Daphne & Starchild.


Chapter 1

Just a KISS

Daphne & Starchild POV

(Some Fred POV)

A loud girly cheer was heard coming from the colorful van driving down the road.

" Sheshh daph can you be a little more quiet?" Asked the blonde driver also known as Fred Jones. He doesnt understand why this concert is such a big deal for the very happy red head sitting next to him. Said red head shot him a quick glare before going back to looking straight ahead at the road after putting the finishing touches to her black and white makeup.

" You know how she is Fred, specially when it comes to KISS" Said another female voice from the back seat, this one with short brown hair and glasses, also known as Velma Dinkly. Who was also wearing the signature KISS makeup.

" I just dont understand what the big deal is, there just a bunch of weird guys in makeup" Grumble Fred from the driver seat, giving a quick glance at Velma from the rear view mirror.

The red head at his side also known as Daphne Blake shot him an intence glare, " There not just a bunch of weird guys Freddy, ITS KISS! the best rock band in the WORLD!" She looked at him like he was completely crazy. Then turned back to the road as she signed happily, " I cant wait to see Starchild, his my favorite" she signed lovingly, completely missing the grumbles that came from the driver seat.

" Like Daph is right Fred, KISS is awesome man. Right Scoob?" Said a male voice from the back, a tall skinny brown haired guy who is also wearing KISS makeup pushed his head forward so that he was in the middle of Fred and Daphne. His name is Norbell Rogers but best known as Shaggy, next to him was his big brown with black spots and blue dog coller dog named Scooby Doo, also wearing KISS makeup.

" Rhight Shaggy" Answered Scooby.

They were known as the Mystery Inc, a group of teenagers who go around the globe solving mysteries. They decided to take a small break from the job and head to the beach, but news got to Daphne that KISS was performing LIVE in KISSland and demanded they went to see them insted of going to the beach.

" I cant believe you rather see KISS then go to the beach" Grumbled Fred.

" And miss and oportunity to see Starchild in person? i dont think so" Fired Daphne back, glaring at Fred who mumbled something under his breath.

" LOOK GUYS were here!" Yelled Shaggy from the back seat, pointing his finger up ahead. They all looked ahead to where he was pointing at.

The KISS stadium was huge, a lot of KISS merchendise were set up to be sold, giant status of the four band members were haging over the black and white stadium. Purple, green, blue and red lighs were seeing all over. A giant sign in the entrance that said " Welcome to KISSland" was visable.

The mystery gang made there way to the entrace, they noticed that there was a lot of people at the gates but they werent open yet.

" Thats weird, the gates should of being opened by now" Observed Velma, looking down at her watch.

" Oh well maybe they canceled, lets go" Shrugged Freddy, turning around and getting ready to leave.

" Oh no you dont, i came here to see KISS and we're not leaving until we do" Replied Daphne, grabbing a hold of the back of Fred's white shirt and pulling him back, causing him to fall on his butt on the ground.

" Like why do you think the gates are still closed?" Asked Shaggy, while Scooby started sniffing around.

" I dont know, something probably happened. I know everything there is to know about KISS and they never once canceled a concert or delayed it" Answered Daphne looking around, she really wanted to see KISS, specially her crush Starchild. Ever since she first heard of KISS and started listening to there music and watching there music videos she couldnt stop thinking about the lead singer. He was just to cute that she practically drooled all over her laptop just watching him on youtube, its being her dream to meet him in person and she was going to do everything in her power to make that dream come true.

" Of course you would know all that" Mumbled Fred, he absolutely hated the KISS band. More specificly there lead singer, his not stupid. He knows Daphnes crush on stupid Starface, she cant be more obvious, just thinking about it makes him boil in jealousy. They were doing great together, and he was even thinking about asking her out. But as soon as she started listening to KISS two years ago she just became a totally different person, always listening and singing there songs with a dreamy expression on her face. All those Starface posters in her room, his picture as her wallpaper on her computer and phone background, he cant stand any of it.

" Hey guys i saw some police officers entering that door over there, why dont we take a look?" Pointed Velma at a grey door on the far right side of the gates. They made there way through the angry mobs of people still waiting for the gates to open without being noticed since everyone was still paying complete attention to the gates.

Daphne pushed the door open and they walked inside closing the door behind them.

" Like i dont think were suppose to be in here" Said Shaggy, looking around nervously.

