A/N: It has been over a year since this has been updated and the reason is a combo of work, family issues, and computer problems. Also a LOT has happened behind the scenes of the WFA. For one NLW and XCW are no longer a part of it, to which new scenes had to be made to write off certain ocs, and I became the president! Weird, but cool all the same. As for when this episode takes place after Wrestlegeddon. With that said enjoy peeps!

Before the show...

Camera comes on to show The Coven walking in the parking lot with their new tag belts in hand when suddenly both Ryan and Destruction are attacked from behind by two large men dressed all in black and ski masks while carrying weapons with one with a chair and the other a sledgehammer! Both Ryan and Destruction crumble to the ground in pain as the assailants continue their assault, but are joined up by four other attackers with kendo sticks taking swings at them. After a minutes the attack stops as someone comes walking up dragging a shovel. He then takes his mask off to reveal himself as The Gravedigger, Seth Sullivan. He motions for the others to do the same revealing: Russel Black, Genocide, Julian De La Barrea, Loki Malphas, Alex Karloff, and Jack Cunningham with Dan Riley walking next to Seth with a smirk.

"Seems the info about their arrival was good. Want me to pay him for his efforts?" asked Dan to the King Cobra.

"No, not yet. Besides knowing him he will want to have fun first. He's an odd man, and that's saying something ." replied Seth.

"Must be talking bout you Frank." said Russel which got a chuckle from the others.

"Go fuck yourself." said Genocide as he picked up Ryan as Seth kneels before him.

"Now now, Frank. We are not as dysfunctional as these "Twilight Ass Clowns", no gents we are the most dangerous and most dominant group in the WFA. As for you Ryan, its nothing "personal", just business. You and the rest of your family's time in the WFA has simply come to an end. And I can't call my Club the most dominant when you hold these titles," said Seth as Loki and Julian raise the FIERCE tag belts in their faces which made Ryan angry to which Jack punches him in the throat, "Thank you Jack. Now where was I? Oh yes the Burial of The Coven. Seriously can you guys stick with one name? Then again I have to remind myself the limited capacity of your collective brains. In any case we were also hired to deleiver you, your sister, and your friends their termination papers. But they didn't specify how." That's when Seth smacked Ryan in the face with his shovel busting his nose open. He then motioned for Russel to bring him the burlap sack the was moving oddly as Seth took it from him. Both Genocide and Jack lift up Destruction this time as Dan kicks him in the jaw.

"As for you Destro, James, or wait who are you again? Nevermind you were always a nobody in the WFA. Fret not as I've decided to send you off with a gift you will never forget." said Seth evily as he opened the sack to reveal the mascot of Cobra Club, Sully. The cobra seemed a little agitated as Seth lifted him up as if consoling his pet. He then laid him before James as Sully's hood was revealed.

"Get him Sully!" cheered the rest of the club.

"Sully, sic him." said Seth as James began to struggle violently to which this angered the serpant to which then Sully sunk his fangs into James left arm. Seth would then pick up Sully and out him back in the sack. Just then a garbage truck came driving up to them with the back compartment opening up. Alex then leans out the door laughing.

"Time to take out the trash?" called out Alex.

"Yes Alex I think it's time to take out the trash. Booooooooooooooys, take out the trash!" said Seth as they all cheered. Russel and Genocide lift up Ryan and toss him into the garbage as a banana peel falls on top of him while Jack, Loki, and Jullian toss James right behind him in what looked like a soiled diaper. That was when Alex turned on the truck and for the compacter to close behind the truck.

"Well that was fun. What's next boss?" asked Jack.

"Phase one is done. Phase two is coming up soon, depending on Racer's reaction and our friend takes care of the other half of these vampires. Until then boys to the Clubhouse. Soon FXW will be ours just like the rest of the WFA." said Seth as they all walked away. That is when the camera went all static.


The static stops to show Sara Lewis tied up in a chair after being forced to watch her brother and friend be assaulted by the Cobra Club. Her makeup was all smeared from crying and also sported a bloody lip. Walking behind her in the shadows was her captor who laughed as The Coven was tossed in the garbage truck.

"Yyyou got what you wanted, wwwhat more you want from me." came the voice of a scared Sara.

"Oh no my dear. We are not done yet. There is still the matter of your ex boyfriend and the other threat to my plans. So Witch, call the dealers. Call them to execute their master. Then and only then I will let you go." came the evil voice of the man as he placed his hands on her shoulders. Behind him was Samantha Blackwell, Brian Phillips, and Lilith with glass shards in their eyes with liar written on their faces in what looked like blood. Sara's eyes glowed purple and then back to normal.

"It's done. They are also under your command now as you asked before." croaked Sara.

"Well done. Our time together has been short, but I did enjoy your company today. A shame it must end. Parting is such a sweet sorrow, but I have others to have fun with. Farewell my Witch." said the man as his hands went around Sara's throat as the camera slowly looked above to reveal the face of the captor. He had short dark brown hair slicked back, thin mustache and strip, and cold grey eyes. It was none other than the Sinister Prophet Amadeus Crowley. The camera then looked back to show the other victims to be smiling now as Crowley laughs.

Fearless Must Endure-Jasta

American Airlines Arena, Dallas, Texas

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to FIERCE Friday! I'm good ol' JR and my new partner at the table should be coming out right now." Said the legendary Jim Ross. The crowd was in a frenzy tonight being the first road show for FXW and being the show of the aftermath of Wrestlegeddon.


The crowd popped as the man known as Deathless Michael Zero came out wearing a long sleeve red shirt, dark jeans, and shoes. His long dark brown hair was in a ponytail too as he made his way to the Announce table.

"Welcome to FXW Mr. Zero." Said JR shaking his hand.

"It's great to be here JR. And damn the energy here is intense!" Said Michael.

"Indeed it is, and I have to say, what a night! Wrestlegeddon proved to be a successful event, one that crowned several new champions, chief among them a new FXW World Heavyweight Champion in the Demonic Behemoth known as Darkside!" JR says.

"And tonight begins the tournament for the FXW Intercontinental title starting with Will Ralston and the debuting Ivan Barrian. That and many more to come." Said Michael with a grin.

