strike her friend's chest trapping him. Getting up she raced to her enemy jumping and sliding under several attacked from the ink colored materiel with a shiver. Unbidden she recalled a Japanese hentia story with a...

'Your such a closet pervert.'

'What was that?' She wondered as she traded punches and kicks with her enemy. GA was truing to reach a flame arrow to burn though the webbing but was having difficulty moving though the webs to his quiver. For some reason she felt different than normal.

'Yessss... such a strong one you are.'

Naruto was tired after all the yelling his mothers and aunties did after his stunt with Blackfire and Mocking Jay aka formerly Raven. He loved them lots and wished that they understood that what he did was for them all... and his limbo. Harley and Ivy took samples from his blood and found that he was almost in a near horny state and it would only get worse as he didn't get release. It came and went but Selina noted it was almost like a mating cycle and while there were days he could control it others it could control him if he wasn't paying attention.

He blushed at the memory of Ivy walking into his room as he was doing the deed with his maid... only to tell Mocking Jay that for the best effects it was better to keep her son teased and tied to the bed as she herself got off. Mocking Jay did so with the help of Ivy's plants as his mother then began to talk about sex and varous positions and how to best tease a male.

He never again looked at her the same way.

Picking up his cell phone and wallet he set out to wander the town. His super sluts were on the other side of the states to fill in for the Teen Titans with orders to work with Mocking jay's clone to turn Miss Martian into one of his special ladies. As for the boys he was thinking of having the beetle killed and his armor given to Lex. As for the clone of superboy the Valkyrie sisters known as V2 and V7 had their claws on him. Last he heard the clone was slowly being broken mentally as they stripped him of the boy he claimed he was.

His cell buzzed and he checked the number. Seeing who it was he took the call. "Hello."

"You still looking for more magic users?" Came Ace's voice though the phone. Naruto smiled as he thought about how far the girl had come from... Like himself, once weak and used only for a government's usage and treated as a freak.

"Yes Ace, I could use some more magic users. With our control over the realm of demons centralized on out strongest magic user we could use more."

"Well your in luck. I have a powerful magic user I found and she's doing a show in the town next to Gotham. I think that by the time you get over there she will be in her hotel after her shows over or at the bar."

"Does she have a name?"

"Zatanna... also in town is Wonder Woman's enemy Circe."

Naruto felt his loins stir as he thought about the two magic women. "Good job Ace.."

"Thank you boss. Is it alright if Jackie and I go on a date tomorrow?"

"Jackie?" Naruto smiled at the look that his friend code name being changed like that. "Fine by me but make sure to have fun."


Naruto smiled as Ace's squeal came from the cell as she hung up. Looking up to the stars he wondered how Blackfire was doing before closing his eyes and sighing. Entering a 24-store he grabbed a bunch of roses and then headed to the cemetery. Jumping the fence he wandered the grave yard until he came to a tombstone that held old roses. Exchanging the flowers he knelt down and cleaned the grave from weeds. Finished he took a step back and stared at the carvings before him.

Emma Stone

1991 to 20##

A dear friend taken away to soon

May she rest in peace forevermore

"I have sworn before and will swear again Emma. I will avenge your death and destroy everything that the one who took you from me stood for." Naruto said in a hushed voice as he took out a head band with a symbol on it. "Those ninja from Konoha will suffer for everything they have done to us. All those who clam to serve justice and peace will pay for what they took from us both. I will not die or falter in my duty."

Turning around he walked away, not seeing the sad eyes of the spirit of his decreased friend watching him leave. Tears dripped down her face as she struggled against the chain holding her to her grave.

"Oh Naruto, I wish you could have a happy life and not go down this path your on. Please, oh please don't do what your planing."

That's all folks