I don't own Pokemon.

Chapter 1: Thinking Up A Plan!

A silver-haired woman was sitting in a chair while flying above the clouds.

She was thinking about what she was just told from her doctor and she just couldn't shake the conversation.

(Flashback-In The Examination Room)

Her doctor had just finished her examination when he wrote something in her chart.

"J, I hate to tell you this, but things aren't getting much younger. I know you eventually want kids, but right now is your last chance to have them before you can't." said her doctor, looking at her.

"Then what do you suggest?" asked J, looking at him.

"That I will leave up to you as you are the one to decide that." said the doctor, taking off his rubber gloves and walking out the door to leave her alone.

(End Flashback)

"I wonder how I can have a child, but who would be willing to impregnate me?" thought J, mindlessly looking into the clouds.

Suddenly, she was struck with an idea and quickly told her crew the plan before sitting in her chair with a smirk on her face as they pulled up the coordinates to their next destination.

Hope you enjoyed Chapter 1! I'm sorry it's a bit short, but this is just to setup the story for the next chapter. Happy birthday to me!

AshKetchumForever-Action first-Think later!