Before you read this story….I am not going to say anything. No warnings. No explanations. And certainly, no declarations.

I do not hope to understand how a person may view a story. So, I leave the readers to form their own opinions. And when you do, don't forget to write a Review!

Disclaimer: People are bound by what they accept as Correct and True. That's how they define Reality. So, I do not own Naruto…Probably.

Minato Namikaze, the fourth Hokage of Konoha, always believed that in the shinobi world, you could never trust a person completely. In this game of shadows and grave of danger, even the person closest to you might stab you in the back.

So, instead of relying on any shinobi, he decided to place his trust in the Shinigami to do his bidding.

Everything was going according to the plan. Or so he thought.

He knew that he wouldn't be able to restrain the mighty Kyuubi on his own, so, he had his wife doing the task for him. His newborn son – He still couldn't believe that he was a father now! - was placed in the altar, with a myriad of seals inscribed around him.

He summoned the Death God itself for the ritual and for one frightening moment, the very atmosphere boiled under the terrifying aura of the Shinigami. He knew his life was forfeit the moment he summoned the Shinigami but for his son and his village, he was elated to be a sacrifice.

That was until the Shinigami's eyes fell on his son, who was crying in his crib for all his worth – Minato suspected that even his hour old son could understand how bad the situation was.

And then everything went to hell.

The Shinigami caught the handle of the blade in its mouth and before Minato could even shout in horror, it plunged the knife into the belly of his son. "Wh...What?!"

Time stopped still.

The silence was only shattered when Kushina screamed in rage and tried to crawl over to her son. "NARUTO!"

Even the Kyuubi, who was growling in anger until then, could only blink in surprise. But before it could rejoice that its to-be container was killed, half of it's chakra – the Yin half – was forcibly extracted from the bijuu and was sealed into the exhausted form of Kushina Uzumaki.

Kushina's mouth was hung open in a half-scream as once again, her body became the container of the mightiest of the tailed beasts. The only reason she was still alive after successive extraction and sealing was due to her Uzumaki longevity and that it's only the Yin-half that was sealed into her this time.

And of course, there was also the hand of the Shinigami in this.

She collapsed in exhaustion and as her eyes closed out of her own accord, the one thing she noticed was that there was no blood where the blade pierced the belly of her son.

Minato was flabbergasted. This was not the plan! Hell, the Yin-half should've been sealed into him and then, he would have carried the burden to his death. Couldn't he trust anyone around here to their job?

Reigning in his emotions, as it wouldn't do for the Hokage to freak out when there was still a bijuu threat hanging over their heads, Minato prepared the seal formula to begin the sealing of the Yang-half.

"I won't allow it!" As the Kyuubi – who looked visibly smaller than it was a second ago – raised its claw as a final act of defiance, Minato appeared before the vulnerable forms of his wife and son. "I won't be sealed into a child!"

Naruto and Kushina looked so peaceful as they slept that even Minato was loath to disturb them. The Kyuubi truly was heartless, he decided in his mind.

Minato looked the Shinigami in the eyes as the giant claw pierced his stomach. 'What the hell is happening?' His look conveyed.

The Shinigami – who Minato suspected was dumb – shifted its gaze to Naruto and gave a nod.

Unbidden, a memory rose to the front of his mind.

"In the future, the Shinobi world will face a grave danger," Jiraiya warned as he looked at his student. "The child of Prophecy will be its savior."

"Ah, I see," Minato let out a chuckle as blood dripped from his mouth. "It's as I suspected. Naruto is the child of Prophecy."

Minato's gaze shifted to his wife and his smile widened as he realized that her wounds were slowly healing. The Kyuubi's chakra was doing its work. "I trust you with our son, Kushina. I know you will be a great mother."

"Naruto," a tear slid down Minato's cheek as he stared lovingly at the sleeping form of his son. "There will come a time...when you will feel like the whole world's against you. Don't despair and never give up. You are my legacy...Naruto."

There was nothing more to say.

Taking a deep breath, Minato's hands flashed into a set of hand-signs. "Hakke no Fuin Shiki! (Eight Trigrams Sealing Style!)"

Naruto started crying again as the Yang-half of the Kyuubi was sealed into him. His slightly tanned skin paled, accentuating the whisker marks on his cheek, and his golden blond hair glowed like a miniature Sun.

