Time Goes By

Chapter 5

As Time Goes By

Despite watching the love of his life board a train and leave and not hearing a word from her in six months, Roy Mustang was a changed man. Hughes saw it immediately when he was able to drag him home for dinner that night Riza left. The fact that he was able to bring him home at all proved to Hughes he was changed, he gave up a chance to work himself into the ground and chose to give a family dinner a try. Initially he thought it was because they had some leverage over each other, but the facts about Lazlo weren't the reason for vulnerability. The broody bar owner who would rule over his domain with a cold eye or hide in his office was slowly becoming more social in more acceptable ways. They both stopped drinking so much and spent days off playing cards in his own living room and getting conned into singing along to the radio with a 3 year old girl. They started talking about the future, what it would really take to change the country and make it work for the people. Nearly six months had gone by and Roy was still optimistic about making changes. It was an incredible transformation and according to Madam Christmas, this was the Roy-Boy she knew before he went to war. "You know, Roy, the only way to change things is going to be at the top."

Roy leaned back in his chair and shrugged. "I guess it's a good thing I look incredible in uniform."

Hughes laughed and shook his head. Roy was ready to take on the world instead of just hide here and watch it all go to hell. Worse, he was actually going along with this crazy plan.

"What are you laughing about?" Roy said and tossed a pen at him. "I'm going to need someone to support me, help push me to the top. Someone who used to work for Investigations and could very easily get himself back in there thanks to this information he gathered"

Hughes snorted. Information. Information Roy had passed on to him from his Mom's intelligence network that helped him shut down several illegal activities by military officials. He was well aware the targets were all military personnel not civilians, that would have been ratting out their own kind. It earned him some high praise from the military and also the civilians of his town. Win-Win. Roy knew how to play the game on many different levels and he was enjoying working with him now. "Well, Casablanca isn't the best place to raise a kid. Schools will be much better in Central."

Roy tapped the newspaper. He already had the plans set in motion. He was building Hughes's reputation for cleaning up this town and he was calling contacts from his army days to see who would promise him the most for coming back into the military. "Central. Serial killers galore. All we need to do is put them in jail and get the rewards from the military and the name recognition from the public."

"Rewards?" Hughes laughed. "You do remember how the army likes to reward you for doing a good job, right? Give you more shit to do in a higher risk situation."

"Good." Roy said. "That's exactly where I want to be. I want to be the one cleaning up the streets of Central, then East City...then see what we can do in Liore. I want them to know my name and know I'll get the job done but also worry that I'm going to do it too well. I want the public to focus on me enough that the Fuhrer worries about it and pulls me in close where he can watch me."

"Maybe you might want to slip under the radar a bit?" Hughes said. "Being underestimated had it's advantages. It's the role you've played in Casablanca damn well."

"I thought about that, but I need to climb the ranks." Roy said and frowned. "Unfortunately promotions come easier in wartime but not so easy in peace. "

"Well, I better get back to work then." Hughes said and stood up. "Since you have big plans for me."

Roy smiled an waved a goodbye then went back to reading the paper. He circled a few things in the police blotter and then flipped the page to scan for more news he could potential capitalize on. Instead he found himself looking at engagement announcements and his train of thought derailed. It had been six months and eleven days since he saw Riza depart on the southbound train for Aerugo. She couldn't risk sending messages, he understood that, but he wished that he knew something. The posters offering a reward for Lazlo's apprehension were now weathered and faded, along with the military's hopes of finding him and getting their weapon back, and he couldn't help but wonder if the actual Lazlo was fading away too. He hated thinking that way, but it didn't take a doctor to see the man wasn't long for this world and he was more concerned about Riza risking her life for him.

He leaned back in his chair and thought about how she looked on that train platform saying goodbye. The tears in her eyes and the desire to not leave, the way her hands ran down his arms and refused to let go until she absolutely had to. He knew she had made the right decision after the war, there was no way she could have told him anything that would have stopped him from longing for her and eventually looking for her. He would have inadvertently put her in danger, asking questions about a woman who didn't want to be found and potentially learning about the man she was protecting. She had no choice and he hated that he was making this decision without her however, he knew she would understand. This was a goal they shared and he had selfishly abandoned to drown in his own heartbreak while she selflessly tried to do the right thing. He was planning for a future that he didn't know if she wanted, despite all their talk during the war their plans had never made it past getting married. Surviving and getting married, that was as far as they dared to plan. Did she want a family? How did she feel about him going back into the army? What about him forcing himself into the spotlight, would that put her at risk?

