"Pull over, let me drive."

The brunette was already nodding off while her hands were on the wheel. She struggled to keep her eyes open and focused on the road. It was getting dark, and they were just about to go home from their trip. It was already years after they both graduated from their school, and years after they started becoming friends.

Next to her was the blonde, the rival that she always wanted to beat. Diana kept quiet for a really long time; Her fingers were tapping rhythmically on the sides of the car windows, trying to keep herself from falling asleep too.

When she noticed the car slowly coming to a halt, she glanced over the driver's side and found Akko about to fall asleep.

"Akko." Her voice carried itself to Akko's ears, and the girl immediately jolted up, seemingly awake. The car swerved a little to the left, scaring Diana for the lives they haven't lived fully yet.

"Y-Yes!" She yelped, startled. The car picked up in speed again as her focus shifted from drifting off to steering the wheel. Diana smiled, a small and hidden one, and tingles made their way through her body.

"Pull over." She said gently. Her blue eyes glimmered with a look of love, but it quickly disappeared as soon as Akko's eyes looked at her own and questioned her for what she said.

Diana sighed, although filled with good content. "Let me drive, Akko." Her arm stretched out to reach for Akko, but she stopped when she realized that she was about to hold her best friend's hand.

The questioning gaze never really left the brunette's face but she did as she was told. She pulled over at the side of the highway, both girls exiting the car and going out - into the dark and cold night. Akko shivered. Diana, who was carefully observing her slipped her coat off to wrap it around the shoulders of the shaking girl. She led Akko to the passenger's seat and gently closed the door, before making her way to the driver's seat.

10 more kilometers, Akko. Diana thought to herself, casting her sight briefly to her side, where the brunette started snoring softly; Diana's jacket was serving as a pretty handy blanket. Diana smiled softly once more. 10 more kilometers and we're home.