Stone-Alice In Chains

The GM of the FIERCE brand, Mick Racer came out to a roar of cheers as he made his way to the ring with a mic in hand. He then raised his hand in the air with the fans chanting "Racer" to "FXW".

"Dallas! What's happening guys? Gotta tell ya Wrestlegeddon was just awesome! I'm still all excited from all the talent's hard work as they put on a hell of a show that night. And talk about the debuts! The Coven made their grand debut, Matt Lopez, and even the Demonic Behemoth Darkside captured the FXW World Heavyweight title! We have a new tournament starting tonight and also the current FXW TV champ will be in action tonight." Said Mick all excited, until certain music came on.

Princes of the Universe-Queen

The crowd began to boo, as the Monarchy appeared on the stage. Freddy Escobar led them down the ramp, with the FXW TV Title on his shoulder and a fierce glare on his face. He glared at Mick Racer as the Monarchy got inside the ring.

"Well Fredward and friends what can I do for you?" Asked Mick sarcastically.

"You could start by bowing down to the REAL champion in FXW, you fucking prick." Freddy deadpans. "FXW Wrestlegeddon…..what a load of BULLSHIT."

"Nah I'm good. But seriously what's your issue besides bitching and moaning? I mean sure Monarchy lost all their matches, but still you four did a great job, and sure I can see the same tonight Fredward." Said Mick with a shrug.

"Are you seriously asking that?" Freddy asks in disbelief. "Last night, I had to face Ben Jones, Justin Danger, Matt Lopez, Furno Moxley, and a bunch of other morons that didn't even deserve to be in the match for the World Heavyweight Championship. And on top of that, after I beat everyone, you still had a 'special guest' come in, and take advantage of the fact that I was beaten down and tried to win the match. As far as I'm concerned, I am the REAL FXW World Heavyweight Champion, and Darkside is a fucking joke."

"Wow Freddy you are more delusional that I thought. I mean we put a hell of a match full of former champions and future champions. Yeah I really don't care much for you if I'm being honest, but what happened in that match was all YOU. In the end you couldn't get the job done. Now as for Darkside, no I wasn't too happy that he was the last one nor am I his biggest fan, that is Mr. Constantine's pick and choice in the match. Oh I see! You're mad about when he took out your Monarchy too aren't ya? And finally your claim as being the true champ is moot. You are going to have to earn your way back like everyone else. Sorry but I don't kiss ass to Lil Prince's who are intensely spoiled. Besides Union Jack Jr is the next challenger for the Demonic Behemoth." Said Mick.

"So you deny the Prince his rightful title shot, only to give it to a fake Prince? A false pretender? Don't make me laugh." Freddy said. "Out of everyone in the gauntlet match aside from Levi Ryder, I was the only person in that match who actually had to EARN his spot in the match. And yet, because you were handing out title shots to half the fucking roster, Darkside is now the champion, all because of you."

Throne-Bring Me The Horizon

Union Jack Jr. came out shaking his hand and mic in hand. As he made it in the ring, King Caesar wouldn't let him in at first, but relented as the Prince of Wonderland got in the middle of Mick and Freddy.

"Fake Prince? Is that all you got Freddy. If so then no wonder you lost. And for that you don't deserve to take on that monster. A real Prince rises above all adversity, not make excuses. Only I can stop Darkside's rampage. I stopped one monster and I will do it again in a few weeks time. Now please Freddy get going, because Dallas is under the protective rule of the Kingdom Club." Said Union Jack Jr.

"The only reason you beat Matanza was because Dominic Cairns interfered in your behalf, you cheap, second-rate ripoff." Freddy tells him. "A true Prince proves that he is better than everyone around him, and he always has an ace up his sleeve. And trust me, false Prince, I will win that title, even if I have to go through you, and the rest of your Bullet Club ripoffs to get it."

"If it's a fight you want Freddy then I will be happy to oblige you." Said UJJ getting in Freddy's face until Mick pushed them both away.

"Now both of you cool your jets. One this isn't happening here, at least not now. The next thing is Freddy you DO have a match tonight. And let's just say he has been wanting a crack at you since both of you signed with FXW." Said Mick.

"Who is it, then? I will defeat him, then I will move on to destroy the Demonic Behemoth." Freddy proclaimed.

The Toy Master-Avantasia

The lights went out as the music played to reveal The Fallen One, Jason Malice. In his hands was not only a mic, but his black bat. He made his way into the ring parting the Monarchy with his bat and had a twisted smile for Freddy.

"I told you Freddy. I told you I will be there to see your Monarchy fall. And your shortcomings continue tonight as I take your title and then take on whoever wins between Darkside and Union Jack Jr." Said the Fallen One leaning against the nearest corner.

Freddy was angry, as he began to speak. "No, I don't think so." Freddy motioned for the Monarchy to leave the ring….only to turn around and blast the Fallen One with his mic. Before Union Jack Jr and Mick Racer could move, Freddy Escobar slides out of the ring, and he raises his title up high and he begins to speak. "Tonight, Jason Malice, I will make you…..BOW."

Destroy And Dominate-Chimaira

The Monarchy couldn't celebrate very long as the Demonic Behemoth comes down the ramp looking blood thirsty. All four of them jump the barricade to avoid him, but he ignored them and went after the Prince of Wonderland with a Chokeslam! He then tossed him out and lifted him up for the Final Void into the table! That was when Father James Mitchell raised the FXW World Heavyweight title over the fallen Union Jack Jr. Back in the ring Jason got back up and looked dead set on wanting to kill Freddy. Freddy simply smirked and raised his title up high, as the Fallen One and The Prince stared each other down. Afterwards, the Monarchy headed to the back.

Commercial Break

Scenes of all of the best of the WFA from Jason Sabre fighting Rey Pantera, Seth Sullivan going at it with Detrick Cyrus, and Furno Moxley with New Shield fighting with Ash Russo and Anarchy. Then Logan Storm, Jesse Faraday, Nyx Rosewood, Katie Striker, Idrina The Bizarre to her Madness to fade out to show WFA presents Clash of the Gods with the sound of a buzzer and a timer similar to the Royal Rumble.

"We are back ladies and gentlemen and already we are off to a chaotic start with attacks from Escobar to Malice and Darkside pitting Union Jack Jr through our table." Said JR pointing to the destroyed table as the crew was finishing the clean up.