Roy lifted his head when he heard the piano in the bar and looked at the clock. It was early for Catherine to be here but occasionally she came in to work on songs she was composing. Then he listened to the songs instead of just the sound of the piano. It was his song. He listened a little longer, just enough to verify that the song was indeed what he thought it was, then slowly stood and walked to the office door. Then he heard a voice start to sing, low and timid, but a voice he knew well.

"I'm not thinking I want you to understand …..just keep silent and always stay by my side ."

Roy froze and put his hand on the door frame to stead himself. He held his breath and listened, trying to determine if it was his mind playing tricks on him.

"Resolution is a battle with oneself...I said not to interfere, didn't I? Because you'll get burned"

He walked into the hall, slowly. Afraid to walk into the bar and find out this was just his imagination. He took a few more steps and sure enough there was a light above the piano and Catherine playing so softly and smiling, Havoc on the seat bedside her and Riza...standing there serenading him with his own words wearing a goregous blue gown he recognized from the back room. She was singing a song he wrote but even he didn't truly appreciate it's meaning until now. He was unable to move until she turned to look at him and smiled, a warmth filling him like he hadn't experienced since their last time in this bar as lovers; as two people in love with their lives ahead of them and a war between them. He never wanted to sing it again, but things change as time goes by. So he sang for the first time since that night they shared long ago, "Boy, embrace your ambition...on empty nights sleep...embracing the flame in your heart."

Riza was in tears when he finally made it over to her. She saw Havoc and Catherine get up and leave out of her peripherals but her focus maintain on Roy. He was close now and his hand raised up to touch her cheek and verify she was real and she melted on the spot. She threw her arms around him and kissed him, tears flowing freely but not preventing her from continuing the kiss. He put his arm around her waist to pull her closer, squeezed her as if he would never let her go and their lips locked together until she wanted to speak. "I'm so sorry for all the pain I caused you..."

"I understand." He said softly and put his brow to her forehead. "I would have followed you and it was the only way. Just don't try to do something like this without me again?"

She ran her hand over his face and smiled. "I missed you so much...I wanted to be with you more than anything but it was my duty to ensure this weapon never became a reality."

He nodded, unable to really compose a sentence now that he was overwhelmed with the reality of this moment. She was here again, in his arms. She came back, serenaded him with his own song. She had been here while he was talking to Hughes and he knew that the bastard was probably in on this as well as the Havocs and his Mom. Helping her dress up and prepare to come back into his life in the most memorable way imaginable. It was better than a dream. "Riza, will you marry me?."

Riza looked up at him, his eyes glistening with adoration and a film of tears.

"I said we would get married in the first town the train stopped at, Casablanca is the first stop out of Aerugo. We're both here. So, let's get married. Now."Roy said and placed a kiss on her lips. "I don't want to go another day without you by my side. I can't let you go where I can't follow."

"Right now?" She asked and looked at his face which said he was completely serious. "I broke your heart. I hurt you..."

"I never stopped loving you." He said. "And I never will. What you did took incredible strength and I respect you all the more for it."

She started crying again because she really didn't feel like she deserved him. When she stood here the last time in front of him he was hurt and lashed out. A day later he didn't hesitate to put himself in danger to help her, now he was willing to forgive everything and pick up where they left off. No, he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. "Roy..."

"If it was going to be easy to say goodbye you would have shown up at that train station and told me you didn't love me. You didn't. You didn't because you knew I would see through it and see something was wrong. Maybe if I wasn't so hurt when I saw you again I would have seen how tired and worn out you looked, I didn't see that until we were in the warehouse. Even during the war you didn't look so worn down." Roy placed his head against hers. "I've spent six months worrying about you, hating myself for not coming with you even though I knew I could do more here and that you were more than capable of taking care of yourself...but still...you don't have to do it alone anymore. Marry me."

