"YOU'RE WHAT?" Christina yelled in disbelief.

"I'm moving with Danny to Amity Park" Molly replied calmly.

"But why?"

"Danny bought an apartment and I'm moving in with him" Molly explained knowing that Christina was having a hard time processing this.

"But we'll never get to see each other" Christina whined.

"It's only an hour away" Molly said.


Molly felt really bad for her friend. She'd been through so much. Christina was Molly's closest friend.

"Why is Christina upset?" Shaggy asked poking his head into the room.

Christina only looked at Shaggy with tear filled eyes. Shaggy sat down and pulled Christina into his arms as Molly explained the situation.

"Oh" Shaggy said looking from Molly to his crying wife.

"I'll never get to see her" Christina cried into Shaggy's shoulder.

"Now sweetie it's only an hour away" Shaggy reasoned.

"What's with all the crying?" Danny asked coming into the room.

Molly mouthed tired to Danny while guesturing to Christina who was still sobbing.

"We'll visit" Danny said trying to cheer Christina up.

"Yeah and Danny still works at the school Molly can tag along" Shaggy added.

Christina looked up then glaring at Danny she said.

"If you ever hurt her I swear the will be consequences" she threatened.

"I promise I won't hurt her" Danny said quickly.

"You'd better not" Christina said.

"Okay you need a nap" Shaggy declared standing up with Christina.


"No but's your uncle would say the same thing" Shaggy said.

"Have a nice nap Christina" Moly said as Shaggy passed her.


A few days later.

"Where do you want these Molly?" Christina asked holding some boxes.

"Kitchen" Molly replied as Danny whizzed past chasing The Box Ghost.


"Is he always that annoying?" Shaggy asked.

"Yes" Molly replied.


"Oh shut up" Molly ordered the ghost whipping out a Fenton Thermos and sucking the ghost inside.

"Nice work Molly" Danny said landing beside his girlfriend.

"It's just The Box Ghost"


"She has a point"

"That's the last of the boxes" Shaggy said after checking the van.

"Thanks for your help" Molly said before hugging Christina.

"You're welcome" Christina replied trying to hold back tears.

"I'll write" Molly reminded her.

"And text" Danny added.

"And visit" Molly said.

"We should go Christina the kids are waiting"



A/N OKay this is the second in my Danny/Linda er I mean Molly series. If you want to know when the name change ouccured read I have A secret. Review.