They travelled through the air, Piccolo gazed at her from over his shoulder. Those wings of hers are crazy huge, and when they flapped and carried her upwards, They did so in power upthrusts.

Piccolo realized that he was staring at her yet again and sighed to himself, 'Get a grip!' he scolded at himself and led her to the dense forested area to start their training.

'He is such an enigma, My Master...He is extremely strong willed and very disciplined, And refuses to look at our pact as Master and Servant.' Casska thought as she gently landed on the ground next to where he landed. He Looked angry for some reason or maybe it was just her imagination.

He turned towards her and got into stance. She stood in her stance and waited for his command.

THey stared back at each other for what felt like forever, it could be seen on his face, his paitence was wavering and he was starting to growl.

Something about that growl of his would travel the length of her body, it was confusing...she had never felt that way about anyone...'so why now? why Him?' She thought as she purposely smirked causing him to bare his teeth.

"Do you even know how to fight?" He grumbled at her and she couldn't relish that laugh that left her lips as she licked them desirely.

"I know plenty about Fighting and have much to offer...but I cannot attack you...unless given permission...Master."She spoke lustly and he rose an eyeridge at her words as if weighing their meaning.

"Permission?" He asked back and she bowed slightly to announce her loyalty and then looked back at him from under her black bangs.

"Casska ...You must attack Order!" He struggled and watched her smile back at him with strange eyes.

"Good...Piccolo, Now then, You better be prepared for pain." He heard her voice and noticed there was a strange animalistic tone to it.

She lunged at him with such speed that he barely saw her coming and avoiding her hits was so close that he could feel the heat from them.

all at once she stopped and stretched and it floored him as she bent over, her breast threatened to spill out of that dress. 'She did that on purpose...Clever Girl' He smirked as she looked back at him and smiled.

"Are you ready?" She asked again but this time confused him

"Now, You will not be able to dodge me any longer...that was a nice warm up by the way." She claimed and he stepped back in shock.

Piccolo watched as she powered up, and then she was no longer there, then he was struck and crashed into the rockface behind him, 'Ouch That hurt and what was with her speed?' he thought as he peeled himself out of rock wall and got back into stance...Where was she?

A ki blast hit the ground at his feet and then in seconds it was crawling up his body. Pain searing his form caused him to scream out.

"CASSKA!...WAIT...STOP!!!" Piccolo Screamed out and Casska was there in an instant holding his damaged form. He was absolutely no match for her...what was he thinking..."Damn...That was stupid." He growled out and she lifted his face to hers and looked into his eyes.

"Can you heal...Piccolo?" He heard the clear concern that weighed heavily on her voice, her gently, warm touch on his chin. 'Great! Now he was hallucinating...She's a demon and a damn powerful one at that.' he scowled himself as he nodded and she propped him up against the rockface.

The sun was blinding as he tried to look up at her. Suddenly there was shade and he looked up to the expanded black wing that blocked the sun.

"Is that better?" she asks calmly and stares back at him. Piccolo looked bown at his body. there were burnt patches everywhere that were slowly returning back to normal, he was sure that if he had been human, there would have been nothing left.

Casska instantly looked to the left and then announced.

"We have, two, three, four...five...souls approach from the left." He heard her claim and soon he felt them too, She instantly changed back into her human form and got into a protective stance.

"Wait Casska...Their friends...they won't hurt me." He assured but she didn't budge and answered.

She scooted closer to him and placed a hand on his chest...a green swirl erupted from her hand and into his body...all the pain instantly deminised.

"Holy Shit...Why didn't you do that from the beginning!?" Piccolo exclaimed.

Suddenly there was five fighters standing on the other side of Casska and were eyeing the two of them curiously.

"Piccolo...Hey is everything ok? we all felt a disturbance in you ki and it dropped terrifyingly low...and who is this?" Came that familiar voice and Piccolo leaned slightly to look back at Gohan and the others.

There was Tein, Yamcha, Krillin, and Goku. 'Wait! When did he get back?' Piccolo questioned, Then shook his head.

"Everyone this is Casska...she is training with me, and I misjudged her power but all is good now." Piccolo spoke in a stoic tone and they all eased.

