A/N: Alright OHSHC Lets do this! Be sure to let me know what you guys think! It really makes me happy to hear what you guys feel when reading these and makes me want to keep going :)
As she walked down the hallway of Ouran Academy she looked at all the different rooms that they had, she had already passed by two music rooms that were full of people and she didn't want to risk showing her face yet, just in case someone noticed her. Doubting that searching the school for her best friend, one she hadn't seen in four years since she had moved to America with her father, would provide any results she figured that just learning the layout of the new school would be a better use of her time since she had finally been able to slip away from her escort. The school was bigger than she imagined it would be, but then again she hadn't gone to an actual school since she was thirteen, she didn't quite know what to expect. She stopped in front of a door that was labeled Music Room #3 and put her ear to the door, not hearing anything and decided to check it out, hoping that if there were people in there, it wouldn't be many and that hopefully they wouldn't know who she was.
When she opened the door there was a bright light from the windows across from the door and she was blinded for a moment. Before her eyes adjusted she heard a rather monotone voice say, "Ah it appears we have a new guest, even if it is after hours. Welcome to the Host Club, miss."
"Host Club? This is a music room." She said blinking a few times.
Haruhi was ending her conversation about the dancing at the party with Tamaki when she heard that voice, she would know it anywhere, when she turned she saw a face that she hadn't seen in years, "Shiko?"
"Ruhi?!" Her face lit up when she saw her best friend, neither of them realized that their legs had started moving until they were standing in the middle of the room with their arms wrapped around each other. Hoshiko held her friend tight, not expecting to have found her this quick, but when her hand felt brushed up against the girls hair she started laughing and held her friend at an arms-length, "Remind me to give that kid who got gum in your hair a high five! I didn't realize that he did this much of a number on you!"
"Oh yeah! Well you look like you couldn't fit into any of your old jerseys anymore." Haruhi motioned towards her chest, since that's where her head landed on her friend.
"Yeah, looks like I have a lot more American in me than just my hair color." She couldn't help but laugh.
"Hoshi-chan!" Hoshiko heard before she was tackled to the ground by a small boy and when she looked at his face she was shocked.
"Haninozuka!?" Her jaw dropped and she tried to complement the seventeen year old boy, "You…uh… you look like you've grown some?"
"Mitsukuni, it isn't nice to topple people over." A tall figure came and picked the little boy up and placed him on his shoulder.
"But Takashi, you remember Hoshiko Delany!" Hunny said pointing to her.
"Takashi…Morinozuka?" Her mind couldn't comprehend, there is no way that the little boy that she used to practice kendo with was now over six feet tall and very handsome. When he nodded she almost hit the floor realizing that it was him, "You have definitely grown up."
"You know these two Shiko?" Haruhi asked really confused.
"That's not as surprising as how you know her Haruhi, being a commoner and all." Kyoya said looking at his laptop.
"Wait are you…" Tamaki's eyes grew wide looking at her.
"Hoshiko Delany!" The twins yelled seeing her from the side.
"Well at least I know half of the people that know me so far. Haruhi and I are childhood friends, best friends in fact." Hoshiko sighed.
Haruhi pulled her over to a couch while Hunny pushed her from behind, pulling Takashi behind him. Haruhi sat right next to her, "So what are you doing at Ouran?"
"Don't you know?" Kyoya sat down across from them with Tamaki and the Twins fawning behind the couch looking at her, "She is the Academys newest student."
"I wanted to surprise you!" She smiled at Haruhi.
"But you don't even need to finish school here, what about your music?" Haruhi was concerned her friend did it to keep an eye on her.
"Well I had to come back to Japan anyways since my mother lives here and my father is… And I made an announcement I wanted to finish school at an actual school so that I could have some normality to my life and when my mom sent me a list of places I was allowed to go I remembered that you went here so I applied to be here with you, so I figured that I would finish my last year here."
"Shiko…" Haruhi's eyes were sad, she knew that her friend's father had passed away more unexpectedly than her mother had and that her friends life had been established in America and for her to have to leave like that when she was a year away from being a legal adult must have been hard for her.
