
(Unknown POV)

The time of reckoning is nearly at hand. Soon all of Ninjago shall bow before the Emperor of Darkness. That old fool Wu thinks he is safe from our wrath by being stranded between timelines destined to fight those idiotic fools that call themselves the hands of time.


And those seemingly powerful followers he and the rest of Ninjago call their heroes, they will all fall, one by one. For I am the keeper of all their darkest secrets that are unknown to them. Secrets that will break them and their team. Secrets that will cost them their lives. But first, I need to take care of their guardians. For they will know immediately what I am up to once the first piece falls into place.

But once they are taken care of, it will simply be a matter of playing chess with someone who doesn't know that they're even playing. Death is a powerful source that can resurrect that which is unexpected. Be prepared player, for we will see who is checkmated...