Summary: Phoebe and Max go on their first Cape Mission together, but it goes horribly wrong and everyone blames Phoebe for it. Phoebe decides to quit being a superhero becomes withdrawn from the family and her grades start to slip. Can Max find out what is wrong with his sister before it's too late?

A/N: I don't own Thundermans

Chapter One: Mission gone wrong

Max and Phoebe entered the bank, using their freeze breath to freeze the robbers that were trying to get away with a large amount of cash. "Everybody Freeze!" Phoebe called out, before elbowing her brother, who rolled his eyes at her, as she added, "Get it, cause we froze them with our freeze breath."

"It's not that funny," Max said, turning around to leave. Just then a loud cracking noise was heard, causing Max and Phoebe to turn around, only to discover that they were completely surrounded.

Max didn't waste any time, knocking the first two that got too close to him away. A few of the attackers suddenly raised up into the air. Max smiled, his sister must have freed herself from the crowd and was helping him out.

Just then Phoebe let out a startled gasped, and the men she was levitating landed in a heap on top of Max. Phoebe quickly took out any of the men that hadn't been knocked out by her accidental drop and pulled out Max from the pile. He was unconscious and his wrist was twisted at a strange angle.

Phoebe looked around, even if she could freeze them it wouldn't have helped. She needed to get Max to safety and by the way, some of the men were already beginning to stir, she had to do it soon.

She quickly dragged Max out of the building and into the dark alleyway next to it. She glanced over her shoulder as she heard shouts, the men were up and about. Her breath caught in her throat when she heard one of them order the others to check the alleyways. Their cover wouldn't last long, and she was defenseless against the men and Max was still unconscious.

The only thing she could do was try to lear them away from Max, then double back for him when she had lost them. She quickly took off her cape and covered her twin brother with it, for three reasons, one it would keep him warmer, two it would let him know that she was safe if he should come to before her return, and three it would prevent the men from slowing her down by grabbing the cape, which had the tendency of flowing behind her as she runs.

She tentatively stepped out of the alleyway and snuck across the street to the opposite Alley, before breaking out in a run. She ran fast, aware of the men following her behind, now just to lose them and double back for Max.


Max Thunderman groaned as he came too, he was lying face down in the dirt with his right wrist throbbing with pain. He frowned, where was he, and more importantly how did he get there. He shivered; it was cold out, as he tried to lift himself up, only to discover that his right arm refused to hold any weight.

Max finally pulled himself into a sitting position and looked around at his surroundings. He was in a dark alleyway wearing his thundersuit, his right wrist twisted at an awkward angle, Phoebe's Cape draped casually over him. He slowly rose to his feet, careful not to jostle his injured arm. Thunder roared overhead as the clouds suddenly broke, dumping buckets of water down on the injured teen, helping snap him out of his dazed state and remember what happened.

He had been downstairs in his liar, showing Phoebe the truth ray he had built when a mission alert popped up. He vaguely remembered Phoebe promising their parents that she would take care of him, due to it being his first cape mission. After that it was a blur, he remembered confronting the bank robbers and quickly being outnumbered. He remembers Phoebe breaking free, and then nothing.

Phoebe had left him, abandoned him, and she had known that he was a little nervous about going on a cape mission. He couldn't believe it, he knew what happened. When he was distracted by the thugs, Phoebe had slipped away to catch the robber, not caring if her brother got out of there alive or not. And people said he was the evil twin, he wouldn't have let some thugs beat Phoebe up, even when he was going through his super-villain phase.

Now it was almost midnight, he was all alone, freezing, dripping wet, with what appears to be a broken wrist, and had a good forty-five-minute walk in the pouring rain to get home to his family. If a certain twin sister of his was there, he might reconsider the whole superhero thing. She promised, and she broke it.


By the time Max got home it was twelve-thirty, and he was on the verge of Hypothermia. He stumbled with the lock, trying to unlock it left handed. After a couple of failed attempts, Max let himself in.

He blinked, shielding his eyes from the sudden light; his mom and dad were waiting for him.

"Maximus Octavius Thunderman, do you have any idea what time it is?" Barb demanded.

Max was shivering too hard to answer, so he just nodded as he headed downstairs.

"Hey, Max, how was being a superhero, ready to give up and be a supervillain again?" Dr. Colosso asked eagerly.

Max didn't answer as he carefully pulled off his thunder suit, gritting his teeth as he jars his wrist. He clumsily pulled on a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie one-handed. He stuffed his feet into a pair of old slippers and wrapped a blanket around his shoulders.

"Max, can you come up here please?" Hank called out.

"Ccc...oming," Max called out, through chattering teeth.

Max curled up on the couch, tenderly holding his right wrist. "Yyyy...eah?" he shivered.

"Are you okay Max?" Barb asked, noting how he was shivering and holding his arm funny.

