The next day Angela woke up early, and slipped out of the dorm she has been living in. The halls were still lit, but the few windows that showed the outside revealed it was still dark.

It wasn't hard to find the room Angela was looking for. One thing Angela had noticed was for all the technology that existed, the Saiyan didn't use them. Besides the souters and armor that everyone wears, they didn't use any technology. There was no computers in any of the dorm rooms, so Angela didn't have any option but to find one.

I mean, computers always have information on it. That's like the whole point and it should stay like that even if this is another universe or whatever. Angela convinced herself as she walked soundlessly down the halls to the room she has passed a few times.

It looked like a scene from star trek with all the computers around, only this wasn't a spaceship, but a command room. It was also one of the rooms in this building where it wasn't primarily humanoids. Saiyanoids? Those from primate descent?

There was only five of those reptilian fish looking aliens that were only a little taller then Angela right now. They were all typing at the large computers completely unaware of Angela who was looking in through the door.

Now, do I wait or try to trick them? Angela thought, also wondering if the room was ever empty.

If it wasn't at three o'clock (or whatever the equivalent of that is here) then Angela didn't think it would be later.

"What'cha doin?" Angela asked as she boldly walked into the room, tilting her head in what she hoped was a universal sign for cute.

One of the aliens screamed while three of them looked like they were going to shit themselves.

"I-Is there something you need Saiyan?" The alien that screamed said, apparently they were the high ranking member of the room right now if the looks the others were giving meant anything.

"Not really. I was just bored... what does this do?" Angela said as she walked over, looking like she was about to press a big red button.

"Please don't touch that!"

Angela stilled her hand and looked at the alien with big eyes.

"Why not? What does it do?"

"That's the emergency detonator!" The alien yelled, and this time Angela did remove her hand in shock.


"For the pods. Lord Frieza demand any damaged pods to just be destroyed."

"Oh." Angela wasn't sure what to think of that.

It might make getting a pod more difficult.

Seems like I will have to go with my plan to just change the coordinates when I get a job. And hope no one notices.

"So, do you control the pods?" Angela asked, moving so she could see the alien's screen.

It was filled with symbols Angela knows she hasn't seen before, and yet she was able to read what it said.

"Only the launching and landing. The pods are self related and once we send the autopilot the coordinates, nothing else needs to be changed."


"Coordinates? What's that?"

The alien then jumped into a long monologue about the history of the galactic coordinate system (GCS) and the algorithm they use to find new planets to purge.

"What about planets on the outside rim of the galaxy?"

"There's less habitable satellites out there, but there are a few that we will be sending the newborn Saiyan's to..." and after some fast typing ten planets pop up on the screen.

They were all different, and Angela was just about to ask another question when she saw it. The big old blue planet.

"What's that? It look pretty."

"That? Um... It's currently call E-arth by the locals. It's the last one on the list."

"Can I go there?" Angela asked, hardly even able to keep her happiness from showing.

"You?" The alien asked before pressing a button on his scouter.

"N-no, it would be way too easy for you."

Angela frown, making sure to memorize the CPS, before getting another idea.

"But that would just mean I would finish it sooner! Can't you just sign me up for it?"

"S-sorry but I don't pass out the jobs... in fact I should really be getting back to it." The alien said, practicing shivering in their seat.

"Oh, alright." Angela said as she left, a little confused at what caused the sudden change in mood.

But she got the coordinates.

One step closer to getting home.

"There you are!"

Angela paused in her shooting and looked down to see Scali in the doorway, looking happy? In any other room, that would have worried Angela, but since she was training (which was more or less flying and laughing as she shoot light out of her hand) Angela figured she was safe.

"Yes?" She asked as she floated back down to the ground.

"That's good you been training, but it is time for you to purge your first planet." Scali said with a smile filled with sharper than human teeth.


It hasn't even been a day since she got the coordinate for Earth.

"You're going with a mix group of second class and third class saiyans. The third class saiyan has already been on two purges before, but the other second classes are like you." Scali explained as she walked out, Angula forced to jump/fly in order to keep up.

"Oh, um, cool? Who are they?" She asked, masking her worry from showing on her face.

