Taking a deep breath Hermione glanced at the time, "Merlin." Summoning her patronus she sent a quick message to Mrs. Weasley apologizing for being late and letting her know she'd be there shortly. Getting up from her desk and stretching for the first time since lunch she begun quickly sorting the stack of files on her desk so she'd know where to continue come Monday. Grabbing her cloak she heard a polite knock on her office door, turning slightly she is met by her assistant, Hogwarts graduate Olivia Moore, holding a stack of parchment.
"I'm sorry Miss Granger but these just came over for you from the Ministers office."
Taking the pile and scanning it she replied "That's alright Olivia, it's nothing that can't wait until Monday. Enjoy your weekend."
Within 5 minutes she was making her way to the floo system, her heels echoing through the empty halls. Unable to suppress a shiver down her spine, Hermione picked up her pace and absently touching her abdomen. Ever since fifth year she found she felt an unease whenever she was alone in the ministry despite knowing that Voldemort was long gone and Dolohov was locked safely away in Azkaban. Suppressing another shudder she grabbed a handful of floo powder, hurriedly throwing it down saying "The Burrow", painless green flames claiming her.
Gracelessly stumbling into the living room of the Burrow a smile played at her lips as she wiped the soot off her cloak hearing the cloud of voices from the kitchen. Shedding her cloak and draping it on the couch, she maked a beeline toward the voices.
Molly smiled widely as soon as Hermione entered the kitchen. "Hermione! It's about time dear. I got your otter but I was beginning to worry!"
Hiding a grin as she walked into Mrs. Wesley's embrace, mumbling another quick apology before taking her seat between Harry and Ron, giving the latter a quick peck on the cheek even as he continued his conversation without noticing. Beginning to full her plate she took a mental tally of everyone at the table. Ron was engaged in an intense conversation about quidditch with George and Bill. Arthur and Charlie were talking about Charlie's newest book on more practical uses for dragon hide. Molly, Tonks, Fleur and a very pregnant Ginny were all talking about the differences between their pregnancies. To her right Remus, Sirius, and Harry were laughing about some kind of prank the two Marauders had pulled with James in their years at Hogwarts.
"Aunt Mini!"
Briefly making eye contact with Tonk, Hermione's smile grew ear to ear as she turned to face the source of the screech. 4 year old Teddy came barreling into the kitchen from the stairs and immediately flung himself into her arms. Smothering his face with kisses she turned back to the table. To say she was shocked when Remus and Tonks asked her to be Teddy's godmother, along side Harry, would have been an understatement. She was unsure about her decision to accept until the moment she first held him. Teddy had been the light of her life ever since.
In between kisses and giggles she watched in awe as his regular finger length turquoise hair grew out into shoulder length chestnut waves. Smiling wider at his display she knew she would never grow tired of watching him morph before her eyes.
"How's my favorite boy?"
"Uncle George took me with him to the Joke shop. We played pranks on everyone!" he exclaimed reaching for some of her potatoes.
"Did he, love? Sounds like you had a fun day."
As she continued to share her dinner with him the young boy animatedly talked about his day that seemed full of pranking unsuspecting customers with his Uncle George. Kissing his head and continuing to listen she began eating again. All the while taking no notice to the set of eyes trained on her as she doted on her godson, giggling at the recount of his day.
Following dinner everyone retired to the garden for a game of quidditch while Fleur and Molly cleaned up. Hermione attempted to help but was quickly pushed from the kitchen and told to go relax. Despite the order from the Weasley matriarch Hermione continued to entertain a young rambunctious Teddy until his eyes started to droop. Picking him up she walked over to sit in the lawn chair next to Ginny, who was still sporting a sour look watching the game before her.
"Gin, you can't stay mad at him forever. You know he's only thinking of you and the baby."
"I know but it's still so aggravating. I was with the Harpies from 4 years! I know how to play safe."
"You played professionally for 4 years, you know there is no safe way to play quidditch," Hermione laughed.
"Yes, yes, fine." Ginny huffed, turning her attention to Hermione, "So are you going to tell me what's going on with you and Ron? Oh don't give me that look Mione, he barely spoke to you at dinner."
"I don't know Gin", she sighed, "he's becoming distant. Things have come to a complete halt and when I try to talk to him about it he just shuts down. I supposed he'll come to me when he's ready to talk."
