Lunging and relaxing in the sauna, Boruto's senses awakened to the presence of a young hotel employee. At his question if Boruto needed anything, Boruto felt his cock stir underwater, especially since his father sent him. Boruto had always emulated his father, or at least sought to. He did it in the fighting styles and the ninjutsu techniques.

Now, Boruto sought to conquer someone like his dad conquered his body last night. Boruto looked up and down the brunette servant. Requesting some water and other items, Boruto leaned into the sauna in thought. When he returned with the items, Boruto looked the brown-head in his pale blue eyes.

"Why don't ya get undressed and enjoy the sauna with me," Boruto invited.

"Oh, no, no thank you, young master, so sorry, I couldn't," the lanky brunette answered.

"What's your name?" Boruto asked.

"Mura, young master," Mura said.

"Why don't you wanna join me," Boruto asked.

"I can't. I'm working," Mura deferred.

"Is it not your job to please your guests," Boruto replied.

"So sorry, I can't."

"Can't or won't."

Mura shifted uncomfortably.

"Aww, Mura-kun, I thought we had something. Why won't you get undressed and get in with me?"

"But young master-"

Boruto resigned, "It's okay. I understand. Do some good work, neh?"

Mura nodded immediately and harshly, "Hai, young master."

"But first," Boruto interrupted before Mura turned around, "Can you do me a little favor?"

"Of course, young master," Mura replied.

"Could you come a little closer? I want to give you a goodbye gift," Boruto said.

Unsure, Mura stepped forward. At Boruto's waving, Mura slowly stood before the sauna. Standing up naked, Boruto slowly reached out with one hand and held on to Mura's groin. Mura's breath held in his throat. Like a hare caught in a trap, Mura remained frozen as Boruto continued to rub his cock through his work clothes.

"Oh, Mura-kun," Boruto whispered as he continued to feel up the employee. "Where have you been?"

Boruto simply smiled up at Mura looking gazes. With his other hand, Boruto pulled out Mura's work shirt and unbuttoned a few of the bottom ones. Using both hands, Boruto deftly unbuckled the belt and the button to the pants. Reaching up with his mouth, Boruto clenched the zipper in his teeth before pulling slowly down. Pulling down the pants to Mura's knees, Boruto gasped as he stared at Mura's navy blue briefs. Using both hands, Boruto rubbed Mura's cock.

"So big," Boruto said. "I can't wait to taste it."

In reality, the cock was normal. Mura was not that special, but Boruto wanted to make him feel special. Mura's face burnt bright red. Although his shy personality would have prevented this situation ages ago, Mura still had teenager hormones coursing through his veins. 'The Hokage's son is a total slut,' Mura thought as his cock got harder underneath his briefs.

Pulling the briefs down, Mura's cock sprang out. Boruto whistled in faux-appreciation. With a wink, Boruto kissed the tip before sucking it whole. With ease, Boruto went to the base back to the tip back to the base. Mura groaned as his knees felt week. In literally no time at all, Mura started to cum into Boruto's mouth.

Releasing the cock from his mouth, Mura's knees collapsed. Kneeling on the snow fresh from last night, Mura heaved deeply from the blowjob. With the hand in his hair, Mura looked up to see Boruto's cock staring straight at him. Mura gulped.

"Now that wasn't nice Mura-kun. I wanted to enjoy that fat cock of yours. And you didn't warn me, Mura-kun. I think you need to be punished. But I'm generous. Why don't you just return the favor," Boruto said still standing on the shelf of the sauna.

Staying in his kneeling position, Mura tentatively reached out with his mouth taking the cock in his mouth. Boruto kept his hand in Mura's hair for encouragement. Hesitating, Mura barely put the cock in before pushing back out.

"Now that's not very nice, Mura-kun," Boruto chastised. "After everything I just did for you."

Mura gulped and tried to gain some composure. The position did not help. And neither did the hard cock in his face. He had to return the favor. Honor now demanded it. Mura opened his mouth and kept the head of Boruto's cock in his mouth.