"Look JR, The Prince merely had enough of Malice's disrespectful mouth. He already endured our biased General Manager who lambasted him and his stable. I wish Mr. Constantine would do something about this. As for Darkside he was sending a message to the Prince of Wonderland plain and simple." Replied Michael.

"Well folks let's get back on track as coming up right now is the first match of the FXW Intercontinental Championship Tourney with "The Avenger" Will Ralston taking on the debuting "Russian Warrior" Ivan Barrian." Said JR.

Failure-Breaking Benjamin

"The following match is scheduled for one fall and is a first round for the FXW Intercontinental Tournament. Introducing first from Glasglow, Scotland and weighing in at 210 pds, he is "The Avenger" Will Ralston!"

The crowd popped hard as Will Ralston came out on stage with his ribs bandaged up from what Darkside did to him at Wrestlegeddon. He Too Sweeted with the fans and slides into the ring and then shadow boxes for a moment as he awaits his opponent.

"After a major run at the main event of Wrestlegeddon, Will Ralston started that match and ended up being the last man until a monster stopped him." said JR.

"Yeah Will lasted longer in that match than what everyone thought he would and let's not forget he is def not 100% especially at the end of the match being hit with Final Void onto thumbtacks." replied Michael.

Russian National Anthem

Music comes on as a large, pale man came out with a serious look on his face. He was wearing a red boxing style robe and underneath red trunks (Randy Orton like trunks) with black Austin Aries like trunk designs, red knee pads, red and black boots, and black wrist bands.

"And his opponent, from Moscow, Russia and weighing in at 272 pds, he is "The Russian Warrior" Ivan Barian!"

"Ivan Barrian has made a name for himself by becoming world champion everywhere he goes. From NJPW, ROH, and TNA at the time. Ralston has a very strong opponent tonight." said JR as Barian got into the ring.

"Not to mention these guys have been rivals for several years now, and for the first time in the WFA these two will collide. But in all honesty the way Ralston is right now, I'm putting my money on the "Russian Warrior"." said Michael as the bell rings.

Both Ivan and Will circle around each other to which Will offers a hand shake to which Ivan looks at it confused to then return the handshake. Then they go for a test of strength and as Will trys to push Ivan, the Russian Warrior launches across the ring like nothing with Ralston clutching his ribs as he stares at Ivan. Barian yells for him to get up and even motions him to try again. Ralston warily gets up and trys once more, but Barian shoves him back down with authority and yells again once more. The Avenger then takes a running start to do a dropkick to his left leg to bring the big Russian down and looks to follow up by doing it again only for Barian to catch him with a huge clothesline! Barian then lifts Ralston up to execute a Gutwrench Suplex and follows up with a Senton pin combo.




The Russian Warrior stays calm as he lifts Will up by the waist and rams him in the corner while hitting a few shoulder thrusts in Ralston's gut with him yelling out in pain. He follows up with a hard Irish Whip in the corner with Will bouncing off the turnbuckle hard. The ref goes to check on Will who is clutching his ribs and seems to be having trouble breathing. Will pulls himself up via the ropes and yells come on to Ivan who just smirks.

"No matter who you are, you've got to respect the heart of Will Ralston as he continues to fight the larger Ivan Barian." says JR as Ralston begins punching and some chops on Barian who headbutts him hard and tosses him into the corner.

"Look I'm not doubting Ralston's heart nor his fighting spirit, but realistically he has no chance at this point as Ivan as proven multiple times in this match his sheer power and oh shit!" yelled Michael just hen Barian had took a running start from across the ring to spear Ralston only for the Avenger to dodge it while the Russian rams his shoulder hard into the steel post with Ralston rolling him up!




Ralston doesn't let up as he begins to target the right shoulder of Ivan Barian with several elbow shots and in a hammerlock. Barian looks to toss him off to which Ralston elbows him inthe jaw and hits a Snap DDT and then locks in an armbar. But the big man still has plenty of strength as he then lifts himself up and hits Will with a Powerbomb, but doesn't go for the pin as he is now clutching his right sholder. Both men were slow to get up, but then they run to each other for a huge exchange of fists with Will hitting a huge European Uppercut to Ivan. He bounces off the ropes, dodges a clothesline, but as he rebounds once more he is caught by Barian who hits a beautiful Catch Release Suplex. He makes a cut motion as if signaling the end as he grabs for Ralston as he looks to hit Mother Russia(Styles Clash), but Ralston slips under to cho block the big man with a followup dropkick to the face which sent Barian into the ropes. Ralston doesn't let up as he hits him with a few superkicks in the jaw and ends it with a huge dropkick which knocks Barian out of the ring. Ivan starts to lift himself up via the barricade when he is hit by Ralston's Suicide Dive!

"Ralston! Ralston!" cheers the crowd as Will Too Sweets with the crowd.

"With the fans firmly behind him, Ralston seems to have found that new burst of energy as he now has Barian down." said JR.

"That's all fine and good JR, but if Ralston wants to win this then he either needs to get back in the ring for a countout victory or somehow get Barian in the ring." said Michael and as Ralston turned around to Barian who lifts him up to hit the Iron Curtain on the outside!

The Russian Warrior goes to toss Will in the ring as he slides back into the ring as he yells goodbye in Russian as he sets him up for Mother Russia again. But this time he clutches his right shoulder in pai and trys to fight through the pain only for Will to slip out again. Ralston turns him around to kick him in the gut to hit a Stunner as Barian bounces into the rope with Will following up by bringing him down with a Arm Breaker and then seals the deal with the Lion's Vice(Crippler Crossface) in the middle of the ring. Ivan screams in pain as Ralston yells for him to tap out, but the Russian Warrior slowly crawls toward the ropes. Ralston realizing this is his shot for the win releases the hold to grag him back to the middle and locks it back in. Barain looks to try again, but then he starts tapping out!

"Here is your winner, Will Ralston!" announce JT as the ref raised Will's hand who started clutching his ribs again.

"The Avenger does it again as he proves all the doubters wrong once more and one step closer to championship gold." says JR as he tips his hat to Ralston as The Avenger asked for a mic.

"Gotta admit I didn't think Will had it in him, but he proved me wrong and Barian didn't make it easy for him. But make no mistake that the next one in the tourney may end Ralston and his Cinderella story before it can really begin." said Michael while Ivan rolled out of the ring.