Ron and Hermione had begun their relationship shortly after the war. At the time it felt safe, it felt right, but over the years it lost something and as much as she tried, Ron never returned her attempts to reignite things. He'd continue to say they were fine and just busy with their careers. Yet here they were five years after the war and despite that they shared a flat, they barely saw one another outside of the weekend and dinners at the Burrow.
The younger witch didn't look as convinced but she placated Hermione, "I'm sure things with work out." Ginny turned to face the game once more with half a shrug, "Would you like to go to Diagon Alley with me tomorrow? We can have some lunch and you can help me pick out a new gown for this upcoming gala. So far I can't find anything that will fit without making me look like a hippogriff."
"Of course" she chuckled, knowing full well that despite her complaints Ginny adored being pregnant.
Their conversation stalled from there as they began to watch the family quidditch match in front of them. Looking down at Teddy hugging tight to her chest as he slept Hermione smiled and closed her eyes for a brief moment.
Opening her eyes she is meet by a sea of molten grey staring at her. "Sirius?" Looking around she noticing that Ginny was gone from her side, the game was over, and dust had come. Herself and Teddy were covered with a blanket while Remus, Tonks, Molly, Arthur, and Bill sat at the benches near the house. "What time is it? Where is everyone?"
"Late. Harry took Ginny home shortly after the game. Ron left already, said something about letting you sleep."
Shivering at the thought Hermione couldn't help but feel hurt. Not only because Ron had left without her but also because he was beginning to speak more freely about her sleeping patterns lately and she didn't appreciate that. Harry was already on her case, she didn't need anyone else knowing too.
Her eyes met his again, "Yes, " she shook herself lightly, "sorry. Thank you for waking me. I should probably be getting home."
Using his help, she supported Teddy in her arms while he re-tucked the blanket around the boy to keep him warm and helped her make her way over to the table. Passing Teddy to his mother she said her goodbyes quickly before making her way back inside and into the floo.
"I feel like a whale," Ginny pouted.
"Stop it. You're pregnant and glowing! You are going to look beautiful, you just need the right dress."
"I hate this. Why does Kingsley insist on having this gala each year?" Stifling a giggle at Ginny's huffs and curses, Hermione began browsing the stacks absently. "What about you Mione? Are you going to indulge and get a new dress?"
She shook her head, "No, I have that blue gown that I was going to wear. No use buying another when I'll only wear it once."
"Honestly woman, you should spoil yourself a bit!" Ginny huffed. Picking up a dress that made her think of Hermione she thrust it at her counterpart, "Try this one, it is stunning! No don't argue with the pregnant lady, in you go."
She couldn't even protest as Ginny was already shoving her into a dressing room. Hermione resigned herself to her fate knowing Ginny wouldn't let her go without seeing her in the dress.
Silently she undressed and slipped it on. Glancing in the mirror she made herself pause on her way out of the dressing room. The dress was simply beautiful, more so than the blue number she was planning on wearing. It clung to her curves and had a sweetheart neckline that met a beautiful lace that stretched over her shoulders and down her arms three fourths of the way. Twisting she couldn't help but smile at the way the fabric clung to her hips all while the hemline itself plunged to her lower back, showing off plenty of skin. The fabric itself, thought black, shimmered when she moved.
Walking out she couldn't help but smile at Ginny's reaction.
"Hermione! That is gorgeous! You have to get it!"
"I think I might" she said with a smile as she looked at herself once again, her hands smoothing down the sides of the dress. Ginny watched her a bit enviously before Hermione walked back into the dressing room.
"Please get knocked up so we can be fat together."
Hermione laughed from the dressing room.
After taking their purchases to the counter, they paid and quickly said their goodbyes with promises to meet before the gala the following Friday to get ready together. Going their own ways, Hermione stopped at the book store before apparating directly into the flat she shared with Ron, still smiling as she clutched the garment bag she held. She didn't often splurge on herself, preferring to save her money, but she couldn't help but feel excited about her dress.
Halfway through her flat her smile fell slowly when she heard a feminine moan. Stomach dropping into her toes and knowing exactly what she was going to find, she continued toward the noise coming from her bedroom. With a deep breath she attempted to stop her hand from shaking as she opened the door. Taking in the sight before her, her heart shattered. Between their sheets, Ron was with Lavender Brown, who squeaked and tried to hide under Ron when she notice Hermione in the doorway.