The door lead them to the inside of the stadium, on the other said of the gates were the angry mob still was. They looked around and saw a lot of KISS rides, and food stands. Directly in the middle was a huge stage were KISS was to performe, they quickly spotted some bathrooms and went to change out of there KISS costumes and into there regular clothes.

" For a concert that suppose to be today this place looks completely abandoned" Observed Velma.

" Your right Velma, not even the workers are around" Said Fred, looking at the empty food stands.

" Like how awful! And i wanted a bite to eat before the concert" Whinned Shaggy, with Scooby quickly agreeing.

" Where is everybody?" Asked Daphne, suddenly they heard voices and footsteps aproching. They quickly hid in the food stands, Daphne and Velma behind the popcorn machine and Fred, Shaggy and Scooby in the corndog stand.

" I'm telling you this concert wont be happening with that witch floating around" One of the voices said who sounded to be female thought Daphne.

" But we've already invested so much money on this, it cant end like this" Said the other voice who was a male.

" Well im in charge of public safety so i'm telling you that this concert is not happening unless that witch is caught" Said the female voice.

" WE CAN HELP" Yelled Daphne, coming out of her hidding spot, Velma following her along with the guys.

The female voice belong to a tall blonde lady with an officer uniform on, next to her was a small white haired man with a white under shirt and a green blazer along with matching pants. The female officer glared at them with her dark brown eyes.

" What do you kids think your doing back here? This area is retricted to the public until further notice" Said the officer.

Daphne couldnt help but be a little scared of the officer, she dint want them to get in trouble. She just wanted to help so that she can finally see her crush performe live. She was about to answer but Velma beat her to the punch.

" We couldnt help but over hear your conversation about a witch causing trouble, so we wanted to offer our help" Said Velma.

" How are you kids supose to help with that?" Asked the officer un interested.

" Were the Mystery Inc, we solve mysteries all the time its kinda our specialty" Answered Fred, looking very proud of himself, Daphne rolled her eyes at him.

" I'm also a very big KISS fan and i would really like to see Starchild! Opps i mean the KISS band, so by solving this mystery the concert can happen" Said Daphne with a blush forming of her face, she couldnt help it if his the only thing she thinks about most of the time, she dint notice Fred glaring angrily at her.

" Dont forget the food!" Said Shaggy and Scooby at the same time.

The officer looked at them for a moment and Daphne started to feel hope that maybe they were going to let them help, but her hopes came crashing down.

" We dont need you kids snooping around here, thats a headache i dont want to deal with and we already have people working on this case " Answered the officer, starting push them back towards the gates. Daphne started to panic, she had to think of something so that they may be able to help.

" But dont you want all the KISS fans to come to the concert?" She asked desperately. She wasnt going down without a fight, her dream was on the line.

" Oh they'll come back" Said a voice from somewhere behind them, everyone paused what they were doing and turned around. Daphne knows that voice, she's heard it everyday since two years ago, she's dreamnt of it too many times to count.

" It cant be" She whispered to herself, slowly turning around. At first there was nothing, and then out of nowhere a cloud of smoke appeared. The smoke vanished and she gasped at who were standing there.

" To see us" Said Starchild, the love of her life. He was standing with the other three members of the KISS band wearing there signature KISS makeup in a very attractive pose. Wearing all black clothing, with Starchild in the middle wearing a black tight shirt that left his arms and his stomach bare were you can see strong abs.

" Come on guys you know you cant keep wasting confety everytime you make an entrance, it costs money!" Said the man with the green blazer while he started cleaning and picking up the confety off the ground. But Daphne wasnt paying attention to anything but her crush right in front of her.

" WOWWW like its KISS" Said Shaggy somewhere in the background

" OMG its really you!" she said while she ran and jumped right into Starchilds strong arms, who caught her with ease. He was so firm and strong, she can feel his muscles under her fingers and he smelled amazing.

" Well hello there little lady" Said Starchild smilling down at the redheaded girl in his arms. He couldnt help but notice how beautiful she was, and how perfect she fits in his arms. He had the urge to never let go.

" Its really you, in the flesh!" Said Daphne looking up into dreamy black eyes, she couldnt help but get completely lost in them.

" Technically its really you and in the flesh mean the same things, you just said the same thing twice" Exclaimed Freddy with an annoyed tone, popping up right beside them. But Daphne nor Starchild payed any attention to him, to busy lost in each others eyes.

