AN: I'm having fun with this I guess… Heh…

Severus Snape walked into the great hall early in the morning like always, before noticing the brat talking proudly at a crowd around him, already using his fame to gain popularity…

Five minutes ago.

Mettaton walked into the great hall, preparing himself for what was going to happen…

"METTATON!" A boy shouted with a familiar voice, flying at him and knocking him into a corner. "OOPSIE!"

"Paps, let the guy stand up." Another boy said from behind the other boy.

"Y-Yeah… He might not recognise us…" A girl said with a familiar voice.

"He better remember us!" A final girl said angrily.

"P-Pappy? Sans? Alphys? Undyne?" He asked shocked. "You're all here as well?" He asked quickly.

"Yeah, not sure how but we are, kinda just woke up as a human baby boy, gave me a reason to be lazy too, we also have our powers still." Sans said. "I'm called Ron Weasley here."


"I-I'm c-called Hermione G-Granger…"

"Susan Bones…" They all introduced their new names to him.

"None of you kept your old names?" He asked confused.

"Uh… Why would we?"

"Well so the monsters would recognise you once we get home of course!" He said like it was obvious.

"M-Mettaton… T-The underground might not remember us, we don't know how long ago we were, they use a different time measurement here now." Alphys explained.

"… I know, but I still think we should try, besides… Why would I have a name a commoner would have? I'm neither Hairy nor a Potter." He smirked, posing fabulously.

"Hey Mettaton… How are you doing that?" Undyne asked confused.

"What do you mean Darling?"

"Well you're arms are stretching, and you're posing in ways that shouldn't be possible."

"Well… While I may be in a new body that doesn't mean I'm not a robot anymore… This body nearly died when I was 7, luckily it was at a robotics centre, so they put my mind and SOUL, with me assistance, into a robotic shell, using my memories of your blueprints, which have faded now, and some luck." He explained, letting his SOUL float inside its holder. "I… Erased their memories after… I didn't want people to know yet." He muttered embarrassed.

"Wait how? Harry Potter was sent to live with Non-Magical humans." Ron pointed out.

"Well it's an ability I found I had after getting my body back." He said, not really knowing how he did it.

Next week.

Dumbledore sat in the staff room with the other staff members, for the yearly meeting. "Alright, first off, any particular students of interest?" He asked as always.

"Well Miss Granger seems to be very good at Transfiguration, she constantly mutters words under her breath that I believe are muggle in nature." McGonagall said.

"Mr Longbottom seems to be the same with Herbology, he also constantly shouts when he talks." Sprout added.

"Miss Bones is a natural for Charms, she seems to love violence as she'll usually attack a student with a spell in her distraction." Flitwick noted.

"And Mr Weasley… Is a slob, he's lazy, he doesn't pay attention and is basically a waste of space, though he is good on a broom when given a good reason to do so." Hooch finished.

"Interesting… And what of Mr Potter? How is he doing in class?" He asked curiously.

"Mr Potter is… A special case, I suppose." McGonagall muttered. "He only responds to the name of… Mettaton I believe. And he only seems to make things in the shape of his face, or a box with a wheel and flashing squares on the front…"

"And he seems to dislike any type of plant that isn't edible for humans." Sprout added.

"He also seems to have a flare for the dramatics, during charms his wand constantly gives off sparks and flashy lights." Flitwick pointed out.

"He's a perfect flyer, seeming to be a natural." Hooch finished.

"I hate him." Severus added angrily.

"Severus?" Dumbledore asked confused.

"The brat's an attention seeking dunderhead." He said annoyed.

"Severus… I know you don't like him but…"

"No, no, no! It's not that! In fact I feel sorry for James if he'd survived! The brat literally shouts about being the perfect celebrity on the planet. And he talks about BLOODY MURDERING WITH BEAUTY!" He screamed in rage. "Not to mention… He caused chaos, ruining everyone's potions!" He explained angrily.

"Hmm…" Dumbledore thought over the words and information he'd been given…

1 day later

Mettaton watched as a blond boy wrote a tune on some paper as he sat in the library, humming a familiar tune.

"Z, Z, Z, Z are they gone yet?" He muttered, repeating it over and over again.

"Blooky?" He whispered shocked, squeezing the plush he kept in his chest holster.

"W-Wha…? Mettaton?" The boy asked shocked.

"Blooky!" He whisper shouted in happiness.

"Mettaton…" The boy revealed to be Napstablook whispered with a small smie.

"Blooky what are you doing here?" He asked happily.

"I… I don't know… I'm Sorry… I just woke up here one day… Oh no… I messed up didn't I…?"

"Blooky you didn't mess up!" Mettaton told him with a smile. "You just don't have all the information just yet!"

"Oh… Right… I'm sorry… I just didn't want to get in the way…" He mumbled, walking off slowly…

"Blooky…" He whispered sadly.

Undyne charged into a room she'd discovered, dragging everyone she'd known was reborn with her, freezing when she found three people sitting in a circle talking about something, Mettaton, obviously… Muffet, her thin arms and legs along with her signature giggle proving it, and a small frail looking child, with blonde hair, pale and with black eyes, wearing a green suit with leaves covering it.

"What the…" Sans muttered confused.

"Howdy! I'm Flowey! Flowey the Flower!" The boy giggled afterwards, throwing a red bottle at sans, who caught it finding it to be ketchup.

"You are now an ally."




"But if someone likes spaghetti you be their friend…"


"Fuhuhuhu!" Muffet giggled. (As far as I can tell that's her laugh…) "We should all relax and have some tea." She decided, filling a lot of cups and handing them out, Mettaton sipping his carefully so he wouldn't short circuit.

"Hey this is golden flower tea!" Undyne shouted in shock.

"That's my favourite type!" Flowey added happily.