"…it can't be broken?" Lal's voice was soft, yet her disbelief was evident in her intent expression.

"No." Luce shook her head. Shoulders sloping as if a great weight was placed upon her. Not that the others particually cared right now, the woman had clearly known but let them all get cursed anyway.

"Hell no." Startled the strongest flames of their generation turned to Skull who for once was not smiling. In fact, he wore an expression most would associate with a cloud. "I will not be bound." He declared before clapping his hands togeather, when he drew them apart the flat of his hands were brimming with purple flames.

"The hell are you doing, kora?"

"Shut up. I need to concentrate."

"Lackey. What are you doing."

"… what exactly can cloud flames affect? It can multiply something. Physical things, no problem. But are they different from other flames? Mists affect the mind, while skies work with the concept of harmony. Rains will calm you down, lightning can make your mind faster. Suns can activate your ability to heal and storms can disintegrate concepts." While he spoke the light in his hands gradually became stronger.

"So. Why should clouds be different? They are not. Propagating physical things are merely the first and easiest step. Sooner or later a cloud will stumble on the concept of propagating force or speed, things that aren't tangible. What is the physical representation of a newton? So. Let's extrapolate. A cloud that can propagate force, can propagate an idea, a concept or." Skull clapped his hands again causing the flames he'd held to explode. "-a possibility."

The flames divided into ten glowing balls, each one spinning in one direction or the other before they stilled. They were grouped unevenly, five to one side, two in another and the remaining three spread about haphazardly.

"If a cloud has enough will, is determined and strong enough they can propagate whatever the hell they want. I propagate my life-force automatically every moment I breathe. I have the control necessary to not only control the propagation of an idea once it has been planned in someone's head, but also the strength to propagate an almost indefinably small possibility to an everyday event." Skull clapped his hands again, making the glowing balls of fire split evenly into ten smaller balls each.

"That means, that as long as there exists a possibility of breaking this curse I. Will. Find. IT!" The purple balls of fire exploded into movement again and twirled around Skull again. When they abruptly came to a stop skull touched the largest cluster of energy and nodded. "I'm going."

"Hold up. Skull, I think we all need to know where you are going."

"Really, senpai? Why should I tell you anything?"

"What?" Renato growled.

"Why. Should. I. Tell. You?" Skull bit out. "Not one of you have ever cared about my wants, decitions or knowledge before. Because I am not Mafia I clearly don't know anything. Never mind how old I am."

"What does your age have to do with this, kora?" Skull glanced over at the blond.

"How old do you think I am?"

"I don't know, nineteen or something, kora?" Skull snorted.

"Hardly." He inspected his nails for a moment. "I clearly recall crossing the red sea when my people left Egypt."

"… you, ah, remember being a slave in Egypt?"



"But nothing. I told you I remember crossing the red sea with my people. As written in the Exodus chapter 14 '19Then the angel of God who was going before the host of Israel moved and went behind them, and the pillar of cloud moved from before them and stood behind them, 20coming between the host of Egypt and the host of Israel. And there was the cloud and the darkness. And it lit up the night without one coming near the other all night.'"

With that as his parting words the cloud, known to them as skull began walking. For once being not the one left behind, but the one leaving others. Head held high and purpose in his step.

A cloud, drifting freely in the sky.

An: So. This one bunny just jumped me and brought me down hard. I haven't read KHR myself, but enough fanfiction to know the general story. I've read Russian Roulette by Vixen tail and it. Is. Awesome!

Just. I have never figured out an actual age for Skull and well. Propagation is one of the things that fascinate me the most in the KHR. Just how far can you stretch the concept? Is it the user's interpretation that matters?

Lightning for one is a "flame" but appears like electricity. It clearly lets someone control lightning as with Levi's lightning rod and what not, but it's actual ability is hardening. So it has two qualities? Like, flames can burn someone but also do whatever else that particular fame is supposed to do? What happens if you mix flames? Like mists and lightning, can you make the "mist creation" hard enough to be tangible? That would be amazing and terrifying.

But that makes me wonder, what if you have sun and rain? Wouldn't you actually have a rainbow? So someone who's a sunny rain or a rainy sun would be able to coax out any flame they want? It you add cloud to the mix you'd be unstoppable.

The again why would you need a cloud flame? If you can bullshit any flame by combining sun and rain you should be able to use could, propagate the cloud flames themselves and then propagate one of the other flametypes.

I… it is as fascinating as it is horrifying. The flame I figure is the least versatile is rain, but then again I haven't really given tranquillity a large turn over.


Sorry about the massive rant. I'll try updating my other fics soon.



2017-06-17 21:50