" So who are you guys" Said Starchild still with his arms wrapped around Daphne, who finally looked away from his eyes to look around at everyone but at the same time never letting go of her crush. Behind Starchild was the rest of KISS, Catman, the Demon, and Spaceman.

" Were mystery solvers, I'm Fred, thats Velma, Shaggy and Scooby, and thats Daphne, we heard about the witch and we wanted to help solve this mystery" Said Fred, arms crossed and still looking angrily at the hugging couple in front of him.

" Mystery solvers? So are we!" Said Spaceman smilling at the group.

Shaggy scrached his head in confusion, " But your a rock band" he stated.

" Every rock band needs a hobby" Said Starchild, still holding Daphne close to him.

Velma stepped forward, " Wait, are you guys the people that the officer mentioned that are working on this case?" She asked.

" Yeah thats us" Said Catman.

" They wanted the best so they got the best" Stated the Demon, " So you might as well scram, we got this under control" He said confidently.

" We're experts at solving mysteries, we solved hundreds of them. The lockness monsters, the roller coster monster and much more. You should be begging for our help" Argued Fred, stepping up to the Demon and counting with his fingers all the mysteries they solved in the past.

Daphne was to busy holding on to her crush to pay any attention to the argument, she was finally living her dream. She never wanted to leave Starchilds arms, she felt so warm and safe in them. But all to soon she felt him slowly start to pull out of there embrace.

Daphne looked at up at Starchild with sadness in her eyes, not wanting to let go. He smiled down at her and the look in his eyes promised that he wont be gone long, so she let him go and watched him slowly circle around the group of her friends. With Fred still arguing with the Demon, Starchild was watching them carefully, looking from one face to another with an intense look in his eyes. After he finished circleling her friends his intense eyes landed on her, and she had to use all her willpower not to faint under his gaze, he smiled at her making her heart beat faster.

" We're no escot five, so we dont need your help so scram!" Said the Demon, after Daphne finally tuned in on the argument.

Starchild grabbed the Demon and the rest of KISS and took a few steps away to talk in private, Daphne guessed they were discussing wether to accept there help or not. She really hoped they do, after finally meeting Starchild in person she cant picture herself away from him anymore.

" Now hold on guys... Lets not be hasty" Said Starchild in there private circle.

" What?" Said Catman.

" Really?" Said Spaceman.

" Not again..." Groaned the Demon.

" You know how the eye sees everything. Well i just caught a glimpse of the future" Said Starchild.

The Demon rolled his eyes, " Yeah, and i bet the future is a redhead.'" He stated, moving a little aside to show Daphne standing with her back to them, Starchild got a loving expression on his face.

" Haha, you bet" He furiously shook his head " I mean, in way. Dont ask me how or why, but i think we're going to need this kids to help us catch that witch."

" You're kidding, they're just humans..." Stated Spaceman, they looked towards the group who were standing around in small talk.

" Not even all of them" Said Catman looking down at Scooby who was sniffing around.

" I know, but the eye never lies" Said Starchild, pointing at his eye that had the black star.

" I guess they're ok" Relented Spaceman.

" If you think so Starchild" Said Catman, also agreeing.

" I dont like this." Stated the Demon, but also agreed.

The KISS members turned around and made there way back to the Scooby gang, with Starchild in the lead.

" We've decided to let you guys help us" Said Starchild smilling at the group, but mostly at Daphne. Who jumped and clapped her hands at her crush.

" Awesome!, so the first question is. Who is this witch everyone is talking about?" Asked Daphne, Starchild smiled down at her, " Can she be any more adorable?" He thought to himself, he afford her his arm which she quickly accepted.

" Let us show you, follow us Scooby gang" Said Starchild, starting to walk away with Daphne holding his arm. The rest of the gang following close behind them along with the rest of KISS. Fred glaring angrily at Starchild the whole way.

Chapter 2

The KISS members and the Scooby gang along with the blonde security officer made there way to the security office, where Starchild explained to everyone how they got a video of the witch on one of the security cameras. They all stood around the screen watching as the video played.

On screen it showed a women surrounded by a red mist, with a grey demon mask on, a red cape, red boots, and a red dress trashing the KISS hall of records.

" It looks like shes looking for something" Stated Velma, leaning in closer to get a better look.

" GIVE ME ROCK" Yelled the witch on the screen, getting really close to the camera. Shaggy and Scooby screamed and ran to hide in a locker that was located againts the wall.

" Looks like you've done this before" Stated the Demon with sarcams in his voice, while the blonde officer went to get Shaggy and Scooby out of her locker.

