Final chapter. June 15, 2017 to May 22, 2018 (the date I finished it, not published it), and I have finally this AU story.


Late at the dark of night, Eduardo was flying through the jungle at the great speed and frustration due everything that was happening thanks to Blu; Roberto stood up to his leader, Mimi looked like she was taking charge, and worst of all Jewel fell in love with Blu, the bird who couldn't fly and seemed to be fond of humans more than birds.

All of those thoughts just made Eduardo feel more and more infuriated as he kept flying and grip tightly on what appeared to be a box of unused matches, which gave a sign that he was up to no good. "When there desperate times, I need to commit desperate actions!" Eduardo kept thinking to himself repeatedly before he finally landed at one spot. He breathed and took a good look around to where he was at, and that was a part of the jungle where all there were were trees, plants, and other things weren't considered animals. It was the perfect place for Eduardo to commit his next plan.

He let go of the box, took a match, and quickly lit it up, making light on it. At another moment, he slowly breathed and said to himself aloud "This for you, Jewel. And I'm sorry Stu but you're not the one that I want my daughter to spend the rest of her life with. It's not what I want…it's not what my wife would've wanted." He carried the match and looked like he was about to use it on the tall tree he was in front of. But then, five seconds after what he said, he heard a small voice coming from behind him.

"Say what?"

Eduardo turned to see that it was "Roberto? What in the name of earth are you doing out here?"

"I could ask the same thing before I ask what is that?! That thing you're holding!"

"(Sigh)…Roberto, unlike what you and my family have been doing, I'm going to be honest now. What you see me holding here is called match. It's a tool that loggers used to burn down things that they thought were no longer necessary to keep around."

Roberto didn't like the sound of that so he continued speaking, and in slow rage. "Then what you doing with it?"

"When the loggers first invaded us, when you and Jewel were kids, I stole this box of matches from one of those monsters because something told me that it could be very helpful in the future, and now I see why."


"Ever since Drew was brought here he has been nothing but trouble. Wooing my daughter and manipulating you and my sister into no longer listening to my judgement, and almost ruining everything that makes us thrive by sirviving. So as of right, on this uninhabited part of the jungle, I'm going to use this match to burn it all out and put the blame on Blu!"

That shocked Roberto, so instead of charging at him with rage, he did the wise thing in just walking to him slowly and attempting reason with him.

"Eduardo. I'm going to let you do this."

"You don't have a choice in the matter. That human loving pet and those monsters have already taken too much away from me and I'm not going to make let him do more harm than he's already done! And you're not going to say a word about this."

"Harm? HARM?!" Roberto sudden yelled. "How in the world could you think that Blu, B-L-U, has done any harm to you?!"


"All he did do to you was try to win your respect and convince that not all humans are evil like the loggers. He was trying to be nice to you all the way, and he sure was trying to earn your daughter's love and made sure that she was safe. And thriving by sirviving? How is it surviving when we have to live by these rules that make us all completely unhappy: 'nobody leaves the tribe, no trusting anyone that isn't our species or associated with outsiders,' and finally, 'if you must let the tribe leader choose a groom for the bride and stay in the wed-nest until the wedding of you and your guardian can commence'! Those rules never made us thrive, they're what made you so demanding and irrational. And I know, you follow them because you're the leader and you do it to protect everyone and your daughter."

"Precisely why I'm doing this."

"Burning down a part of the jungle? Blaming it on someone that was only teaching me how to be courageous and for Juju to follow her heart? How do you even know that this fire won't spread to our tribe or that if this place in uninhabited?"

"I know it because I've been scouting this place for years, to make sure no enemies would come even a mile close to our borders. And despite how wrong this act maybe, I'm doing it for my Jewel."

"But is that what you think she wants? To see as no better than the humans? To see you become what you hated more than anything?"

"What she wants is only safe if I think it is. She doesn't know how life works the way I do."

"But. Is. It. What. She. Wants?" Roberto spoke that slowly.


