Disclaimer: I do not own the fosters or any of its characters.

Warning: Sexual abuse from a teacher.

"Callie, baby! It's time to wake up!"

I felt a hand on my shoulder, gently arousing me from a deep sleep. I smiled and rolled over, instantly seeing Stef's face only inches from my own. "Hi, Mom."

I glanced over at Mariana's bed, only to find that she was still sleeping. I gave Stef a confused look.

"It's 6:20. I'll wake her up in a couple minutes. I just wanted to spend a little extra time with my baby on her first day of school with us."

I hid my face in her chest and blushed but inwardly I was pleased that she cared enough to want to spend this extra time with me.

Stef stroked my curls and continued speaking, "I know things have been stressful with the adoption not going through and me having to work double shifts but everything is going to be fine. You'll see."

God, I hope so. I had tried to pretend I wasn't affected when the adoption didn't go through, but I was more affected than I was willing to admit. And then when Jude was adopted, it felt like my last tangible connection with the family had disintegrated. They were all a family, and I was the outsider desperately trying to get in. It wasn't fair.

Of course, Stef and Lena tried to reassure me but it wasn't the same. And then, with the start of the school year and Stef taking up double shifts, the reassurances came less and less. Oh god, what if they chang-

I shook the negative thoughts out of my head before they could overwhelm me. Stef wouldn't be here holding me like this if they were planning to send me away. They wouldn't have spent all that money to buy me new clothes and supplies for school. They wouldn't have enrolled me in therapy or found me that photography club to join.

No, everything was fine.

Stef, sensing my racing thoughts, spoke up. "Why don't we wake Mariana up and then go downstairs for some breakfast? Mama is making pancakes and I'm sure the two of us can convince her to let you have a cup of coffee," She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.

I chuckled and nodded.

"Thanks for helping me find my locker, Callie, " Jude said as he closed his locker and turned to me.

"No problem, baby. You better get to class, though." I told him. The bell had already rang while we were busy searching.

"Not a baby." He muttered to himself before walking away.

I leaned against the locker and watched as he walked down the hall. After a couple incidents bullying last year, I was hesitant to let him out of my sight but hopefully, this year would be different. Just as I was about to turn around, two older girls from the grade below mine, Chelsea and Madison, came barreling around the corner and shoved Jude into a row of lockers.

"Where's your boyfriend?" Chelsea said in a mocking tone.

Jude said nothing and struggled against their hold on him.

"Or did he break up with you, queer? Hm, we can doll you up and he'll come running right back, won't he, Madison?" Chelsea joked. Madison smirked and reached into her purse, pulling out a tube of lipstick.

Jude made no attempt to defend himself and I stepped forward.

"Get away from my brother!" I snarled at them. I pushed them away from Jude and turned to him, "Go to class. I'll handle this."

Jude hesitated for a moment before nodding and scurrying off.

I turned to the girls and tried to stay calm. "I don't know why you feel the need to bully an innocent boy, but it ends now unless you want me to report you to Principal Sanchez for discrimination and harassment. Do you understand?"

They scowled at me but didn't say anything as I stepped around them.

Then it happened, Chelsea grabbed my arm to stop me. Chelsea's stepped toward me until her face was within inches of mine. My hands squeezed into a tight fist. Madison stood behind Chelsea, looking apprehensive as she glanced between us.

"This isn't over yet, Callie," Chelsea said viciously at me. Glancing around the halls quickly and seeing it empty, she reared her hand backwards and brought it against my face with a surprising amount of force. Chelsea looked shocked that she had actually done it and Madison let out a gasp from behind us.

"If you don't remove your hands from me right this instant, I will bash your fucking head into that locker." I seethed through clenched teeth.

I don't know who I surprised more, me or her.

Chelsea swiftly removed her hand from my arm as she openly gaped at me in complete shock. My body was tense, and I prayed for their sake they would leave. Madison, sensing my fury, pulled Chelsea away from me, and they hurriedly dashed down the hall.

I stood motionless for a few minutes as I waited for the anger to wash away from me. My heart was thumping wildly in my chest and my fists were still clenched tightly.

No one is allowed to touch me.

I was feeling calm again when I heard the distant sounds of footsteps coming near me. A teacher was walking toward me and I quickly glanced at him as he came closer. He was one of the older teachers in the building, late thirties probably, with the beginning of a lifetime with gray and thinning hair atop his head. His large, brown eyes crinkled in the corners as he smiled at me.

"I saw what happened. While I don't approve of the language, I must say I was impressed with the way you handled yourself back there," he said as he approached me.

"Thanks. Who are you?" I asked confused. I had never seen him before.

"My name is Mr. Crowden. I've taught English 11 for the past five years here."

I nodded and shifted tentatively on my feet. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Crowden. I am Callie Foster," I introduced awkwardly.

"Hmm, I think I might have you on my roster for next period," he said. He tapped his chin thoughtfully, "I have prep this period. Why don't you come into my classroom and you can clean yourself up? I can write you a pass to class afterwards."