" GIVE ME ROCK!" Yelled again the witch on the screen while she grabbed a record and threw it at the camera, causing the video to end.

" Jeepers, that witch is creeper then i thought" Said Daphne with a little fear in her voice while slowly backing away from the screen, only to bump into a strong chest. Looking up she found herself staring into hypnotizing black eyes, Starchild smiled down at her and put an arm around her waist, bringing her closer to him.

" Dont worry little lady, i'll never let that witch hurt you or your friends" Said Starchild, with such protectiveness in his voice that it caused her legs to feel like jelly and it took everything in her to not fall to ground swooning. Here is her crush promesing to protect her, this is the happiest day of her life. She smiled up at him while her cheeks turned a shade of red, and leaned into him, feeling safer already in his arms.

" I'm going to guess that what she's looking for is a rock" Said Velma, turning to look at the group.

" But what rock could it be?" Asked Fred, not noticing Daphne and Starchild holding each other.

" We'll have to find out, why dont we take a tour of the places that are around here. Maybe we'll find a clue" Suggested Velma.

" We can give you a tour" Said Spaceman.

" Count me out, the demon has to feed the beast" Said the Demon, while walking away.

" THE BEAST?!" Asked a scared Shaggy.

" He means his stomach" Said Starchild, smilling with his arm still discreetly wrapped around Daphne. Who is still happily leaning into him.

" Oh boy! My beast is also growling, what about you Scoob?" Asked Shaggy looking down at Scooby. The dog looks down at his stomach for a moment then looks back up at his best friend.

" Mine too Rhaggy" Said Scooby waging his tail.

" Then lets go feed the beast!" Said Shaggy while he and Scooby left behind the Demon.

Daphne looks up at Starchild with a loving expression on her face, " I'm ready for my tour now" She said, holding onto his arm tightly. Starchild smiles down at her " I guess that answers my earlier question, she can be more adorable" He thought to himself smilling down at the beutiful redhead, " Anthing for you little lady" he said winking at her, causing her to match her hair which he taught was even more adorable.

" You mean tour as in start the investigation" said and annoyed and jelous Fred. But once again went unheard by the couple as they started walking away with the KISS group.

" Alright lets go fellow mystery solvers" Said Starchild while holding Daphne close.

They made there way outside, with the KISS gang pointing out the different rides that they designed for the KISS park. The Demon designed a very hot ride with actual fire, Shaggy and Scooby came back completely burnt from it, Daphne coudnt help but laugh at that.

Spacemans ride was an electric wonderland, filled with blue lighting bolts.

Catmans ride was a bunch of wild cats, they all looked really cute.

But the ride that really caught her attention was Starchilds, it was a giants star shapped ferris wheel. It looked so amazing, and so romantic. She secretly hoped that Starchild will take her up there when all this witch mystery is over. At the same time bad thoughts entered her mind, "Why would the greatest rock and roll singer take me anywhere? i'm a nobody, no fame, sure my family has some money, but nothing compare to KISS" " What would Starchild even see in me?" " He has tons of other female fans, enough to repopulate the earth probably, so whats so special about me?" " If it wasnt because KISS needed help solving this mystery i would have never gotten the chance to get this close to Starchild." Daphne was so lost in thought that she dint notice that she was slowly loosen her grip on Starchilds arm.

Starchild looked worriedly at Daphne, since the other members of the group were busy looking around and listening to Catman and Spaceman he took the chance to study her expression. She looked extremely sad, like if someone just killed her puppy. He only known the girl for a few hours and he already felt a deep connection with her, and part of that connectiong is not being able to stand seeing her sad. She's to beutiful and a great person to have that expression on her face, he dint know why but he just had this urge to confort her, to chase all her fears away. To take her in his arms and whisper sweet nothings in her ear, but he knew that if he did that it'll be crossing a line. He wouldnt want to scare her away, she just entered his life a couple hours ago, now he really couldnt picture himself without her. " What is it about her that draws me in"? " I have female fans all over the world and ive meet a few of them and none of them had this affect on me" He thought. Daphne was still looking at the ground, sad face still in place. He frowned, " I have to cheer her up somehow, but how?" He looked around for a second, until his eyes landed on his star ferris wheel, " Thats it!" he thought happily.

Starchild suddenly stooped in his tracks, Daphne kept walking, to busy in her own thoughts to notice her crush was not beside her anymore.

