1st Moment:

Gladiola was cold. The magic that protected her from Dudley, and Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia somehow sent her to this place. She didn't know where she was and she was so scared. Why was it so cold?

All she could remember was that one moment, uncle Vernon had tried to hurt her… and the next she was here.

2nd Moment:

One moment she was sitting on the dirty floor, staring at the ground, the next a small hand landed on her shoulder. Immediately, she shuffled out of the way and stared at the hand's owner. A small old man looked at her with a worried gaze. "My name is Makarov, are you ok?"

3rd Moment:

After Makarov had been able to convince the child to get her inside and have a wash, he could finally see what the girl looked like under the dirt that caked her hair and skin. Dark hair and pale skin with a lightning scar was on her forehead hiding under wild hair.

He had found one of Laxus' shirts and given it to the girl as a dress to wear (he doubted the twelve year old would mind once he met the poor girl). "What's your name?"
"G-gladiola…" she stuttered. He smiled at her kindly as he passed her some sandwiches.

"How old are you?"
"Where are your parents?"
"A-aunty and u-uncle told me they drank and died…"

The wizard saint's eyes narrowed. "Really?"
"Y-yeah… they told me I owed them for taking me in…"

The aged man watched as she ate the food quickly and smiled kindly at her "Would you like to stay with me?"
"... I-I don't want to be a bother…"
"Not at all, dear."

4th Moment:

When Laxus met Gladiola, she was trying to hide behind his grandfather. She was small, frail and looked like a soft breeze could send her flying away. She was looked like she was trying to shrink in on herself and used her messy hair to shield herself from him.

"... Gladiola, right?"
"You into magic?"

5th Moment:

She was taken in by Makarov and Laxus, the latter of which had lost both his parents (his father had left him). He kept dragging her places for some reason. It's not that she hated it but it was a bit scary. So many strangers but at least Laxus was around. Somehow, Laxus had made himself into her protector. Always making sure she was safe. Whenever she was scared, he was always patting her head and he would distract her with his progressing lightning magic. It was nice to have him around.

6th Moment:

When she called him brother for the first time, Laxus choked and thought his heart would stop. She was looking up at him with her head tilted to the side, seeming as if she were perfectly innocent. Regardless, it was one of the first times she had smiled at him, and it was a great feeling.

'Is this what it's like having a sister?"

7th Moment:

When Gladiola accidently tipped over a vase, causing it to smash to a million pieces, she began to freak out. She kept thinking about how Makarov would get rid of her, she had known she would not be able to stay with the old man and his grandson. Nothing was ever that lucky for her.

Soon, she couldn't breathe. She kept trying to even out her breathing but it wouldn't work. Her eyes began to sting, her chest hurt so badly and she didn't know what was happening

"Help," she tried to say but instead it came out as a cross between a whimper and a sob. Then Laxus came into her line of sight and was trying to help her. He took her hand and slowly began to stroke it with his thumbs as she slowly began to take deep breaths.

Slowly, her gasps began to slowly melt into soft sobs and she immediately latched onto the trainee lightning mage.

8th Moment:

By the time Makarov got home, Laxus had already put Gladiola to bed and was in the middle of cleaning up the glass fragments.

"What happened?" his grandfather asked once he saw the pieces
"Nothing much, I just knocked it over by accident… Sorry…" the blond mumbled. The older mage could tell his grandson was lying through his teeth. But decided to not speak against it. If he lied, then he obviously had a good reason. The blond wasn't known for lying.

"Maybe…" he heard his grandson begin… "Gladiola should go talk to someone about what happened before she joined us… It might help with her shyness."

9th Moment:

It wasn't long before Gladiola was introduced to the loudness of the Fairy tail guild. Her quiet demeanor was quickly noticed by the members, as was the way she hid behind Laxus a lot. Some had even come to calling her his shadow. It continued on for a little while, until Gladiola found the Fairy Tail Library.

It was quiet and warm and for the first time in her life she was able to learn without the Dursley's breathing over her shoulder and yelling when she did better than Dudley.

10th Moment:

It was a few months after her introduction to the guild, when one of the neighbourhood kids started teasing her. She detested it. She didn't want to tell Laxus and Grandfather what was going on, fearing she would be burden (despite what the two of them, and the doctor they had found that was helping her deal with what the Dursleys had done, told her).

So she took matters into her own hands. It was through the following incident that Fairy Tail realised that their little Gladiola wasn't as innocent as they thought she was.

It was a mid afternoon when an older woman walked in screaming bloody murder. Her son was at her heals and he seemed to be covered head to toe in goose feathers, ink, paint and some type of industrial grade glue. Both mother and child seemed to be blaming the small girl and before Laxus could start getting mad, the girl calmly stated "Maybe it wouldn't have happened if he just left me alone and wouldn't tease me so much…"

Makarov made her apologise and despite the light scolding he gave her for not telling him or Laxus about the teasing, he couldn't help but add "Well done for standing up for yourself though, Gladi. I'm proud of you despite the way you went about it."

11th Moment:

It was a later in the year when Gladiola finally had the confidence to talk to Cana, the only other child in her age range at the guild. They didn't necessarily become best friends because Cana was a bit too boisterous for Gladiola (and that spot would always be reserved for Laxus despite the seven year age gap), but it was nice to know that she was growing in confidence.

12th Moment:

It was a year later when Gladiola, who was now six, came to Makarov as he sat at the bar with Macao and Wakaba. The child had a large tone under her arm with a bookmark holding a page for her and he couldn't help but notice how much she had grown in the short time.

She looked so different to the small child he had found in that alleyway. She now had glasses and a red dress that brought her green eyes to life. She had gotten earrings too from Laxus and had declared she would never take them off, it had been six months since and she had made good on her promise. The girl had gained some weight in the year, thankfully, so she was no longer just skin and bone but the five years prior had not been good to her and would most likely result in as stunted growth regardless.

She was looking up at him with Laxus standing behind her, an annoyed look on his face. It was that one expression Laxus got when his sister (Makarov remembered when they first referred to each other as siblings in front of him, his heart almost melted) was doing something he didn't approve of. Makarov couldn't help but ask himself 'What is she planning?'. The guild master smiled at his, now two, grandchildren. "What is it, Gladi?" he inquired. Suddenly, the large tome was open and all but pressed up against his face.

"I want to learn magic," she told him "Specifically, explosive magic."

Leaning away from the tome, he took it from her hands and stared at the page she had chosen to display, with a stylistic explosion as the centerpiece of it.

It was at that point that Makarov knew, the property damage bills of Fairy Tail were only going to get higher. He couldn't help but be proud of her regardless.

TADA! I made something new! I love writing this! Laxus is an asshole in canon, yes. But in canon, it is also known that he was a nice kid. I don't plan to change the changes his personality that happen, but there will be some changes with the arcs. Any changes I will explain so don't worry.

Gladiola's magic was specifically chosen because everytime i read an oc/xover work, the character has some kind of slayer magic or has crazy abilities that turn me off the fic immediately (I think I'm just unlucky), not to say they are bad, but slayey magic is rare, y'know. So I wanted Gladiola's strengths to focus not on her magic.

Hope you enjoy it!