And Roberto kept repeating his words to make sure they would sync into Eduardo's head. Until finally he yelled, "NO! No, it's not what she wants! It's not she wants and I've always known that right from the start, okay?!" They both freezed. Eduardo breathed and continued, "I've known it from the beginning that she would never accept me for being like this, and that you and her never wanted to marry." "What?" "I'm not an idiot, Roberto. I've always known right from the start, but the only reason why engaged you was because you were the only male bird I trusted to protect her and I thought that was what my wife would've wanted. I know what I did was wrong but I didn't care. Not only that, I wasn't all that blind about BLU. I just kept being so hard on him because since he was associated with humans, despite him being nice to me and my daughter, I didn't want to take any chances. I wanted to make sure if he was a traitor or not. And I knew that I could do all of this my way, not just for you, this tribe, or even my daughter…but for my wife. Who died after telling me to do whatever it took to my protect Jewel. And if becoming what I hate is what it takes to do that…then I'm not stopping myself."

He turned his back on Roberto and lifted up the match high before it could go out. But Roberto was as froze as a weeping angel. He never thought that that was how Eduardo really felt, but it didn't make him feel better. It only made Roberto angrier.

So before he turned his back and flew away, he said to Eddie, "Well. In that case, you're even more self-righteous than you already know. So you do what you want."

Hearing that didn't make Eduardo freeze or turn. He just continued holding the match and heard Roberto fly off. He always about the wrong he was doing but didn't care, and didn't care what everybody else thought. So he lifted it up further, and was ready to light the tree on fire. But…after one inch of getting closer, he hesitated. Hesitation and seconds of clarity began slithering through his brain, making him reconsider what he was doing. So he just stood where he was, not moving or anything to let the fire touch the plants, until it soon went out. The match died and left just a small trail of smoke, and at that, he realized that his heart wasn't any different anymore.

"Oh Jewel…my little Jewel…and Perla, my wife. (Sigh)…what kind of father am I to you and her now?"

Author's Note: I know in some languages Perla means Jewel, so imagine if that was the name of Jewel's mom.

He dwelled on that question as he put down the match and buried the entire box under the dirt to make sure that no creature would use or get near them again. After that, he flew away, closely to the ground and just wanted to return home in order to find a way on how to apologize to everyone. Including Blu.

But that wasn't going to be the case. Because when he was just five feet away from where the matches were, "Hmm? WHAT THE?!" A red snake popped out of the bushes and pounced at Eduardo. It scared him and tried squeezing him, but Eduardo fought back. The grip was tight and the snake was fast with its moves, but Ed didn't give up as he kept attempting to scratch its scales or anything. The fight was a rough struggle. The savage snake showed real fire as much as Ed did before…"AH!" The snake bit his leg, where his fang got in and had the venom begin to course through his lower body.

Eduardo was screaming in total pain but no one could hear him. When the snake released him, he focused on seeing him quivering. Eduardo looked more angry than scared but was in enough pain to shed tears out, and it gave the snake an excuse to deliver the final blow.

He looked at it, and when it was ready to charge at him, he silently said. "Jewel…I'm so sorry. Blu, take her." Then he shut his eyes and was ready for his demise. But nothing happened. He didn't feel eaten, he just heard smacking sticks before opening his eyes to see a tall and skinny human smack the snake away with a thick branch. The sight of it was unbelievable to see, which made it and the venom in Eddie's leg begin to close his eyes and faint.

Once the snake was gone, the human picked up Eduardo. "Oh no." He said, then he heard someone familiar come by. "Tulio. Tulio, did you hear where that noise was coming from?" It was Linda. Which meant the other human was Tulio, and he replied to her, "Yes, I did. And you're not going to believe this." He showed her the injured Eduardo that he was resting on his hands. Linda gasped. "Is that…?" "Yes. It's living proof that I was right. Blu is not the only blue macaw left." "It could also be proof that he could be with them." "Yes, exactly. But first we need to patch this poor guy up. It looks like he was attacked that snake I hit away."