Angela wasn't expecting a group. What if they try tracking her? Or that her pod will follow the leaders pod? Suddenly her plan was looking even more fragile than before.

"Lots of nobodies. The leader is a second class with a pl of only 1000, and the third class is three times your age and only has a pl of 900. It's such a disappointment since his father could easily be a second class, but for some reason he want to say with the mate of his first born." Scali ranted as they walked.

"What's wrong with that?" Angela asked, but almost immediately regretted it when Scali stop and gave her very Mom like look.

"It is one thing to prefer the company of another saiyan, but when it comes to offsprings and the next generation of saiyan you should always care more about the strength of your partner and how good they are at training. You obviously got you high PL from me, but the only reason I decided to have another kid with your father is because he did a good job of training you. Your Pl is already way higher then the doctors expected it would be at your age, and as much as I hate to say it, it is because of Paragus."

Scali keep walking but Angela just stared at the woman, processing what she just said.

"You're pregnant?!" Angela yelled, startling quite a few of the other aliens who were walking past.

"Was. He's in the tank now."

"I have a brother?" Angela realized, ignoring what Scali could mean by tank.

She never had any brothers before. Only a half sister that she loves to bits. Or Loved.

But that will be solved soon enough.

"Don't tell me you want to see him, I had hoped you wouldn't be such a bleeding heart."

A what now? Angela wanted to ask, but bit her lip instead. What would be the point. I'm going back home, so why should I care about... some kid.

"I don't... want to see him." Angela ended up saying, and Scali gave a sharp nod.

"Good. He should be able to talk by the time you come back anyways." Scali said, and for the first time Angela wondered just how long she has been here.

They didn't have years, but cycles and GT which is galactic time, but Angela has no idea what it is in earth years. She wants to say it has only been a year but...

"How long is job?"

"Less than a third of a cycle there and back. Here we are." Scali said, not even bothering to explain it anymore.

Insead of a door, there was a forcefield like thing separate them from what Angela guess is the hanger for all the pods. It was just outside on bridges like boats on a dock, with a few other Saiyan getting in before shooting off into the sky.

"You have pod 386, and the route is already set up."

Angela looked up to the woman she has been more or less forced to interact with everyday and for a brief moment didn't want to leave. But then Angela remembered little Sophie and her mom and step-dad Steve and her childhood best friend Emi and... everyone.

When was the last time I even saw them in person?

"When do I leave?"

"Now. You are the only one who was still on the planet, but I put in a good word." Scali said as she pushed Angela on the back. "Now get going! This is what all that training has been about."

"Uh, right." Angela looked back to give a fake smile, then walked through the force field that jiggle a little but otherwize didn't change.

Her hair wiped around in the wind, but the nice thing with it being shorter is none of it got into her eyes or mouth. With steps that were way more stardy then she was feeling, Angela follows the holograms the notied where the pods were. 386 was near one of the end of the docks, and popped open with a hiss as soon as Angela walked up to it.

Turning slightly away, Angela looked to see she was alone. There was still some... workers around, but no one was paying her any attention.

Okay. It's now or never.

Angela placed one foot in, then another, turning around to sit in the padded half of the orb just as the door started to close. Her eyes scanned all over before noticing ten buttons on the side that had symbols that she could recognize as numbers.

Right, ok... I just need to change the coordinates and hope no one notices and blows the pod up.

She typed in the numbers that have been going through her head on repeat all day. Angela held her breath until there was a bing.

"New destination add. Setting course..."

Angela looked out the door/window and there was no one waiting outside to get her.

"Course set. Lunching in"

Angela was thrown back as the pod, no spaceship, blasted off. It felt like her skull was trying to exit her head, but slowing the force lessined until it got to the point where Angela was able to peel herself from the back wall.

In front of her was stars. Thousands of them. More than she has even seen before. It was a little overwhelming, and Angela wondered if one of those stars was the Sun.

However before she could do anything else, not even come up with another concrete thought, a cold scentless gas filled the pod and Angela fell unconscious.

A/N: Sorry this chapter took so long. But on the bright side next chapter should have a lot of familiar characters ;)

Thanks to the two guest, Warlord of Chaos, and DarkDust27 for taking the time to leave a review last chapter! You're all the best.

I hope you all have a fantastic night/day!