Goku of course got excited and approached her. She Growled deeply and steeped closer to Piccolo like she was protecting him. Everyone shared a completely shocked expression and piccolo could feel the sweat drop of embarrasment and pushed at her back.

"Casska...Stop it at once...He's not going to attack me now will you please move." He growled out the order and she stopped instantly, looking to him. he walked past her and greeted Goku with an uneasy smile.

"What the hell was that Piccolo and where on this green earth did you find such a beauty?" came Yamcha's voice came and Piccolo could feel the disgust churn in his stomach.

"Trust me when I say...You do Not want to go there Wolf boy." Piccolo growled and looked back at her from over his shoulder.

"Why...Is She Yours?" He slyly asked and Casska instantly approached him and was literally in his face.

"My My ...Such weakness...and you call yourself a fighter?...Really...Ma...Piccolo, you call this one a friend?" She asked and he couldn't help the smile that played at the corner of his mouth even though she almost slipped up and called him Master. She circled Yamcha and approached Tein, The triclops stood stone still as she circled him and the looked up to his face. " This one has a Strength that Normal humans do not possess...I'm Curious how long this one would last against me...Definately longer than that one." She gleemed and patted Tein on the cheek, Causing him to blush and Yamcha to stutter.

"So Really though...Who is she Piccolo...She didn't like me one bit...And I know I've never seen her before." Goku whispered and leaned in towards Piccolo...He Sighed deeply and surrendered to Goku, "Its a crazy story really...She uh...Well, She is..."Piccolo stuttered uneasily with his words suddenly and Casska was there by his side instantly.

"Piccolo?...Allow me to explain...The truth?, And Piccolo gruffed his acknowledgment.

"I am a Demon...And your Valiant friend here found me and would not leave me alone and even threatened to send me back to hell...But I was Banished from hell and so In order for me to be allowed to stay here...I made a Pact with him...Although I will admit that I may have decieved him towards the end..." She explained and Piccolo instantly interupted her.

"Ok, Ok That's enough...stop there." he growled back and she nodded, noticing his completely blushed face...'Sex is Embarrasing for him.' She thinks and looked back to Goku...She knew she should hate him for Killing Piccolo SR. But looking at him now...she couldn't find it in her to do so...there was a charming Aura about him that drawed her attention.

"So...Your a Demon? look human and I can sense no evil," Came Tein's confused voice and Goku and the others nodded in agreement.

Piccolo looked down to Casska who was for what ever reason, twirling a lock of that black hair around her fingers. and was looking at him...not really at his face, just at him in general...almost like she was surveying his condition. Piccolo gruffed a reply "I'm Fine Casska stop fretting."

"But I almost killed you...we first need to build up your strength to mine if you are to fight me...Please..." She stated and Piccolo hated to admit it but he really didn't believe that he could ever be at her level, He needs to find out more about her...she's way too powerful to be some lowly demon and the fact that like Tein said, there's no evil presence with her.

"Piccolo? THey want to see my true form...Should I show them?" She asked breaking him out of thought. He nodded and added "The whole thing Casska... Wings and all". And with that he stepped away from her and let her do her thing. This time he was going to stay clear of her.

Once again Her human form Materialized into her Demon one and once again that red skin and black horns, did things to him...he put up a front but inside he wanted to feel those things again and he was having a hard time quieting his thumping heart. She looked to him with those red eyes and he felt like he was being pulled into their depths 'Why does this form affect me so? more importantly, why is it affecting in the first one else has ever made me feel like this...Perhaps its the Pact and her essence or whatever it is is draining into me making me feel like this...When everyone leaves I'll ask her.

"Piccolo...where did you find her?" came Gohan's voice and he turned to look at the Adult...Well almost.

"She was at that party the other night." Piccolo answered his friend and Gohan stood there staring back at the creature before him.

then all at once Gohan's brain clicked and he turned towards Piccolo. "Wait Is she the girl that was dancing up next to the stage?" And Piccolo nodded. "So then the rumors were true." Piccolo instantly turn towards Gohan.

"What Rumors?...Kid what are you talking about?" Piccolo growled...he hated when Gohan talked in riddles.