"None of that Haruhi! I might not be all that happy to be back in Japan, but that's mostly because of my mother, I still have my recording contract and I get to be back with you." She said pulling Haruhi into her arms and the girl couldn't help but laugh at her.
"What's so bad about your mom Hoshi-chan?" Hunny asked from the other side of her.
"Her mother is Moriko Miyamoto. She comes from a major real-estate family who once owned many prominent areas in Japan until an earthquake destroyed the largest area they owned and fixing it sent them in to bankruptcy and thus led to the marriage of her parents." Kyoya spoke still looking at his laptop.
"Kyoya Ootori, third child to the Ootori family, has yet to be given an inheritance, and has yet to impress his father by achieving nothing more than his two older brothers have and will more than likely end up working for one if not both of his brothers after he graduates from college." She spoke looking up at the ceiling and everyone in the rooms eyes widened that she knew not only that much, but that she said it. Hoshiko looked back at Kyoya with a smile, he still wore a shocked face, the only time really that Haruhi had seen him with anything more than a slight smile, "You should be prepared for someone to know just as much as you do when you decide to talk about their family like yours is better, especially when the person you are talking to has already made it farther in the world than you have."
There was an awkward silence and she sighed with a laugh, "I'm only joking of course, I'm honestly surprised you even had to look that up Ootori, I figured that you would have known about my arrival days ago. I hope you took no offense to my little outburst just then just trying to prepare you for the cut throat world that you are attempting to get a foothold in, always be prepared that your opponent knows just as much if not more than you. I'm used to people knowing a lot about me so I honestly don't care."
"It apparently was kept well under wraps." He smiled back at her, "And I appreciate the challenge, now I know I will have to be on my toes with you Ms. Delany."
"Hoshiko is fine, no need for formalities, you all are clearly friends," Her head turned to Haruhi, "And why are you dressed like a boy in what I can only assume a Host Club is."
Haruhi explained to her what had happened and she couldn't help but laugh multiple times throughout the story until she remembered that Hunny was there and she went cold, "Haninozuka you're in a club for entertaining school girls?"
"Yeah! I'm the boy Lolita!" He grinned at her and she had to admit that she could see how girls would swoon about how adorable he was, Takashi she didn't even have to ask about she was pretty sure he could just stand there and girls would swoon.
Takashi hadn't seen her in four years and he had to admit her time away had changed her, she would have never said anything like that to Kyoya, or anyone before she left. She even held herself differently. He knew that she had never really been into girly things but seeing her in boots, shorts and a sleeveless vest proved how much she had changed from the girl that used to show up to the dojo in a sweatshirt and jeans. At least she still wore her hair the same for the most part, in a high ponytail just barley off center.
"So how do you know them?" Haruhi finally asked again.
"Well not long after we met my dad enrolled me in Kendo." She smiled at her friend.
"BUT YOU'RE SUCH A CLUTZ!" Haruhi yelled impossibly shocked by not knowing this about her friend and couldn't help but laugh.
"Yeah I know…" Hoshiko mumbled, "But anyways, it was the same dojo that Morinozuka went to and Haninozuka was there a lot to."
"How did I not know this about you?! And that your family was rich, I mean I knew you were well off but I didn't know you were this rich!" Haruhi motioned to the school around them.
"My dad wanted me to be normal as a kid, to have friends, scrape my knees, get scars. He wanted me to know what it was like to have fun before I got old enough to realize what it was that I was going to have to do when I an adult. He knew that I could be given whatever life I wanted once I had grown up so he wanted me to realize what it is that I wanted on my own, and to start working for it before it could be given to me. So I grew up in a decent house with him while my mother stayed at one of her estates and I didn't even know that we were this well off until they got divorced and I went to America with him." She shrugged looking at her lap.
"Well you realized your dreams pretty young and he couldn't stop you apparently." Haruhi took her friends hand, feeling bad that she had gotten mad like that, "You have to have been at the top of the charts at least twice this last year."
"Three times but that was the very last week." She smiled at her friend pretending that it was a big deal but Haruhi knew she didn't really care about her numbers.
"So you make music?" Takashi asked and she was shocked by how deep his voice had gotten, he had just barely hit puberty when she had left.
"HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW WHO SHE IS!?" Tamaki yelled finally busting from behind the couch.
"That took him longer than I expected." Haruhi sighed.
"She only has the most beautiful voice in the world! It doesn't matter what she sings it sounds like the voice of an angel!" He swooned.
"Yeah! Our mom uses your music all the time for her shows." The twins said.
Hoshiko got embarrassed at their admiration and in the silence they heard a man yelling her name down the hallway and Haruhi noticed that she had frozen.
"Who is that Shiko?" She had barely finished when her mouth was covered by her friends hand and she was told to be quiet.
"Look this is music room, she's probably in there." A man said before the door opened and her face fell in defeat. When the two men saw her they both looked at her sternly, "Ms. Delany! We've been looking everywhere for you! You said you were going to the bathroom."
"I did, and then I decided to look around." She looked at them not standing.
"You know you aren't supposed to do that, your mother-" The other man started.
"My mother isn't here and I told you that I already have one shadow that's permanently attached to me, I don't need two more. My security detail in America wasn't even as bad as you two." She sighed and waved them off.
"Well your mother is our employer miss, so we do what she says and that is to have eyes on you at all times." The first guard said.
Hoshiko moved faster than Haruhi had ever seen her move before, "No, my mother gets all of her money from me therefore I pay you and when I say lay off following me around, that is a direct order from your employer. Do you understand?!"
The two men seemed scared by the young girl and they nodded their heads, "Good! Now wait outside!"
"The dean wanted to speak with you though." One of them cowered before closing the door.
"Give me five minutes." She sighed before shutting the door all the way.
"That was pretty bad, I've never seen you snap like that before." Haruhi stood walking over to her and was surprised when her friend laid her head on her shoulder.
"They've been at my side nonstop since I left America. My mother wants to control me now even though she isn't here to do it herself and sometimes I have to get like that with them to make them leave me alone and I hate it." She felt a hand take hers and looked down to see Hunny.
"Don't worry Hoshi-chan! We'll make sure that they leave you alone!" The boy smiled at her.
Takashi nodded his head, "We'll inform your mother that you go to school with us so she will have less to worry about since she'll at least remember our family names."
"You would do that for me?" She looked at the two of them, she hadn't seen them in years, and they had never really been that close other than sparring partners and a few dinner parties.
"Of course! You're Haru-chans friend and you're our friend!" Hunny grinned at her.
"Plus it is the Host's Club job to ensure the happiness of their guests." Kyoya said standing up, "And even though you haven't become a guest yet you walked in the door. Isn't that right Tamaki."
"Of course Princess." He said taking her cheek in his hand, "We will make sure that you are always protected from your fans."
Hoshiko quickly moved out of his reach and instinctively moved behind the closest and largest thing she could, which just so happened to be Takashi, "I think I might need to be protected more from you than my fans. Plus they aren't why my mother hired guards."
"Her reasoning doesn't matter." Hunny looked at her from Takashis other side.
"We will make sure she doesn't have them with you anymore." Takashi turned and looked at her.
"Well I should probably go see the Dean… Haruhi how long are you going to be here?" She turned and looked at the girl.
"For a bit, wanna walk home together?" Haruhi smiled at her, then remembered, "Oh, wait you probably don't live in the same area as me any more do you?"
"That doesn't matter! We can make it just like old times!" Hoshiko smiled before leaving the room.
"She really hasn't changed a bit." Haruhi smiled to herself.
"Really?" Takashi spoke without thinking, she seemed very different than the girl he knew had been shy and someone soft spoken but he had always felt like that style had never suited her and that now she had blossomed into the woman that she was always meant to be, even if she had never really thought of it herself.
Haruhi couldn't help but notice the small smile that was on Takashis lips as he looked at the door she had just walked out of, she couldn't help but wonder how much time the two of them had used to spend together.
As they got on the train to go back to Haruhis home she realized something, "Hey Shiko? You know that the girls at the school have to wear dresses right?"
"Yeah well you don't." She smirked over at her friend.
"That's different, they all think I'm a boy."