"Well, Wrestlegeddon was in fact the greatest match in my entire career, I started the match as the first entrant, and lasted between me and Darkside, one on one, I lasted longer than anyone that participated and Darkside came out as the victor, but like I said, it's survival of the fittest." Will said as he continued.

"As for what happened at SSW, it was the most important match in my entire career, at Into The Fire, I proved to every single one of you that I would stand up against Samuel, I may have lost my job at SSW, but that doesn't mean I'm done for. I still have my road to redemption to succeed and I will not back down from a fight." The fans cheer at his statement as he continued.

"Evan Neal, you messed with the wrong man, and the wrong company, because SSW will and always fight back, you and your Empire will fall into the ground. Ever since you stunned me at the end of Into The Fire, for that you're gonna fucking pay, and that goes for anyone else in your Empire as well, because you're not invincible."

"Alan Riddle promised that I will return to SSW when the time is right, because I will remain Strong Style. When Mick Racer gave me a call, he told me that he would give me a chance to gain my redemption, if I entered the FXW Intercontinental championship tournament and win the championship. And I accepted, and tonight, to anyone participating this tournament, I'm ready to make a comeback right here on the road to Summer Scorcher. And Darkside, my friend and leader, Union Jack Jr will end your reign, because darkness has a weakness, the light will shine and end you. Thank you everyone and enjoy the show." Will said as he dropped the microphone as the fans cheered and chanted for Ralston. As Ralston began to leave the ring the titan tron went all static.

A 12-year-old girl with blonde hair and green eyes wakes up on a table. Her left arm is stretched out and tied to the table. She tries to get up but notices that her abdomen and legs are also tied down. She looks to her left and sees her twin brother, his eyes are dilated, and stares blankly into her.

A man wearing a black top hat and filthy Uncle Sam clothes with a clean, bright red overcoat comes to her view. "Hello there."

She tries to get out of her restraints but to no avail.

He looks to the pale boy. "I'm sure you are well acquainted with your brother. It is a shame I lost my previous twins, but you two will make a fine addition."

The girl squirms as the ringmaster caresses her cheek. "You should be happy, I am giving you the opportunity of a lifetime. Wouldn't you want to have hundreds, if not, thousands of people gawking up to you as you give them a show they will never forget?"

She whimpers in response.

He strokes her hair back. "All I need from you is a little cosmetic change and you will be the celebrity of this circus." He picks up a cleaver, "All I need is for you to have a new outlook for yourself... and your brother."

The camera zooms away from the room as the sounds of banging, blood spurting and screams envelop the room. The camera now rests outside the tent marked, "The Conjoined Twins of Paradise."

The Carnival

Coming soon...

"What the devil was all of that?" asked the confused and rightly disturbed JR.

"I don't know and even Ralston seems confused by that. In any case this Carnival is coming soon. Also coming up next folksis some tag team action as we last Sunday we saw the in ring debut of The New World featuring ICW's own Trell Thomas and Jay Masters nearly winning tag gold. Tonight they look to work their way back into the title picture by taking on the debuting tag team in The Crusade. Stay tuned folks!' said Michael as they went to break.


*The following scene as added after the tapings. Originally this was suppose to be a Ben Jones promo and then a vignette for King Randy. Neither are with FXW anymore*

GM's Office

"Mr. Constantine I'm well aware of the situation with the issues with The Coven. No one has seen them or heard from them all day. The only thing we have is the tag belts that was left in the office with a note stating they are "dismissed" from the WFA. Wait Samantha Blackwell, Brian Phillips, Mephisto, Lilith, and Ben Jones?! But I already booked Jones in a match tonight. Yes I will inform them the match tonight will go towards the new tag tournament. Alright I will fill in for Kenneth in Mexico. Night Mr. Constantine." said Mick with a long sigh. Just as Mick was about to adjust next week's match card King Caesar barges in.

"What now Caesar-." said Mick when Brooklyn's Finest slammed his fist on the desk.

"Best not call me that. Here and the rest of the WFA my name is KING Caesar." said King Caesar with an angry undertone.

"Fine fine, what can I do for you?" asked Mick.

"I want in the Intercontinental tournament sucka." said Caesar all serious.

"Uh first off don't call me that. Second why should I? I gave you a shot at the No Limits tournament." said Mick.

"Cause I know I can beat Ralston anyday. And ya know I could. I'm a former champ outside the WFA, and Monarchy one of the longest lasting factions too. Put me in and I will win for Monarchy."

"Fine, but this is your last shot. Next week you have a match uh hey wait." called Mick as King Caesar was walking out.

"All I need to know is if I'm in. Don't care who it be with cause they going to feel the wrath of Brooklyn's Finest." said Caesar as he slammed the door.

"Jesus these guys are all primadonnas. Lets see here...he should be interesting." said Mick to himself as he wrote TSL versus King Caesar.

"Welcome back folks and coming up next is some tag team action with tag team MVP's in The New World taking on The Crusade." said JR as the fans were all cheering in excitment.

"And not only that, but The Coven have been stripped of their titles due to conflict with management and so this match serves as the first round of a new tournament. Now start the match!" yelled Michael as JT made his way to the ring.


"The following matchup is scheduled for one fall and is the first round of the FIERCE Tag Team Tournament." began JT as the music played.

Stories of Greatness by CFO$ ft. KIT

The crowd erupts with cheers as The New World walk out of on stage with the ever focused Trell and confident Jay, but this time they are being escorted to the ring by Jazz Conway. Trell lead them down the ramp while they all slap hands with the fans as they all yell from New World to ICW as they now enter the ring.

"Introducing first at a combined weight of 507 pds and accompanied to the ring by Jazz Conway, they are Trell Thomas and Jay Masters, The New World!" announced JT as Trell, Jay, and Jazz yell "Welcome to The New World".

"Quite possibly one of the most unexpected, yet best debuts in FXW was from The New World who surprised the world with their debut at Wrestlegeddon. And Michael they instantly became fan favorites as they almost won the tag belts." said JR.

"No one saw it coming of the trio that defined ICW as both the heart and voice, they now come together to form a very effective team, but now they face a team no one in the WFA has seen or faced. We shall see if The New World are the real deal, or if their 15 minutes of fame was just at Wrestlegeddon." said the skeptical Michael.

