Chapter 3: The Second Proposal
I'm banned from the internet for 24 hours! Chat Noir is planning a supurrise and I'm not allowed to know what it is. See ya later Luckybugs!
Replying to OfficialLadybug:
EXCUSE ME WHAT?! What does this MEAN?
Replying to Ladyblog and OfficialLadybug:
Glad you're already on the case Ladyblog! Now that LB's away, I need your help…
"The Ladyblog is down."
Adrien leaned forwards, playfully wrestling Marinette's phone from her. Her feet, clad in fluffy bed socks, pressed against his chest and pushed him backwards. They kept him at bay, at the foot of the bed, where he gave her his best Chat Noir pout possible. "Princess…"
"I know, I know," she rolled her eyes with a sigh. "You do realise I'm one of those youths attached to the internet, moulded by it, like Bane in the darkness! It's killing me not looking at stuff!" She levied a pout to rival his and Adrien almost caved then and there. But he couldn't. There was too much at stake.
"Only little longer, Bugaboo. A few more hours and then you shall have your darling internet back," he soothed, sliding up the duvet to cuddle by her side. The early afternoon light streamed in through the window, landing on the engagement ring and making it sparkle. He smiled, not remembering a time when he'd ever felt so at peace, on a lazy Saturday afternoon, with a clear schedule and an even clearer soul...
Even though the memory of Alya's screams (of both delight and anger) still echoed in his mind. To say she'd been unamused at Adrien for hiding his proposal plans until the last minute was and understatement at best.
"You look happy," Marinette replied, snuggling up to him a flopping her arm across his chest. He closed his eyes, leaning back against the headboard with a hum.
The nerves would come eventually. Not from her answer, of course. He knew she'd say yes again. There wasn't a doubt in his head, like there had been the first time he proposed. No- this time it was the grand gesture which made butterflies flutter restlessly in his stomach.
God, he owed Alya so much for helping him set up what she called "the proposal to end all proposals- except for mine." After all the screaming and hugging of course.
It was worth it though. Absolutely. To watch the way Marinette's smile lit up the room, their secret glances over shoulders as they hugged well-wishers, and the way laughter filled whatever room the occupied was worth all the nerves, the cracked ribs from Alya's embrace, and shoulders punched raw with congratulations. It was worth it, to know for sure that they were going to be married soon.
"I am," he replied, tackling her into a tight embrace, delighting in her squeals as he pecked several kisses on her cheek, her neck and hair.
The crowd was on fire.
Not literally of course, but they might as well have been. Chat Noir could feel their excitement, their endless energy, even as he stood so far above them. Leaning down he could just about make out a familiar set of glowing headphones- the ones he'd given Nino for Christmas. He was the one keeping the anticipation at max, blasting out tunes for the whole city of Paris to enjoy whilst they danced and cheered and waited.
Chat leaned back, dangling his legs over the side of the tower. He closed his eyes, tilted his head back and breathed; allowed himself a moment to soak in the atmosphere. The moment seared into his memory. Smiling, he once again recounted how lucky he was to be here at all, and how it all started with a little ring (and a pair of earrings) in a box.
Was there such a thing as 'best guardian'? Adrien wondered if Fu would accept the honorary title anyway. Traditions always started somewhere…
When the music lowered and the crowd began to scream louder than ever, Chat opened his eyes. His smile widened further. There was only one person whose presence could cause such a cheer.
Ladybug swung towards him, landing by his side with a practised ease. She offered the crowd a wave, and Nino was greeting her through the speaker system, hyping the crowd to heights higher than even the tower could reach. Chat could hear none of it, his vision and hearing focused solely on the woman in front of him. His heart thrummed in his chest, a steady beat reserved for her and only her.
"Hey," she said.
"Hi," he stumbled, the catch in his throat matching the way time seemed caught, slowed down by her arrival. The lights on the tower seemed to blink slower, the people below in another universe. Of its own accord, his hand reached for her and their fingers linked together. Chat skimmed his thumb over her finger, feeling what might have been the ghost of her engagement ring. It was there, underneath all the kwami transformation magic. Just like Marinette was. Just like he was, underneath his own transformation.
"Hell of an engagement party," Ladybug grinned and Chat laughed in response, pulling her close. "I'm impressed."
"So, was the su-purr-rise worth the lack of internet?" Chat replied twirling her as they began to dance to a remix of Prince's 'Kiss', and the revellers below followed suit. He couldn't help but feel smug that she thought this was the surprise and not what he had planned. "Speaking of which, you didn't look at Twitter whilst I was away did you?"
"Twitter's for the birds," Ladybug retorted as she slid under his arm, wiggling her hips, and Chat almost fell off the tower. "And anyway, what kind of a girl do you take me for? I'm a Ladybug of her word!"
"Easy Love-Bug," he soothed, dipping her and kissing her on the nose. "I trust you."
She huffed, bopping him in-between his eyebrows in retaliation to his teasing, and they continued to dance. After a while, as the latest Rihanna song blasted out, she looked down at the gathering below with a frown. "Shouldn't we join the crowd? I feel like we're isolated up here… which is kinda nice and all but, if there was a way to get down there without being mobbed…"
Chat leaned forward to press a quick kiss to her scrunched lips, wanting to erase the frown. "Don't worry!" he winked. "This cat's got it covered!"
Ladybug hummed, quirking her eyebrow in suspicion, but Chat refused to elaborate further. They continued to dance, the songs Nino chose were a mix of modern and all-time favourites. Adrien had a few he'd requested, but ultimately put his faith in the DJ's super-skills.
"What are you thinking about?" Ladybug asked, breathless, after a particularly wild Michael Jackson megamix.