" Hey everyone!" Yelled Starchild. His voice got the attention of everyone in the group, who all turned around and looked at him in confusion, including Daphne who was snapped out of her thoughts by his voice.

" I suggest we all take a quick break from this witch hunt, we've being at it for a while now and i'm in a serious need for a distraction" Said Starchild smilling at the group of both the Scooby gang and KISS members. " Why dont we all just enjoy some food and rides for a bit before going back on the case?" he suggested looking around the group.

" Thats fine by me, i'm actulally kinda hungry now that you mention it Starchild" Said Spaceman patting his stomach.

" Me too, good idea Starchild" said Catman.

" I really dont care either way" Said the Demon, walking away towards one of the rides with Shaggy and Scooby right behind him yelling back how they agree with Starchild.

" I'm going to head to the bathroom guys, i'll be back in a few" Said Fred, walking away towards a nearby mens room, shooting a quick glance at Daphne and then a glare at Starchild before vanishing inside.

" I can use a bite to eat, mind if i tag along?" Asked Velma towards Spaceman and Catman.

" Of course, lets go shall we?" Asked Spaceman offering his arm to Velma who gladly took it, they began to walk away with Catman towards the food stands.

Daphne was left standind by herselft, she guess since everyone spllit up that she can walk around a little. She turned to walk away but a voice stopped her in her tracks.

" Its not good for a gorgeous women such as you to be walking around alone" Said Starchild walking towards Daphne, she turned around and looked up at him, he had a smile on his face.

" Oh Starchild, hii" She blushed as his smile widen, she felt like her heart was going to jump out of her chest. " I dint notice you were still here, i thought you left" She said looking at the ground.

Starchild smiled and took her hand in his, which caused her breath to catch in her throat.

" I noticed you were sad earlier, i wanted to make sure that you are alright little lady" Said Starchild, still holding her hand.

Daphne looked up from the ground and into his eyes, which held so much concern for her. The hand holding her giving her a warm feeling in her heart, " Maybe all is not lost" She thought as she kept her eyes on his. She smiled at him and squeezed his hand a little tighter.

" I am now, just deep in thought nothing serious i promise" She replaid with a small smile.

At first she thought Starchild wouldnt believe her, because he stared at her long and hard. As if reading her face to see if what she said is true, after a few moments he seemed to relax a little and smiled back at her.

" Good, because i dont want to ever see you sad" He said, with so much emotion in his voice that Daphne thougth she was actually dreaming. He grinned at her after a moment " Also, i noticed you were looking at my star ferris wheel for some time. So as the creator of the ride i was wondering if you wanted to ride it with me" Starchild actually looked away when he asked, he was feeling his face burn. " What am i a high school kid with a crush?! Just asking her to ride the ferris wheel with me turned me into a blushing mess! What is this girl doing to me?" He thought to himself, still looking away.

Daphne's jaw almost hit the ground, here was the person who she thought would NEVER ask her to ride the ferris wheel with actually ASKING HER to ride it with him. She took advantage that Starchild was looking away to actually pinch herself a little, " Ouch! Nope not dreaming, i cant believe i;m not dreaming! This is really happening!" She thought to herself. She noticed how Starchild seemed really emberrased, shifting from one foot to another, still avoiding eye contact with her, but he also never let go of her hand.

" I would love too" She said, with the biggest smile ever seen, she felt like like she might be stuck like that forever.

Starchild finally looked back at her, he seemed to relax at her words, as if he expected her to decline his offer. " Thats ridiculous!" She thought.

His eyes lite up, and his smile streched from ear to ear, he squeezed her hand a little tighter, " Then shall we?" he asked, Daphne nodded and they both made there way towards the ferris wheel. Since there were no other people at the park besides them she wondered who was going to control the ferris wheel while they were on it.

Her thoughts were answered when Starchild led her to the ferris wheel controls that were set up directly in front of it, it was a giant purple star shaped control board. In the middle of all the different bottons and switches was a hand scanner, Starchild put his hand on the scanner. After a few seconds a female robatic voice was heard, " Welcome to your star ferris wheel Starchild" it said.

" Hello Star, can you set up an hour ride for me please? and make it extra special" Said Starchild, shooting a quick smile at Daphne who blushed and looked down.

" Sure thing Starchild, please enter one of the Star ferris compartments" Said the robatic voice named Star.

Starchild and Daphne made there way into one of the many compartments and sat down, after a few second Star spoke up again " Are you ready Starchild?" it asked.