Heaven Is Gone-Seventh Void

The crowd goes silent as the lights go out to show a cross under a cloudy sky to then shine to show The Crusade on the tron as the same bright light shines in the arena to then reveal two large men; one was a Caucasian with long brown hair, blue eyes, a short beard, and a muscular build wearing a large black coat over his black trunks and boots. This man was Pastor Alexander Dante who had a stern look on his face while his partner had a more aggressive look on his face. This man more bulky, blond hair, green eyes, jagged scar running from his left cheek to the base of his neck, wearing a small sliver cross medallion, white wrestling singlet with a large, golden cross on it, and his name is Heavens Wrath.

"And their opponents at a combned weight of 669 pds, Pastor Alexander Dante and Heavens Wrath, they are The Crusade!" announced JT.

"These two large men are as they say the Defenders of Light and God's Chosen Warriors who wish no more to wipe away the wicked and purge the darkness in the WFA. To be honest Michael these guys may indeed be the wild card in this tournament." said JR as The Crusade climb the ropes with Dante kneeling as if he was praying while HW stood over him with arms spread open, eyes closed as he held his head up with the blinding light on the ring.

"Have to agree with you JR. No one in this tournament know anything of these men including us save forthe fact they both wrestled in Insane Championship Wrestling with Heavens Wrath being a former heavyweight champion and Dante being a former Zero-G champion and both being tag champs over ther too. The New World may have been impressive at Wrestlegeddon, but now they have the Juggernauts of Light to deal with." said Michael as the bell rings.

The match starts off with Jay and Alexander first as they circle each other to which Jay takes a running start to try to clothesline Dante, but the Edinburgh Goliath was only pushed back barely. Jay the ntries again only to bounce off Dante again who motioned him to try it again. Masters obliges, but this time hits a drop kick to Dante's knee bringing the big man down to a knee. Jay follows up with a suplex and a float over to cover, but Dante powers out to the surprise of the muscle of The New World. Jay goes to lifth him up only for Dante to push him off to hit a nice headbutt into Masters jaw. The Pastor then hits some nasty chops that bounces Jay off the ropes and then Dante ties him into the ropes.

Dante goes over to tag in Heavens Wrath who then takes a running start to hit a bicycle kick in Jay's face who comes untangled in the ropes only to be hit with a huge Belly to Belly Suplex by God's Soldier. HW begins clubbing away at the face of Masters and then locks in a camel clutch. Trell and Jazz start cheering for Jay as the ref asks if Jay wishes to continue. And slowly Jay starts pushing up on HW and then falls backward to get out of the hold. Jay is now clutching his neck and dodges a wild lariat from HW to lift him up to hit a Samoan Drop. Jay takes a running start and hits a Senton to go for the cover.



"At this point I think Jay needs to go back to the drawingboard as he has beeen having difficulty on handeling The Crusade so far and oh my God!" yelled JR as HW took a bad spot by trying to hit a Big Bootto only to get caught up in the ropes as Jay then hits a dropkick in the face.

Jay then tags in Trell who then climbs to the top rope to hit a Moonsault on top of HW. Trell then follows up hitting a Dragon Screw and without letting go finishes it with a Leg DDT on the outside. The Leader looks to lift HW up only to be rammed into the edge of the ring hard and stopping the momentum. HW lifts Trell up in a military press position and drops him on the barricade to which both Jazz and Jay go to check on him. HW rolls back into the ring to break the count and as Jay helps up Trell, HW leans over the rope to grab him by the neck as he tosses him back into the ring. He then stomps on him a few times and drags him over to his corner to tag in Dante. Dante and HW Irish Whip him into the corner with HW hitting a Stinger Splash while Dante follows up with a Sidewalk Slam for a cover.



Breakup as Jay makes the save, but is then blasted by HW with The Pounce. HW looks to continue the assualt, but the ref pulls him back as Jay rolls out the ring. Meanwhile Dante hits a Belly to Back Suplex on Trell and looks to cover and stops to see the ref still arguing with HW to get back into his corner. Dante walks over to yell at the ref to pay attention to the match and then points for HW to go to the corner. He then turns around to eat a dropkick to the face by Trell and looks to Irish Whip Dante, but reverses by hitting his own. Dante looks to hit a clothesline only for Trell to dodge by rolling out of the way as he ran across the ring by running up the turnbuckle to hit Whisper In The Wind as Dante stumbled in the middle of the ring now knocked over. Trell then goes for a standing Moonsault with a cover.




Trell just looks around with disbelief on his face, but calms down as he then looks to go to the top rope until he sees HW coming for him to which he hits a Hurricanrana on him as God's Soldier is sent hard to the outside of the ring. The Leader celebrates breifly until he is hit from behind by Dante. Dante then picks up Trell to Irish Whip him into the steps hard enough to knock of the top one off. The Pastor calls over his partner to finish it as HW brings in Trell back into the ring as Dante grabbed him by the neck and HW lifts up his legs onto his shoulder.

"Uh oh this isn't good for Trell as The Crusade look to end it all now with God's Judgement(Magic Killer)." said Jr, but before The Crusade could hit it Jay stops them by pulling Trell off of HW as he begins lauching a series of hard rights into HW to then toss him iout of the ring.

Dante looks to turn Jay around, but the muscle of The New World drops him with a Jawbreaker which stuns him. Jay and Trell then Irish whip him into the ropes and both hit a double dropkick to take down the big man. HW slides back in, but immediatley is hit with Jay's New World Elbow(Discus Elbow) which brings brings him to his knees with Trell delievering a beautiful DDT. Both men push him out of the ring and notice Dante struglling to get up, but before they could do anything the ref warns them about disqualification to which Jay goes to the corner. Trell shakes his head at the ref and tags in Jay to which they wait for Dante to turn around as they deliever NWD/New World Drop(3D) with Jay going for the cover.





"Here's your winners, Trell Thomas and Jay Masters, The New World!"

"Just when things looked bleak for The New World they find a way to turn things around on The Crusade. With this win they advance to the next round which what I hear is a triple threat match." said JR as Jazz entered the ring to celebrate with the boys.

