Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters here that belong to Fallout or Kantai Collection or any other works that I put into this story except for my own OCs. Neither do I own any of the character in any of the crossovers I do. I'm just using them in this fanfiction and I have no money so don't bother suing me. You'll just lose money instead of gaining any. And remember to leave a review!
The USS Constitution is a three-masted, forty-four gunned frigate that was built at the Charles-town Navy Yard in North Boston in 1797. The ship triumphed in sea battles against pirates in the First Barbary War and against the British in the War of 1812. She had eventually earned the nickname "Old Ironsides" for the resilience of her oak hull in combat.
The ship was finally dry-docked and restored in the 1920s, and remained the crown jewel of her eponymous maritime museum in the Boston Naval Shipyard until its destruction in 2077. Sometime between 2077 and 2287, somebody fitted NX-42 rocket engines to both sides of the ship, ran wiring and electronic equipment throughout the ship and installed a radar dish on the main deck. The ship then attempted to take off, but ended up landing on top of the Weatherby Savings & Loan bank, just north of Boston.
The robot crew lead by Captain Ironsides a sentry bot and his officers, Mr. Navigator, Lookout, Bosun all are Mister Handies and First Mate a protectron. With the help of the Sole Survivor the ship was repaired and able to take off again. He used the ship as a base for awhile as he search for parts to repair the ship, storing weapons and equipments on board. Who also setup a robot workbench to repair the robot crew and build new ones to replace the dead crewmates, and put in a fusion generation to power the ship. But something happen as it was flying through the air, it disappeared in a flash of light.
Japan in another world -
In a Shinto Shrine built inside of a hanger for ships, a summoning was taking place to call upon more shipgirls to aid in the war with the war with the Abyssals. The materials and other setups had already been brought in. And now all that was left to wait for the call to be answered.
Everyone watch as a humanoid figure appeared in the center of the summon circle. A tall woman, her body slim but powerfully built. Unlike the other shipgirls this one is much older, appearing to be in her late 40's or 50's and her short red hair showing underneath her captain's hat showing grey. Unlike the younger shipgirls is dress in clothes that covered her whole body. Her clothes reminded some of the people in the room of old navy uniforms in the days of sails. But combine with what some recognized as steampunk
The unknown shipgirl summon her rigging which are two massive wooden shields covered in cannon ports. But what caught everyone's eyes are the four rocket engines appearing on her back and the sides of her lower legs. The shipgirl eyes darted around till she saw what looks like windows which means it's a way out. She aim her cannon shields and fired them at the closest window, blowing a hole in the hanger. She ignored the shouting from the people in the room and, ships but they're also girls.
The shipgirl fired her rockets and flew out of the hanger that was used to summon her. Once outside and landing on the dock, she saw she's in the middle of a navy base with shipgirls who were on patrol ready to greet her.
"Who's that?" Shimakaze ask out wondering if anyone knew who it is.
"She's the USS Constitution is a three-masted, forty-four gunned frigate. The oldest commissioned U.S. navy ship, over 200 years old," Yamato said.
"I thought that HMS Victory is the oldest," Kongou ask.
"She is but Constitution is the one afloat," Musashi said.
"But she was flying," Hiei said.
"Never mind that," Haruna said to her sister.
"Constitution stand down!" Yamato shouted to her in English.
"I'll never stand down to you commie traitors," Constitution said as she fired her cannons at the the ship girls. (1)
The smaller light shipgirls ran for cover while the heavy ones stood their ground and the cannon balls did little damage to their halls.
"It's no use. You're cannons can't harm us," Kirishima shouted only to be hit in the face by a cannon ball breaking her glasses.
"I just have to know where to hit," Constitution said now aiming at their heads causing them to shield themselves.
"Give it up. You can't win," Nagato said rushing out of the hanger with the shipgirls that were with her.
Constitution look around her seeing the Japanese shipgirls closing on in around her. The heavy armored shipgirls are at the front letting their heavy armor take her fire while the light ones hide behind them.
"I still have my crew," Constitution said as she stops firing and pulled out small robots figures from her coat.
"What you have toys?" Nagato ask.
Constitution threw the robots to the ground around her and to the shock of the shipgirls the toy robots all became full size robots. The biggest is a robot on three wheeled legs and one of it's arms is what looks like a missile launcher, the other is a gatling gun. One looks like that robot from the movie 'Forbidden Planet' but colored blue like a cop. There are some who seem to be model after that of a female figure, but the head is a cyclops with one red eye in the middle and three clawed hands. The rest look like the blue one or metal balls with three eye stalks and three tentacle arms that ended in claws, buzzsaws and other stuff. Then there are other robots that are just round balls floating in the air, that looks like eyeballs. (2)
"We aren't toys. We are soldiers of the U.S. military," Captain Ironsides said.
"Clear a path," Constitution said taking out a laser musket that's been fully upgraded from her armory.
"All crew members, engage the enemy forces! Protect the Constitution!" Captain Ironsides shouted out firing his missiles and his gatling gun which been replaced by a gatling laser.
The shipgirls began to panic as the robots went on the attack with lasers that burnt through their armor. The shipgirls on land ran as the robots chase them, with the ball things with tentacles attacking with their buzzsaws or flamethrowers. Chitose and Chiyoda fired their seaplanes at the robots, only for the floating eye robots shooting them them down. They did blast the robots but the robots didn't go down easy. Tenryuu managed to destroy the arms of one of the robots who rush her and blowing up in front of her, heavily damaging her. Her destroyers group together and formed a defense line around her. Yamato was blasting at the robots only for Constitution to fire a shot from her laser musket at one of her turrets, blowing it up as it burnt through the armor and hitting the shells. The shipgirls all froze as the Constitution fired again and again, so fast it was like time was frozen for her, destroying all of Yamato's turrets causing heavy damage to the shipgirl as her magazines blew up.
"Yamato!" Musashi shouted only to be engulf in explosions as Captain Ironsides hit her with three missiles.
"Time to leave," Constitution said as she fired her rockets and took to the air again.
She open her coat and beams of lights came out and struck the robots and the parts of the ones destroyed and all of them went back inside of her. She drops several gun turrets around her, that open fire on the shipgirls giving her covering fire. She fully summon her rig that has her sails form large cape like wings on her back. Which they acted like wings helping to keep her in the air as she fired all four rockets and flew off away from the navy base.
"After her!" Nagato shouted blasting the turrets left by Constitution.
"No help her!" Musashi voice shouted drawing attention back to the bay.
Musashi is heavily damaged by the missiles but she was still floating unlike her sister who is clinging to her as she's barely able to stay afloat. Yamato is almost completely naked showing how badly she's been damaged. (3) The shipgirls quickly jump into the water and gathered around Yamato and help carry her to dry land. Other shipgirls are helping the shipgirls who were damaged, over to the repair bay for repairs. And many of them wondering what just happen.
Author's Notes -
1 - Don't really know what happen to Japan in the Fallout games. But I'm just having them break ties with the U.S. and joining with China.
2 - Constitution instead of having fairies has robots manning her instead. And she can summon them to fight for her like Soundwave with his minicons. They're small while on her but off of her they return to their full size. And seeing how some of them are armed with lasers, they can harm the shipgirls. For the sole reason, that it's awesome.
3 - In the game damage is shown by the clothes of the shipgirls being damaged and showing more of their skin as damage is built up.