Mabel and Dipper finished their cups of ice cream and threw the trash away in the garbage can that was conveniently placed next to the bench they sat on. Mabel crouched down to Waddle's level, using her napkin to wipe away the excess melted dessert from his snout. She giggled as her beloved pig brushed his nose against her face, getting more of the mess on her than the napkin.

Dipper squinted his eyes against the bright sun that loomed overhead. He'd have to track down Wendy to get his ball cap back later, since last time he tried to take another hat from the gift shop his Grunkle Stan caught him and made him work in the gift shop for two weeks.

He turned his gaze back to the shop, where he saw the two suspicious men sitting at the table on the other side of the glass. They seemed to be minding their own business, talking and occasionally laughing or shooting the other a look. Dipper sighed, maybe he was just being paranoid.

A high pitched scream tore through the air, making everything else seem to go silent. Dippers ears rung loudly and his stomach dropped as if he were falling straight down after going over the peak of a roller coaster. He could hear each individual beat of his heart as he turned around to see where the scream came from.

Mabel jumped up, immediately grabbing Waddles and Dipper's arm and looked to the woman standing with her husband.


The man and woman were frantic, looking high and low, spinning in circles and screaming out for their son. The name "Matthew", swirled around in Dipper's head more times than he could count.

Suddenly, Sheriff Blubs and Deputy Durland pushed through the crowd, followed by other officers who pushed the gathering public back.

"What the hell is going on?" Mabel spun around, causing Dipper to turn and look as well.

The two men from the ice cream shop were reaching deep into their jackets, pulling out black leather booklets. The cover swung down to reveal genuine looking FBI badges. The men pushed past the twins and entered the scene.

Sheriff Blubs stopped them, questioning who they were and where they came from. The man with shorter hair stepped foreward to do the talking.

"I'm Agent Harker and this is my associate Agent Stoker. Specialists." The men lifted their badges, long enough for the Sheriff to see, but not long enough for him to review. The Sheriff gave the two a look, before stepping aside and letting them through.

Before he walked back to the scene, Sheriff Blubs told the Deputy to disperse the crowd and shut down the shop. The area needed to be cleared to prevent any further panic.

Mabel and Dipper squeezed each others hands as they looked on in horror. Mabel looked at her brother, who's eyes were glued to the exact same spot she had been looking.

The cemented patio edge just past the back table the family sat at, with a trail of blood that led straight to the woods.

So this chapter is EXTREMELY short, I know. But I wanted to post something quickly and talk about the story.

So if you've been keeping up or at least read this story, you know that I made some changes to it. Both the format and story line. Even though we've been in quarantine for a while now, I've had sooo much homework and so many final projects and tests, it was difficult to keep up with it all. But now that its all over and I've had some time to lay low for a bit, I'm going to start writing again. I actually wrote a bit more than this, but it's very sketchy and unedited, so I need to go back and fix those so I can post them.

Anyway, here is the fifth-ish chapter. I say ish because it's so short. But I wanted to create suspense, which I'm really bad at doing, lmao.

I really want this story to kind of open Dipper and Mabel up to the world of monster hunting. I also wanted this story to show the effects that Bill had on the twins, and the whole town as well. I wanted to show that realer side of the twins, the hurt side. They don't know how to deal with these things, and cue Sam and Dean to the rescue! sort of, as they're not so good at emotions either.

Well, that is all for now.

See you in the next chapter!