But even more peculiar was the aura of the death that was wafting off him like smoke. At this close distance, it was so intense that Minato nearly collapsed to his knees.

"D-Death's essence!" Minato stuttered as the realization hit him.

The Shinigami blessed – or was it cursed? – his son! This was bad. Naruto's chakra was corrupted with the taint of death and until he could control it fully, no one could even get near him.

He feared that the village might shun his son for containing the Kyuubi but now, he was sure that they would. Even a half decent shinobi could sense the downright terrifying aura of death and if no one could even get near his son, Naruto would be ostracized for life.

As he drew his dying breath, Minato glared at the Shinigami. What forced the Death God to pull this stunt? Even as his soul slowly entered the Shinigami's realm, Minato's mind was filled with a single thought.

'In this shinobi world, everyone has their own agenda. You can't trust anyone. Not even the Shinigami.'

Kushina opened her bleary eyes, only to blink when the whiteness of the hospital room hit her like the morning Sun. She groaned in discomfort and her raspy throat hurt like hell when she tried to form words.

'What happened?' She wondered as she looked around in confusion. The last thing she remembered was the Shinigami... 'Naruto!'

She woke up with a start and struggled to get to her feet but a hand held her back. She looked up to see the tired visage of the third Hokage. "Hiruzen-san..."

Hiruzen handed her a glass of water and she drank it like a woman stranded in a desert. "Naruto! where's my son?"

"You need to rest, Kushina," the third Hokage tried to calm her but there was no stopping Kushina Uzumaki.

"Take me to my son!" She shouted and took a step forward.

"I don't think it's wise to visit Naruto now," Hiruzen spoke in a defeated tone but Kushina already walked past him to the door. "It's not safe!"

"I don't care if he's the Kyuubi itself!" Kushina grit her teeth in frustration. "He's a day old, Hiruzen-san. Please take me to him."

The sheer agony in Kushina's eyes was enough to change his decision. With a sigh, he spoke, "Follow me."

As they ascended a floor and walked down a shadowy corridor, Kushina couldn't help but notice that there's not a single soul in sight. It's as though this whole area was quarantined. Even for the Jinchuuriki of Kyuubi, this was too much of a precaution.

As they neared the farthest ward in the corridor, Kushina could hear the heart-wrenching cries of a child. Allowing her temper to show, she turned on Hiruzen like a vengeful goddess. "HE'S CRYING FOR KAMI KNOWS HOW LONG AND YOU DON'T WANT ME TO SEE HIM?"

Hiruzen almost took a back step at the amount of chakra Kushina was flaring. Raising his hands in a placating gesture, he explained. "You need to understand, Kushina. We can't even get near him!"

"What are you saying?" She narrowed her eyes threateningly. She would be damned if they already started fearing her child because he was a Jinchuuriki.

"It's hard to explain. His chakra…it's unusual..."

With a huff, Kushina rushed forward and paid no mind to Hiruzen's warnings. But as she neared the room, an oppressive force of the likes she never experienced slammed into her and she held the wall for support. It was like something was pulling at her soul and trying to devour her whole.

'Wh-what aura is this?' She thought in fear. 'It feels like...the Shinigami!'

Even though it felt like she was trespassing near Death's door, the cries of her son made her trudge forward. Even if it was reckless, Hiruzen could appreciate Kushina's sheer willpower, born out of love for her child. Her nails raked the wall as she moved at a snail's pace and with a forceful shove, she opened the door to the room. Her son was placed in a crib in the middle of the room and if not for the crib, the room was practically empty.

'It looks like a containment cell,' Kushina thought in a fit of anger.

At the sound of the door opening, Naruto cried even harder and outside the room, Hiruzen slid down to his knees as another wave of Death's aura hit him. 'Dear Kami, this is...'

Kushina reached the crib and gently lifted her son into her arms. At the warm and loving touch, Naruto stopped crying, and looked curiously at the red-haired woman. Almost reverently, Kushina touched his cheek to wipe the tear tracks off his whiskered cheeks and placed a soft kiss on his forehead.

As fast as it came, the aura vanished as Naruto giggled and buried himself into the warmth of her bosom. The two adults on the floor breathed a sigh of relief as the oppressive force disappeared, with the only sign that it ever existed being the chill in the air.

"I'm taking him home," Kushina said as she came out of the room with Naruto sleeping in her arms. He was probably tired after crying for so long.