Boruto whispered praises and cheers to Mura. Mura felt pride despite everything. Following Boruto's instructions, Mura went deeper and deeper on the dick. Unlike his though, Boruto maintained greater discipline, just like his father.

The longer Mura sucked his dick; the more Boruto felt greater and greater pride from his dominance. Likewise, Mura grew more and more comfortable sucking dick for the first time. He, of course, had heard other boys talking about getting their dicks sucked, especially after a few them all went to the glory hole.

"You're doing great, Mura-kun. Keep it up. You're really getting into it now," Boruto said looking down at the short brown hair bouncing up and down his dick.

Mura smiled into the dick under the praise. Boruto meanwhile praised Mura's pert butt that stuck out. With his pants pooled around his knees in the snow, Mura truly looked the part of a slut. Boruto liked the look.

"Now, I'm going to let go of your hair. I expect to see some hard work now. Just like I did for you, no? I want you fucking your mouth against my cock."

With the dick in his mouth, Mura called out, "Hai."

Boruto felt himself hardened even more at the sight and feeling. Holding his hands behind his head, Boruto stuck his pelvis out for greater access. Looking down his chest and abs, he saw his cock disappear in Mura's mouth only to reappear slickened in saliva.

Boruto really wanted to hold Mura's head and slap his face silly with his cock. Then fuck it. Then spray his cum all over it. Boruto though held true to his word and let Mura's lewd sucking and slurping sounds to fill the private garden. Soon, Boruto reached his climax.

With a shout, Boruto emptied his balls into Mura's mouth. Boruto smirked at the thought of returning a favor. Boruto felt Mura chocking around his cock with the semen filling his mouth. Telling him to swallow it all, Boruto held Mura's face down in his cock not letting him escape.

At first, Mura wanted to get off the Hokage son's cock. Then, Mura obeyed as he swallowed the thick cum. Due to the resistance though, some of the cum dripped out of the side of Mura's mouth. Going down his lips and chin, Mura felt beyond embarrassed. In direct contradiction, Boruto lavished praises and cheers once more.

Releasing Mura, Boruto pulled his now soft dick out of Mura's mouth. Mura hurried up and brushed the snow from his knees and legs before pulling his briefs and pants back up. Tucking in his shirt and fastening his belt and pants, Mura's face became bright red in recognition of what he just did.

He just received and gave his first blowjob, and to the Hokage's son out of everyone. No one would believe him even if he told anyone. He just prayed no one saw him. Boruto, on the other hand, oozed self-satisfaction and pleasure at his accomplishment. Mura found it kind of hot to be honest.

"Don't be a stranger, neh?" Boruto said with a wink as Mura scampered out in a series of bows and 'Hai's. "And bring over friends. I'm free!"

Naruto entered his hotel room tired. Politics sucked, but spending time with Hinata and Himawari always made him happy. But shopping. That drained the energy out of him. Furthermore, he foolishly lost track of time. Likewise, last night was busy too. He knew ahead of time the training trip would be exhausting. He did not think it would be this exhausting.

Looking up from where he removed his shoes, Naruto saw his son in a chair fucking some girl sitting on his lap. Meanwhile, a guy was licking Boruto's balls at the same time. The girl soon started to climax with Boruto's dick inside of her. In response, Boruto removed his hands from the girl's young breasts to pick her up from her ass.

The movement released Boruto's dick from her vagina. The naked boy on his knees stopped licking Boruto's balls and placed his face right in front of Boruto's dick and the girl's vagina. The girl's fluids spurted on to his face. Almost immediately, Boruto's balls released his semen all over the boy's face as well.

Placing the girl on top of his dick, Boruto watched the boy lick and suck his own dick along with the girl's vagina. Heaving, the girl rested her whole weight against Boruto. Likewise, Boruto reclined in the chair. The girl looked up from her sweaty bangs and saw Naruto standing at the doorway.

