"It looks good on you."

It seems as though going to Akko's house was a bit of a stretch. As soon as they started driving away, the rain started pouring harder again and Akko refused to let Diana drive that far. In the end, they both ended up reaching Diana's house since it seemed closer to the café than Akko's.

"Sorry for intruding like this, Diana." Akko sheepishly said, taking her soppy shoes off and walking in Diana's apartment like it was her own. Diana bit back a giggle as she watched Akko take the jacket off and hang it, before the brunette made her way to the kitchen to boil some water for a cup of hot chocolate.

Hot chocolate never goes wrong.

"I'll get the bath ready for you, so sit tight and wait for me. Okay?" Diana says, already making her way towards her bathroom. Akko hollers a reply from all the way in the kitchen and Diana smiles in satisfaction.

Once she got in the bathroom, she twisted the knobs for her tub and waited for the perfect temperature she knows Akko loves. She brought out Akko's 'back up' bubble bath, which was scented like green apples and placed it near the tub. After a few minutes, she turned the knob off and made her way to her room.

Diana prepared a loose hoodie and sweatpants that she usually only uses at home. She folded them neatly and placed them next to the cupboard in her bathroom.

"Akko?" She called out once she was done, peeking her head to check if the girl was still in the kitchen. It turns out that Akko was still there, leaning against the island as she smiled down at her phone.

Who's she texting? Diana bitterly thought.

Akko looked up from her phone, letting the video compilation of people doing dumb stuff be forgotten for a second. "Yeah?" She replies, letting her eyes get drawn to Diana's beauty – as it always does.

"The bath is ready for you…" Diana mutters, gesturing towards the bathroom. "I put some clothes there too. I'll be in my room if you're done."

Akko nodded and made her way towards the bathroom, smiling when she passed Diana to show her appreciation for doing this for her. Diana watched Akko for a bit before she shook her head, willing herself to get it together while she walked towards where her room was.

She lay in bed for a while, scrolling through Tumblr aimlessly. She giggled at the multiple memes and felt her heart wrench in pain whenever she saw poems.

She didn't know how long it took but soon enough, Akko walked in the room with her hoodie and sweatpants on. Diana had to compose herself quickly, not quite expecting something so simple to look so good on Akko.

"I-It looks good on you…" and it really did. Diana found herself letting her eyes wander around Akko's figure, finding the towel wrapped around her head incredibly endearing and the way she was casually stuffing her hands in the pockets of the grey hoodie seemed incredibly breath-taking for Diana.

"Thanks…?" Akko sputters in confusion. Diana shook her head and patted the spot next to her, urging Akko to at least sit on the bed.

Instead of just sitting though, Akko settled under the sheets of Diana's warm bed – ignoring the flustered look Diana gave her when she nestled at the warm spot right next to Diana.

Akko faced Diana and rests her head against the crook of Diana's neck, letting her nose tickle the spot ever so slightly. She inhaled Diana's scent, satisfied when she felt the other girl freeze in her spot. "You smell nice," she mumbled against the blonde's neck. "Can I stay like this for a while?"

Diana nodded as her heart raced in her chest. "D-Dry your hair first, though… Your head might ache later."

Akko pouted, forgetting the fact that her head was buried into Diana's neck. The pout made Diana feel like Akko had kissed her there and she didn't really know what to do except to sputter incoherently even when Akko got up from the bed.

"Fine then, I'll borrow your hair dryer for a while." Akko huffed and walked to the other side of the room, plugging in and using the noisy dryer.

Diana waited patiently, resuming her Tumblr scrolling spree as she tried to drown out the noise of the darn hair dryer. It didn't take that long before she felt the bed dip next to her, and Akko was back to snuggling against Diana's neck.

They stayed like that for a while, with Akko draping her arm across Diana's stomach unconsciously. It wasn't that long before the two of them fell asleep in each other's arms.