"I'm taking him home," Kushina repeated, leaving no room for argument. Her violet eyes glowed red for a moment before they became normal.

Hiruzen could only nod, knowing that no force could stop her once she decided.

A week after the Kyuubi incident, Kushina entered the Hokage's office to find Hiruzen sitting in the Hokage's chair. Her chest twinged with pain as the face of a blond haired man replaced the third Hokage's. She remembered how Minato's face lit up every time she entered through the door, only to mask it when he realized that he shouldn't act like a lovesick boy in the Hokage's office.

She pushed down the grief and nodded at the third Hokage. "You called for me, Hiruzen-san?"

"Yes," Hiruzen removed the Hokage's hat to show his weary expression. "How are you, Kushina?"

There was no need to ask that question; She looked like a zombie risen from the grave. There were dark circles under her eyes and her crimson hair resembled a bird's nest. She walked with a tiredness to her steps and even her voice was weak. Looking at the grubby state of her dress, Hiruzen assumed that it had been days since she had a proper bath.

"I'm fine," Kushina lied.

Hiruzen did not try to point out her lie. "How's Naruto?"

Kushina sighed. "He keeps on crying. I don't know what's wrong with him and I can't even go near him when he's releasing that aura. It's impossible to take care of a child if you can't even touch him, Hiruzen-san. Maybe I should've asked Mikoto-chan about how to raise a kid. She's so good with kids, ya know. And I'm such a bad mother. I don't even know..."

"Kushina," Hiruzen interrupted her rambling. "It's OK."

"It's not OK!" Kushina shouted as she held her face in her palms. "I don't know what to do!"

"We found a way to bypass that aura," Hiruzen revealed with a smile and Kushina's head shot up in surprise. "But it's risky."

"I don't care," Kushina stated, with desperation visible in her eyes. "What is it?"

"You have to seal your chakra," Hiruzen said as he rose up from his seat and stood with his back facing Kushina. His gaze panned over the village in front of him and once again, he felt the weight of thousands of lives on his shoulders. He never expected that he would feel this burden again in his life. Once was too much for any person.


"We found out that Death's aura only affects people with chakra," Hiruzen explained. "Most of the civilians barely feel it and the higher your chakra, the more you are affected by it."

With Kushina having one of the largest chakra reserves in elemental nations, it made sense that she couldn't even get near her son without collapsing.

"I will do it," Kushina stated with determination. With the amount of chakra she had, it would be fatal to seal it away but she was willing to take that risk. "I was ready to die for my son, Hiruzen-san. Giving up my shinobi career is nothing before it."

"I see," Hiruzen took a deep breath. It will be a noticeable blow to the village's strength as Kushina was a Kage level shinobi. But he would honor Minato's sacrifice. "I will tell Jiraiya to prepare the sealing chamber."

"Jiraiya is here?" Kushina asked in surprise. The last time she heard from the Toad Sage, he was traveling the elemental nations to do his research. And providing information to the village. But mainly to do his research.

"He arrived a day ago," Hiruzen replied with a nod. "But...he's still recovering...It was tough for him to lose another student."

Kushina said nothing. She knew the pain all too well. With a respectful nod, she rose from her seat and moved to the door. "Thank you, Hokage-Sama."

"It's the least I could do," Hiruzen whispered in regret.

The next day, Kushina sat at the center of the sealing chamber with three concentric circles of kanji around her. Around the Death Reaper seal on her stomach, she wrote another set of seals to store all the chakra released from the Kyuubi. Minato's seal was brilliant but now it would be a hindrance if the Kyuubi kept on releasing the chakra into her reserves.

"Are you ready, Kushina-chan?" Jiraiya asked, with no hint of his usual jovial tone.

Kushina gave a nod and bit down hard on her cheek to stop herself from screaming once the seal activated. The Kanji on the floor glowed blue and the seal on her stomach glowed red as chakra passed through them. Slowly, the kanji slithered onto her body and formed a third circle around her Death Reaper seal.

She finally gave into the pain and screamed as the chakra in her tenketsu was forcibly pushed into the seal. After a few minutes, there was a blinding crimson glow and a massive surge of chakra, indicating that the sealing was finished.

Kushina panted, with blood dripping down from her ruby red lips. She felt too weak with her chakra sealed and if this was how civilians felt, she was more than happy to be a ninja. Even lifting her arm seemed like a chore now.

