Disclaimer: I Do Not Own Naruto. This is purely for fan based purposes.

Author's Note: Sometimes it's good to take a few steps back before taking a huge leap forward. I decided to make fiction with that idea in mind. This fiction takes place before Naruto S and Before Sasuke leaves the village. Yaoi lovers; be prepared for the fiction that explains how Kiba and Naruto's arrangement began in Naruto Gone Wild. There will be a sister fiction added to this as well for the Yuri lovers that way you get the best from both sides. Stay Tuned; This will be a Three Part Fiction. Feel Free to Leave a Review and as always Blades and Knives are welcome. -Kiba Blackfire ^_^

Side Note: Let's assume the game Twister exists in Konoha shall we. That is all. Enjoy,

Boy's Night

Part I.

"I can't believe it," The Uzumaki eyes beamed with excitement. He waited and waited for this. It was time for the weekend slumber party. It was Shikamaru's turn to host it; this was his first one. Finally the guys were starting to acknowledge him. Of course, the only reason they were letting him join the party was because their mother's made them. Not a good start, a start nonetheless. He was stoked all the guys were going to be there. They were going to talk about the girls, do some wicked dares; it was going to be bad ass. He couldn't wait to torment Sasuke while he slept. He couldn't take the wait anymore; eagerly he knocked on the door. Shikamaru answered it with a blank look on his face. "I'm here," Naruto darted passed him with sleeping gear in tow. "This is going to be awesome, believe it," He screamed.

"You're early," Shikamaru groaned. This was so like him, leave it to Naruto to be hyped on sugar before a party. He felt like a damn babysitter. He had to put up with the hyperactive knucklehead for thirty minutes longer than he intended to. Worse than that just upstairs was an Inuzuka who was going to blow a gasket. Kiba was the only one who didn't know Naruto was invited and after the fart incident. He was going to strangle that Uzumaki. A fight would break out and as host he had to deal with it. "This is going to be a real drag," He complained; Naruto went upstairs where Kiba was. Oh man, his mom was going have a fit.

"What the fuck is this?" Kiba threw his snacks on the floor. He glared the blond bastard that had the balls to fart on him. He growled grabbing him by his orange jacket. "It's payback time," Akamaru barked in agreement.

"Language," He heard Shikamaru's mother scream. Kiba began breathing through his nose in anger. He wanted to pummel that jerk. Lucky him; the parent was here. He let go of Naruto's jacket calming his anger.

"Shikamaru," Kiba screamed loudly; The Nara bolted upstairs. "Explain this right now," He demanded pointing at Naruto. "This twerp farted in my face. I told you he was banned because otherwise," He popped his knuckles at him. "I'd break him." He glared at Naruto.

"It's nice see you too Kiba," Naruto sneered. "I can see you're still as annoying as ever. Now tell me how's that nose doing?" He teased. "You want another round; I got plenty." He threatened; Kiba growled at him his eyes burning with shear rage.

"You got a problem," Kiba retorted. "I'll kick your ass so hard. Everyone is going to refer to you as my bitch. Try me Naruto, I dare you." He prepared to eat a food pill; Akamaru barked joining in. Naruto turned around making his butt face him. "That tears it," He went to attack covering his nose to stop the fart from inflicting paralysis.

"Knock it off," Shikamaru's mother yelled. "If I have to come up there; I will beat both your asses and Kiba. Language," She reminded him. "If I have to say it again; you're going to get it." Kiba and Naruto turned their backs to each other.

"Mutt face," Naruto teased.

"Eat me," Kiba spat back.

Shikamaru groaned; this was going to be a long night. He watched as Kiba picked up the snacks going into his bedroom. Naruto followed him being tripped by him. He created a Shadow Clone making it trip Kiba. "Enough," Shikamaru used Shadow Possession Jutsu on them making them face each other. "Quit fighting you two." He glared at them. "My mom is going to kill me. " He heard a knock on the door. "You two get over your differences and at least try not to kill each other." Shikamaru walked off to answer the door.