He quickly walked while holding the poor bird, trying to make it to their tent, and when Linda heard the part about him facing a snake made her blush. Because through the time they've spent alone in the jungle he was trying to be kind and brave around her without an issue, and every moment of it made her feel happy to be around him.

While they were reaching the tent, Roberto was alone on a branch, dwelling on how selfish he thought Eduardo was being and also on the thought that he knew he was doing but believed he was only doing it to honor Jewel's mother. He mentally said to himself, "My gosh, Ed. After this I can't tell who was really the bad guy anymore. Either you or me and everyone else." He sighed and felt like wanting to stand there forever. But then he heard, "Okay, Linda, will you please bring out a pillow and some bandages?" "Yeah, yeah." It was Linda and Tulio, and hearing them made Roberto turn to see there was light gleaming around inside a human tent. "What the heck?" He questioned to himself and took a closer look. "Is this the same place where…oh my." He made it to the entrance where he could peek at what was going on inside.

He saw the two humans holding onto a bird and very carefully before resting him on the bed and trying to clean him of his wounds. Roberto couldn't tell who it was, but looking straight at them and hearing their voices, he thought, "Linda? Tulio? Oh my, then that's got to be Ed. I…oi, if Blu is right about what he told us then I need to bring him here now." He flew away from the tent and was heading back to Blu and Jewel, who were both still awake and a little occupied with a few more moments of snuggling in the wed-nest.

Over the next hour, Linda and Tulio were still aiding Eduardo. He didn't look too good but was thankfully conscious and the venom was sucked out of him before being cleaned and bandaged on the leg.

When they were done, Tulio set his tools away after washing them, and Linda put Eduardo's cheek a little, to which he wasn't bothered with so much. Linda gave him a face of pity. "Aww…this fella seems like quite the strong one. One thing I don't understand is why he was all the way out here alone." Tulio came to her, "I'm also wondering the same thing. But what I do know is that we can't let him go out there again until he gets all better." "Agreed. Oh and Tulio?" She took his hand and rubbed it with her thumb. "Yes, Linda?" "I…I want to say thanks. Ever since we started this expedition I thought it was going to dangerous for me and Blu, and a part of me hoped that you would be wrong about there being more spix macaws so that way me and my Blu would go home sooner. But…despite that, and with how rough I've been with you, you have always been there for me. Trying to kind and patient, trying to comfort me when we lost Blu, and support me no matter what I said to you. So to that, I just want to thank you and I really appreciate everything you've done for me." At a moment of blushes, she gave him a good hug.

Tulio blushed too but hugged back, feeling the same thing she did. "You're welcome, Linda." Eduardo was able to see their displays of kindness and couldn't believe it. He was being carefully treated by them and they showed each other what look liked total affection, as if they were also birds, because Eduardo's kind was the only species that he has ever seen that showed compassion or love. "What they doing?" He questioned, and it only sounded like a squawk to Linda before she let go and took another look at him.

"Hi there, little buddy." She gently pet his cheek with her finger again. "Poor thing, you look like you've been through a lot. Well don't worry. I promise you're going to be all better very soon, and if we find your family then I promise you we'll protect them too." A promise? Never once has he ever heard or even thought of a human being making a promise before, and deep inside, Eduardo felt warm and a little happy. Then he saw Tulio rest his hand on Linda's. To which she smiled at, and seeing them like that made Eduardo begin to suddenly believe that maybe Blu was right.

Speaking of which, before Linda stopped and was ready to put a nice blanket on him, she and Tulio heard more squawks, turning their attention from Eduardo to the entrance. They wondered what it was, until Blu, Jewel, Mimi, and Roberto popped in revealing themselves. The sight of it made Linda explode with enough joy to come to him and give him a big hug. Blu encouraged it and was glad to see her too.

"Ooh, Blu, I can't believe it. You're alive! Oh, my big brave boy I've missed you so much. Where have you been?"