At his mention of it, I reached up and felt the blood a trickle of blood from my nose and my swelling lip. I thought my options over. If I went to the nurse, she would surely call Lena and I was in no mood for an interrogation at the moment. If I cleaned up here, I could probably make it home before anyone even noticed. "Okay, yeah, thanks."

He smiled his crinkled eyed smile at me and led me down the hall to his classroom.

Once we were in his classroom, he led me over to the sink and left to get a first aid kit.

I was angry at myself that I had let one of the girls touch me, but as I looked into the mirror I could see that the damage was minimal. The blood was easily cleaned up with a wet paper towel. My lip, however, was swollen and red and I knew there was no way I would be able to hide it from Stef and Lena.

"Okay, Callie, I got the first aid kit for you!" Mr. Crowden announced cheerfully, holding the kit up in victory.

"Oh, thank you, Mr. Crowden, but I don't think it's necessary," I explain.

"Nonsense, Callie. It's important to get you fixed up properly. Now, let me see the damage."

He knelt in front of the chair I was perched on and looked up at me. I swallowed nervously at his close proximity. He gently grabbed my chin in his hand to tilt my face this way and that way as he examined me. He nodded quietly to himself before reaching into the kit and grabbing a tube of Neosporin. Spreading a dose of the medicine over his thumb, he reached up and gently applied the medicine to the cut of my lip. With a smile, he sat back, patted my thighs and stood up with a groan as his knees creaked loudly.

"Now that wasn't so bad, huh?" He smiled.

"Thank you, Mr. Crowden. I, uh, I should probably get back to class. I'm late." I said nervously.

"Well, there's only 25 minutes left of the period. Why don't you just stay here? It's the first day, I'm sure you're not missing anything important. Here, take a seat." He led me to a seat near his desk. He sat down in his office chair before rolling in front of my desk with it. I let out a quiet laugh at his antics before taking a seat.

"So how are you liking Anchor Beach so far? You were new last year right?" He asked, leaning back and kicking his feet up on the desk.

"Yeah, I was. It's okay, I guess," I shrugged. "All my siblings go here, which is nice. I, uh, I was behind in my last school and it has been really hard trying to catch up to the rest of the kids in my class, though."

"Well, I've only known you for about 15 minutes and I can already tell that you are a very smart girl. I'm sure you'll have no problem catching up as long as you put in the effort. Who are your siblings? I might have had them in my class before."

"Uh, Brandon, Jesus, Mariana and Jude Foster. Brandon's in my grade. The twins are a year below and Jude is in 7th grade."

His eyes widened and his mouth dropped open in surprise. "Yes, right! You and your brother are Mrs. Adams foster children."

I nodded my head unsurely. I hadn't been referred to as the foster child in months. "Yes, they are planning to adopt me soon."

"That's great. I hope everything works out well for you. I'd hate to see you lose out on such an opportunity," He paused. "And how about friends? Any boyfriend I should be worried about?" He joked.

I was growing increasingly uncomfortable as the conversation went on, but I responded anyway. "Um, I've made a couple of friends in my grade. No boyfriend."

He looked thoughtful for a second and then seemed satisfied with my response. Crap! Maybe I should have lied.

I glanced up at the clock. 11:56. 4 minutes until next period.

"Don't Worry. We've got plenty of time to talk, Callie."

I shifted in my seat uncomfortably. Mr. Crowden took the opportunity and placed his palm on my thigh, stilling my bouncing leg. "Mr. Crowde-"

"Be a good girl, Callie. I'd hate to give Mrs. Adams - Foster a bad report about you on the first day. Starting an altercation with 2 other students. Skipping class. Refusing to listen to the teacher and a lack of cooperation."

I sat there, stunned. No, that's not true! He can't say that!, I thought desperately. He hands traveled further up my body, fingering the edge of my shirt.

Please don't. Please don't. Pleasedon't Pleasedon'tPleas-


He rolled his chair away from me casually as the sounds of students leaving their classrooms filled the halls. Mr. Crowden towered above my cowering form in the chair. Gone was his sweet smile from before and now he looked at me almost coldly. He reached into his pocket, pulled out a wad of tissue and thrust it in my face. "Clean yourself up."

I hadn't even noticed I was crying. Tears fell faster as I realized I would have to spend the next 80 minutes in his presence. NO! I can't! I have to go! I'll go se-

He clasped my shoulder in his hand tightly. "Whatever your thinking of, it stops now. You're going to go to the bathroom, clean yourself up, and be back in 10 minutes. You will not say a word to anyone. Now, go. The class discussion starts at 12:15."

I left the classroom quickly.

Part 1 of 3.

Yes, it progressed quickly. Part of the reason is that this fic will only be 3 parts and certain events will happen each chapter and the other part is that this is obviously not his first time doing this. He knows what questions to ask and once he finds the information he needs, then he'll strike.

All mistakes are my own.

The inspiration for this came from my own life, and I encourage anyone who is experiencing any type of abuse to speak out and tell someone.

Note: I am an amateur writer and this is my first multi-part fic. I've only ever written a creative story (as in not an essay) twice before so keep that in mind. That said, constructive criticism is allowed.

Review, please!