She laughed, "I know, but I already talked to admissions about it and they said that if I did a free concert for the student body three times this year then I didn't have to wear one as long as what I wore was tasteful. Something about keeping morale up or something like that."
"Well that was nice of them." Haruhi groaned.
"Yeah the first one is at the end of this week, apparently there's a party or something going on and they figured it would just fit better than having to do all of the set up and prep twice."
"Oh you mean the party the Host Club is throwing?"
"I guess." She shrugged.
"So how well did you and Mori-senpai know each other? I don't think I'd ever heard him say that much in one sitting before." Haruhi looked at her as they stepped off the train and was amazed at how well she could ignore the whispers and glances at the people they passed that recognized her. Her body guards had been given the instruction to stay at least 30 feet away from them while they were walking.
"Well we were in Kendo together for about six years. We were paired together a lot because we're the same age. Because of that his parents and my father, occasionally my mother and Haninozukas family, would have dinner parties together. I guess with how rich they were it should have tipped me off that my father was hiding something from me." She sighed and her cellphone went off and she answered it, "Hello Mother. I'm with Haruhi a friend from before I moved. Yes I saw them at the school today. *sigh* Yes mother they are perfectly capable of making sure that I'm taken care of. Thank you so much."
She hung up the phone and looked at Haruhi, "Well Morinozuka and Haninozuka weren't joking when they said that they would be sure to talk to my mother, tomorrow I won't have a security detail."
"Wow, from what I understand about your mother I would have thought it would have taken more than that."
"She's probably thinking of a possible marriage arrangement. It's almost all she's spoken to me about since my trip back has been in the works. 'Finding me a reputable Japanese husband that will ensure that honor remains attached to her name' as she says." She said with a finger pointed up and a snobbish accent and Haruhi couldn't help but laugh at her friend.
"Were here. Wanna have some tea?"
"Oh tea sounds amazing!" Hoshiko got excited, only having imported rich tea for the past few years.
"It's not fancy or anything." Haruhi picked on her.
"I like the tea that we grew up on!" She stuck her tongue out as they went up the stairs to Haruhis apartment.
The next day she was sitting there watching Haruhi practice the waltz while shading around the border of her paper, no words would come to her. Takashi sat down next to her after he'd finished swinging Hunny around, "What are you working on?"
"Nothing apparently, I can't think of any words to a song." She set the pen down on the paper and watched it roll.
"You write them yourself?" He looked at her from the side.
"Yeah, I try to do as much of it myself as I can. It's art, and the more of it I do, the more proud of it I am." She smiled softly at the outline of a music symbol she had drawn.
"Perhaps you need some tea." He stood and left her side returning moments later with a cup.
"Thank you." She said taking a sip, it was really good, it had just enough mint in it.
"Mint is still your favorite right? I remember you adding some to your tea every time you were over for dinner." He stated leaning back in the seat.
"Yes." She took another sip not knowing that he had ever paid that much attention to her, "Oh and thank you for whatever you did to convince my mother to remove my security detail."
"It was nothing, we're in the same class and Father told her that Mitsukuni and I would make sure you made it home safe every day, but we'll only do that if you want us to." He looked over at her.
"I appreciate it thank you. I don't deserve this when I've never done anything to help you."
"You gave me a good sparing match every day, that's all I needed." He gave her a small smile and she returned it with a much larger one.
They were distracted by the talk of the girl who had just left and when she heard that she and the boy who had left right before her had been engaged by their parents her tea cup clipped out of her hand without her knowing it. Only when it shattered did she realize what had happened. Haruhi turned her head to look at her and saw that her friends face was pale, "Shiko, you okay?"
She snapped out of it, "Yes! I should find a broom!"
Immediately she jumped up and began looking for the store room and went inside to find a broom.
"I've never seen her act like that before." Haruhi muttered.
"I'm sure the talk of arranged marriages is uncomfortable for her at the moment." Kyoya said pushing his glasses up his face.
Haruhi remembered what she had said the day before about her mother trying to find her a husband and she wondered if that's what had bothered her. When she came back out she got down on her knees and began sweeping up the broken pieces. The twins came up to her, "You don't have to do that, Haruhi can."
