Here we go guys, here's another one! I know it's been a bit of a wait, but that happens when you're not working alone. Plus, I had a pretty massive birthday party to plan so… yay!
But, here we are, a new chapter of Power, Pleasure, Pain or how I call it, PPP. I will update soon, I'm working on the story (as well as my other stories, check them out NOW) a little bit every day.
I will speed up a little bit, since the last few chapters have mostly been "settling in" chapters. Let me tell you, you're gonna miss those because very soon, all hell will break lose. Clara might even have a proper problem on her hands by the end of the chapter.

Big bow to the greatest beta ever, darkwolf76, check her stories out!

Now, I leave you with this. You know the drill! Follow, Favorite and what means the most to me, review. Pretty please? I made a Kit Harington bday cake for my party tomorrow, am willing to ship a piece of it in exchange for a review? :D Joking, I can't ship abroad. But mentally, I'm giving you a piece :)
I hope you like it, let me know what you think! :)

Many days ago, I made the horrible mistake of agreeing to spend an entire day with Arya, completely forsaking all of my other obligations.

In reality, what kind of obligations do I even have? I am simply here to get to know the Starks. That's it. When I am not doing that, I am with my brother or I am reading books. It is not difficult for me to spend an entire day with Arya. The only real problem is that I cannot keep up with her. I adore the girl, I do, with all my heart, but her idea of fun doesn't exactly fit my idea of fun. I need to learn to think things through before making a decision; otherwise, I might not survive long into my marriage. For now, I am left to spend an entire day with little Arya Stark.

Of course, she is making me chase her around the courtyard.

"So, you've never gotten into a fight?" she asks as I struggle to keep up with her. "You are just like Sansa and all the other girls, sewing, talking about dresses?" she asks, her nose wrinkled in disgust.

"I wouldn't say I was exactly like that," I roll my eyes. I sometimes forget that young children can only see the world in black and white, extremes. Only when they're older do they learn to see the shades of grey, all the possibilities in between. "Yes, I do all of that and no, I haven't exactly learned how to swing a sword about, but I have done some interesting things. Things I should not have done. Sneaking out, running and hiding from people, playing practical jokes on my siblings… I have done it all. So no, I'm no warrior, but I'm not the proper little lady your sister is either."

Neither did I ever want to be. I have always had my own way of rebelling. I was a polite rebel, just that certain lines I would not cross under any circumstances. I truly was an odd child.

"But you said the other day," Arya persists as she jumps over the fence of the tiltyard that was, to my surprise, completely empty. "You told Robb to loosen his grip on his sword and you were right. You know how to hold a sword. How did you know that if you never trained to fight?" she asks, grabbing a wooden sword and pretending she was fighting an invisible enemy. I laugh as I lean on the fence, watching her.

"I might have done it once or twice," I admit, smiling wider when she looks at me, all wide eyed and curios as only a child could be.

"So you do know how to use a sword?"

"No, not a sword," I say, looking around for… there it is. I smile as I grab a lone spear, leaned on the bale of hay that Bran and Rickon sit on when watch their older brothers fight. I have noticed that they are not as fond of spears here as they are of their swords. Only in Dorne is a spear a weapon of choice it seems. Yet even so, the Starks have at least one spear, so I grab it.

Now I realize that it says a lot about me that I am more interested in showing off with a spear than actually using it in combat. I was adamant with Oberyn that he should teach me how to twist and turn a spear the way he did it. I suppose I could put up a decent fight, if I ever did end up in an actual combat, but I am much better at showing off. I learned it from the best.

The only reason that I am not laughing at Arya's utter look of shock is because I am completely focused on not dropping the spear, making myself look like a complete fool. The moment it is in my hand, I start to remember, very vividly, the moves and tricks Oberyn spent hours trying to teach me. I suppose it is one of those things that you do not forget. And perhaps I am not as good at it now as I was back in Dorne, when I first mastered it, but I still know how to show off properly.

I finally stop the act, laughing when I finally get a proper look at Arya's face. Another thing I should not have done; she will probably ask me to teach her. I may know a few tricks with a spear, but I can't handle it well enough to teach anyone how properly use it in combat.

"Where did you learn how to do that?"

Yet again, Jon has caught me in an awkward situation. He looks as shocked and impressed as Arya does, although I doubt he feels excited as she is.

"It is a very long story."

"And you are bloody good at it too," Jon tells me, looking down at the spear. "How?" he asks.