Blu made a happy squawk to her and pointed to his friends. "Oh my. Who are these two?" She let go of Blu, and let him write down his words on a piece of paper, and when she was about to read it, Jewel said to him,

"Is that really Linda?"

"Yep. You know, I saw you making a look of jealousy when she hugged me."

"Jealousy? Hmm, I may have never heard that word before but I think I already know what it means."


"Yeah, but I'm not worried. Because no woman is strong enough to take my husband away from me." Jewel just grinned, making Blu put a wing around her.

"My goodness." Linda said after reading the paper.

Linda, these birds here, including the one you were aiding, are friends of mine. The one you helped is named Eduardo, the other male is Roberto, and the girls are named Mimi and Jewel. They found me and brought me a tribe filled with many more blue macaws than you can count, and these three helped me see a little bit of it. In fact…Jewel and I are engaged.

"My goodness. My goodness. Tulio, Blu says that there is a tribe of more macaw out there and that this female here is his new girlfriend!"

"What? That is incredible!" Tulio took the note and read it, and looked at the smiling group of birds. Linda was obviously excited until the four birds noticed Eduardo in his conditions.

"Oh no." Said Roberto. "Eduardo? Eduardo, what happened to you?" They came up to him.

"Daddy?" Jewel showed more worries than Blu or Roberto did.

"Hi my Jewel." Eddie still wounded weak but was try enough to talk, and finally explain a few few things. "How are you guys?"

"Oh, daddy. We're okay but what on earth happened? You look like you were attacked."

"I was. By a snake and by my lack of judgement and clarity."


"Jewel…Blu, I have so much to tell you right now. Roberto can you give us some privacy, please?"

"Sure." He did what he said and had more pity for him than earlier.

"Eduardo," Blu started. "what is it that you want to mention?"

"This. Kids, I'm really sorry. You two and Roberto were right. I was being very careless, mean, self-righteous, and inconsiderate."

"Eduardo, you don't have to apologize to me."

"Yes, I do. Just please let me finish. You two both deserve to know why. You see, in the beginning, Blu, I think a part of me knew that what you were telling me was right. You were always the good guy and there was such a thing as a good human. But still, for years I always hated humans and didn't want to have anything to do with since they caused us so much destruction in the past and almost made me lose my only daughter. So I didn't want to take that chance, and when we met and I saw you were associated with humans I wanted to make sure that you weren't a spy and take everything I love. So I thought being mean to you would be the best way to break you."

Hearing that did kind of Blu and Jewel but felt like they understood it. So they left him continue.

"And Jewel…I know for years I've been too hard on you and everyone in the tribe. I just thought doing that my way would be the best way to get your attention and listen so that way you would be safe, nothing bad would happen, and I wouldn't end up feeling broken for the rest of my life. And…there was also another reason. It because of what your mother told me on the night she died."

Jewel became even more intrigued with that news and with what he was about to bring up next.

It was years ago, but I know that you and I both remember what she was like. Beautiful, kind, and encouraging. And about as selfless as Blu here. Jewel, you were very young but what happened was that for a while she was spending every moment with you because she knew she was sick and dying. And I never knew. She never told me and used all her strength to hide it because she thought there was no way to cure her, and to this day I think she was right. So, I never really discovered it until the night she passed.

It was dark and stormy, and I had Mimi look after you when one of my patrollers told about your mother being in the healer's room. Once I got there, I saw her on the vine bed sweating, heating up, and not looking great.

We talked. She confessed to me what was wrong and she said that she was suffering through a massive disease and knew that it would be her final night. So we tried to savor our time, by talking, holding each other, and singing to each other before she told me these very last words that I would never forget.


"Yes, dear."

"Will you protect our Jewel?"

"Of course, Perla. I promise I will never let anything happen to her."

"I know. Protect her. Do whatever it takes, whatever you think is right. I want to have a good and happy life, and for her to be with someone that she can trust. Will you please make sure of that?"

"I will. No matter what."

"Thank you."

Then we made our final kiss.

"I love you, Eduardo. And tell Jewel I love her too."