"There was a rumor that a person...woman was there and that she Lures a person away and feeds off of them, putting whoever she chooses in the most overwhelming state It's too embarrasing to finish the rest."Gohan's face was so Red that Piccolo almost feared that his heart would stop.

Piccolo looked to Casska and then he put together, the pieces of what gohan just told him and what had actually happened...but he hadn't felt any was when she...'SHIT!'

"Man...She is smoking hot like this...Baby if you wanna feed, come and get it." Yamcha called out and slowly walked towards her. Tein was trying to stop him from approaching, And Piccolo just Grumbled in disgust...he felt betrayed some how and now there was jeoulsy rising up as Yamcha neared her.

"I cannot without his consent...I may need to...But I will not do anything without his consent." Piccolo heard Casska's Voice and it shocked him at out loyal she was remaining to him...She Looked at him with strange hurt eyes and then looked away, 'Wait a minute, could what Gohan said be true...she fed off of people?'

"Um...Guys maybe we should just go...come on...Piccolo has this under control... right?" Goku's voice rang out and there was a knowing look in his eyes as he ushered everyone away. As he approached Piccolo, he looked to the demoness and nodded and then back to Piccolo.

Gohan Nodded to Piccolo and gave a smile as he flew off. Tein had Yamcha in a headlock and was flying off with him.

"Look It doesn't matter to me one way or another...and I understand about getting stronger, but be careful, She's crazy strong and if you have complete control over her, I'm not worried but if you need help...Please Piccolo, Ask me ok...And if you don't care I would like to ask King Kia about her...Maybe he knows something about her that she's not willing to tell...something about just not adding up."Piccolo nodded to goku and with that the Earth bound Sayian flew off after the others.

Piccolo turned back to Casska when everyone left, she had turned her back to him and was again messing with the tuft on the end of her tail.

"Is it true...Did you feed off of me?" His voice firm and level, She nodded and refused to look at him.

"Is that why your here...To feed off of other people...and then led me to believe that you merely wanted to belong...somewhere?"Piccolo growled and was loosing the fight with his temper. She shook her head no, and flinched as he neared her alomst like she feared him.

Piccolo couldn't stand it anymore, he reached and grabbed her and whirled her around to face him.

"Why then...Why ME...of all the people in that place, that you chose me!" He growled furiously at her and watched her expression. She averted her gaze from his and it bothered him. He grabbed her face and made her look at him.

Piccolo took a deep breath to calm himself and then asked again.

"Casska...Why Me?"

She pulled in a breath and she pulled his hand away from her face. She looked down to her feet and then sighed, "Because I have Fallen...I felt drawn to your father when he was alive and how even though he had much evil in his heart, he was not completely so...he loved his children...And Goku...he killed them all but you...I realize that Goku only did what was right and if I were in his shoes I'd probably done the same...But Piccolo Sr Cried...your father cried, when Cymbal and Tambourine were killed...If he was completely evil he would not have batted an eye to their deaths.

I was trapped inside of a glass bottle that he kept on his person. I could feel the anguish...could smell it. I wanted to serve him and he threw me out and said that I were not for his tastes...So yes Piccolo...I did feed off of you, if only to make the pact you have now as strong as it is...I will not Lie and Say that I did not enjoy it... I enjoyed it so much that it plagues my brain and I can only think of you...There, you happy now."

Piccolo just stood there dumbfounded at her confession, 'She was drawn to my father and even begged to serve him?...and he casted her aside like she was nothing? she was...something else...There was no way that my father just casted her out like that without knowing how powerful she was...and to be in control of such power... there's something either she doesn't know about or wont tell me, I think that I'll Meditate and clear my mind, maybe then I'll find some answers.' Piccolo pondered and realized that she was staring intensly at him

"You can go do...Whatever, Just no feeding off of people...I need to meditate." He grumbled and she blinked back at him.

'He's dismissing me?...But...What do I do?...I smell water...maybe I'll go for a swim...That'll help calm my nerves...and maybe he will calm down enough to train again'. Casska thought as sh turned slightly back around and Uttered an apology then walked away into the woods.