" Let it rip Star" Said Starchild.

Not a moment later Daphne felt the ferris wheel start to move, slowly at first and then it started to pick up speed until it was in a comfertable tempo. She started to relax, the rocking movement of the compartment felt even and smooth as it was making its way to the top. After a few moments smooth purple lights started flashing inside the compartment, casting a relaxing purple glow. Then one of the more romantic KISS songs started to play in the background, all in all it was such an amazing experience, one that she will tresure forever.

" Do you like it Daphne?" Asked Starchild next to her, his being watching her relax expression the whole time with a small smile of his face. It sure beats the sad one that she was rocking a few minutes ago, it makes him very happy to know that he was able to cheer her up.

Daphne turned to him and smiled, " I love it, its so relaxing and peaceful" her smile widden even more, " and i couldnt ask for better company" she said with a blush forming on her cheeks. Starchild smiled so wide she thought his face was gonna rip open.

" Well i feel like i'm the lucky one, not eveyday do you enjoy an awesome ferris wheel with a gorgeous women" He said back, blushing a little himself.

Daphne looked down as her cheeks got even hotter, " That cant be true, a super star like yourself has to come in contact with hundreds of gorgeous women daily" she replaid, she couldnt help her heart breaking a little at that.

Starchild was silent for a few seconds, she dint see his face expression because she was to busy staring at the ground. But then she felt a small movement next her which caused her to look up, right into intense black eyes. Starchild had move closer to her, sitting close enough for the side of there legs and arms to brush together.

" That may be true, but trust me when i tell you this little lady that i have never wanted to take any of them up to the ferris wheel" he said in a serious tone that left no room for objections, looking deep into her eyes, practically begging her to believe him.

Daphne felt like her heart was going to explode with affection for the guy sitting next to her, she felt like she couldnt even call what she felt for him a simple " crush" anymore. She smiled at him, and slowly laid her head on his broad shoulder. No words needed to explain to him that she believed him a hundred percent. She felt him shift a little, taking her hand in his and laying his head on top of hers as they stared at the beutiful scene in front of them.

As the hour went by they spent it talking, and laughing together. Sharing stories of there past, favorite food, favorite color, family life, hobbies, everything they could think of asking the other. By the end of the ride they felt like they known eachother forever, when in reality it was only a couple hours.

As the ride came to a stop, with Starchild helping Daphne off and leading her towards the exit with her holding onto his arm like they done many times today.

" Until next time Starchild, i hope the ride was to your liking" Said Star.

" It was amazing, thank you Star" Answered Starchild.

They made there way back towards where the group split up, still holding on to eachother and with happy smiles on there faces. Daphne dint want the moment to end, she was so happy to be with Starchild that she almost forgot that they had a wicth to catch. As they approched they saw everyone was already there, seems like they were the last one's back.

" Like finally, what took you guys so long?" Asked Shaggy who was the first to see them approching, in the middle of eating a giant pink cotton candy. Eveyone turned around and looked at them with there bright smiles and blushing cheeks, the three other KISS band members smirked at there lead singer, taking note of there friends goofy happy expression.

" Well it looks like you guys had a good time" Observed the Demon, still smirking when he saw Starchild slightly shake his head as if breaking free from a trance and coughing into his hand.

"Of course, we rode the star ferris wheel, we had fun" Said Starchild, smilling down at Daphne, who returned it with her own smile.

Before Daphne can say a word she felt herself being pulled harshly away from Starchild, she was so shocked that she dint notice what was happening until a few seconds later.

" Did he do anything to you Daph? any disrespect on his part?" Asked Fred in a serious tone, holding both her shoulders with his hands. Every few seconds he would shoot a glare over her shoulder at Starchild, who looked at them with confusion.

" I think you are overreacting Freddy" Stated Velma.

Fred sent her a disbeliving look, " We dont know anything about this guys besides that they are a rock band that wears to much makeup, i dont trust any of them. Specially Starface over there" he glared at Starchild.

" Well this " to much makeup" has gotten us platnum hits and records all over the world, what do you have?" Sneered the Demon, walking closer to Fred until Catman and Spaceman held him back.

" I dont care what you have, i dont want him anywhere near Daphne" Stated Fred pointing at Starchild and holding Daphne close to himself like a shield.

Daphne finally snapped out of her shocked state, she pushed Fred off of her and glared daggers at him, " Freddy! You are not in charge of me, i can have anyone i want near me wether you like them or not is not my problem" She yelled at him.