Allowing a smile to play on her lips, she gave into the exhaustion.

The next time Kushina woke up, it was in her own room in her house. She could still feel the tiredness that came with sealing one's chakra and for the first time in years, she couldn't even sense anyone. She was just another civilian woman for now. Even though the whole arrangement was only temporary, lasting until the moment her son learns to control his chakra, Kushina couldn't help but shudder at the wrongness of not having chakra actively flowing through her coils.

Rising to her feet, she strolled down to the nursery where her son was sleeping. This time, there was no aura stopping her from holding her son.

Feeling the touch of another person, Naruto opened his azure blue eyes and blinked cutely. Now that she realized, her son was warm to touch and his skin was so soft!

"Oh, you're so cuuute!" Kushina cooed and rubbed her cheek with Naruto's.

Naruto let out a small sob of discomfort and Kushina prepared herself for a wave of Death's aura to slam onto her. But when nothing happened, she laughed in joy and twirled around with Naruto in her arms.

"Now I can stay all day long with my Naru-chan!" Kushina placed a kiss on Naruto's cheek, making him giggle again. "Oh, you like mommy's kisses?"

Bringing him close, she poured out all the love she couldn't show in the past week and peppered him with soft kisses all over the face.

The end result was Naruto crying again.

"AAH! Mom's sorry!" Kushina panicked as she tried to calm him down. "I knew I should've taken tips from Mikoto-chan."

When Hiruzen met Kushina again after a week, she was all smiles and laughs. Jiraiya quirked an eyebrow from his seat on the window's ledge.

"You look happy, Kushina," Hiruzen commented as he took a puff from his pipe.

Kushina wrinkled her nose at the smell of smoke but she was too happy to admonish the Hokage for his habits. "I am."

"Any particular reason?" Hiruzen asked with a knowing smile.

"Naruto is such an awesome baby, datte'bane!" Kushina declared with a mile-wide grin. "He rarely cries now and he keeps on looking around with those big blue eyes. It's so cute, ya know."

"Looks like motherhood's serving you well, Kushina-chan," Jiraiya remarked casually with his usual grin.

"Don't you talk, you lazy pervert!" Kushina yelled as she pointed an accusing finger at Jiraiya. "You didn't even visit your godson once!"

"Hey, I tried!" Jiraiya yelled back indignantly. "I can't even get past the gate."

"Eh, what are you saying?" Kushina tilted her head in confusion. "Kakashi-kun visited yesterday!"

"The will to live, Kushina-chan," Jiraiya explained patiently. "Death's aura is especially bad to those who really want to live. I do for sure. I still have to find the child of prophecy and I can't die until then. And of course, even I have large chakra reserves."

"Oh," Kushina mumbled in realization.

Kakashi was only a shell of what he once was, what after the successive deaths of Obito and Rin. The death of his sensei, who was like a father to him, was the final blow that made him lose the will to live. In a twisted sense, the Death's aura might be welcoming for him.

"So, anything else, Kushina?" Hiruzen asked in his grandfatherly tone.

"Now that you ask, there is something weird," Kushina said hesitantly.

"What is it?" Jiraiya was immediately alert at the thought of something happening to his godson. "Anything dangerous?"

"No! Nothing like that," Kushina mollified the Toad Sage. "It's just... I am seeing a lot of animals around the house. Just before I came here, there was this bird playing with Naru-chan!"

"Animals, you say?" Hiruzen whispered in thought. If there was a chance of anybody knowing, then it's Sarutobi Hiruzen. Aptly named 'The Professor', the man forgot more than what people learned in their entire life. "It sounds like natural energy. What do you say, Jiraiya?"

"Hmm. The same happens when I'm in sage mode," Jiraiya replied with a thoughtful frown. The idea of two week old becoming a sage was laughable at best.

"Death's essence can be considered as natural energy," Hiruzen shrugged as he added some more herbs to his pipe. "It's harmless anyway. No need to worry about it."

Kushina sighed in relief. Life was already weird with all the constant talks about death. She didn't have the patience to deal with anything more.

"But it's better if we teach chakra control to young Naruto from a young age," Hiruzen continued as he pinned Kushina with a stern gaze. "The faster he learns to control his chakra, the better it is for everyone. My ANBU are getting too antsy to even go near your house."