Kiba continued helping set up the sleepover for Shikamaru. He always offered to help considering if he left it to him alone. Nothing would be done. He organized the snacks on the table glaring at Naruto. That damn Uzumaki; he just threw his sleeping gear on the floor and watched as he did everything. That was it; he took his shoe off throwing it at his head. "Clean out the closet," He ordered; Naruto glared at him.

"Do it yourself," He threw the shoe back at him; he evaded it. The shoe collided with the wall loudly. This caused a small stir from a very angered mother.

"Were you aiming for me?" Kiba smirked. "I couldn't tell; your aim was way off." He threw his other shoe at Naruto. He dodged it making it hit a vase and shatter it. "Oh man," He blushed knowing this was really going to stir the hornet's nest.

"Hey," Shikamaru's mother yelled. "You better not be breaking anything up there. Shikamaru control your friends or your father will."

"You missed," Naruto stuck his tongue out at the Inuzuka. Kiba growled at him popping his knuckles at him. He wanted to tear him apart so badly. Naruto smiled and began helping him clean out the closet. Kiba groaned letting it go for now. He'd kill him later.

"Hey guys," Choji entered the room. He was supposed to tell Kiba about Naruto before the party. Shikamaru asked him to but he forgot. From the look of it they seemed to be getting along okay; the room was still in one piece. "I guess you found out." He opened a bag of chips; getting started on them.

"Yeah," Kiba eyes stared at Naruto still a little pissed off. "I figured it out. Whatever, he's fine," He allowed taking stuff from the closet setting into another room that was empty. Naruto followed him doing the same.

Once the closet was clear; Kiba turned his focus to the prepping the room for guests. Naruto proved to be a great help with his shadows clones. Uzumaki wasn't half bad; he was beginning to tolerate him. Only a little, the rest of guys arrived dropping their sleeping bags on the floor. Sasuke, Neji, Shino, Lee; the whole gang was here. Naruto smiled eager to get in good with the guys. This was perfect that was until,

"Hey there," Kankuro walked in dropping his sleep bag on the floor. The second Kiba saw him he could sense his role as Alpha Male at stake here. Kankuro was older, more mature, and he'd come after it. He was used to fighting Sasuke for it; that was an easy win. He could measure up just fine though Kankuro's methods he was sure they were dirtier than the Uchiha's. This title it belonged to him; he wouldn't hand it over willingly not without a battle of dominance.

"This party may actually be bad ass," Kankuro observed all the games they had laid out and snacks. He heard Shikamaru's mother yell getting onto him about his language. "Or not," To be honest, he wasn't too thrilled to be wasting his time with them. He was bored; it was his first time to actually hang with them. He wanted to get away from Gaara who was starting to scare him. This was a much needed get away. Besides, he wanted mess with these guys a bit. What better time than at a slumber party? The first thing he took notice of right away was the cards. These cards were a good start. "Is that playing cards," They nodded. "Sweet let's get this party started with good old fashioned strip poker." He suggested.

"What do you say; let's put our dignity at stake. I got nothing to hide." Kankuro searched the room in confusion; these guys. They were all being shy about their bodies. That is all except for Kiba and Sasuke; those two seemed pretty comfortable with a challenge. "Never mind," He shuffled the cards. "Let's do something else," His eyes locked on Naruto; dressed up frog themed pajamas; a good sucker for his first trick.

"You there froggy," Naruto pointed at himself; he nodded. "Pick a card," He watched as he excitedly picked a card from his hand. Kankuro smirked as Naruto put in back in the deck without telling him what it was. He attached his invisible puppet strings to the sucker's card. This way it would be easy to find. "Is this your card?" Naruto snatched it amazed.