" You dont know anything about him, your just blinde by you crush!" He yelled back.

" Thats none of your concern!" She yelled back, they got in eachothers faces glaring angrily at each other.

" ENOUGH!, you two need to stop this madness, we have a case to solve and we dont have time for this" Intervined Velma, stepping between the two fighting teens and pushing them away from each other.

" Velma is right, we had our fun. Its time to get back to work" Stated Starchild, Daphne looked over at him since his being silent through the whole argument. There was this sadness in his eyes, like if he was giving up on life. She felt her heart break at the sight, she had no idea why he would be feeling like this, after the wonderful moment they shared on the ferris wheel. She tried to catch his eye, but he wouldnt even look her way, she could clearly see that he was trying to avoid eye contact at all cost. Forgetting everything and everyone around her, she walked up to him and stood right in front of him. His dark surprised eyes landed on hers, and she gave him the most ressuring smile she could muster before jumping in his arms and hugging him. Just like the first time she's seeing him when the smoke cleared, at first he dint move and inch before signing and smilling down at her then wrapping an arm around her. They stayed like that for a few seconds before parting, Daphne looked up at him and saw some light return to his eyes.

" Thanks for that little lady" Said Starchild smiling, feeling better from the deep negative thoughts that went through his mind a couple minutes ago.

" Anytime" Said Daphne back smilling up at him with so much adoration.

A cough was heard and everyone in the group including the couple turned there attention towards Velma, " Alright now that thats out of the way lets continue with the tour you guys were giving us. Starchild, you mentioned something about one last ride that you hadnt showed us yet" She stated turning to look at Starchild.

Starchild smilled and looked back at Velma, " Yes, there is one more ride, its the awesomest one of them all. Follow us Scooby gang" He said before turning around and walking towards the're destination along with the three other KISS memebers, but not before making sure that Daphne was close by, and as always she was right behind him slightly to the right. He turned back with a smile on his face as the group made the're way across the park.

A couple minutes of walking later they made it to the final ride, the Scooby gang audibly gasped at the sight of it. It was a huge volcano themed ride, with hundreds of sparkling blue tubes coming out of it in all different directions.

" We call this ride, THE DESTROYER" Said the Demon.

" But its closed to the public" Stated Catman.

" The crimson witch scared a couple of repair man away earlier tonight" Said Spaceman.

Daphne looked up at the ride, " Looks pretty terrifying" she said.

Starchild walked up to her, " Not if you were with me darling" he said sending her a smile and a wink which caused her to smile and her cheeks to turn red.

" Oh brother" Said Freddy under his breath as he looked on with an annoyed expression on his face.

Starchild suddenly turned around and called to the other KISS members, " KISS costume change activate!" he and the other KISS members jumped to the middle of the stage and started glowing a bright yellow light. After the light vanished we opened our eyes and there they stood in completely different black clothes, Starchild was now wearing a long sleeved tight black shirt that left his entire chest and stomach visable, fingerless black gloves, a black and grey coller around his neck, and tight black pants with grey up on top. All in all he looked extremely sexy, Daphne had to fight back the urge to faint.

" Oh come on!" Exclaimed Fred after.

" Relax Fred, i think this was all pre planned" Stated Velma coming to stand next to him.

A tall slim girl with glasses and long brown hair came walking out of the left of the stage.

" Your right, it was a dress rehersal for tonights show, good test run fellows!" She said while looking at KISS.

The Demon got close to Starchild, " This isnt getting us anywhere, we need to be doing our own investigation" he said low enough for the Scooby gang to not hear them.

Starchild looked at Daphne for a moment, who was currently talking to Velma. He dint want to leave her side not even for a second, but he had a reponsibility to catch that witch. So with a heavy heart he turned to look at Demon, " Alright Demon i hear you" he said.

" Hey guys, we're gonna take a break" Said Starchild to the Scooby gang, as they started walking away he shot Daphne a quick glace and saw her looking at him in sadness. It made him extremely happy knowing that she also dint seem to want to be away from him either, but it also broke his heart at the sad expression that he never wanted to see on her face. So he quickly ran back to her and gave her a huge hug, while also whispering in her ear, " Dont worry darling, i'll be back before you know it" he pulled back and saw her smilling and blushing like crazy. She nooded at him and he smilled at her one last time before leaving with the rest of the KISS members.
