Reese's P.O.V.

As I walked up to my father, my heart was beating fast in excitement. The plan had worked successfully. I had gotten the stupid, so-called bionic hero named Chase Davenport to fall desperately in love with me and when they had left me in the apartment, I went to mission command and downloaded the superhero list off the cyber desk. Douglas Davenport had almost caught me but I have a feeling that he isn't going to say anything for quite a while. I was so proud of myself; I had completed a mission that my weaker older brothers, Roman and Riker couldn't complete. Suddenly, I saw my father, Rodisseus, groaning in pain on the floor.

"Father!" I screamed as I ran over to him and held his head in my lap.

"That bionic girl, Bree Davenport, shot me with a volt of electricity. She has superpowers, how is that possible?" moaned Rodisseus.

"I don't know Father but we're going to find out" I screamed I in vengeance. I put my hand over my father, morphed into a thick black cloud and carried him off, plotting my revenge.

Chase's P.O.V.

I looked over the terrace in disappointment as I realised what I had gotten my family into. When we found out what Reese had done to Douglas, Mr. Davenport rushed him to the hospital whilst everyone kept saying it wasn't my fault. Well, everyone except Oliver. His exact words were "Of course it was your fault! How could you think a girl could actually like you?"

After that everyone started shouting and screaming at him and they all went to bed feeling defeated. I smiled as I remembered that Mr. Davenport had gotten us these ridiculous Elite Force pyjamas and forced us to wear them every night. But I knew that this was no laughing matter. Those shapeshifters were out there with the superhero list, tracking them down and taking each and every one of them out. I let out an angry sigh when a hand was placed on my shoulder. I turned around to see the famous superhero Skylar Storm giving me a worried glance. I immediately wrapped my arms around her and she comfortingly ran her fingers through my hair and calmed me down.

"Chase, it wasn't your fault. Oliver is just trying to get back at you for getting my powers back. This situation could have happened to anyone, not just you" Skylar said softly.

"But I actually hurt someone, this time" I whispered whilst thinking of all the times I had messed up.

"Chase, Douglas will be fine. This could have happened to me, Bree, Kaz or Oliver" she said smiling at me.

"Well, he's right though. I will never find love" I said in disappointment.

"Chase, you're a great guy and any girl would be lucky to have you" she said smiling.

"Really?" I said in hope.

"Yeah, come on, bring it in!" Skylar said grinning goofily. I laughed and hugged her tightly and spun her around as she wrapped her arms around my neck. I was really lucky to have her. I felt safe in her arms. She gave me that feeling that nothing and no one could give me.