"It would be the over aggressiveness of The Crusade that cost them the match, but make no mistake they did well in their WFA debut. While they came up short tonight, I doubt this will be the last of them. And I'm being told the next match is between the Red Princes of Kingdom Club taking on DOA." said Michael with The Crusade limping on the back with looks of disgust and disappointment on their faces.

"The show must go on folks and coming up next is womens action next, so sta tuned." said JR.


Mick is seen walking around backstage with a production assistant when suddenly he is stopped by a distraught Ben Jones.

"Ben what's wrong?" asked Mick all confused.

"Samantha! I can't find her!" yelled Ben all frantic.

"Calm down Ben. You sure she isn't just in the women's locker room?" asked Mick.

"She isn't there as I just spoke with Tammy and Alice. They both were just in there and haven't heard or seen her all day. Please Mick, you have to help me." cried out Ben.

"Look Ben, I will look for her. In the mean time I suggest you get ready for your match tonight with Chris Blade." replied Mick as he tried to reassure Ben. Ben then nods and walks away not knowing they were being watched.


7 Days To The Wolves-Nightwish

"The following match is scheduled for one fall and intruding first from Dallas, Texas she is White Wolf!" announced JT.

A young woman with white hair, blue eyes, tan skin wears gray mask with white saint mark on forehead, white tights, boots and crop top, flipped on the stage(similar to Dana Brooke) and landed on all fours and seemed about to strike to howl. She then took a running start to the the ring and slid under the rope where she crawled to the middle of the ring, got to her knees and howled again.

"This young lady is in the same graduating class with Break-Out from under the tutelage of Rey Mysterio and came highly recommended from the King of Lucha Libre, so Mr. Constantine signed her. She is still green, but an endorsement from Rey is great." Said JR.

"Tonight she fully debuts against the more experienced Amazon Alice." said Michael as music began to play.

Stronger-Kelly Clarkson

"And her opponent from Dublin, Ireland, she is the Irish Strong Woman, Amazon Alice!"

The crowd pops for the Irish Stong Woman of Kingdom Club as she comes out on stage to give a battle cry. She then makes here way down the ramp while she slaps hands with the fans. She then looks on at White Wolf with a look of determination on her face as she jumps on the side of the ring.

"Tonight Amazon Alice looks to build some momentum for a future title shot at The Witch Sara Lewis." said JR.

"A win tonight can go a long way, but she has to go through the hungry White Wolf." said Michael as the bell rings.

Immediately White Wolf rushes in with multiple forearm shots to the face on Alice to back her in the corner. White Wolf steps back as the ref pulls her away to take a running start to go for a Rolling Elbow when Alice catches her with a Uranage! Alice follows up with a Deadlift German Suplex into the corner hard. She then lifts her up delivering several chops to the chest and finishes with a Biel Throw across the ring. White Wolf is clutching her back in pain, but yells at Alice to bring it to which she hits a headbutt. White Wolf is now dazed Alice looks to end it all right there and lifts White Wolf to Irish Whip her into the ropes and hits her with the Super Clover Slam(Scoop Powerslam)! Alice starts counting as the ref dives to make the count.




"Here's your winner Amazon Alice!" announced JT as the ref raised Alice's hand.

"In a show of pure strength and skill from Amazon Alice, she tore apart the rookie tonight. To be honest I can't say I'm surprised." said Michael smugly.

"In the end the experience played a huge factor here Zero as Alice made the rookie White Wolf pay. However I do think White Wolf has potential and may be able to build herself back up from taking some time in NEX-GEN." said JR.

"Maybe, but coming up next the new FXW No Limits champion, Chris Blade is in action with The Destroyer Ben Jones." said Michael as they go to commercial.

Screen shows all of the WFA logos: ACW. ICW, SSW, TDW, WWL, FXW, PWE, GWE, UCW, FZW, UWA, CAW and as they all fade out as fire starts to envelop them to then reveal

Blaze of Glory

Coming soon...

Take Over-Dale Oliver

Music plays and the crowd goes wild as Chris Blade walks out now holding the FXW No Limits title to which he raises up in the air. With a look of pure confidence on his face he then made his way to the ring with a fist bump with a few fans. He then makes his way around the ring as he fist bumps with JR and shakes hands with Michael as he slides into the ring to climb on the turnbuckle to raise his title up i nthe air once more to loud cheers from the fans.

"The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first from Newark, New Jersey, weighing in at 297 pds, he is the Hardcore Phenomenon and the FXW No Limits champion, Chris Blade!" announced JT.

"At Wrestlegeddon this man went through 14 other men to win that title including Mason Strong, Revan Maverick, Sicko Kidd, and many other new stars in the WFA just to get that title." said Jr.

"Indeed, but tonight he goes against an even bigger adversary in Ben Jones who was one of the men in the main event at Wrestlegeddon where he, Freddy Escobar, Jason Malice, and Will Ralston took on the arriving Darkside. While he came up short, Ben Jones is not someone to stay down long." said Micahel as Ben's music plays. They all wait for Ben to come out, but to no avail. They play the music again and still nothing. That was when the ref counted.












"Here is your winner by forefeit, Chris Blade." announced the disappointed JT as Chris was pissed off his match ended the way it did.

Then the camera showed backstage Ben Jones in a a huge brawl with a man with a strip goatee thin mustache combo, short dark brown hair, wearing a shirt saying We Are All Going To Hell with a crucified dead angel on the front. He is then joined in by several other men with various skull masks as the y all beat down Ben to which the man turned around to smash his head in with his cane. He then had the Skull Mask Men tie a noose around Ben's neck and dragged him outside to a dumpster as they tossed him in. The man leading them is carrying a gas can and then pours the gas in the dumpster with Ben in it.

"Ashes to ashes we all fall down, and down to Hell you go o' great and mighty "Destroyer". Enjoy your eternal damnation! Hahahahahahahaha!" laughed the man as he lits several matches and tosses them in the dumpster! Quickly the dumspster is in flames as the pained screams of Jones can be heard.

"Good God! There is a human being in there damn it!" yelled JR.

"Someone get out there and put out that fire!" yelled Michael.

"WFA, your Sinister Prophet has arrived. Soon you will see the world as I see it. And you will see it burn. I am Amadeus Crowley and everything you once knew is about to come to and end. Hahahahahahahahaha!" laughed the vile Amadeus Crowley.


