I couldn't help, but start this new story! I've had this idea forever and this had been written a weeks ago and I'm too excited not to post it. I'll be working on this alongside my other story, so I'm not sure how updates will go yet, but I should have plenty of time to update both now that's summer. If you're interested the OC forum is on my profile, apologies if it seems long! I'm not sure how many OC's I'll end up taking, but is not first come first serve, I'll pick the ones I feel like I can do a lot with for the story. If you have any questions don't be afraid to ask and enjoy.

Long ago, before the land had been divided into blooming civilizations, the world was quiet. Only small settlements and villages were spread across the land. The skies seemed to always be a brilliant blue, rolling hills of lush grass blanketed the land, and there never seemed to a great threat on the horizon. But the animals and human's tranquil way of life was soon thrown into a spiral of darkness. One day an unnatural being rose to claim power over the land. The sun seemed to be enveloped with a darkness, turning the skies black, disturbing the sea, killing crops, and leaving the world in an everlasting darkened period of chaos. The being, a proclaimed god among others, was named Nemesis. Nemesis ruled over the land harshly, no one seemed to be safe from his treacherous ways. For years no one dared to stand up to the God of Destruction. No one was strong enough, not brave enough to end their worlds suffering.

That is, until five people rose to stand up for their clans. These new challengers of Nemesis banded together to put together their resources and fight Nemesis. Zeus, a brave man with a strong sense of what was right and wrong rose to be their leader. A close comrade of his was among the remaining four, Hades, was a great warrior. With his skill and precision, the group never seemed to miss a strike. Neptune was the strategist of the five, he was a bold man who never failed to get a rise out of others. Finally, the two women of the group: Athena, a woman of vast knowledge and Artemis, a woman whose resourcefulness helped greatly. These people stuck up against Nemesis and finally, after a battle that seemed to last days, the skies were cleared. The forgotten sunshine of the land returned as Nemesis was sealed away by the few remaining mages of the land.

After his imprisonment, the world was left to get back on track. The five brave ones who dared to stand up for the world were chosen to become the new rulers. The land was then divided into five new kingdoms. Zeus ruled over half the center of the land and Hades took the other side near the other. Zeus' kingdom, Aurum, was vast with farmland and jewel mines. Hades was plentiful in the precious metals of the world. Athena took the winding and thick forest of Silva, which seemed to stretch with a sea of trees for miles and miles. Next Unlike the others picks, Neptune wanted the land that was beyond the great sea. He and his people became the fisherman of the world. Finally, Artemis claimed the snowy alp of the Alba mountains. Artemis quickly excelled in hunting for the animals hide and furs. Though the world was beginning to get back on track they faced many losses and problems along the way. The mages of the land seemed to grow scarcer as the years went on. This not only happened to the mages, but also the magical beings that inhabited the land. Faired dropped, elves seemed to be taken to work, the remaining unicorns of the land locked themselves away in their meadows deep in the Silva forest. Even the dragons that once dominated the skies were killed off. The world around them seemed to lose its magic and mystery every day.

Now during present day, the threat of Nemesis seems to rise again as the sealing sight of this dark force grows old and weak every passing year. The sealing sight of Nemesis is in Hades boundaries, and he has a plan to use Nemesis to get what he's grown to want; the world.

Loud, strong voices echoed in the large, circular room. It was dimly lit with burning touches around the walls. One large circular table was in the center of the room with five chairs occupied a ruler. Zeus was at one end, his large figure leaning back into the comfortable cousin of the chair. His whitening hair was neatly trimmed as was his beard. His hair was slicked back with his golden crown on top his head accented with red rubies. His light blue eyes held an authoritative gleam as he called for his fellow kings and queens to silence. The room around him fell silent as his strong voice called for it. Next to Zeus was his advisor Yuki, scribbling down the notes of this meeting, and by his other side was a large man, known as Aguma, his body guard. He cleared his throat, "I'm sure you all know why this meeting has been called?"

"It's on my land and I will take care of it." Hades was quick to speak, his red eyes holding distaste for Zeus. Hades wiry black hair was tied back with a shiny gold crown the same as Zeus', but with diamonds. "I am capable of taking care of this problem. My mages with can reseal him."