Naruto cursed himself for freezing in this situation rather than immediately turning around and leaving the kids to their privacy. He had not expected his son to be this active. Again, Naruto cursed himself although this time for spending so long shopping. At least Boruto had not been abusing his insides when he should be relaxing them.

The girl immediately gasped. The change of tone in the girl's voice got Boruto's attention who looked up to see his dad at the doorway. Naruto could see the anger in his son's eyes at his intrusion. Even the boy on the ground felt the change in the air and turned around to see the Hokage in the doorway staring at them.

The girl then smiled and shouted, "Oh Hokage-sama, so sorry, please, please come in."

Boruto looked at her from behind like she was crazy. The boy on his knees on the other hand grinned widely with the fluids tracing his face. Naruto could see the boy's cock twitch in excitement. In honesty, Naruto just wanted to walk out of the room.

"Yes, please, Hokage-sama," the boy said.

"We insist," the girl said politely. "Right, Boruto-kun? Surely we should show your dad a good time. It would be rude otherwise."

"Yeah," Boruto said slowly, "of course."

"Hokage-sama, please," the girl continued. "Join us."

Boruto, recognizing the tone of the girl's voice and not wanting to disappoint by looking childish or poor mannered, switched his stink eye to a 'get-over-here-now' look. Naruto felt conflicted by his son's emotions. They had bonded so well these past few days, yet now in front of his friends he was anathema.

Seeking to maintain the report, Naruto chuckled nervously but obeyed. Naruto looked around nervously. As he approached the chair, the girl got up. Getting his son out of the chair as well, the girl motioned for him to set in the chair where his son just fucked a random girl.

Obeying, Naruto soon found his pants and boxers around his ankles. The girl started to lick his cock without hesitation. Likewise, the boy joined starting at the balls. Feeling left out, Boruto soon joined. All three of them had their tongues out of their mouth slathering over his cock and balls.

Making the most of the moment, Naruto leaned his head back and stared at the ceiling. What had this trip turned into? When Naruto discovered his sexual drive, he found himself in a far different situation than Boruto. Rather than fucking others, Naruto went around getting himself fucked every way possible under the sun and moon.

Naruto quickly realized his error. Regretting it, Naruto remembered that Boruto was his own person and would react differently. Who knows what Boruto had gotten himself into in Naruto's absence. Far more than he expected that was for sure.

Honestly, the two strangers and his son currently all worshipping his nuts did not do much for him. In fact, he would rather have them all out of his life. But life did not work like that. You could not just snap your fingers and have people disappear from your life and memory. Oh, if Naruto had that power, he could be a master of his own life for once. Instead Naruto once more felt adrift to the currents of fate.

On the other hand, Boruto thoroughly enjoyed his day. Through some convoluted series of conversations word had spread that the Hokage's son was down to fuck. As a result, he got to fuck his first girl. Finally being the Hokage's son paid off.

Moreover, he got to fuck another guy. Then, he got to fuck another girl. Then, of course, his dad had to arrive and ruin everything going for him. The cuck to his side was this girl's boyfriend or something. Who knew people got off on having their friends fucked in front of them. Nonetheless, Boruto liked having his balls licked so he did not really care.

Kneeling before his dad once more Boruto stretched his tongue out and played across his dad's hairy balls. The girl's tongue then played with his tongue as the two pleasured his dad's nuts. At the same time, the boy went straight to his dad's giant meat stick.

Boruto felt jealous. Only he should be sucking that cock. The boy stretched from his knees and wrapped his lips around the tip. From there, the rough tongue delved into Naruto's slit and then covered the whole head in a whiplash of movements.

Overwhelmed by the jealousy, Boruto grabbed his dad's cock by the base. Pulling his dad's cock out of the cuck's mouth, Boruto slammed it down on his face. Feeling more blood surge into it, Boruto could not help the grin on his face. Boruto, however, inspired Naruto to finally get involved.