"Yeah! I want to meet my godson as soon as possible," Jiraiya declared with his roguish grin. "There is so much I have to teach him!"

Kushina's eye twitched at the faraway look in Jiraiya's eyes. She knew the look all too well. "I'll beat you worse than Tsunade did if you ever teach my son about your research."

"Calm down woman!" Jiraiya shuddered at Kushina's murderous expression. "I won't teach him my precious art until he's thirteen."

"That's no better!" Kushina grabbed the new Icha Icha book on the table in her hands and decked the Perverted Sannin in the face.

Jiraiya flew out of the window and landed on the road in an ungraceful heap, making Hiruzen sigh and lament that his new copy was damaged before he could read it.

Nine Months Later

Kushina was on a mission to find her son, who just couldn't sit in one place. From the second he learned to crawl, he started roaming all over place, leaving no corner unturned; Most of times, it gave Kushina a heart attack when he tried to jump out of the crib or when she couldn't find him anywhere in the house.

Recently he started to take a few steps and Kushina feared the day he learned to walk. She would probably spend the whole day chasing after him. "Naru-chan? Where are you?"

She walked out the door and into the backyard to find him sitting on the ground, with a sparrow perched on his shoulder and a fox cub in his lap. He was babbling enthusiastically, making wild hand gestures, and the fox did seem like it was paying attention. Kushina knew that it wouldn't be long before he started speaking words, even though Mikoto warned that it will take him some more weeks. Just because Sasuke was slow didn't mean her son was, datte'bane!

Meanwhile, the sparrow was trying to lodge a twig into his golden blond hair; and was failing miserably.

This sight was so common that Kushina didn't even give any reaction. Most of the time, he had one or the other animal with him and sometimes, they even slept with him in the same crib. At least they were good companions to him, as Kushina was sure that there was little chance of human interaction possible for her son.

Naruto stopped his interesting conversation when his mother came into sight. He grabbed a flawless, white marble from his pocket and presented it to his mother. Judging by the dirt on his fingers, he probably dug it out on his own. "Mama!"

"Oh, that's beautiful, Naru-chan!" Kushina praised as she held the smooth rock in her hands. Then it hit her like lightning that he just spoke his first word. "Naru-chan! What did you say?"

But Naruto already ignored his mother in favor of crawling away to dig out some more rocks. Kushina tried to hold him but he slid away from her grasp. Having no choice, she held him by the hem of his shirt.

Naruto tried in vain to move forward and no matter how much he crawled, it seemed like he wasn't moving. He made another brave attempt, only to feel like something was tugging him back. Slowly, he turned to face the smiling form of his mother. "Eh?"

"Say it again, Naru-chan," Kushina pleaded as she moved closer. "Say 'mama'."

Kakashi, who had just entered the house, arrived at the place where there was commotion and found Kushina begging her son to say something. He hid a chuckle behind his mask. "I brought the groceries, Kushina-san."

Kushina turned to greet Kakashi but a scowl formed on her face when she saw the orange colored book in his hands. "Kakashi! Don't read it around Naruto."

"He still can't read, Kushina-san," Kakashi reasoned with an eye-smile.

"Don't read it around Naruto," Kushina repeated with a violent glint in her eyes.

"Hai!" A chill went down Kakashi's spine. He put the book in his pocket in an instant. "Of course, Kushina-san."

"You're so formal, Kakashi-kun," Kushina complained as she took the groceries, reverting back to usual in a second. Kakashi breathed in relief.

From the moment she sealed off her chakra, Kakashi took it upon him to bring all the necessary things for the house. It was sweet, only if Kakashi hadn't considered it his duty. The kid was too reserved for his own good. "Naru-chan, say 'Hi' to Kakashi-nii."

Naruto waved his hands happily and tried once again to escape the hold of his mother. He was unsuccessful.

"What's the matter, Kushina-san?" Kakashi asked as he noticed the struggle of the little blond-haired boy.

"He just said his first word!" Kushina grinned and flashed a victory. "Say 'mama' Naru-chan."

Naruto gave his mother a blank stare and then ignored her to glance around in interest. Kushina deflated and let out a sigh of disappointment.

"I'm sure he did," Kakashi gave his signature eye-smile.

"But if he doesn't say it again, how can I prove it and rub it in Mikoto's face?" Kushina lamented, with faux tears running down her face.

Kakashi sweatdropped.