"That is my card," He smiled. "That was so cool, again; do it again." Naruto spoke in excitement. He was truly a world class sucker. Kankuro repeated the process; this went on for what seemed like forever. He couldn't believe this; he was stuck in limbo with a stupid trick because the Uzumaki didn't seem to get it. He just wanted it to be done over and over again. "Kankuro, that's amazing; you're like a mind reader. What am I thinking right now, guess?" Seriously,

"Ramen," He guessed; Naruto gasped. The other guys in the room were starting to get annoyed by this. Neji was the first to notice Kankuro's silly trick a long time ago. The rest of guys didn't seem to take long to figure it out either. That was everyone aside from Naruto.

"He's a psychic," Naruto grabbed Kiba shaking him. "I'm telling you guys; Kankuro has crazy mind powers. He knew what I was thinking." He sat in front of the cards. "Okay let's put your powers to the test," He picked a card; he was certain Kankuro wouldn't guess. "Ok do the trick again." He put it in the deck. Kiba stopped the trick; he could sense Shikamaru getting a throbbing headache from this game.

"Let's do something else," Kiba suggested; he heard all the guys letting out a sigh of relief. Naruto groaned; Kiba could not believe this at all. He still didn't notice it was a cheap trick. He would have to explain it to him later; it was right thing to do. "Does the host agree?"

"Please," Shikamaru begged. "If I have to sit through another card trick," He rubbed his head. "Let's just move on." As host it was up to him to decide the tasks. This presented a perfect opportunity to introduce a game he had just learned about. It would give him a chance to find a playing partner and test their knowledge.

Nara brought out a Shoji board; he watched as the guys stared at it for the longest time. "It's called Shoji," Choji shook his head; he had tried to teach him and Ino but it wasn't either of their thing. Ino got bored easy and Choji didn't like it. Now it was time to see how the other guys felt about it. "Ok so," He started explaining the rules to them.

Shikamaru noticed as he was explaining he was getting a lot of weird looks. Most of them were lost; Kiba was trying but it gave him a headache. Naruto was toying with a piece from the board to cure his boredom. Shino, Sasuke and Neji were probably the only ones who got it. "What does this do again?" Kiba picked up the Knight. "It has a sword or something," He guessed; Shikamaru shook his head. "It's a knight; it should have a sword right?" Naruto took the piece from him biting it.

"It's not inside it," He handed it back to him.

"Give me a sec," Kiba moved over to the board. "I'll figure this out." He was going to play against him. "Come on let's do it," Shikamaru began setting up the board; Kiba sat there observing matching him with the symbols. He was getting the hang of it, sort of. "Shikamaru, I'm not sure what I'm doing so you go first." Their game carried on basically Kiba merely copied him. As the game progressed; Kiba still unsure as to what he was doing. Akamaru on the other hand was sitting in his lap watching every move being made. The pup was interested in Shoji; he barked.

"Really," Kiba eyes traced the board. "You think so," Akamaru barked again. "Okay," He did as Akamaru instructed catching Shikamaru completely off guard. The puppy knew how to play and was actually providing a challenge. The dog was the smart one; Shikamaru smirked he wasn't going to lose to a puppy.

"Holy," The guys gathered around in shock as this was a showdown of wits between Akamaru and Shikamaru began. Kiba was only doing what he was told to do. It had to be coolest thing Akamaru has ever done. "I'm not really sure what's going on here," Naruto admitted. "I do know that is one smart puppy."

The Nara was impressed by Akamaru proving to be clever. He wasn't as good as Asuma Sensei but for a young puppy he was better than good. More impressive was Kiba; the way he followed Akamaru's instruction as it were nothing. He didn't ask questions; he just followed the commands. It was easy for him to do this meaning on the field he could easily end up being a great listener. If he cared to listen that is, Shikamaru found this to be interesting and was starting to take to the Inuzuka a little.

Nara wasn't sure why but he wanted to kiss those lips of his. Perhaps it was the way he reacted to Akamaru's commands or just how carefree he was about it. If he did that for him; he would be a genius too. The game ended him victorious; Akamaru groaned walking off taking a nap tired after the long game of wits.

