Hey, everyone! I recently saw the Wonder Woman movie, and it was incredible! A lot better than I dared hope it would be. The relationship that Steve and Diana shared was sweet, funny and I felt like that they genuinely cared for each other. Now if you haven't seen the movie and don't want spoilers you might want to see the movie and then come back to this story. I don't want to spoil anything for you. It's strange to think that one 'maybe' scene is the inspiration for this story, but it is what it is. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, don't worry you will. Anyway, I hope you enjoy reading this story as much as I did writing it! I also want to give a shoutout to my amazingly talented betas: Mrs. Thor Odinson, lareinaSelena and Jade Young. Please go check them out.
A Piece of Him
Chapter 1
November 11, 1918
Diana had a smile on her face as she watched everyone celebrate. It was over. They had done it. She quickly hugged each member of Steve's group: Chief, Sameer, and Charlie. They held her tight and gave her sympathetic smiles. Some wrapped affectionate arms around each other, and all of them headed to the billboard in the middle of the street.
She came to it first. Tons of pictures of different fallen soldiers cluttered it, but one eight by ten photo held her attention, Steve. He looked a few years younger than when she knew him. He was leaning against an airplane, in uniform and a smile plastered across his face. Diana felt tears forming in her eyes; reaching out a hand, she quickly caressed the photo. He was above average, wasn't he? She chuckled at how he had said it at the time, both cocky and somehow unsure. I love you too, Steve, she thought silently. Why didn't I say it back to him? She thought with anger to herself. We should have had more time together. 'I wish we had more time together. I love you,' his voice echoed in her mind. Looking around, she couldn't help but feel the smallest hint of jealousy at the couples embracing each other and passionately kissing in the streets. Would Steve have pulled her to him and kissed her so openly or would he have waited until it was just the two of them? Her mind wandered to the passion they had shared when they made love after their victory in the Veld battle. He had been gentle and yet so passionate as well, the perfect mixture.
"You know, you were very special to him," Sameer said as they walked away from the billboard.
"Yeah, he looked at you in a way he never looked at another one of his…" Charlie started before Sameer elbowed him. "Ouch!"
Diana laughed at their antics. She could figure out what Charlie was going to say; it didn't bother her, but she thought it was sweet Sameer didn't want her to hear it. Steve had been a handsome man, of course, he'd had other lovers once. It did warm her heart that they thought he looked at her like she was special. He would always be special to her; he was her first everything, the first man she had ever seen, the first to make a flutter attack her navel, her first kiss, and her only lover.
"He died a warrior's death," Diana remarked with a sad smile.
"He saved thousands of lives," Chief replied with pride.
"Yes, he did," Diana whispered.
Charlie, Sameer and Chief all looked at her with sad smiles and then started telling her stories about other missions they had fought with Steve. Diana smiled and allowed the bittersweet tears to fall as she thought of the memories she had of the American spy.
Two months later Diana was having dinner with Chief, Sameer, and Charlie. They were enjoying tall tankards of beer and eating some good tavern food in a small pub in France. They were laughing and telling stories about training, about the war, and about Steve. Diana had just told a story about her aunt Antiope training her before her mother had given them her blessing.
"So, you've always been a rebel?" Charlie asked with a smirk. "No wonder Steve liked you."
They all smiled and nodded. Diana gave a forced smile and started telling another story. It was three in the morning before she was helping a very drunk Sameer to his room. "Oh, you are too kind, Diana."
"It's the least I can do," Diana replied with a smile.
"How are you not dizzy? You drank three more tankards of ale than me."
"Demigod," Diana explained.
"Oh yes, I forgot," Sameer slurred.
She helped him to bed, but he tried to sit up once she placed blankets around him. "Where are you going to sleep?" he asked in concern.
"In my room. It's across the hall so I'll see you at breakfast," Diana reassured him.
He tried to sit up once more.
"Sameer, get some sleep. You're still going to have a killer headache in the morning," Diana berated him.
"You never know, I might not."
"You did last time," she remarked.
"That was ages ago," Sameer defended.
"I wasn't aware a week ago was an age," Diana teased. "Now go to sleep."
He finally laid down, and she heard a faint snore as she walked out of the room with a chuckle.
Feeling tired, Diana walked to her room and pulled on her silk nightgown. Going over to her bed, she pulled the covers over her and rested her head on onto the pillow. Within seconds, she had fallen asleep.
Early the next morning, she felt a sort of restlessness. Quickly she dressed in a skirt and blouse and went down to breakfast to see the others. Sameer was holding his head in agony and begging Charlie to be quiet as the Scot whistled happily, whereas Chief just shook his head at the two and ate his breakfast in silence. Looking up at her, he offered her a smile which slowly turned to a look of concern. He got up and walked over to her, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder.
"Diana, are you okay? You look like you haven't slept in days," Chief said.
She looked at him confused. She was tired but she had slept the night before. "I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow last night," she reassured him.
He didn't look convinced, but headed over to the table once more, pulling out a chair for her before standing next to it. She looked at him quizzically but went over and sat in the seat, confused further when he pushed the chair in closer to the table.
"Honestly, I'm fine," Diana declared.
He nodded his head, walked to the bar and ordered her a plate of eggs, bacon and a biscuit. She thanked him for it. As he placed it in front of her, she realized how hungry she was and ate faster than usual. Charlie chuckled at her enthusiasm for her food. Chief smiled at how hungry she appeared, but he advised her to slow did as he suggested but still managed to finish her food before Sameer who had started eating before her. He did have a hangover, she reasoned.
They started talking about the next step of their lives. Charlie wanted to visit his family in Scotland, but he assured Diana that he'd be moving close to Paris, which was where she was planning to live soon. Sameer was going to start acting once more and hopefully get to perform in major theaters. Chief was going to keep an eye on Diana and make she got a respectable job. He'd settle in Paris and be a merchant; it was not very different to what he was used to.
"I can take care of myself, Chief."
"I know you can. It's for me. I don't like the idea of being alone in the city," Chief replied.
"Sure," she said with a roll of the eye.
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