1summertime: Glad you enjoyed it. I had a fun time writing it, especially that bit with Arya ranting in anger. When I tried to write that one I just tried to think that Jon wouldn't let all his snark inside his mind as much, among a few other things.
WolfassassinKing: Be sure to let your friends know it was my fault! I'll probably write a oneshot featuring them in the future at this rate.
Thanks so much for all the Reviews, Follows and Faves and Views guys and gals!
Hope you've enjoyed yourselves up till now and that you will continue doing so!
20 chapters gone and now a potential 80 more to go.
Hope I'll be able to do them well.
Any thoughts you want to share?
"Why do you always do that?"
"Hmmm?" Arya let out an inquisitive hum, her brown locks shifting as she moved her head while she turned to face him. She propped her chin on his chest and gave him a lazy, happy smile as she peered at him with slightly glassy deep grey eyes as she laid fully on top of him, "And here I thought you liked my kisses."
He shot her a small open smile at her teasing before lifting one of his hands to brush a strand of her hair sticking to her still sweaty forehead, moving it to just behind her ear.
"I do," he trailed his hand downward to cup her cheek and brush a thumb against the damp skin there. His smile grew as she buried her face deeper into his palm and began laying brief fluttering pecks all along it, "But I meant more on why you always do it in that particular part of my chest."
Her eyes opened up a bit from their half closed state as she stilled and with the firelight seeming to dance on her bare sweat soaked skin he couldn't help but run the pad of his thumb onto her lips, parting them slightly as he traced them gently.
"You did that even before we ended up in this new relationship of ours; always laying your head sideways when you hugged me or laying your hand there when you could."
She gave him a soft nip after a silent beat followed by laying a single lingering kiss onto the palm of his hand, "Do you remember when I told you all about Beric Dondarrion?"
She breathed the question onto his palm as her hands rose from where they were embracing him around his torso to hold his hand in between hers.
"I do."
Her fingers were gentle as she caressed his burned hand, softly playing with his fingers by moving them one way or another while laying fluttering pecks in between her movements.
"He was also brought back from the dead by fire." He curled his hand then, softly grasping one of hers. Her free hand immediately went to the top of his as she grasped it in return and with it she turned her half lidded eyes with a hint of sadness straight onto his again.
"I remember."
"He couldn't feel much despite his body being warm," she kissed one of his curled fingers, "Couldn't remember many things either." Her words became more breathy, more solemn as she made her way down his curled hand, laying a kiss at each pause, "Couldn't bleed," another peck, "Couldn't feel any pain," another, "Couldn't see his wounds heal."
Her lips made a moist path as she trailed them from the knuckles of his fingers to the back on his hand and when she spoke next she wasn't able to look him in the eye.
"His heart didn't beat either. The Red God took all of it away from him." She breathed the words, with her slightly parted lips pressed lightly onto the back of his hand and in a tone filled with sadness.
His hand tightened around hers then and he rose his free hand up onto her naked back to trace a comforting line from the nape of her neck to the small of her back.
Her eyes met his again and right before his gaze her sadness bled off of her, like water off the feathers of a swan.
"But you Jon," she moved their still intertwined hands towards her cheek, nuzzling into it while she moved to sit up on his stomach, his arm upon her back sliding down to encircle her waist with the action, "You've always been more than you seemed," she freed her hand from within his grasp only to trail it from his arm, down to his waist and finally move it up again so she could lay her hand right on top of where his beating heart lay. She spread her fingers to their maximum range, covering part of the scars visible on his bare chest with the motion, "Not to mention more defiant than anyone knew otherwise."
"Almost anyone." He cracked a grin at her even as he likewise moved to sit up, tightening his hold on her with one arm for leverage while shifting his other to be able to fully cup the nape of her neck with his other hand. He held her firmly as he shifted his head to one side so he could better kiss her while she wound her own arms around his neck and back.
She giggled against his lips after they parted slightly, even as she pressed them against his for another brief kiss while her half lidded eyes shone with a deep warmth, a mix of emotions making them swirl like stormy clouds.
"Defiant until the end and even beyond."
Short chapter here but I think it was a good place to leave it as. Short, brief yet descriptive (hopefully) of was what I was going for.
I'm not entirely sure that Jon's resurrection will be cut and dry. Like maybe he'll indeed have a 'change' but perhaps nothing too drastically? Or at least not enough to do a complete 180 on his behavior.
Personally I'm fond of thinking that he'll fight for control of his potential wild side even if he just wants to punch someone because it seems so much easier to do so, as well as let more of his thoughts/snark show.
Also his coming back might be influenced by factors such as his two magical bloodlines, the location, and the manner in which he comes back. Among other possible variables.
Or even if he is actually coming back? Seems so at least.
Fun things to consider, all in all.
So here we have a Jon who indeed came back from the dead but unlike Beric 'Fire Wight' Dondarrion we have a different scenario here, showed by details such as his heart still beating and his wounds actively healing.