Smiling down at the total sluts kneeling in front of him, Naruto moved Boruto's hand. Replacing it with his own, Naruto started to slap his dick across all of their faces. Meaty thwacks filled the air as all three of them stuck their tongues out of their wide-open mouths desiring the pleasure of Naruto's generously of letting these sluts have his cock.

Thanks to Boruto, Naruto rediscovered his kink for humiliation. Granted Naruto enjoyed being humiliated but now he could impart his lessons. Rubbing his dick all over the other boy's face, Naruto made sure to pick up as much vaginal fluids and semen as possible.

Then, Naruto crashed his cock into Boruto's face. From there, Naruto grabbed his son's hair with his free hand. Naruto painted his son's face with his own facial before repeatedly slapping his dick on Boruto's slutty face. Next, he had the girl lick his dick clean as he pushed his son's face into his balls where the other boy already was.

With the girl licking up and down his shaft, he had one boy on each ball. Releasing his grip on his own dick, Naruto grabbed the other boy by his brown hair. At once, Naruto pushed both boys further into his balls causing them to have a nut in each mouth. Pushing their heads together, Boruto and the cuck were cheek-to-cheek as the girl kissed his cock.

After Naruto transferred Boruto's semen from the cuck's face to his own, Boruto lost his arrogance and pride. Being so humiliated, Boruto openly resigned himself to his dad's cock slaps. Then, when his dad pushed him into his balls, Boruto's cock fully engorged. Boruto once more became a slut for his dad.

Ensuring competition between the boys, Naruto had the girl solely suck his nuts as the two fought over his dick. With his hands still in their hair, Naruto pushed them both into his thick dick. Next he brought the two up to his glans. There, Naruto had them make-out with the head of his cock.

With the girl fully engulfing his balls, Naruto moaned as Boruto and the other boy entangled their tongues on top of his dick. Naruto smiled at them. Boruto and the boy continued to make out over him. Now, Naruto used his hands to guide the girl further down. Reclining in the seat, Naruto soon had the girl eating him out.

Boruto kept shoving his tongue down the other boy's mouth. The other boy did the same. Soon, their rough tongues danced along their teeth and mouths. With a familiar pressure, Boruto stuck his tongue out as his father separated them. From there, Naruto directed Boruto to his balls, and the other boy to his cock. All three now had a special place to please Naruto.

Deciding to take a hands off approach, Naruto let them do their magic. Naruto placed his hands behind his head. Tongues glided over his crack, nuts, and cock. The sluts worshipped him. The girl fully sheathed her tongue. Boruto had the balls filling his mouth. The boy started to bob his head up and down Naruto's cock all the way to the bottom of the foreskin.

In contemplation Naruto thought of his next move. Clearly Naruto would be fucking one of them. Unfortunately it became rapidly apparent that he could only fuck one them due to both time and a process of elimination. Naruto refused to betray his wife and fuck another girl. Additionally, Naruto refused to reopen his son the day after his son lost his virginity to his fat cock. Hinata would kill him if Boruto became bed-ridden once more.

Deciding on the random boy, Naruto then imagined all the different positions that could incorporate all of them. Always thoughtful Naruto had to make sure that the girl got the best position. After all, she was a stranger. That left Boruto. With that thought, Naruto devised the perfect position for that insatiable slut without making him more sore.

To make the plan work, however, Naruto would need some preparation. Seeking to punish his son for letting his sluttiness get in the way of real training, Naruto ordered his son to eat out the random boy. Boruto pouted with his mouth full of his father's balls. Releasing them with a wet smack, Boruto backed away.

Boruto then brought his face to the boy's ass. Spreading the checks apart, Boruto tentatively swiped the ass. The other boy's breath hitched around Naruto's cock. Boruto slowly gained confidence and comfort before breaching the boy's pink ring. Naruto moaned at the vibrations racing down his dick.

"Prep him, then fuck him," Naruto groaned. "I want him screaming on my dick."

