Hey, guys! This is my first AU that is actually a story and not a One-shot series! So I hope I do good. I'm actually really nervous and scared about this. I was actually gonna post this last Friday, but I got too scared. I'm really happy to have a basic layout on where the story will go, but I hope it evolves as I write it. So welcome to my Internet Friends AU!

Disclaimer: I do not own Young Justice or the AU.

A boy around thirteen years old walked down the halls of Gotham Academy, he had short greased black hair and the most beautiful blue eyes. Next to him was a girl with red hair and green eyes. Richard 'Dick' Grayson, adopted son of billionaire Bruce Wayne and Barbara Gordon, daughter of Police Commissioner Gordon.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Babs," Dick smiled at his only friend in the school and walked towards the parking lot.

"See you later, Dick," Barbara waved and walked to the gym for her gymnastics practice.

"Hey, circus freak!" A group of kids laughed a few feet away from Dick. "I hope the circus will accept you back when Wayne gets rid of you!" They laughed at the joke. Dick just ignored them and climbed into the back of a black limo.

"Have a good day at school, Master Dick?" Alfred Pennyworth, the Wayne family butler, or anyone who lives in the manor would call him, the only person no one in the stubborn family would argue with.

"It was okay, got a test in English. Pretty sure I failed it," The young teen sighed. "Can we hurry home, Alfred? I wanna get on the chat group before anyone else."

"Very well, Master Dick."

It wasn't a long drive to Wayne Manor, the moment the car stopped behind the gates of the mansion Dick hopped out of the car and ran into the Manor. He quickly ran up the stairs and into his room, closing the door. Dick changed into a pair of sweatpants and a red t-shirt. He slipped into his desk chair and turned on his laptop.

(Robin the Boy Wonder logged on chat group.)

Robin the Boy Wonder: Hey, guys. Been feeling the aster?

(Kid Flash the Fastest Boy Alive logged on chat group)

(Artemis logged on chat group)

(Miss Martian logged on chat group)

(Superboy the Boy of Steel logged on chat group)

(Aqualad logged on chat group)

Artemis: What is with u and this 'aster' thing?

Robin the Boy Wonder: If dislike is the opposite of like, then disaster was the opposite of aster. Instead of things going wrong they go right.

Kid Flash the Fastest Boy Alive: STOP MESSING WITH THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE! First it was 'whelming' and now it's 'aster'?!

Robin the Boy Wonder: You must not be feeling the aster, KF

(Kid Flash the Fastest Boy Alive logged out of chat)

Miss Martin: You scared Wally off, Robin

Artemis: Thank God!

Aqualad: That was not a very nice thing to do, Robin.

Robin the Boy Wonder: How would I know he would log off when I show my awesomeness?

Superboy the Boy of Steel: Because you're a troll

Artemis: LMAO

(Kid Flash the Fastest Boy Alive logged on chat group)

Kid Flash the Fastest Boy Alive: Supes got you Rob LOL

Robin the Boy Wonder: YEah, yeah, you got me

Dick turned around when someone knocked on his bedroom door. Bruce opened the door and peeked his head in.

"Tim, Steph, and Cas want you to read them a bedtime story and Damian won't go to sleep until you give him his bat plushie," The billionaire told his oldest son.

"Be there in a few," Dick nodded. He turned back to the chat group as Bruce closed the door.

Kid Flash the Fastest Boy Alive: So I told him "If you can't run then why are you trying out for the track team?!"

Robin the Boy Wonder: Sorry, guys. My little sibs want me to read them a bedtime story. Gtg.

Aqualad: You will be able to join the weekly facecam, my friend?

Robin the Boy Wonder: I wouldn't miss it for the world

(Robin the Boy Wonder logged out of chat)

Dick sat up and turned off his laptop. He walked out of his room and down the hall a bit.

Ever since he met his internet friends (his only friends) they agreed to do a group facecam every Wednesday every week, so far no one has missed the date. The Facecam is the closest thing the group can get to talking face to face. Everyone is scattered around the US. The only one who has met Dick face to face was Kid Flash, or his real name, Wally West. Even though the group has never (beside Wally and Dick) met in person they were all close to each other. Everyone has each other's email and phone numbers.

Dick is actually the only one that hasn't told the group his real name, they haven't even seen his eyes. Bruce won't let him because he is a very paranoid man. Adopted Father and Son have had many arguments about Dick telling his friends who he really is, but Bruce always won those arguments.

The raven haired thirteen year old walked into Bruce's study, where his siblings were waiting. Jason was probably already snoring away in his room, not that Dick can blame him. The two oldest boys were the only ones who seem to want to sleep at night.

"What bedtime story do you three want?" Dick looked through the children's book section of the book shelves.

"A made up one!" Stephanie yelled loudly.

"All children's stories are made up, Steph," Bruce pointed out at his desk.

"I mean Dickie makes up one," The little girl pouted. Her short blonde hair was the only thing she didn't have in common with her siblings, she did have the blue eyes that everyone else seems to have.

Bruce has a problem with adopting children, he can't stop adopting them.

The only blood kid to him is Damian and is the youngest of of the kids.

"Do Tim and Cas want me to make up a story?" Dick raised an eyebrow and looked at his two other siblings.

"Yes!" The two yelled with giggles.

"Okay," The oldest sibling sat down in front of the three and thought. "Let me tell you about… Young Justice."

"Who's Young Justice?" Tim asked.

"You'll find out if you listen," Dick chuckled. "Young Justice is a group of teenage superheros. The leader, Aqualad, he lived in the underwater city of Atlantis. He could breath under water and used special magic to control water. Kid Flash, the fastest boy alive, he had superspeed and was really good at science. Robin, the Boy Wonder, he had no powers, but was trained to be great at many things. Miss Martian, a martian from Mars, she read minds and shapeshift. Superboy, unwanted clone of a powerful superhero, he had super strength and anger problems. Lastly, Artemis she had no powers, like Robin, and had the bow skills of a great archer."

"This is the story of the team…"