"Kiba," Shikamaru watched as Kiba petted his friend helping him get to sleep. "If it's cool with you," He paused. "I'd like to play against Akamaru more often; he's not that bad and with practice. He might even be better than me. I could use another person to play against,"

"That's up to him," Kiba replied. "I see no harm in it." He smirked. "I think the training would be good for him. I'm going to be Hokage someday right? That makes Akamaru my advisor so I need him to be super smart for when I mess up. Kinda like you are," He patted his shoulder; Inuzuka returned to the guys who were watching Neji and Sasuke play Shoji.

"Right," Shikamaru petted Akamaru. "Sleep tight; you did really well for a pup." He returned to the guys. Their game together; it really inspired the others into learning to play. They were gathered taking notes on it.

"We should play something else," The guys groaned interested in seeing the victor between Sasuke and Neji. It was a close match. "Host," He reminded them figuring they could now play a game they all understood. "Twister," Kiba smirked now this game he could play. Naruto rushed over excited finally a game he could beat them at. He was like a little kid.

"Bring it on," He challenged them. Naruto blushed when he looked at Lee. "Except you, go easy on me."

"I will not go easy," Lee's eyes beamed with fire. "I will play this to game to full potential and prove to be a master of this game. As Guy's pupil, I must excel in all things. I will not lose Naruto." He challenged. "I will win." The guys backed up; he was really into this game. Shikamaru took the spinner playing it safe. They had to be crazy to face Lee at a game like this.

"I'm not scared," Sasuke glared at him, "I can take you easy." Kiba growled this was another attempt to steal the role as Alpha Male. He wouldn't allow it.

"Yeah," Kiba joined. "Do your worst Lee."

The game started and carried on for several hours. Kankuro, Shino, and Choji were out. This left Kiba, Naruto, Sasuke and Lee as the only ones left. The four of them were entangled on each others' bodies sweat pouring down their face. It was a really close game. Kiba gulped it was his turn to move and he could feel himself ready to fall. Naruto was under him bending over; Sasuke as his left side spread out and Lee well, he's really flexible.

"Kiba, left hand blue," Shikamaru called out; why blue? Kiba knew of only one vacant he could reach but was it worth it? The spot resided by Naruto and if he touched he would position right over the Uzumaki's ass almost touching it; really awkward. He could hear laughter from the guys who noticed what he had to do. "Kiba," Shikamaru repeated the request.

"Alright already," Kiba leaned in putting his hand there. He could feel his length tapping; touching Naruto from behind. He wasn't wearing any underwear either. Kiba could feel his bare skin Naruto's pants were extremely thin probably felt as if he were naked in them. "This bites," He growled; Naruto nodded. The Uzumaki wasn't sure if it was the body heat gathered around him or not but he liked being underneath Kiba like this. They were getting closer; his cheeks formed a blush as he felt him touch him with his soft pride. Why did he like this so much? He wondered.

"Sasuke, right foot green," Shikamaru called; the Uchiha having sick idea in mind. It would kill two birds with one stone. He would be Alpha; Kiba and Naruto would seem like losers. He scraped his leg across all the way over to the green dot on the furthest side of the mat. This caused a chain of events; his leg tripped Naruto and Kiba. Naruto went to collapse hard on the floor only to be grabbed by Kiba and saved but their lips touched by accident. Naruto let out a soft moan noticing Kiba's body right on top of his manhood pushing down on it also by accident. "Out," Kiba separated their lips his cheeks slightly red.

"That wasn't on purpose,"

"Like I'd want to kiss you," Naruto retorted. "Gross Kiba," He wiped his lips; they ran to the bathroom to wash their mouths out. That kiss; those fire hot lips and his wicked canines; Naruto craved them. He enjoyed that kiss more than he should have and now he wanted more. He glanced over as Kiba downed mouthwash. Could he make him do it again?

"What are you staring at?" Kiba barked. He wasn't sure what was going on here. First Shikamaru starts taking interest in him and now Naruto. What was happening here? More importantly why did he like the attention? This was starting to get complicated. He also couldn't help but feel that things would only going to get worse as the party dragged on.