Woohooo its here! At last. Sorry for the long wait. Feel free to skip this and get to the good stuff! But for those of you who didn't skip to the good stuff, see ANs at the end. Oh, amd this IS NOT BETA-ED, I wanted to get it out ASAP.
"Neal, please cooperate!" cried Kel.
"Kel, I'm sorry, I'm just not in the mood."
"Not in the mood? Not in the mood? Do you think I am? You have 3 days left, and you still can't even wield the damned thing correctly!" Kel screamed in a very rare outburst. It did the trick though, as Neal immediately shut up and actually started to properly use the glaive.
Kel's bad mood stayed with through out the day. During lunch, she totally ignored Dom, making him extremely curious, but her knew her well enough not to ask.
Neal came over for an extra lesson, but halfway through there was a knock on the door to Kel's chambers.
"Come in," Neal called.
The door creaked open. It was one of the king's personal messengers, dressed in a light blue silk tunic lined with silver and black breeches. "A message for the knights," he said.
"Yes?" Kel prompted, a little impatient for no apparent reason, except her day's bad disposition.
"His highness has called a meeting, immediately, in his office-"
"Yes, thanks, we'll be there right away." interrupted Kel. He shut the door. Kel and Neal began putting away their glaives. Neal handed Kel his and she hung him up on the rack. They walked out of the chambers, in a rush.
It must be really important. But what could it be about?
Wondered Kel, as they walked quickly down the hall. Kel glanced over at Neal, and saw he was running his fingers through his hair, a telltale sign of him being nervous. Now that she thought about it, she was nervous too. But there was no more time to think about it, as they had reached King Jonathan's office.Kel knocked on the door, and it was immediately answered by a gruff "You're late." When they walked in, they saw the room was filled with nights, and members of The Own who hadn't gone on the trip.
"I was just telling them how we have received a emergency plea for help from the Yamani emperor," Jonathan filled them in. The Scanrans have done many different attacks on villages in the central area of the Yamani Islands. It's a bad situation. We need every one of you," he continued, "over there, and ready to go by 3 hours before dawn tomorrow." Groans filled the room, and the king gave grim smile.
"Anyways, I want everyone to go back to his or her rooms, pack, and be ready to leave by tomorrow. You'll get there not by sea, but by the Traveler's Blessing spell. You all should have heard of it by now, a spell invented by our very own Numair. It's such a desperate situation that we need to use this kind of speed. We can afford the power," he added, noticing the look one of the mages in the room gave him. "Any questions?"
"Yes, sir, what sort of conditions can we expect?" said someone in the group.
"Rough terrain, freezing at night, burning in the day, anything and everything," replied Jon. "No more questions?" His question was answered with the silence of people thinking. . "Alright then, I'll see you here at 3 hours before sunup."
Kel sighed and walked out of the room, followed by Neal and Dom. Neal was the first one to speak. "This sucks." [AN-I know this thought is random, and skip it if you want to, but if they were 'gangsta', Dom would say "Woooord." I'm sorry; I just thought that was hilarious. Anyways, to continue…]
"I know," Dom said. Kel said nothing. Secretly, she was kind of missing the islands, having not been there since, well, since Kel didn't know when.
Of course, this trip would be for business, not pleasure, so of course she wouldn't get that much free time. But that would be enough, just be around…just to experience the culture, to speak Yaman again.
Oh well,
Kel thought as she let out a deep sigh. Neal snorted."What?" Kel asked, a slight bit annoyed.
"Nothing, nothing at all." He replied, a grin beginning to spread on his face. "Nothing except you did sound a bit like your Peachblossom for a moment there."
"I did not!" Kel protested as her two friends smiled. "See, he sounds more like-" She tried to snort like her horse, but failed. This effort sent Dom and Neal into peals of laughter. "Hmph."
Kel stormed off and went into her room to pack quickly, as she wanted to get some sleep that night.
By now, Kel had discovered that packing as fast as she did was an art form. You had to pack light, but still have everything you needed. You must be prepared for all sorts of weather and conditions, even the ones not expected. And the most important thing was never forget anything. Most everybody needed what you forgot, if you needed it to. And any merchants nearby might charge sky high prices because you were a foreigner. Finally she collapsed into her bed, falling asleep within minutes.
The birds woke her, chirping cheerfully as Jump, true to his name, jumped all over her. Kel threw her nightgown off of her, slipped on some breeches and a tunic, grabbed her bags, and hurried down to the King's office.
When she arrived, she saw that for once she was not late. About half of the people there last night were there now. Kel gave King Jon a smile as she set down her bags on the table where everyone else's were.
After about one half hour, everyone had finally arrived. Numair had appeared by then too, ready to work hard. Jonathan escorted everyone to a secret chamber, on the side of his office. The chamber seemed to be only big enough to fit one full grown man, but it seemed to magically expand to fit everyone as each person entered.
Once everyone was finally ushered in, Numai closed the door. The mage muttered something, there was a roaring whoosh that filled the room, and then silence once again. Kel felt as if she hadn't moved, but through the door window she could see sunlight where one of Jon's bookshelves used to be in view.
Okay, enough with the caps. I hope you liked it, it's been very troublesome for me.
Please review and let me knew whether or not you liked it. Keep in mind that it hasn't been beta-ed, but if you could point out any errors I would appreciate it. I would also like to know your favorite and least favorite chapters so far and why, if possible.
*kiss kiss*