The woman beside him rolled her icy blue eyes. Her black hair was flowing down her back with bangs framing her eyes, making them stand out. Her pale skin also helped bring out their color. "We all know what you mean by that."

"You dare question my intentions Artemis!?"

"Oh, no. Never." she sarcastically replied.

"Don't start bickering!" A stern female's voice growled from beside Zeus. Her chestnut hair was tied up in a neat, tight bun. Her stormy eyes matched the emeralds on her tiara and glared daggers at the two.

"I'm just saying that Hades doesn't have the best track record for "doing the right thing." Do you people not remember the Blood Alp war?"

"That was years ago!" Athena argued.

"Yet it will always be fresh in my mind!" Her voice raised, "thousands of my people were sacrificed by Hades hand."

"I was young, stupid-"

"You were a monster!"

"Artemis please, either calm yourself or leave. We have important problems to discuss. Ones that are relevant you our problems today."

"You wouldn't understand. You play neutral in every conflict! You've never lost your people because of war. Do you know how many civilians live behind my walls? Do any of you? I'd be lucky if we barley scrapped half a thousand."

"I think we've gone of topic and we're letting feelings get in the way of things. Artemis-" Zeus was taken back a bit. Ever since the war waged all those years ago the woman before him hadn't been the same. The series of battles had taken place when hades troops stormed the pass leading to Artemis' palace in the mountains. Before he could the walls concealing her people's settlements the queen led her forces to meet them head on in the snowy alps of her land. A snow storm had hit that same night and the people of Nix had the advantage on home ground and a better understanding of the best way to battle in such weather, having lived in it for years. Despite this Hades overpowered them. He had always held the strongest and more advanced army of the land. The alps had been stained with the red of Artemis' forces, then no long after most the mages and others nonhuman beings had been either killed or taken away. What was Hades reason for this? The reason for the murder or imprisonment of thousands of men, women, and children had been to the one fact of the growing power of Artemis. Her kingdom had always been made up of many mages and other more beneficial beings to her. Hades was nothing more than normal human and whatever beings he captured and forced to work for him. The growing number of mages she was housing became a threat to hades, who for reasons he never voiced to anyone, wished for the capture of whatever mages were across the land. He would have never dreamed to go after Zeus like that, Neptune was across the sea and the Silva forest was too hard to navigate an army through, but Artemis was closest to him and his men were fully capable to climb to her people. So, he did.

"All I'm saying is, why hasn't everyone else realized what he could do to us if he decides to utilize Nemesis' power?"

"That is why we've written up something that will ensure nothing like that will happen." Neptune finally spoke up from his spot. The blond man looked younger than any of them. His ocean eyes were kinder than any of the others and unlike any of the others he didn't wear a crown. Instead a golden band on a chain around his neck. It had a large, sparkling emerald in the center. "Hikaru you have the document's, right?"

"Yes sir." The young woman was Neptune's advisor. She had helped draw up these plans that would be purposed. "There is some water damage from the ship ride here, but besides that it's good to go." Artemis had sighed, receiving a small smirk from Hades that no once had appeared to see.

"Listen, we don't need whatever Neptune was written up. My men will guard the sight until my mages can work a spell to strengthen the seal once more."

"I only wish to keep the peace between us." Athena stated. "But I think I speak for all of us when I say I think it's best that we all destroy this problem before it becomes a threat."

"I agree." Zeus nodded. "Neptune what is this proposal of yours?"

The papers were slide to Zeus, who read it over as Yuki read over his shoulder, ready to spot a flaw. After a few moments of silence, he went on to speak. "What do you think of this Yuki?"

"Well, in all honesty this is probably the best option to our dilemma. I'd say it worth a shot."

"Then let's put it to vote. To put it simply within the next week we will send our most skilled mages to reseal Nemesis before it's too late. All agreed?" Only one hand rose to oppose and Hades was out voted.

Well, here just a short start to the story! I've had the idea forever and I'm very excited to start writing and getting deep in to this! If you wish to send an OC, you may send up to two if you wish. And if you want to know anything about the rulers or the kingdoms or anything else while filling it out, feel free to ask. Also the next chapter will focus on the show character in the story and more on the rulers separately, and some more world building, so expect a fairly long one. The forum is on my profile!