"Hermione!" said Ron, finally noticing her. Ignoring his call Hermione summoned her bags and simultaneously enchanted her belongings to shrink and fit themselves neatly into her luggage. Ron scrabbled from the bed and attempted to make his way to her while Lavender tried to sink into the bed and hide. "Hermione, think about this-"
"No Ron, I'm done. I'm not blind, I knew there were problems but Merlin at least I was trying! If you weren't happy you should have just said so. Merlin knows I tried to talk about it enough! This...this is it." Grabbing her now packed bags she fled the room knowing Ron wouldn't follow in his state of undress.
"Mione wait!"
Reaching the fireplace she grabbed a pinch of floo powder and called out Harry's address. The last thing she saw as the green flame enveloped her was Ron running into the room calling her name.
Stumbling into Harry's living room, Hermione was met by a confused Harry who was seated on the couch with a tumblr of amber liquid, work parchments spread out all over the table in front of him. Seeing her he frowned and stood immediately. "Mione? Mione what's wrong?"
"Ron...Lavender...I.I," she couldn't keep the tremble out of her voice, "C-Can I stay here for the night?"
"You know you are always welcome here Mione. What do you mean Ron and Lavender? Did he...No..." Shock overtook Harry's face before rage quickly overshadowed it.
Ginny stepped out of the kitchen, drying her hands on a cloth. "Harry who is...Hermione? What happened?-" Before she could finish her question Harry was in the floo calling out the address of the flat Hermione had shared with Ron. "Harry wait! Bloody hell! What is going on Mione? Why is Harry in such a rage?"
Taking a deep breath Hermione willed herself to pull herself together. Pulling her eyes from the fireplace she looked at Ginny and told her what she found when she came home after leaving her only minutes prior. Throughout her retelling Ginny's face morphed from confusion to disbelief before settling on anger. When her story was over the floo activated again and Harry stepped out furious.
"I can't believe him!" He ranted as he began to pace in front of the couch, "Despicable! How could he do that to you?! With Lavender no less. No that's not the point. I can't believe him!"
"So it's true?" Ginny asked shooting an apologetic glance at Hermione and recovering with, "Not that I think you're lying Mione."
Deflated Hermione fell into the nearest chair waving her off, "It's fine Gin. I understand, he is your brother. You want to give him the benefit of the doubt."
"Yes it's true Gin! I got there just as they were finishing!" Pain struck Hermione's chest as she realized the implication behind Harry's statement. They had continued. Even though she walked in on them. Even after Ron attempted to get her to understand. His lack of respect for her was what hurt the most. They were supposed to be friends, before they were ever lovers and yet he could betray her without so much as a care knowing it hurt her. He could have come to her, told her he was unhappy. Anything would have been better than this. Closing her eyes she continued to listen to Harry rave. "I couldn't help myself, Mione, I punched him. He even tried to tell me it was a mistake but how is that a mistake?!"
"I can't believe him. How could he do that to you Mione? I thought he loved you?"
"You don't do that to someone you love!"
Shocked, he stopped his rambling and looked at his best friend noticing for the first time that her eyes where closed and her cheeks were stained with the tears that fallen. Finally she opened her eyes and looking between a furiously red Ginny and a very frazzled Harry who had come to kneel in front of her. His hair was sticking out more then normal telling her that during his rambling he'd been continually running his hands through his hair.
"It's okay. Really Harry, I knew something like this would be coming soon. Maybe not this exactly but our relationship was all but over already."
"Still, Mione he-"
"I know, thank you for sticking up for me. For being so mad. I love you for it but right now I just want to go lie down. I need to start looking for flats tomorrow."
"Stay as long as you need. You know you are welcome here," Ginny finally spoke. Turning to follow the quiet tone of her best friend she gave Ginny a hug before saying a quiet thank you and retreating with her bags into the hallway.
Watching Hermione disappear down the hall Harry turned to his wife who had sunk into the couch with disbelief still etched on her face. "Gin, I can't...I really can't believe he did that too her."
"I know love, me either. I want nothing more than to go hex him but for now I think the broken nose you gave him is enough."
"She's doesn't seem as hurt as I would have expected."
"You heard her, she knew this was coming. And from our last few talks I'm not either. Their relationship was falling part, Ron didn't care. Not that this was okay! Just wait until mum finds out." Her grin was sinister.
Chuckling despite himself, Harry kissed his exhausted wife and started leading her to their room. "How'd you know I broke his nose?"