'She still didn't aswer my question as to why she chose me.' Piccolo thought as he picked a spot and got into his meditative pose.

After several hours of failed attempts to clear his mind. Piccolo couldn't seem to focus as her words played over and over in his mind, one impaticular thing she said that made him feel weird.

"I enjoyed it so much that it plagues my brain and I can only think of you...There, You happy now?' "What did she mean by that?...And she hasn't come back yet...Should I go look for her?...I sense her close by.' Piccolo thought as he turned his head in her direction. The sun had started to set and he didn't know why he cared but he felt that she should be within sights...maybe he didn't trust her...or maybe that he was wanting her company...

'Sigh...What is wrong with me...I'm not one of those...Morons.' Piccolo sighed again and then strolled off in her direction.

He realized that she had ventured deep into the forest and must have found the waterfall...After about twenty minutes he did find her, sitting on the ground across a pool of water and was staring down into it...he just stopped and stared at that moment even in her demon form...she didn't look fact she looked quite the opposite. She reached down into the water and sighed heavily. She seemed so distant. For a few moments there was peace and then out of no where, in barrels none other than Yamcha and Tein. Piccolo grunted quietly to himself and observed...She seemed little affected by their fact she acted like they were there the whole time.

"Come on Baby...I know you can't pass this up...Your a Succubus...right?" Came Yamcha's slurred voice..."Is he drunk?" Piccolo asked himself and continued to watch as Tein tried to apologize and tug at yamcha and his antics.

All at once, Casska stood up and whisked Tein gently away to a tree where he was pinned and approached Yamcha who was also pinned against a tree. "You presume to know much about me Mortal...and you claim that you will be enough to satisfy me...we shall see." Piccolo heard her say and even though he should do at least one of the twenty things that ran through his brain...he chose to do the one that didn't...Observe.

He wanted to know what she did to him that night, that destroyed his concentration.

He stood in the shadows and watched as Casska ran her hand down Yamcha's torso and watched as the man trembled underneath her touch.

'I thought that she said she couldn't do this without my she lied?'Piccolo stated inside his mind and watched.

Watched as she undid the sash much like she did his. Listened as she purred and then came something he didn't remember. She Looked up to Yamcha and waved her hand infront of his face and it was almost like she put him in a dream only he was awake. Tein was calling out to him but He didn't respond at all. Piccolo made note of that and watched as she then approached Tein...Panick set in when he realized she was coming for him and he started rambling. Something weird started to tingle inside his body as he watched her...It didn't feel like it was from him intially...Instead it almost felt like it was coming from she was...excited.

"Please...I tried to stop him from disturbing you...I don't want a part of this...Don't hurt him please." Tein pleaded and she walked up and patted him on the chest.

"Shhhhh...I'm not going to hurt either of you...I only feed off of emotions dear Man...and besides I could never hurt the friends of my Master...Fear is distasteful...but Lust...and Ecstasy...Those are more filling." Piccolo heard her Cooe at Tein and amazing enough he calmed down. "Also...I will not make you if it is not what you want...I will release you now and in a few moments I'll have what I need from your friend over there." She continued as she thumbed over her shoulder at Yamcha who was quietly moaning and shaking. His breathing had also quickened and in seconds she was in front of him with her hands on each side of his face and Piccolo couldn't see clearly, but She started to glow a soft pink color.

When it was over and she moved, Everything was put back and he noticed that Yamcha was passed out. She released The two of them and stepped away, allowing Tein to scoop up Yamcha and cautiously fly away.

The words that she spoke as they were leaving almost made Piccolo die of a heartattack and give away his postion...He was glad that they were far enough away that they didn't hear her.

"Your size wasn't bad, about average, And Yamcha didn't even stand a chance...but my master will never be topped". She even smirked and Piccolo was almost sure that she said that, knowing he was there. She went back to her spot near the water and laid down near the edge. Something about her stunned him...and what she just did...she almost refused to touch either of them...Her hands were all over him that night...or was that some sort of dream too? Piccolo's mind wanted to explode from all this rampaging questions, he needed to put some distance between her and himself before he did something stupid, so on that thought he silently turned away and left her behind.