"Nothing much, just-" Chat paused, holding both her hands in his and glancing around. "This is where we first kissed… officially. Dark Cupid doesn't count."
Ladybug's eyes glinted and she pulled him down so his torso was level with hers. "Maybe not to you. I thought it was a great kiss."
He groaned, flopping onto her shoulder. "My lady- I don't rememberrrrrr it and I never will. That way it doesn't coooouuuunt."
"Yes it does."
"I'm pawsitively certain it doesn't."
Ladybug laughed, patting his head. "Does."
"Ladybuuuuuug," he nuzzled into her shoulder, knowing his cat ears would tickle her, and smiled at her resulting giggle.
It was then that the music changed and Chat's heart lurched, pulling him upright. It was the signal, everyone's signal but especially his own.
"Adele? Really?" Ladybug smirked, teasing. "How much did you have to pay Nino?"
"Nothing, 'cause Adele is awesome, though not as awesome as you." Chat wiggled his eyebrows at her, reaching out his hand. "Dance with me."
Despite the light scoff she made, Ladybug stepped forwards and the pair began to sway. The notes of the piano danced in the air alongside them, and even the crowd began to grow more subdued. Chat kept his gaze on Ladybug, knowing she would return. He couldn't resist pulling her closer, but stalled when he heard her sigh. "What's wrong?"
"Hmm?" Ladybug hummed in response, her eyes glossy, and she trailed a finger across his chest. Their slow dancing was almost at a standstill. "Nothing, just caught up in all your sappiness. Not that I'm much better but you know how I am and everything and now I'm babbling and ruining the moment. It's- you know- like you remember this was the first song you played for me on the piano, right? And that's super unfair because we just got engaged and we're dancing in the spot we first 'officially' kissed and I'm all nostalgic and love your face and stuff… so…gah."
How was it possible that she kept doing, and saying, things that made him love her more? How did he fall in love with her more and more every day? That had to stop, didn't it? There was only so much one heart could take.
"We're starting a whole new chapter of our lives," she went on, and Chat shook his head, stopped himself from leaning down and kissing her before he ought to- if he wanted to stick to the plan that was. "Kinda scary. But in a good way."
Chat swallowed, as the music came to the instrumental. This was it. This was the moment. "Well see, we can't exactly start the whole new chapter. Not when you've only had one proposal. You see…this isn't just an engagement party…"
Ladybug tilted her head in confusion, and Chat bobbed his own, smiling in reassurance. "Look."
He twirled her wrapping his arms around her waist and gently pushing her towards the edge of the beam, motioning for her to lean over the edge. Everything in his body began to churn in anticipation, hoping and hoping and hoping some more. Please let it have worked, please let it have worked.
As the vocals began again, Chat lowered his lips to her ear, his voice wobbling a little due to nerves, but he managed to keep it steady as he sung the last lines of the song. He squeezed his eyes shut, still praying his plan had worked, until he heard her gasping. "Chat-"
He opened his eyes, and happiness immediately burst inside of him, so strong that it almost knocked him over. He beamed. It had worked!
As they'd arrived to the party, each reveller had been given a large light to shine. Ladybug red or Chat Noir green. They'd practiced and plotted and planned, even with such short notice, and Chat Noir was bowled over by their dedication.
He couldn't see Ladybug's reaction, but he hoped she liked it even as the music faded and he ended his song. Yet the message still remained. There below them, spelled out by the citizens they loved so much:
"I wasn't joking when I said Chat needed to propose to Ladybug too," he said, releasing her and gripping her hand. He dropped to one knee, peering up at her shocked expression with all the love he could muster. "Only I thought this time, I could use some help. That's why I asked you to away from the internet, and why the Ladyblog was blocked for you. Who better to help me than the countless lives we saved together? They're the reason we came together in the first place right?"
Recovering from her shock, tears of joy poured in her eyes. "I can't believe you! You're amazing. You're… so… ugh I tried to give up on calling you perfect when I was a teenager, but you make it super hard!"
Chat grinned. "So, is that a yes?"
"Of course, it's a yes, you silly cat! Now get over here!" she cried, yanking him up and he stumbled upwards into her embrace, laughing as her lips crashed into his and the crowd below screamed. He lifted her, spinning them around as they laughed. Eventually he dropped her, motioning to the drone live streaming them from a good distance away.
Just as the fireworks went off, causing them both to shriek and cling onto each other.
Ladybug blinked, turning a startled expression to Chat. "I thought you had that planned?"
Chat shook his head. "Nope. Must've been a gift from someone. I wonder who?"
Ladybug laughed, kissing him again. "Guess life is full of surprises huh? Although you do realise now we sort-of have to plan two weddings instead of one?"
He could practically feel his cat ears droop, and Ladybug began to laugh harder, pulling them down so they could sit and watch the firework show.
"Yeah…I probably didn't think this one through, did I?"
Ladybug shook her head. "It's not like I'm much better though- 'let's play a game and see if you can find who I really am behind the mask Chat!' that turned out well didn't it?"
Chat nudged her side. "I think it turned out just fine."
Smirking, Ladybug leaned her head on his shoulder. "Did it turn out top notch?"
Chat groaned. "Still never gonna let me live that one down, Bugaboo?"
She turned, gripping his bell, the sparkle in her eyes more beautiful than any firework he'd ever seen. "Not for the rest of our lives."
Chat thought for a moment, the warmth of that promise wrapped around his heart, kept it safe, and he in turn wrapped his arms around her. "Good," he replied, kissing her again as the fireworks above them continued to burst and the revellers below danced and celebrated on their behalf. "Sounds like a purrfect life to me."
That's it for part 3 but don't fret! I am working on both the Ladynoir and Adrienette weddings! Stay tuned!
Thank you to all the people who review, it means the world to me XxXx