I sat outside Ozpin's office nervously. personally came to rell me that Ozpin wanted to talk to me. I sat there and wondered if this was about my transcripts. It's been about a week since I killed the Ursa Major and saved Cardin's life. Did he rat me out because he was mad that he was saved by someone he defeated in the past? maybe, Cardin is an asshole. called me in to talk to Ozpin. I stood in front of his desk with butterflies in my stomach.

Ozpin looked directly into my eyes and spoke. " I have been told that the transcripts that you gave me were fake. Is this true? I nodded with my head down in shame. Ozpin sighed and spoke again. " , you are a good young man that has proven to have good leadership skills and the work ethic to become a great huntsman, but I cannot break the rules. Therefore Jaune Arc I must regretfully expel you from Beacon academy." I looked down at the ground and tears started to form in my eyes. I rubbed them to stop any tears from falling, "I understand Professor Ozpin. I'll go start packing my stuff." I turned around wen Ozpin started speaking again. "However, I may bend the rules a bit." I turned around with hope in my eyes was he serious? "I have two conditions for you to meet in order to be able to get back into Beacon. First, you must pass initiation again by yourself and reclaim the chess piece you got at initiation." Okay that wasn't too bad, I could manage that. "Second, you need to be able to beat one of your friends from either your team or team RWBY in single combat. Whomever we choose will be ordered not to hold back. We will know if they are. You will have one year to be able to come back to try and reenter beacon once more."

Well I'm screwed. One year to be able to beat one of my friends that have at least four years of combat experience under their belt? Yeah I had no chance. I nodded at Ozpin and thanked him for the chance he has given me. He gave me a small smile and told me good luck.

I walked out of his office and went back to the dorms. I stopped in front of my teams dorm and hesitantly walked in. All my teammates were in there and giving me worried looks. "Guys I have bad news. Cardin ratted me out and told Ozpin about my fake transcripts." Pyrrha's eyes widened in shock and sorrow. Tears started to pool in her and Nora's eyes. Nora sprinted up to me and pulled me into a hug. "I don't care what you did to get into Beacon Jauney! Your the only leader for team JNPR!" I smiled and patted her head. Ren spoke up with sullen eyes. "While I don't condone what you did to get into Beacon, you have proved yourself to be a competent leader and good teammate. I am sad to see you go Jaune." Pyrrha walked up to me and pulled me into a tight hug. 'Take care of yourself okay Jaune? You have all of our numbers so don't hesitate to call for help." I looked at her and told them what Ozpin told me about my second chance. Pyrrha brightened up a little and Nora started bouncing. Ren nodded at me with encouragement. Pyrrha said that we could continue training and I would be strong enough in no time. I told her that she couldn't train me because if I had to face her she would destroy me. She then looked down in sadness then walked up to me and planted a kiss on my cheek. I blushed furiously and she told me that it was for good luck. Ren nodded to me with encouragement and Nora bounced around yelling to go for it. I packed my stuff up, strapped Crocea Mors to my belt, and told them to give team RWBY my regards.

What are the chances of me actually beating any of my friends in single combat? I'm hopelessly screwed. I walked into a bar that Yang recommended to me. It was blaring music inside and was lit up by a bunch of strobe lights. I walked up to the bar and ordered a strawberry sunrise. Yang said that it tasted good and had a decent amount of alcohol in it. Might as well drink my sorrows away. No way I'll be able to beat my friends. I downed my drink in one go but started to cough shortly after. I ordered another one and put my head in my hands. What the hell was I gonna do. I'll never be able to lead team JNPR ever again.

I was about to drink my second sunrise when someone sad down next to me. It was a young guy who looked about my age. He had a buzz cut, average height and a massive sword on his back. It was almost as long as the guy and was shaped like a massive curved butcher knife with a cloth handle. He had an athletic build with enough muscle to swing that big ass sword but small enough to be agile and quick. He looked over at me and commented "Hey bud you look a little down in the dumps! Something wrong?" I told him what happened and he listened intently to everything I said. "So how are you going to prepare for the test in the year you have?" I chuckled and said " Did you not listen to what I just said? I have no chance at beating any of my friends in single combat. I'm four whole years behind them. There's no point." He looked at me, finished his drink, and grabbed me by the back of the hoodie. "Hey what the hell are you doing dude?! Let go of my damn hoodie!" He spoke up "I'll make you strong enough to take on whoever they throw at you. By the way forgot to introduce myself, my names Mike Yacidian. I'm your new trainer and you better be prepared for hell.

GASP! I have made a new fanfic?! Don't worry this will not interfere with Letters To Pyrrha. I just wanted to write this out and see how it does. Please feel free to leave a review and tell me what ya think! Noble out!