"We are back live folks as medical personel have taken care of Ben Jones to the nearest hospital. We hope for a speddy recovery for him." said JR.

"And let it be known that both Mick Racer and Mr. Constantine will deal with Crowley next week on what just transpred. Now we hate for what just happened, but now it's time for the main event!" said Michael.

Ding Ding!

"The following matchup is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the FXW Television Championship!" Began JT as the music began to play.

The Toy Master-Avantasia

The Fallen One was fully focused on achieving his goal in beating Escobar tonight especially after what happened earlier. He tossed his coat and bat aside and slide into the ring as he awaited for The Prince to arrive.

"Tonight we see an old NJPW rivalry begin anew as The Fallen One takes on The Prince for the FXW TV title, and I gotta say Michael, Malice is in the zone and pissed off at the same time." Said JR.

"Course he is JR and I would be too after being blindsided by the Monarchy. But Malice should've known better and that Escobar always has a plan." Replied Michael.

POWER-Kanye West

The crowd begins to fill the arena with boos, and the lights dim, to be replaced with the bright neon lights on Freddy Escobar's jacket as the Prince poses, arms spread. He yells at the crowd to bow before him, and they respond by flipping him off. Freddy simply laughs and make his way to the ring. He enters, completely ignoring Malice, and he stands on the turnbuckle, raising the belt up high, as the other three turnbuckles shoot pyro off.

"Freddy Escobar is not taking Jason Malice seriously. His arrogance might cost him." JR says.

"You know the Prince has an ace up his sleeve. The Monarchy could be on stand-by." Michael responds.

"And now the challenger, from New Orleans, Louisiana and weighing in at 237 pds, he is the Fallen One, Jason Malice!" Yelled JT as the fans cheered and Malice got in Freddy's face talking smack as he walked back to his corner.

"Introducing the current, reigning FXW Television Champion, please welcome, the Prince, Freddy Escobar!"yelled JT once more as the bell rang after the introductions were done to which Malice charged Freddy.

Malice began to hit a combination of kicks to the gut and jabs at the jaw until they were in the corner to which Malice hits a few shoulder thrusts into Escobar's abdomen until the ref pulled him away. Escobar is having trouble standing up until Malice hits him with a running clothesline and then Irish Whips him across the ring to do it a second time to a roar of cheers. The Fallen One picks up The Prince and looks to do it once more, but Escobar reverses just in time and then hits a beautiful drop kick to the back of Malice's head.

Malice begins to get up,and once he does, Freddy begins hitting him with a series of European Uppercuts, causing Malice to become dazed, as Freddy takes advantage by capitalizing with a Superkick! Malice falls to the mat, as Freddy begins ruthlessly stomping on the Fallen One, as the crowd boos. By the time Freddy is pulled away by the referee, he has hit a total of 10 stomps. Malice rolls to the apron, and gets up using the ropes to pull himself up. Freddy walks over to him, and begins to set him up for a Rope-Hung DDT. But as he locks in the front facelock, and before he can pull him onto the ropes, Malice pulls himself away, before hitting a shoulder thrust to Freddy's stomach. Freddy is stunned for a moment, giving Malice enough time to grab the middle ropes and nail Freddy with a Springboard Spear!

Freddy Escobar collapses to the floor and they both land on the floor. Both of them begin to slowly get up. Freddy gets up first, and tries to hit Jason Malice with a Roundhouse Kick to the head, but Jason Malice catches the kick and stands up fully before using a Dragon Screw Leg Whip to send Freddy to the floor. Jason begins advancing, but Freddy really begins selling his leg.

"Something's wrong with Escobar's leg! He seems to have injured it!" Michael says.

"Wait, something's not right…." JR says, suspicious. Freddy cries out in pain, clutching his leg. The referee begins checking on Freddy, as Jason Malice looks quite confused. Jason begins pacing around the ring, turning his back on Freddy….and once this happens, the Prince kips up and nails Malice with a Superkick to the back of his head!

"Aw, sonuvabitch!" JR excalums. "He was playing possum!"

And from there on Escobar lays in some hard stomps to the head to then starting to choke him out with the ref doing the count with The Prince finally letting go, but then hits a jumping elbow drop for a quick pin.



Freddy locks in a side headlock as he wrenching the head as he tries the reach the ropes to no avail. Escobar slams his head to the mat to take a running start to, but Malice dodges the knee strike to hit a release German Suplex And follows up with a Senton. The Fallen One looks to go for the pin, but The Prince wisely rolls out the ring. Malice goes to follow him to try to pick him up, only for Escobar to kick out the left leg and hit a DDT on the outside.

"Wise move from The Prince and a beautiful DDT on the outside." Said Michael.

Freddy grabs Jason, lifts him up, and puts him on the apron. Freddy then rolls into the ring, before grabbing Jason, forcing him to stand up on the apron, and he sets him up before spiking him on his head with a Rope-Hung DDT! Jason lands on his dome, as the Prince smirks malevolently. Freddy waits for Jason to get up to his knees, and once he does, he executes the Royal Blitz (Series of roundhouse kicks to the chest capped off with a knee strike to the head). Freddy goes for the cocky pin, placing his foot onto Jason Malice



Freddy then spits on Jason as he lifts him up to hit the Three Amigos, but as he gets to the third Suplex, Jason blocks it and slips behind him to hit him with a Germán Suplex and then hits another. And like he did, Escobar blocks the third Suplex and elbows Malice in the head. He hits him sharply in his right eye as Jason finally let's go as he clutches at his eye in pain. After it subsides he looks up at the wrong time as Freddy hits Checkmate(Bicycle Knee Strike)!




"The Fallen One barely kicks out of that one and the look on Escobar's face tells us he is pissed at this point." Said Michael.

"Should know by now that it take some more than that to finish Malice off and by gawd!" Exclaimed JR as they were talking Escobar had grabbed Jason Malice and set him up on the top turnbuckle. Freddy climbs up, and begins setting up for the Royal Special (Inverted Superplex), but Jason rakes Freddy's eyes! Freddy falls from the top turnbuckle to the mat, clutching his face, as Jason takes a moment to steady himself before hitting a Diving Elbow Drop! Freddy clutches his gut in pain, as Jason goes to the corner, waiting for Freddy to get up. Once he does, he wishes forward to hit the Sudden Death Superkick-but Freddy evades that and rolls out of the ring, looking to catch his breath. However, Jason rushes forward and nails a Wrecking Ball Dropkick to the Prince as the crowd cheers him on!