"Why won't you say it, Naru-chan?" Kushina bopped Naruto gently on the nose.

Naruto looked at his mother in betrayal and tears gathered at the corner of his eyes. Just as it looked like he was about to cry, Kushina panicked and tried to smother Naruto in her bosom. Naruto wiggled his hands as he struggled to escape and Kakashi could only watch the scene from the side with a deadpan. "I'm so sorry, Naru-chan. Mom will never try to hit you again."

"Mama," Naruto mumbled again as a final resort.

Kushina stopped apologizing and stared at Naruto with visible joy on her face. "He said it! Kakashi-kun, did you hear it?"

"Sure did," was Kakashi's only answer.

"I can't wait to tell Mikoto!" Kushina cheered. "My son is way better than those stuck up Uchiha."

That evening, Kushina was at the gate, embellishing to Mikoto about how her son had already started speaking. She entered the house with a sense of fulfillment, happy that she finally found a way to get back at Mikoto for gushing about her eldest son Itachi.

But her heart thudded in a sense of foreboding when she didn't hear the usual of sounds of his son playing around. She rushed up the stairs to the nursery but her hands trembled when there was no sign of Naruto. She hurried into the backyard to find palm prints but they only led up to the boundary wall before they vanished.

Taking deep breaths, she calmed herself and placed her palm on the seal on her stomach. "Kai: Release!"

The third Hokage was tiredly shuffling through the bundles of paperwork on his table when a massive surge of chakra hit his senses. There was only one person in whole Konoha who had Chakra Reserves of this size but they had their chakra sealed. If Kushina thought that it was necessary to release the seal after months, then it meant that something happened to Naruto.


Three masked men appeared in an instant and knelt before him. "Orders, Hokage-Sama."

"Find out what happened to Naruto," he ordered. "No harm must come to the child."

"Hai, Hokage-Sama!" The three ANBU vanished in a shunshin, while the Hokage himself removed his Hokage robes to enter combat if necessary.

Kushina almost forgot how frightening it was to feel the Death's aura but now, it was almost welcome. It meant that her son was still alive. She was jumping from one rooftop to another as tried to sense the unique chakra signature of her son. It was a tough task as the aura was spread all over the place.

Just as she was about to change direction, a spike of malicious chakra appeared in her senses and wasting no time, she almost teleported to that place. But the sight that greeted her was something she never expected in a million years.

Naruto was sitting on floor, with tear tracks running down his chubby cheeks. But what alarmed Kushina was the Kunai held between his jaws and the dead body of a masked man beside him. The man was dressed in ANBU style armor and mask but he wore a midriff jacket under the ANBU cloak. The mask, that resembled a snake, also had two red stripes going down the left edge.

Kushina checked the pulse of the man to make sure he was dead. But she still couldn't understand how he died. There was no wound, no blood, and no signs of a cardiac arrest. It was like…Her gaze shifted to her son who still had the kunai in his mouth.

She remembered the night when the Shinigami stabbed her son with its blade but there was no blood at that time.

It was like...someone sucked out the man's soul.

Gently, she lifted her son into her arms and held back the urge to shudder as Death's aura was practically leaking from him. She removed the Kunai from his mouth and dropped it into her pouch. She wiped off his tear tracks and held him close to her. "Mama?"

"It's fine, Naru-chan," she whispered reassuringly. "Mama's here."

She would make sure that no one would ever know of this. Her son was already a target for being the Fourth Hokage's son and the Jinchuuriki of the nine tails. If anyone ever got to know of this, she feared to think of what might happen. Making a dozen hand-signs, she released one of the hottest fire justu in her arsenal. "Katon: Shoukyaku (Incineration)"

The dead body was burnt to ashes in seconds and the ashes were scattered to the wind. She had an idea regarding who sent the man but there was no way to prove it without putting her son in danger. If people suspect that her son had this peculiar and terrible power, he would become a puppet under the village elders; Which could only happen over her dead body.

Even if she had to deal with Death or Demons, she would protect her son with her life.

Author's Note: I believe this is enough for a Prologue. How is it?

Yes, that man was a ROOT ANBU. That was why he was able to even get near Naruto, as they have no emotions and certainly, no will to live.

For any further questions, doubts, opinions, suggestions, REVIEW! I accept humble one line reviews too. There, I said it. So, GO CRAZY.