She didn't even look at Haruhi but the girls face had fallen, used to this kind of treatment, but instead looked up at the two boys, "Why would I do that? I made the mess."
"Yeah, but-" Kaoru began but was cut off by her lifting a hand up to silence him.
"I made the mess therefore I should clean it up, it just good manners." She smiled at them.
"How is it she can look and be so sweet yet make us feel like horrible people at the same time?" Hikaru said while they both cringed.
"She has a special talent for that, and because you are horrible people." Haruhi handing her a rag to wipe up the tea that had spilt.
When she was done cleaning she stood up and saw Kyoya smiling at her and she held up a hand to stop him, "I have that same exact cup at home and will bring it as a replacement, no need to worry or charge me."
Kyoya smiled at her, "I see you have me figured out."
"This will make for an interesting game of chess." She sat back down, picked up her pen and paper, crossed her legs and hoped for words to come to her. Without even asking she saw Takashi bring her another cup of tea and she couldn't help but smile at his gesture.
The party had started and instead of a dress she was wearing a skirt with a nice spaghetti strap top. She was standing by the stairs where Haruhi was and when her friend came down the stairs she was smiling, "I see you still managed to avoid wearing a dress."
"Of course, I have to perform in a little bit and this will be easier to deal with." She said before having her arm grabbed by Hunny.
"Let's dance Hoshi-chan!"
She couldn't help but laugh, "Okay!"
"Mitsukuni." Takashi placed a hand on the boys shoulder, "Go easy on her."
"Alright! I'll make sure she's intact for you!" Hunny smiled and she couldn't help but be worried, remembering how Takashi had danced with the boy before.
Once the first song was over her shoulders only slightly hurt and Takashi came up to her, "You okay?"
"Yeah, nothing I've never felt before. You used to tire me out to where I couldn't move." She smiled at him and then saw him extend his hand.
"The plan will be commencing soon, so we will both be required to leave." He stated as his reason for asking her and she accepted his hand.
When he wrapped his arms around her as the music started and she suddenly remembered how strong he was, they had never danced before so she never knew how muscular his arms were, they felt more so than they looked. They didn't talk and honestly she didn't know what to say as they danced, it seems like he was the one starting the conversations even though he was the quiet one.
Once the plan commenced she headed for the changing room to get ready for her performance. She knew she had to perform at least six songs but Tamaki had told her to make the first one romantic, which she could do. Takashi and Hunny escorted her to the stage and since she couldn't see anything looked to them for her signal. She could hear Tamaki talking and once it was given she began playing the piano that was in front of her.
For this song she was only given a small background light to be able to see the keys and provided what she hoped was a good song for the couple to dance too. Haruhi was amazed when she started singing, she was even better than when they were growing up, better than in her recordings. Hunny was swooning from the side of the stage that had been made, "Takashi! She's so good!"
"Yes, she is." He spoke in awe, he had never heard her sing before, he was amazed that her voice was so beautiful, what Tamaki had said about the voice of an angel didn't even compare. No wonder she was only seventeen and a famous singer.
Her song ended right as the twins said it was time to announce the queen of the ball. She couldn't help but laugh as she watched Haruhi accidentally kiss the girl on the lips instead of the cheek, it would be great blackmail someday, and they were best friends after all.
"And now it's time for the private concert by our very own, Delaney!" Hikaru announced in the microphone and at that moment the lights went up on the stage and her music cued and she was off singing and dancing. The school had spared nothing in the way of making it a real concert, she even had some of her back up dancers there with her so that she could sing her fun songs.
Haruhi watched with a smile as her friend enjoyed herself, "She really loves what she does."
"SHE SO AMAZING!" Tamaki swooned with the rest of the girls in the audience.
"I didn't know she could dance like that." Takashi said and Haruhi looked up at him watching her.
"Well I knew she took dance classes, but I didn't know she took Kendo, so I guess that makes us even!" She smiled at him.
"It's a wonder she even had time to hang out with me as much as she did." Haruhi thought about it.
Hunny smiled at her standing in between her and Takashi, "I guess that means you mean a lot to her!"
"Yeah, I guess…" Haruhi had never thought of it like that.