"And now the Fallen One is back on the offensive! Can he maintain control?" JR ponders.

Malice picks up Escobar to hit some nasty chops to his chest to Irish Whip The Prince hard into the steps. Freddy was screaming in pain for his shoulder, but Malice wouldn't have any of it as he kicked him in the face and then stomped on his shoulder for good measure before tossing him back in the ring. The Fallen One would lift him up again to hit an Impaler DDT, but instead of covering him he goes to apply the Hangman's Noose(Last Chancery)! Escobar is screaming in agony at this point and just as he was about to tap, the ref was pulled out of the ring by Dylan Torres who also has DJ Kingston and King Caesar with him.

"Damn it! The Monarchy have no business in this match. Just when Escobar was about to tap, they pull the ref out of the ring. Can Escobar win a match without help from his cronies?" Asked the disgusted JR.

"Watch your mouth JR. They have all the right to be here as they helped saved their leader from losing his title to the sideshow freak." Yelled Michael as the lights went out and Left Behind began to play. The lights returned to show Rosemary, Crazzy Steve, And Abyss standing before the Monarchy as they then went to blows with Rosemary misting DJ in his eyes, Steve and Dylan trying to choke each other, and Abyss and King Caesar hitting each other with huge clubbing blows.

"Look at all this chaos! Someone needs to get this under control!" JR says, as the groups are brawling. Meanwhile, Freddy and Jason are engaging in a striking battle, as are Freddy is hitting European Uppercuts, while Jason is hitting some stiff elbows. Eventually, it seems that Jason is winning the striking battle, as Jason is hitting Freddy with more and more elbows, stunning the Prince. Jason goes the Sudden Death Superkick, but Freddy rebounds off the ropes to nail the Checkmate! Both men are down, and the crowd is chanting for Jason Malice, as the Fallen One slowly begins to get up to his feet. However, Freddy is also slowly beginning to stand up, and once both men are up, bruised, beaten and exhausted, they rush each other. Jason goes for a Lariat, but Freddy ducks under his arm, and pulls him into a Backslide. However, Jason kicks out before a count can even be made, and tries to hit the kneeling Prince with another Sudden Death Superkick, but the Prince anticipates it, and catches Jason's foot, before hitting an Enzugiri! Jason is stunned, allowing Freddy to grab him by the arm, set him up and drive him into the mat with a Hammerlock DDT! Freddy is smirking, enjoying and savoring the moment, as he slowly begins to lift Jason up.

"This is it, the Prince is going to put an end to the Fallen One once and for all!" Michael says as Freddy kicks Jason in the gut, grabs both his arms, and lifts him into a Double Underhook Overhead Gutwrench.

"Freddy could be thinking of the Prince's Crown (Stormbreaker)! If it connects, Jason could be done for!" JR says as Malice flips Escobar over and then finally hits the Sudden Death Superkick right in the jaw, pushes him into the ropes, and grabs his neck from behind to deliver Laid To Rest(lifting inverted DDT dropped into a brainbuster) for the cover!




Ding Ding!

"Here is your winner and the neeeeeeeew FXW TV Champion, Jason Malice!"

"The Prince has been dethroned and no longer has his bargaining chip for the World title." Said JR.

"Got to admit Malice came through in the end, but let's be honest if Decay wasn't there then Escobar would've won." Said Michael.

"You're kidding me right? Neither Decay, nor Monarchy should've been there. In any case we now have a new champion." Replied JR as the ref handed Jason the title as he held it high in the air while his Decay stablemates slid into the ring.

But then the lights went off once more and this time it was Amadeus Crowley who appeared with a devil skull cane in hand. Both Abyss and Crazzy Steve moved forward to intercept him, but then the Sinister Prophet snapped his fingers to which the two Death Dealers stopped in their tracks. Then all of a sudden Rosemary turns him around to mist him in the eyes as Abyss, Crazzy Steve, and Crowley attacked him! They are then joined by the three Skull Masked Men who all begin beating down Jason. The bell was ringing as the refs were trying to stop them, but to no avail.

Then Crowley stopped them and directed everyone to outside the ring. Each one pulled something out from under the ring: Crazy Steve a black bat, the biggest of the Skull Masks had a table, the two smaller ones had bags in hand, and Abyss with Janice. They all came back in with their chosen weapons as Big Skull sets up the table and the Smaller Skull Masks opened one bag each with thumbtacks on the table. The two big men lifted him up to double chokeslam Malice through the table! Screams of pain could be heard in the arena as the crowd went silent as they watched The Fallen One be dismantled by both Crowley, the Skull Masks, and his Decay stablemates. Both Abyss and Big Skull lift him up as Crazzy Steve smashes the bat into Jason's jaw and then on his back, but was brought back up as Abyss swung Janice into his gut!

"You suck! You suck!" Chanted the crowd.

"Come on stop! Someone stop them! That's a human being damn it!" Yelled JR as Rosemary pulls out a bag and pours broken glass on the ground and points at Abyss. The Monster lifts the broken man of Jason Malice and delivers a Blackhole Slam onto the broken glass! They were about to continue until Crowley stopped them all and pointed at the stage. The four men lift up the broken and bloodied Jason to carry him toward the stage until Crowley stops them on the edge. He hits him on top of his head with his cane to which busted his head. With that both Abyss and Big Skull lifted him up for a double chokeslam off the stage and through the equipment table where sparks began flying.

"Holy shit! Holy shit!" Roared the crowd as Left Behind began to play as all seven attackers stood tall and proud of their work, but the eyes of the former Decay members was purple like. And in the ring was the FXW TV title covered in blood as both JR and Michael were silent. Crazzy Steve climbed down to check for Malice only to find his body gone and the Titantron showed a scorpion, a raven, and a bat with three figures behind them. The show ended with Crowley laughing evily as Decay and the Skull Masks bowed before him.

A/N: And so it is finally here. I do hope you all enjoyed this and huge thanks to theDarkRyder for co-writing the main event. Next time is the XTREME brand. This is Jase Raven 13 signng off. Later peeps!