Max just shook his head before leaning into his father, seeking his warmth. Hank pulled him closer, and after realizing how cold he was started rubbing his arms to help warm him up.

Max let out a gasp of pain as his father jarred his wrist, "I think my wrist is broken." He gasped.

"Let me look at it," Hank offered, holding his hands out. Max shifted so that he could see his wrist.

"Here Max," Barb said, offering her son a steaming mug of hot chocolate.

"His wrist is broken," Hank told his wife as his son tentatively accepted the mug.

Max was warming up now, the hot chocolate making him sleepy. His wrist had been set and put in a splint. Dr. Ouch would come later in the morning to put it in a cast.

"Where's Phoebe?" Hank finally asked once he was certain his oldest son was going to be okay.

"I thought she was here." Max murmured, "When I woke up, she wasn't there."

"What do you mean when you woke up," Barb demanded.

"I don't really remember how I got there, but I woke up in an alleyway. I remember fighting these thugs and Phoebe being there one minute and gone the next. After she left, I was overwhelmed. That's all I can remember."

Hank and Barb shared a look, as the senior partner, Phoebe should have stayed and made sure that Max was okay. They would have to have a talk about how teamwork works when their daughter got home.


Phoebe slowly came too, trying to ignore the pain that coursed through her body and threatened her with both lightheadedness and nausea. Her eyes flew open, where was Max? What had happened to her brother? Did he know that the fact she left her cape meant that she was supposed to come back and therefore something was wrong and he should call for help? Or did he just assumed that she had abandoned him?

Phoebe frowned, she had to get to Max! She wriggled her bound arms until they were in front of her, hissing each time she jarred an injury. With her bound hands in front of her now she let out a steady breath of heat breath but it didn't work, so she gnawed on the rope until she could get free. She needed to get to Max.

Phoebe shivered as she wrapped her arms closer to her body, trying to hide the sad state her thunder suit was in. It was almost three in the morning, but Phoebe couldn't go home yet. The mission had been completely disastrous, the only thing that had gone right was when she had hidden Max's unconscious body in an alleyway.

She quickly located the alleyway that she had left Max in, only to discover it empty. Her head spun with dizziness, had they found Max. Had she sacrificed everything she held dear, given up her childhood dream for nothing. No! Max simply woke up and headed home, headed to get help from Mom and Dad, that was all.

She gritted her teeth, if she stayed out in the open there was a chance that a non-supe would find her, exposing her secret again. She'll just have to keep trekking on. Hopefully, Max was at home, or she'll run into him and their parents on the way, she didn't know if she could handle having to search for him tonight. As if in reply her head spun again as her stomach lurched.

The walk home was hard, she had to stop multiple times to stop her head from spinning. It was raining hard, too, so she was completely soaked by the time she reached their street.

Almost two hours after her escape she quietly snuck into the house through Max's window, that way if Max wasn't there she could sneak out again to go look for him. Phoebe sighed in relief when she saw him sound asleep. Careful not to wake him, she snuck upstairs.

It was obvious that Hank and Barb had fallen asleep waiting for Phoebe to come home. Knowing that they would ask questions that she wasn't ready to answer, she snuck upstairs to her bedroom. Closing the door, her head started to spin and before she could do anything about it, the world went black.

She came too, groggily to the sound of Billy and Nora starting a game of laser tag, the sun already well on its journey across the sky. She could hear her parents banging around in the kitchen, and what sounded suspiciously like Dr. Ouch in the living room. Getting up, she decided to take care of her injuries and take a bath.

She limped to the bathroom, grateful that her parents had taught Chloe not to teleport into the bathroom, the last thing she needed was having to explain what was going on. Painstakingly she removed her thunder suit which was ripped up, bloodstained, and covered in mud. Phoebe quickly looked at her back in the mirror; it was covered in scrapes and bloody cuts. For the most part, the cuts weren't deep, except for one that runs from her right shoulder down to her left hip.

Along with her back, there were cuts and scrapes on her arms and legs. She estimated that she had a couple of broken ribs, a few cracked, and several more bruised. Her hair was caked with mud and dried blood from where she had cracked her head open.

She quickly started the bath water, figuring that that would be the best way to clean the injuries. It felt wonderful as she was finally able to wash off all the grime and dried blood that coated her body. It took shampooing several times to get out all the dried up mud and blood from where she had cracked her head open earlier out. In the end, she had changed out the tub water four different times and used up all the hot water, but she was certain that she now runs a lower risk of infection.

She carefully bandaged her injuries before getting dressed in a pair of oversized sweats and sweater. She was gingerly brushing out her hair when her mom entered her room.

"When did you get home last night?"

Phoebe opened her mouth and tried to answer, but discovered that no matter how hard she tried no words came out.

Barb wasn't impressed by the silent treatment, "I'll only ask once more, what time did you get home last night?" Phoebe tried to answer again, but couldn't, entering instead into a major coughing fit.