Using the lessons he learned from his dad, Boruto went to work. Thrilled, Boruto started to tongue fuck the boy with eagerness. Then, Boruto used his fingers to scissor the opening before finger fucking him. The boy started to loosen his lip's grip around Naruto's thick dick.

Saliva dripped down it. The sucks became harsh and wild. Naruto merely held his hands behind his head as he watched his son finger-fuck the cuck sucking on his cock. The girl had also picked up her courage and found his prostate. Finally, Naruto groaned out deep and long.

Naruto enjoyed the boy's erratic blowjob. A father-son almost-spit-roast. What a bonding experience. Boruto looked up to his dad for permission to take it to the next level. Naruto debated whether to deny his son the pleasure of fucking the boy. With a smirk, Naruto denied Boruto when he looked up seeking to take it to the next level.

Bringing a stop to their worship, Naruto directed them towards the bed. Playing a human architect, Naruto placed the other boy on the bed. The boy's knees rested wide and near his chest, while Naruto used his hands to push the ass out and over the bed. Meanwhile, he had the girl crawl underneath the boy to perform 69.

Smirking, Naruto looked past his erect wet cock down at his son sitting naked on the floor with his back against the bed. Boruto obeyed all his dad's orders and widened his legs past his father's feet. Resting his neck against the bed, Boruto looked up at his dad and his looming cock. Boruto listened to his dad chastise him for not fully resting. Unapologetically, Boruto said sorry.

Naruto smiled slyly down at Boruto before slapping the boy on the ass, "Spread your ass, slut. Show me how badly you want my cock."

The boy's arms shot back to spread his cheeks. Then they went further to spread the rose bud. At the same time, the boy raised his ass to give the Hokage a better view. The whole time Boruto stared upwards at the slut and his father's rock hard cock.

With his fingers in his asshole spreading it, the boy looked over his shoulder and said, "Please, Hokage-sama, please, please fuck me. Fuck me with your giant cock. I want it so, so bad."

Boruto simmered underneath at the words. Only he should be saying those things. Instead he was down here witnessing the whole thing. He wanted to be the one fucking him. He wanted to be the one being fucked by his dad.

Naruto smiled to himself pleased with the boy's begging and his son's naked jealousy. Naruto was going to fuck this boy's brains out using his ass as he pleased. Naruto lined his cock to the tight hole. Fortunately, someone pulled out lube earlier, which Naruto used to drench the tip of his cock. Some of which dropped on Boruto's face and chest.

With the tip in, they both groaned, and Naruto said, "Start going down on her, while she sucks you off. You, Boruto, you are going to help my cock with that slutty tongue of yours. Come now. Reach up."

Boruto pushed himself a little bit off the floor and put his face into his dad's cock and the cuck's asshole. From there, Boruto licked his dad's cock and the other boy's entrance. Naruto loved the humiliation, and Naruto began to push in and out of the boy. Picking up speed, Naruto gave a few slaps across the boy's ass.

Additionally, Naruto would completely pull out every now and then slap Boruto's face. Boruto, in response, would open his mouth and accept the smacks across his face and on his outstretched tongue. Although Boruto could not have what he wanted, he still got something. Seeking to make the most of it, Boruto greedily accepted whatever attention his dad's cock gave him.

Taking his time to his son's displeasure, Naruto finally fully sheathed himself inside of the boy who had been screaming inside of his girlfriend's vagina from his steel-like cock penetrating him and hitting his prostate. The girl meanwhile struggled with the uncontrollable cock, and her legs twitched from her boyfriend's unintentional movements.

Boruto either heard or saw all of it. His dick became painfully hard. He started to play with his own dick as a result. He wanted all of it, but instead he remained a passive player. Trying to make the most of his position, Boruto put his whole body into licking his dad's ever moving cock. Soon, Boruto could only please himself by his dad's balls crashing on his waiting face.

With the cock finally sheathed, Boruto started to suck his dad's nuts that swung back and forth. Of course, they completely left his mouth only to come back with a scream from the cuck. But now he was a cuck to his dad. The humiliation and recognition of his position washed across Boruto. His cock twitched in his hands.

