Chapter 3
The commotion caused by the wasp had drawn attention and Percy had come to investigate only to arrive in time to catch the exchange and see the marks shimmer on both boy's wrists. Nico only noticed his cousin's presence after and the reality that the two of them were simply standing behind the counter in the diner, a very pubic setting, came rushing back to him and he felt like melting away but knew he was stuck where he was.
"Nico! You did it! You found your soulmate!" Percy exclaimed happily rushing over to the two of them and flinging his arms around them in an awkward hug that was too tight for Nico to wriggle free from. "Oh my God wait till mom hears about this!"
Nico would be surprised if the entire state wasn't aware of it the way Percy was going on. "Percy I can't breathe let go." Nico said as he tried his best to pry the python like hold off of him.
Percy at least had the sense to look a bit sheepish as he let go of the two of them and stepped back, this time thankfully using at a normal volume when speaking to someone right beside you. "Sorry, but this is so great!" he then turned his attention to Will who still didn't really know what was going on. "Hey welcome to the family Will, I know we just met and all but I'm glad it's you who's meant for my younger cousin here." Percy said as he ruffled Nico's hair.
Nico pushed his hand away and tried to fix his hair while shooting a glare at him. "Really? Could you please not do this right now?" Why did he have to work here with this seaweed brain again?
"Oops sorry…" Percy finally calmed down and started to act serious as he turned back to Will. "So you said that you're allergic to wasps and bees?" he asked.
"I believe so… I had a really bad reaction when I was a kid and even if it wasn't there prior to the incident it's still possible to become dangerously allergic to bees and wasps after so many stings and I'm honestly just extremely traumatized and can't be near them."
Percy nodded his understanding; one good thing about Percy was how much he cared about others and their wellbeing. "We'll make a sign for the door letting people to not let it hang open, it's not unheard of for people to have that kind of allergy so it's better to be safe than sorry." With that he left the two of them and headed towards the back, likely to go to the office to type up and print off a sign for the door like he said.
"Well that went well; a lot of people just laugh and tell me not to be such a wuss over little bugs." Will said grabbing Nico's attention once more.
"That's stupid, if someone is worried about something like an allergy you should always take it seriously, those could be fatal in some cases and you can't take those kinds of risks." What kind of person brushed of something as serious as an allergy?
When Nico looked back at Will he saw something that may have been gratitude shining in his eyes.
"Honestly you'd be surprised how inconsiderate some people could be, especially if they themselves don't have that kind of reaction to something. It's like their ability to empathise is non-existent or something."
Nico could stand here all day talking about the stupidity of people but then he remembered that they were still at work and though he was finished, Will was still on the clock and he should really stop distracting him from doing his job. "I uh should let you get back to work now I guess… um what time are you off?"
Will seemed a little taken aback by the sudden change in topic but recovered quickly. "6:00."
"Well how about I come back and pick you up and we could go to dinner and get to know each other." Nico really hoped he was doing this right; he'd spent so much time trying to figure out the mystery behind the words of his mark that he never really put much thought into what came next.
"I'd like that," Will said with probably the brightest smile Nico has ever seen, "I'll see you this evening then."
Nico had to admit Will looked much better when he was calm and not worried about some death insect buzzing around.
"See you then." Nico smiled back and left to get his stuff from the staff room, he needed to go home and share the wonderful news with Hazel before he got ready for tonight.
Will had quite the emotional rollercoaster ride in just the past few hours, first he was excited about having a new job, then he was paranoid that one of those bugs from hell would find him, then one had and he freaked right out, then he found his soulmate who just happened to be the cute guy who saved him from said bug from hell, now he had a date and he felt like he was on cloud nine!
There was no way he could have known, that anyone could have ever have guessed that he'd meet his soulmate on the very first day of his new job. Even though thoughts about who could possibly be the one to say those words to him had been running through his head just before his shift he had never even thought of solving that mystery so soon.
Now he floated through the rest of the afternoon and into the evening wondering what his first date with his soulmate would be like, some people date others before finding their soulmate but Will had never had any interest in anyone he wasn't going to spend the rest of his life with and so had never really put much thought into what dating would be like, if you were destined to be together did dating even really matter? Well even if it didn't he still wanted to give it a try and see what it was like.
Percy had made signs for the door into the café and the one in the kitchen letting people know to keep them closed so no wasps or bees could get in on account of a serious allergy alert.
Like he had mentioned to Nico before, not many people tended to take him seriously when it came to that so it made him so happy to see someone actually putting the effort in.
Will had met with Sally part way into his shift and they had talked during his break, she had assured him that the safety and wellbeing of customers and staff alike was very important and that he could come to her or Percy anytime he needed to.
Aside from Percy, Sally, and Nico, Will had also met some of the other staff and found that they were really a friendly bunch and made the work team feel more like a happy family than just a bunch of people that worked together.
He kept thinking to himself how he had really lucked out when he had taken this job. The best and most unexpected part being getting the chance to meet Nico.
Will looked up at the clock as he finished sweeping behind the counter and saw that there was only five minutes left until he was done for the day, meaning there wasn't that much time left before Nico came back for their date!
Wil hoped he looked alright; he'd just be getting off work so he wouldn't have the chance to go home and change but then again part of him really didn't care because this was actually happening!
When he was finished putting the broom and dustpan away he had enough time to make sure that the napkin holders next him were stocked up before he went to clock out for the day.
The supper crowd was coming in already but the others had things covered so he made his way back to the staff room and grabbed his things and made sure to stop at the bathroom to check his reflection in the mirror, running his hand through his hair trying to comb it out a bit as best he could.
This was it!
When he got back to the front of the café he saw Nico sitting on a stool at the counter talking with one of the cashiers. Will felt his heart flutter when Nico looked up and waved to him.
When Will drew closer Nico smiled. "Ready to go?"
"Yeah, let's go." Will answered with a smile of his own.
Sorry for the wait there guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!
I'm booked till the middle of July at least for work so I have no idea how long it will take me to update anything but thank you so much for sticking with me!
Please let me know what you think!