"I will and I love you too. I will always love you."

Then we spent the next few minutes together before she drew her final breath. I couldn't stop crying on her shoulder until the next morning. And I knew that that news would affect you worse.

When Eduardo, finished explaining the story, all Jewel could show for it was an infinite amount if tears, giving her the chance to slowly come up to him and give a great hug. Perhaps the best she has given him, and he did it back. Blu looked at them and felt affected by it, understanding why Eduardo was being the bad guy. It made Blu begin to wonder if he might make the same mistake one day. Then Eduardo said to him, "Blu, again I'm so very sorry. I know what I did wasn't right. I hope you can forgive me, and I hope you won't make the same mistake I did someday." Blu heard that very clearly, but when he noticed his smile he said, "Wait. Make the same—? Does that mean what I think it means?" "Yep. Blu, Jewel, if you two wish to marry each other then be my guest."

Jewel go of the hug, and was totally stunned to hear that news but quickly switched that look with joy. "Dad? Oh daddy!" She kissed Eddie's cheek and yelled "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Before coming to hug Blu. He was happy all the same and soon got Linda's attention about it.

Mimi heard them and came to her little brother to give him some well deserved comfort. She kissed his cheek and said, "Eduardo, thank you. Now please tell me honestly, you're okay with this? For sure, or is it just the venom going to your head?" "Haha. No, I really am okay with this. I'm finally allowing this, and I know it wouldn't make any difference if I didn't. You and the rest of my family have been a whole lot wiser than me. I think all these years…I was just so blinded by the grief of losing my wife that I didn't interpret right and that I want everyone else to not be responsible for mistakes of their own."

"But you now realize that you can't do that."

"I know. All creatures have to make their own choices and need to think for themselves about what's right before they make that choice. And I'll be honest, even though I wasn't the best to any bird, I'm grateful for the fact that you helped me and my daughter. Thank you, sister."

"You're welcome. Being your older sister means I'm incharge of looking after you no matter what. I love you, brother."

"I love you too."

They hugged and enjoyed the sight of seeing the little wildflower flying around the inside of tent with pleasure and Blu, Roberto, Linda, and Tulio looked at her with amusement before she came down and had Blu put his wings around her. "Oh Blu, it's finally over. Our troubles are finally over." "Oh I know. And now starts the beginning of the rest of our lives. I love you, Jewel." "I love you too, Blu." "And I promise I will always look after you." They smiled and hugged tightly before Linda carried them.

Everyone looked like they were ready for things to change for the best. Because through that night, Linda and Tulio continued trying to help Eduardo get back to his health before they all to sleep.

The next day, Eddie allowed the wedding to commence early and it was magical. At the waterfall area, all the macaws (even the scarlets) gathered up to see Blu and Jewel stand and face each other as Eduardo brought them so they could make their vows.

Blu gave his words, saying how even though he might not be the best bird there was, he knew that he wanted to see if there was more to life than what he had in the past, and when he saw that nothing was better than the chance of sharing his love to Jewel forever, he knew that he was willing to fight for her and what they both thought was right.

Jewel struggled to give her words considering how caring Blu was proving himself to be. She said that during her whole all she had was her father, her aunt, few best friends, and the memory of her mother. She also felt like wanting more and didn't exactly know love too much until she met Blu, and she knew that meeting him was the starting of what was about to be her greatest adventure in the form of two normal birds.

When those words came across, everyone almost felt like crying and when Eduardo officiated their words, they became husband and wife. Making every bird and other creature cheer and having Jewel kiss Blu's cheek repeatedly. Both of them were happy and walked out away from everyone and headed to their new home.

Plus, Linda and Tulio were on the other side and recorded everything.

Everybody became happy.

• Mimi got to help take care of Eduardo, giving them the chance to rekindle their friendship and decided to live and take care of each other like the brother and sister they were in the past.

• Roberto and Lyra stayed and lived together, becoming closer everyday and eventually married each other too.

