A/N: Yass! My second story! And FYI I deleted this effing story... TO WRITE AGAIN! UGH

Disclaimer: I don't own anything that you recognize..


"Guys! We are under attack! Any help?" Leo shouted from the deck. We were eating lunch in the mess hall to be surprised by yet another attack.

"Coming!" I shouted up "Let's go."

Annabeth and I reach the deck first, to see a hellhound and chimeras. Also seeing Leo running around to keep them distracted.

"I got the hellhound." A voice said, as I definitely jumped ten feet into the air.

"Geez! Nico!" the Italian boy just ran off.

"You and I will get the chimera on the right, can the rest of you get the one on the left?" Annabeth ordered.

Claire's POV

Running away from the police is hard. But running from people who do this like daily is torture. As I come across house number 35, I knock and knock and knock. Finally, the door opens.

"Please let me in ! " I begged. Living on the streets, Mr. Harold helped me and has been helping for about a year now.

"Oh! Claire! Come on in. Help yourself." Harold gestured to the fridge.

Two hours later

"It is getting late. Thank you so much for the food and shelter." We said goodbye and I walked into the shadows, just to disappear.

I went to the beach with a full stomach and just when I was falling asleep, there was a loud


Startled, I jumped up to see the biggest ship in the world and it was beautiful. Unless, you count the broken wood, scratches, and dents. While my body is screaming to get closer, my mind is opposed to that though. Being the idiot I am, I climbed on the ship. Just to see a boy around my age inspecting the damage.

Leo's POV

Everyone else went down to their rooms leaving me to figure out the damage. They left you. You are the seventh wheel. Useless.

"Oh hush you." I replied to myself. Then suddenly, I am knocked to the ground. A cute girl who has a swimmer's body, and is really strong, pinning me down.

"Who are you?" The girl questioned.

"Who are you and what are you doing on MY ship?"I countered.

"I asked first." The mysterious girl around 14? shot back.

"Fine. My name is Leo Valdez, commander of the Argo 2" I gave in.

"The Valdez kid? No you are lying. What is your REAL name?" She said in disbelief. Pushing down harder on my chest.

"Yup that's me. Why?" Now I am really confused. Like are the cops after me? Like I know that people search for me but... This?!

"No way." Her eyes got big. "Oh! My name is Claire Angel. And welcome to Santa Cruse! " ( I don't know! Don't judge me!)

"Uhh yea so why are you so freaked out that I am the Valdez kid?" I asked still completely confused.

"You are a big role model here. Lot's of kids ran from their abusive or alcoholic parents and the parents literally keep us in lock down." Claire had kept her voice down at that.

Then footsteps could be heard and Claire dashed off.

"No! Claire wait!"

"Leo? Who are you talking to?" Percy asked yawning.

"Oh. Uh.. It's fine.. You go back to sleep alright man?" When I need a joke, it is not there. Typical.

"Ok. Good night man." Percy walked back to his room.

"Claire! He is gone! Where are you?" Leo called out.

"Up here!" She replied up in the crow's nest. How fast is she?

A/N: Ugh internet. Anyways hope you enjoyed this and yea.. BYE!