Naruto grinned down at his son and ordered, "Fuck your fingers, slut. I never told you that you could touch yourself. Here's some lube."

Filled with shame at his dad's words and tone, Boruto released his cock. When Naruto took out his dick completely, Boruto shamefully rubbed his fingers all over his dad's cock before it was taken away from him. Then, his dad's cock slammed harshly against his face over and over.

"There you go, slut. Make the most of it," Naruto said.

Boruto cleaned his face with his fingers and spat on them. Barely lubed, Boruto raised his ass from the ground to insert his fingers. In pure lust, Boruto went back to licking his dad's cock before it slammed into the boy's used ass. His dad's balls crashed into his eyes and nose. With his eyes closed, Boruto simply opened his mouth wide with his tongue hanging out to embrace his dad's balls hitting into Boruto with every thrust.

Naruto maintained the same pace to keep it going as long as possible. Naruto, however, could not stop the boy from spilling his seed all inside his girlfriend's mouth. Likewise, the girl had experienced her second orgasm since they started. The boy's tight convulsions squeezed Naruto's dick more than he could handle.

Pulling out, Naruto angled his dick at Boruto's face. Boruto seeing the movement became delighted at the opportunity to take his dad's cum, rather than the other boy. Opening his mouth as wide as possible, Boruto waited as his dad jacked himself off. With eyes still open, Boruto eagerly fucked himself with his fingers waiting for his dad's load.

With a large splat, Naruto unloaded his semen on to his son's exceptionally eager face. The force of the burst caused some to ricochet off. Some filled Boruto's mouth who continued to remain open. Naruto continued to jack off with ropes of cum spraying forth on to his son's face.

Looking at his son and the boy's gaping hole, Naruto shoved his cock into Boruto's still open mouth. Ordering him to swallow and clean his dick, Boruto did so with gusto.

Pulling out, Naruto ordered Boruto around and the couple to face him. He wanted them to see his slut of a son in his natural form, covered in cum. Standing behind a naked and cum-covered Boruto, Naruto ordered the couple to start masturbating and cum on his son's face.

Through one half-opened eye, Boruto saw the boy furiously rub himself as the girl flicked her bean ruthlessly. Naruto planted a small black dildo beneath Boruto. Pushing Boruto's shoulders down, he ordered Boruto to fuck himself on it at the same time.

Rearranging his knees, Boruto followed the orders and screamed as he hit his prostate. Only to do so again and again. The cum on his face cooled and dried. The couple continued to masturbate. First, the girl stood up and spilled her juices on Boruto's face and open mouth.

At the sight of the Hokage son covered in the Hokage's semen, his girlfriend's juices, and the Hokage's son fucking himself on a dildo, the boy started to stream his semen on Boruto's eager face. With permission, Boruto came for the first time. Like last time, Naruto pushed his son's face down to his cock. The built-up pressure released the cum all over Boruto's face.

Naked and in front of two strangers covered in cum, Boruto felt humiliated. He had been fucking himself with a dildo provided by his father. He had also jacked himself off to the humiliation into his own face. Now, his father demanded that he clean up the mess—with his tongue. The couple, despite being recently spent, found themselves silently horny at the sight of the Hokage's son so de-based.

As the couple watched, Boruto dragged the cum and fluids with one of the fingers used to fuck himself into his mouth. Swallowing it, Boruto continued for minutes to the silent pleasure of the others watching. As Boruto finished, Naruto then ordered Boruto to clean everyone else off. After that, Boruto walked around on his hands and knees cleaning up spilt fluids with his tongue.

Completely humiliated, Naruto dismissed the others. They could not believe what a cum slut the Hokage's son turned out to be. Picking Boruto up, Naruto brought him to the bath to clean him up. Boruto feel asleep with the feeling of utter submission. Naruto smiled, getting them both ready for dinner.