• Linda and Tulio were able to turn the tribe into a wildlife refuge and officially became an item after Linda agreed to move to Rio.

And for Blu and Jewel…things for them were never the same as they made sure to stay, live, love, and care for each other forever.

Three days later, after their wedding, Blu and Jewel found themselves the perfect home, a large tree with a nest outside on the top with complete shade and shelter. It had all the things they needed, and what was more interesting about it for them was that it was isolated away from both tribes. That way no bird or other animal could bother them again.

So they spent their first time there by making the best of things. "Ahhaha! Let's see who the real jedi knight is here!" Said the excited Jewel that was on a large dead branch playing jedi dueling with her husband, who humorously replied "You have spunk, my young padawan! But remember the number one rule: Don't. Get. Cocky." "Ooh, that's some big talk coming from a bird who had a big way to stand up against my daddy." "HmmHmm." They laughed and continued dueling. They were using sticks as swords and had fun with trying to clash each other with speed. But Blu made sure he wouldn't accidentally hurt her with his experience.

"Haha! You're good but you should remember when a female fights, they always win…against their husbands." Jewel taunted Blu.

He just laughed, "Only if the husband is being a jerk. And guess what? I ain't no jerk!" He made her let her guard down by charging at her and kissing her cheek. "Yeep!" She went, blushing like an anime bird and shook with chills. He only did that just to taunt her back but after a few seconds he wouldn't stop smooching her cheek, and it just made her feel pleasure before she smiled deeply and take Blu's wing before she made herself and Blu fall off the branch in fear.

"AH!" They both yelled.

And at a split second they safely feel deep into a bush. "Whoa. Phew." Blu said. "Jewel, are you oka-?" He noticed that his wife was okay, but also that they were laying on each other. Blu was above and had his wings around her, blushing about as much as she was, and neither of them could say a word. All they could do was stay in their position and focus on each other's eyes. They moved their faces closer next, and pressed only the top of their beaks, blushing into scarlet macaws right before Jewel said, "Blu…will you love me always?" "Always. You…you're my one in only, and I won't let anything change that." And at a moment of joy, love, and zen, Blu came to her closer, and after so long…he finally gave Jewel a kiss on the lips. Jewel felt it and felt more in love with Blu than ever before, and understood why humans would enjoy something like the pure kiss she was having with her husband.

He soon was the first to stop, and give a face of worries. "Oh my. J-J-Jewel, I'm sorry. I don't think that was the best proper time, I think I-" He stopped as he felt her hold his cheeks. "Don't ever be sorry for showing me care." She said smoothly and made him kiss her again. That moment was a time of total care, and they wouldn't what came next. After enjoying their time of pressing their beaks together, they decided to sleep in each other's wing inside the bush. Sleeping together may be the top thing they doing because of the warmth and comfort they seem to always give.

The next morning that came, turned into a shock. Blu and Jewel woke up, happy to see each other's beautiful eyes and smile. "Morning, sweetie." "Morning, my one and only Blu." "How do you feel." "See you, I don't think fantastic would begin to cover it." "Same for you. Hey, are you okay if I give you a morning kiss." "You and I are married, so I don't care how many times you want to kiss me. I will always allow it." "Good." So he gave her another good kiss. "Hey Blu? Do you feel like we were having this dream?" "Actually yeah. I think…it was our wedding. Or at least a summary of it. I could see you with that pink flower you had on your head. You were also wearing that small and shiny beads necklace Linda gave you. Now and then you looked so beautiful." "Aww, and were beyond handsome, especially when agreed with dad and Roberto to put those tribal paint marks on your face. Though, I think during the time when I gave my vows you were checking out Lyra." "Say what?!" "Kidding! Just kidding." She laughed, and Blu just rolled his eyes in amusement. "Very funny, my dear." He kissed her cheek again and asked, "Are you okay if I go get breakfast?" "Not at all. But do you actually want to get it yourself? I mean I can-" "No, no, it's okay, I don't mind. You just stay here and relax while I get the best fruits in this area." He said in a brave tone and as he turned, Jewel already felt saddened to see him go, but it was replaced with a shocked look because, as Blu stood up and turned…he flew. He actually flew away.

