Randy Orton walked down the hall, he was in his home town of St. Luis, he had his family with him, his mother, father, one brother Nathan, his sister Becky, ex-wife Sam, and his little girl Alanna who is now 8 years old are all with him.

His sister, Samantha, and Alanna all went to catering, while he and his brother walked ahead of his parents.

Randy and Nathan stopped at the water cooler right before you got to catering. They were taken back by a very nice view, that of a woman bent over grabbing a bottle of water, out of the cooler, filled with ice. "Damn will you look at the ass on that one." Nathan nudged his brother.

"I know, I wonder if her face looks as good as her ass." Randy smirked over at his brother.

"Oh, you boys. I swear you would think I have two teenagers, not grown men." Elaine Randy's mother shook her head, slapping Randy on the back.

Both boys shook their head and shrugged, Randy's biting his lip when the woman turned around. And to his surprise the woman was absolutely gorgeous. She was about 5 foot 6 inches, couldn't be much over 120 pounds, long brown hair, with blonde highlights, plus she had a body to die for.

"Delia." They heard ring announcer JoJo, calling down the hall. The woman turned and smiled at the shorter woman. "I've been looking for you." JoJo said once she made it to the woman who they now know as Delia.

"I was just grabbing a water." Delia smiled. "What's up?"

"Your brother has been looking for you, I think he's a little nervous about you being here. He kept asking about you, wanting to know how you were doing, if I thought you were going to be a good fit, it's kinda cute actually." JoJo laughed.

"You just think that because he's not your brother and he's not constantly in your business." Delia laughed.

They both turned and went to walk away, right at the time Randy was stepping forward, Delia ended up smacking into Randy's hard body. Randy reached out and grabbed her before she could hit the ground. "Oh, I'm so sorry I should start watching where I'm going." Delia said softly.

"It's alright, no harm, no foul." Randy smiled. "I'm Randy Orton by the way, you must be new here."

"Delia." She smiled, shaking his out stretched hand. Knowing very well just who this tattooed god was.

"Nice to meet you, this is my brother Nathan, and my father and mother Elaine and Bob Orton." He added.

"Nice too meet you all." Delia smiled.

"So, I over heard you and JoJo talking. Your brother works here?" Randy raised a brow.

"Yeah, he's a wrestler." Delia smiled.

"Oh, who is he?" Randy raised a brow.

She was cut off by Seth Rollins walking over putting an arm around her shoulder. "Hey, D... what's going on?" Seth raised a brow. "How do you know my sister Orton?"

"I was just introducing myself to Randy, that's all." Delia smiled up at Seth. "Well, before I was so rudely interrupted, I was going to tell you who my brother was but you can see who it is now." She smiled.

Randy nodded, and smiled wow he didn't see this one coming. He had no idea he'd ever find someone related to Seth Rollins, attractive. But damn this woman was fine as all hell. "I can see, but your sister just bumped into me and we struck up a bit of a conversation."

"Umm, hmm." Seth said, shaking his head. "I see, well Delia and I should be going." Seth said, taking Delia by the arm moving her to his other side.

"See you later JoJo." Delia smiled at JoJo, then turned her attention to Randy. "I guess I'll see you around Randy." She smiled at Randy, who smiled in return.

Seth rolled his eyes as he ushered Delia down the hall. Oh boy what was he going to do? He didn't like the idea of his sister being any where near Randy Orton. Orton doesn't like him and he doesn't want Delia to be another one of Randy's many, many conquests that's for damn sure. There is only one thing that man is after and he sure as hell isn't getting it from Delia.

Seth and Delia were outside of hair and make up, Delia was going to get ready for her first photo shoot and was stopping by hair and make-up, she'd already changed into her tight, body hugging maroon, knee length crisscross keyhole bondage dress, paring them with a simple pair of strapy heels.

"So, what was that about back there?" Delia raised a brow.

"What do you mean D?" Seth sighed, knowing just what she was talking about.

"Why did you rush me off?, I was starting to get to know Randy he seems really nice." Delia stated. "Nothing like you'd think." She added.

"He may seem that way, but he doesn't like me so he was only being nice to you because he didn't know you were my sister." Seth stated.

"How do you know, I know you have had problems before. But that doesn't mean he still has an issue with you. You should give people a chance before you write them off." Delia sighed.

"Delia just trust me when I say to you that he's not someone you want to get to know. So just steer clear of him will you?" Seth sighed.

"Why should I?" Delia shook her head. "I'm old enough to make my own decisions."

"You aren't even old enough to buy acholc..." Seth rolled his eyes.

"I will be in 3 weeks." She shoots back with a smirk, crossing her arms over her chest.

"You know what, just watch yourself with him." Seth sighed.

"How much trouble can I get into just talking to him? Seriously Seth you read way too much into this. Having a conversation with Randy Orton isn't going to send me on a road to hell." Delia stated, looking down at her watch. "Look, I've got to go they are waiting on me, I'll see you later big brother." She offered him a smile, leaning forward to give him a quick kiss on the cheek before she walked into hair and make-up.

Randy was walking down the hall he smiled when he ran into JoJo, now they aren't always on the best of terms, they'd actually hooked up for a while, JoJo thought of it as if they were dating but Randy on the other hand, only saw it as friends with benefits.

"Hey, how's it going?" Randy raised a brow as he stopped in front of JoJo.

"Hey." JoJo smile slightly. "It's going okay I guess, how's it going with you?"

"Pretty good, so... where's your new friend?" Randy raised a brow.

"New friend?" JoJo raised a brow, slightly confused.

"Delia?..." Randy said.

"Oh, hair and make-up I believe. She has a photo shoot today her first one." JoJo informed him.

"Oh I see, so what is she going to be doing around here?" Randy raised a brow.

"Interviews I think that's what they said they were going to do with her, but for now she doesn't really have anything to do. They aren't putting her on air for another few weeks I believe. I don't think they know what they want to do with her right now. All I know is they are giving her the name, Delia Rose... they said they want to keep her relationship with Seth under wraps, so they aren't giving her Rollins as a last name." JoJo stated.

"I see, I see. Well it's nice to catch up with you again." Randy smiled. "I should go, I'll see you around." Randy said, giving her a quick pat on the shoulder before he walked away.

JoJo turned around and watched him walk away, it'd been awhile since they'd been together and this was one of the first times he'd actually gone up to her and struck up a conversation. Figures it'd be about another woman. She knew he was inquiring about Delia, because he wanted see if he could add another notch on his bedpost. Seems like that's all he is ever after, she made the mistake of thinking they had something special but according to Randy they weren't together, just friends with special benefits.

JoJo sighed and walked off in the other direction, she was going to go find Delia, remembering she'd told her she'd help her find where they were doing photo shoots today. JoJo had actually offered to take Delia under her wing, she knew what it was like being so young around this place, some people liked to take advantage of that. Luckily for Delia she has JoJo, and a big brother to look out for her.

Authors Note- sooo what do you all think? I'm not very good but wanted to try it out. Should I continue with this story? Yay or nay? leave me a review feed back is always welcomed and greatly appreciated! sorry for any grammar and spelling mistakes!