"Last night was Max's first cape mission, you left him alone with a broken wrist; you were supposed to keep an eye out for him," Barb said, feeling frustrated at Phoebe's lack of response.

Phoebe frowned, hadn't Max told them she had left her cape with him, surely they knew. Did they not care that she had done everything she could to keep him safe, too the point of sacrificing everything she had.

"Your father and I are quite disappointed on how you behaved last night." Barb continued, Phoebe nodded to show that she understood, she knew that if her parents were still mad at her, even though they knew that she did what she thought was right, the best thing to do was let the punches land. They were right anyway. If she was a better Superhero she would have prevented him from getting hurt in the first place.

"You missed breakfast if you hurry; you might be able to grab something quick before hero training."

Phoebe's eyes went round, no way, she couldn't train, not today, or ever. Her parents were already disappointed in her. There was no way she was going to let them learn the truth. She quickly shook her head, before throwing herself onto her bed.

"I don't care if you're tired; it's your own fault. You need to train because obviously, you don't know what it means to be a superhero." Barb said dragging Phoebe out of bed. Now if Barb had been paying attention, she would have noticed her flinch in pain.


Phoebe was in the living room, wearing her thunder sweats while watching her dad train with Nora and Billy. She was not looking forward to her own training session; it wouldn't take long for her dad to find out what happened. Max was sitting next to her, excused from training until his wrist heals.

Luck seemed to be on Phoebe's side, just as Hank was finishing up with Billy and Nora, a call came in from President Kickbutt.

Max answered it, "Hi, president Kickbutt, what's up."

"Is Phoebe there?" she asked over the thunder monitor, an edge to her voice.

Phoebe absentmindedly waved her arm to let her know that she was listening, trying and failing to talk again.

"I understand that your mission last night was a complete disaster. Not only did you fail to stop the thief and return the stolen goods, but you left your injured teammate to fend for himself. I can't have someone like that on the Z-force. Also, I'm removing you from your protector of Hiddenville position until you can prove to me that you know what you're doing."

Phoebe nodded that she understood and hung up; she knew it was rude, but she didn't need a lecture from President Kickbutt as well. She had already got one from her mom and was expecting one from her father and possibly Max.

"Whoa, to think I wasted all those years being a super villain so I wouldn't be in Phoebe's shadow. All I needed to do was go on one mission with her as her partner, and she would mess everything up." Max said with a laugh, finding it ironic that now that he had, for the most part, stopped competing with Phoebe for who was better he found himself on top.

"Well," Hank said, "Phoebe, as well as losing your job as protector of Hiddenville, you are grounded for two weeks. No friends, no phone, no going out, and no electronics. That should give you time to think things over."

Phoebe nodded again, before limping upstairs to her room, locking the door behind her. No sooner had she collapsed on her bed, was there a knock on the door.

"Pheebs, Dad's ready for us," Max called out.

Phoebe raised her hand as if to use her telekinesis, only to stop and drop her hand as if burned. She didn't see the point of getting up again to unlock the door, and she still couldn't get any sounds out of her mouth to tell him to go away. So she did the next best thing, totally ignored him.

She heard him head downstairs and carefully limped to her door, unlocked it and then returned to her bed, where she could lay in misery.

Sure enough, five minutes later her dad was on the other side of the door, demanding to be let in. Phoebe once more raised her hand as if to use her telekinesis, only to drop it again. "Open this door right now, young lady," he demanded.

Hank checked the door, it was unlocked so he stormed in, "You can't just ignore your training, but seeing as I'm here, give me your phone."

Phoebe grabbed her phone from her nightstand, and handed it over to her father, before rolling over in a clear declaration of body language that the conversation was over.

Hank left with a huff, "You can't quit just because you are mad."


Phoebe found that sleeping was near impossible, either the pain kept her up or the nightmares woke her up, tears filled her eyes. She had done everything according to superhero code. She had hidden her injured teammate and had left her cape with him to show that she was the reason that he was somewhere new and that she had gone to lead the enemy away from his hiding place. Just like her dad at taught them when they were Nora and Billy's ages. Why didn't they care about the cape?

"Phoebe, it's time for lunch," Nora called, knocking on her door. Phoebe rolled over, wiping her eyes as she held her breath to keep herself from sobbing. The last thing she needed was for Nora to tell Mom she was crying.

Sometime around dinner time she exhausted herself out and finally fell into a deep sleep without nightmares. This peace was ruin however when she was woken up about an hour later by her mom shaking her shoulder, sending waves of pain through her body, "Phoebe, darling it's time to wake up. I brought you some dinner." she called out, setting a tray of food down on her nightstand.

Barb waited until she was certain that Phoebe was fully awake before turning to leave. She frowned, she couldn't help but notice the pain filled eyes and tearstained face. Perhaps they were a little harsh on their daughter, but why hasn't she set the record straight, she always did.