He looked like he didn't even notice but Jewel sure as heck did. "H-H-He's flying? How can that be?" She questioned herself, and remained still that way as Blu was gone. He came across a nice batch of fruits and quickly came back to Jewel. When he noticed the weird look on her, he asked, "Jewel? Honey, are you okay?" "Blu…was I just dreaming or did you actually…start flying?" Hearing that made Blu give her the same expressing. "Fly-? I was flying?" She nodded to him. "I was flying? I was flying? I was flying?" She kept nodding to him without any annoyance. Blu smiled to her, and carried her in his wings, "I can't believe it! How is this even possible?" "I-I don't know but it is amazing! Are you sure you've never flown before you met me?" "I'm pretty sure. My gosh, this is incredible." "Yes…and that means, you and I get to fly in the air together." "It looks that way." They smiled, and kissed each other again before finally deciding to fly up into the air and have some first time flying fun all the way in the sky.

"And that, kids, was the whole story of how your mother and I got married and how I got to fly after the tribe changed forever." Blu said, one year later, finishing the story of him and Jewel to their three kids Carla, Bia, and Tiago at their family tree. "Aww." "Wow." "Eww." The girls liked it but Tiago, as one would expect, showed a different reaction that annoyed his sisters.

"Now what would make you go 'eww' about it, little bird?" Jewel chuckled.

Tiago responded, "You guys always make your stories to dovey and mushy. I don't like those kind of genres one little bit."

Blu chuckled too. "Well it maybe too mushy but it at least makes you understand a few things. How protecting your family can be a challenge, how learning that you need to be grateful for the things you already have."

Jewel said back, "And how someday you three are each going to meet someone special one day too when you're older."

"Really?" Carla liked hearing that. Tiago just felt more disgusted. Then the girls wanted to ask some questions.

"So was Pop-Pop really mean like that? I've never once seen behave the way you guys described it."

"That was because he didn't know any better until your father changed. Yeah my dad didn't always have the best ways into protecting me or everyone else but I realized later on that he was trying to protect me and that he learned from his mistakes." She held Blu's wing and smiled at him.

"And Uncle Beto and Auntie Lyra? They're still happy together, right?" Bia asked.

"Of course, sweetie." Blu said. "Like me and your mother, they've never had a problem. Like us, maybe they'll go through challenges but will always face them together."

"Wow." The girls still liked hearing that, and even though Tiago claimed to have annoyed, deep down he was a nervous softy and kind of felt excited about what they said. Maybe he and his sisters could each find someone someday. "And if you ask about Aunt Linda and Uncle Tulio, they're great too, feeling happy to be together as husband and wife at Rio and coming here to visit us. And so is your Pop-Pop and Great Aunt Mimi. Over the year they've been closer as siblings and never had issues with each other again. So things for everyone turned into a great win win."

They smiled and it looked like they agreed. "Wow, I…I don't think I can argue with that." Tiago said. "That's right, sport." "Because if you guys didn't get married then I wouldn't have been born and you would be miserable!" Tiago laughed and flew out, knowing that his sister would be annoyed and attempt to catch him. They went, and Blu and Jewel chuckled to see their kids play.

They enjoyed the sight of it, and even focused on the sunset that was going down. The parents rested their heads on each other's shoulders, feeling complete with happiness.

"A win win indeed. I love you, Blu."

"I love you too, Jewel. No matter what, I will always love you."

Nothing felt better for them than the moment they were savoring, and made it better when they made a good kiss and pondered on how the rest of their lives would continue. Happiness disguised in the form of two birds.

The End

And that was how their lives went and their kids, later on, eventually found love too. Things for everyone did change for the best.

Glad to see that so many people have enjoyed this story. Just remember that the credit for it all goes to Strikethedragon, the one who thought of this tale in the first place.