She closed her eyes as he kissed her again, enjoying the simple pleasure of feeling his lips on hers. "Yes."

"Right now." He said and her eyes flashed open. "What?"

"We need a marriage license and I'm sure processing it through the proper channels will flag my last name and...I can't take a chance they have figured out I was involved..." Riza felt him squeeze her, reassuring her to not worry.

"Good thing I already started down that road of selling illegally obtained government documents." Roy said with a smirk. "We just need a priest or a judge. Lucky for me the current Police Chief has forced himself into my life, declared himself my best friend and also is waiting for this very moment to secure himself as my best man. So what do you say, Riza Hawkeye? Will you marry me?"

She ran her hands up his chest and tugged on the black tie hanging loose around his neck. "Yes."

"Hear that Hughes?" Roy said loudly, knowing the man was lurking in the shadows and waiting for this moment.

"I'll be back in ten minutes!" Hughes said and ran out the door.

"How do I look?" Roy asked and turned to Hughes who was in his dress uniform and fiddling with a camera. His new best friend looked up at him and frowned. "What?"

"That is what you wear every night. Tux. Black Tie." Maes paused as he studied the hair. "Greasy slicked back hair is new. Makes you look like a criminal."

"It makes me look dignified." Roy grumbled.

"That's what you said when you tried to grow that mustache." Hughes shook his head. "Thank god that only lasted a week."

"Hughes, for God's sake, I'm getting married!" Roy turned and was greeted with the flash from the camera. "And now I'm fucking blind."

Maes reached out and fluffed up his hair while he was rubbing his eyes. "The hair makes you look like you're going to a funeral."

Roy groaned and swatted Hughes's hand away. Then he fixed his hair. "Any problems with the Judge signing that paperwork?"

"No, I plan to spill a drink on the marriage license when I go to file it. After today there is no more Hawkeye, just a Riza Mustang."

Roy grinned as he heard that. It sounded good. "I appreciate it Hughes."

"Just get to work on making kids tonight, Elicia needs someone close to her own age to play with." Hughes smiled and went over to pour Roy a drink and one for himself. Roy came over and took his glass and they raised them up. "To you, Roy Mustang, I never thought I'd live to see the day I actually liked you and wanted you to be happy."

"Same to you Hughes, I thought you were just trying to get in my pants." Roy said and clinked his glass against the other and together they downed their own shots.

"Ready?" Hughes asked as they walked out of the office and Roy shut and locked the door.

"Yes." Roy said. They walked into the bar and the Judge was by the piano being served another drink by his mother. The plan was to keep him tipsy enough to forget the names on the paper and sober enough to still perform the ceremony. He didn't want to think about what else his mother was planning to do to make sure the man didn't cause problems if he recalled he married a girl named Hawkeye who was wanted for questioning in regards to the disappearance of Lazlo. He was nervous, but because he feared something going wrong and ruining this moment.

"Everything's taken care of." Hughes assured him. "This is Judge Raines"

Roy nodded to the Judge as they approached and the man almost fell over. Then Catherine started to play the piano and he let his eyes turn to the kitchen where his beautiful bride was going to appear. Catherine played their song, far from traditional, but it was their song. He saw Riza emerge in her evening gown, blue silk and decorated with jewels. Her hair was up, styled perfectly with braids coming back into a diamond clip and her long hair still slipping over her shoulders. She didn't look tired anymore, she was glowing.

"Look at my Elicia!" Hughes squealed and punched Roy in the shoulder.

Roy didn't even notice the kid throwing flower petals all over the dance floor. Then the pictures started and it looked like lightning was flickering inside as Hughes snapped picture after picture with the flash on. He didn't care, Riza came over and put her hand in his and he never broke eye contact.

Riza couldn't stop smiling. Roy had slicked back his hair for the ceremony and he looked so different despite this being the same suit he wore the other night. Black tuxedo, black tie and probably a black and blue bruise forming from where Hughes just hit him. He looked so happy and she took another step closer to him to just make sure this was real. She hoped he never stopped taking her breath away or looking at her like she was the only thing in the world.