Ginny snorted, "Please."
Walking into the kitchen Hermione found Ginny sitting at the table reading the Daily Prophet. It had been two days since Hermione came home and found Ron with Lavender and she hadn't left the safety of the Potter residence since. But today she knew she needed to put herself back together and go to work because she had a stack of documents that needed her attention. Which is why she found herself in the Potters kitchen so early. Ginny being up this early was a surprise or it would have been if Hermione didn't catch her attempting to hide the Daily Prophet the moment Hermione walked into the kitchen.
"I take it Skeeter found out?" Hermione asked absently as she reached for a coffee mug.
"Yes. I'm sorry Mione, I don't know how."
"It's fine, it was bound to happen eventually," she waved it off. "But don't worry about it, I need to go to work. Can you tell Harry I won't be able to have lunch with him today, I'm going to be looking at some flats during my lunch hour."
"Of course. And Hermione?"
She halted in the doorway and looked back at her friend still stilling at the table with a worried look on her face, "Yeah?"
"Don't forget to take care of yourself today."
"Thank you Gin." Going back into the kitchen she gave her a swift hug before making her way to the floo.
Leaving the green flames Hermione made her way to her office trying hard to ignore the stares and the looks of pity she got as she walked through the halls. Making her way into her department Hermione she was relieved to see Olivia hadn't arrived yet. Silently thanking Merlin, she slipped into her office shutting the door as quietly as possible. Despite Olivia not being in yet there was a large pile of letters that weren't there on Friday evening, the pile much larger than what would normally be there after a weekend. With a heavy sigh she sat behind her desk and started sifting through the letters.
Opening the first she recognized it as an invitation for courtship almost immediately and scoffed as she tossed it down. Reaching for another only to find that it too was a courtship letter. She pushed away from her desk with a scowl and transfigured her coffee now empty mug into a box before sweeping all the letters into it with the swift flick of her wand.
Hours later she emerged from her office with the box of letters and was greeted by a sympathetic looking Olivia.
"Olivia, thank goodness, I need you to do me a favor and go through these", she bumped the box up from her hip for emphasis, "and get rid of all the courtship invitations. I don't have the energy for them today."
"Of course, Miss Granger." The younger witch stood to take the box from Hermione, "Do you want me to do the same with these as well?" Glancing down Hermione saw what Olivia is referring to; a second box filled with letters that all looked to be address to her.
She gave Olivia a muted nod and said her thanks before retreating back into the safety of her office. When time for lunch came she attempted a trip into Diagon Alley for a quick sandwich and the intent to look at a flat but she was completely unnerved by the time she paid for her food. Instead she returned to the ministry all thoughts of looking at a flat forgotten.
By the time she returned to the Potters house that night she was utterly drained. Much to her surprise she was met by Harry and a glass of wine when she came through the floo.
"Hi," she offered weakly as she dropped onto the couch next to him. He lifted his arm as soon as she sat down and she slipped into his hug taking the offered glass of wine when he handed it to her.
Harry always knew, she never had to say anything, he just knew.
"Hey. Did you find any flats that you liked?"
"Merlin's balls! I totally forgot about flats.."
"It's okay Mione, you don't need to do it immediately you know."
"You guys have the baby on the way, I don't want to be burden you. I swear I intended to go, I just got sidetracked."
"You could never be a burden and you know it!"
Chuckling into his shoulder she smiled for the first time that day. "Gods Harry, today was horrible," she whined, "I expected to get attention after the article in the Prophet but not the amount of stares I got just walking through the ministry. And when I ventured out for lunch. It's actually worse than our fourth year love triangle with Vicktor. Not to mention the courtship letters! It was appalling."
Harry leaned back to look at her face, "Courtship letters?"
"Yes! Fifty seven formal invitations for courtship! All waiting for me when I came in to my office today."
He laughed, "I hope you sent them all Howlers." He was barley able to get the words out between gasps for air.
Getting up, still laughing she smacked his arm "Oh hush you. I didn't tease you about your fan clubs!"
"Yes you did!" he pointed back at her, stealing her wine glass he took a sip. "Let me know if you want help looking for flats or scaring suiters off and I'll join you okay?"
"Thank you Harry," she gave him a kiss on the cheek before standing, "We should both head to bed." Sending her near empty glass to the kitchen she smirked at the whine he emitted seeing the remaining alcohol leave the room, "Goodnight."