Madam Christmas had to lean over and tell the Judge, "Stop nursing that bourbon and marry my kid."

"Madam, I told you I didn't know he wasn't one of the prostitutes. I am certainly not going to marry him just to enjoy a few fantasies."

Maes leaned over and whispered to Roy, "You been cheating on me?"

"I was unaware that I was on the menu." Roy grumbled and gave his Mom a look that begged her to make the old man marry them immediately. This was not how he wanted his wedding to go but at the moment all he wanted was for it go to quickly. "Is there a backup, in case this guy is holding out for something from me?"

"Catherine's brother is an ordained minister but I figured this guy was less likely to take his shirt off and cry." Hughes mumbled. "I might have been wrong."

"Oh...him and the girl!" Judge Raines turned and grinned. "Yes, Marriage! Marriage is a sacred union between two people, you share hopes and dreams, finances and a bed. Do you swear to love and protect each other, love and cherish, honor and obey..."

"Yes." Roy and Riza both answered in unison and the man grinned at them. Madam Christmas held his drink and tapped it with her fingernail reminding him the open bar for his services was waiting.

"Do you Roy take this woman..." Raines looked around for the license with the names on it. "Liza?"

"Riza." Roy corrected him.

"Do you take Riza to be your bride and love her and cherish her?"

"I do." Roy said.

"And you Riza, you take Roy to be your husband?"

"I do." Riza said.

"Then I pronounce you man and wife." Raines reached out and took his drink and raised his glass. "Cheers!"

Roy didn't wait long to turn and kiss his new bride. She wrapped her arms around him and he lost himself in the moment. Around him his best man made sure the Judge signed the license, his Mom made sure he found his way to the bar and Catherine played their song while they stood there and kissed. He wanted to make up for all the time they had missed in just this one night and refused to break off the kiss.

Riza's arms were around his neck, making sure he wouldn't pull away from her before she was ready. This moment had taken to long, they shed too many tears and now it was all behind them. They were married. Roy was her husband. Finally she had to stop and say,"Tell me this is real."

Roy glanced up at Hughes as he waved the marriage license in the air and then pointed to the door. He was going to make sure it was filed immediately. "Yes, Hughes is on his way to file it with records. Unless you want to change your mind, Mrs. Mustang?"

"All I want is to change into something more comfortable and spend the night with you and only you." She said and he grinned from ear to ear.

"That can be arranged." He said and kissed her before taking her hand and leading her back towards the hallway and his office to sneak out the back door and to his house. As they left the building he pulled her into his arms again and kissed her then, without warning, he scooped her up in his arms and carried her down the sidewalk. She kissed his cheek, then tracked kissed to his ear lobe and gently nibbled on it. He barely made it to the second house on the left and then whispered, "Keys are in my pocket."

"You could put me down."


Riza had to let go of his neck in order to run her hand down into his pants and find his keys. As ridiculous as this was she was enjoying every second of it. He kissed her neck as she looked down to see if she grabbed them or not. She giggled and felt alive again. Just like the first time they were here, when they lived like there was no tomorrow...but now it was better. Because there would be a tomorrow, and another...and another. Together. "I can't believe you just married a fugitive."

"In the morning, remind me to tell you about how I plan to be Fuhrer." He watched her turn the key in the lock and it clicked, she turned the handle and pushed the door open. Then he carried his new bride over the threshold and kicked the door closed, ready to start a new life with her. "Tonight, however, I am just your husband who is glad to have you in my arms again and walk by your side for the rest of my life."

"I've been watching time go by." She whispered and kissed his cheek. "Crying over the times we never had, thinking missing you would get easier with time. I knew when I laid eyes on you again I could never love anyone like you. I never stopped loving you, not for an instant."

"Nor I you. So let's make time stand still because it's in awe of us." He kissed her again and as he carried her to the bedroom he softly sang, "My Train in rain...is the one running, waving his hand...my own vision...from someday?"

Riza quietly sang, "I've ended up coming...far from there, but...I'm living in the now" as Roy placed her gently on his bed and leaned over her to kiss her as she untied his bow tie and used it to pull him down on the bed on top of her.