I shrug and give him a smile as I put a finger over my lips. He and Arya are the only ones who know and I wish to keep it that way. I do not want to become some sort of an attraction simple because I was once curious to know a few of the Red Viper's tricks. I feel relief the moment Jon smiles back at me. I turn to look at Arya, who looks no less excited than she did before. My secret is safe with them.

I jump up in surprise when the door slams open. I roll around on the bed, already knowing that it is Willas. No one else would feel comfortable with barging into my room in such a way. I am ready to criticize him, maybe throw a pillow or two on him but then I notice his eyes are wide and his breath is hitched. I seems like he was running but I know that is practically impossible because of his leg.

"Have you heard?" he asks, struggling to for breath.

"I've been in my room, reading," I shake my head. After breakfast, I had retired. I had needed some alone time, for a change. While I genuinely enjoy spending time with the Starks, I needed to be alone every once in a while. "What has happened?"

"Many things," Willas tells me as he walks over and sits on the edge of my bed. I fold the page I had been reading and set the book aside, having a horrible feeling that I will not enjoy whatever it is that Willas is about to tell me. "Winterfell is going to have guests. In about a month or so."

"Guests?" I raise my eyebrows. Suddenly, I realize what he is saying. "Have you received a raven? Are they getting ready to come to Winterfell?" I ask eagerly. It has been three months since we arrived here and it is… it is tedious. I do not want to wait any longer. However, I am willing to survive one more month. After all, four months are better than the six I was warned about.

"Oh no, it is not our family that is coming," Willas shakes his head. It doesn't matter how hard I try not to get my hopes up. It still happens, despite me trying to avoid it. And once my hopes fall, it hurts. It always does. "Not yet, at least, but I would not be surprised if they decided to come in to take part in the festivities."

"Then who is it?" I ask him, annoyed by the way he is dragging this out.

"King Robert," he tells me. Out of all the people who could have named, King Robert is the last one I would have expected to hear. "King Robert and the entire royal court. Him, the Queen, their children and the Kingsguard. They are all on their way to Winterfell."

"But… why?"

"I am unsure but I have a good guess and I don't think you're going to like it."

"Just tell me," I shake my head. At this point, I should start to develop an immunity of sorts. After everything that had happened in my life over the past few months, I doubt that anything can come as a surprise to me anymore.

"The Hand is dead," Willas shrugs his shoulders. "Do you truly think that anything other than Lord Eddard Stark would be enough to make him travel such a distance?"

"You think he will make Lord Eddard to be the new Hand of the King?" I ask in confusion.

"What else makes sense?" he asks, turning around to me. His eyes light up the way they always do whenever he talks about something he is particularly interested in. I can't blame him. Hosting a King is quite the honor, and a rather unexpected for the Starks I think. "You've heard the stories yourself, how the two of them grew up together, won the war together. They were like brothers, Lord Eddard told us himself. King Robert trusted the man with his life. Don't you think he would trust him to be his Hand as well?" Willas asks me. It does make sense. Lord Eddard does not strike me as a man of many words, not even now, but on one occasion, during one of our suppers together, Willas did manage to get him to talk about his early days. We did not hear much but we had smiles on our faces as we sipped on the wine and listen to him retelling selected stories of his youth.

"Lord Eddard would never want to leave Winterfell," I shake my head. While it does make sense for the King to ask him to do such a thing, I do not see Lord Eddard actually accepting. He is a true Northman. I do not see him choosing to go south, not even for his friend. However… he might not have a choice. "But can he say no to a King?" I mumble.

"I highly doubt it," Willas shakes his head. "If Lord Eddard leaves for King's Landing, your betrothed would become the ruling Lord of Winterfell. If his mother leaves, you know what that means. And if she is to stay, well… you will still hold more responsibility than you do now."

With my betrothed being Lord Eddard's heir, I know I will be the Lady of Winterfell one day. However, with how young and healthy both Eddard and Catelyn still are, I did not expect that to happen any time soon. Certainly not this soon.

"That might change my entire life, but how does it change anything else?" I ask.

"It doesn't," Willas shakes his head again. "You will simply presume the role earlier than you thought you would. That being said, you cannot be Lady of Winterfell if you are not married to the Lord of Winterfell. If Lord Eddard leaves for King's Landing, your wedding will have to take place sooner than we all had thought. However, it also means that you might have royal guests attending. And do you know of a particular family member of ours with a keen interest in the ruling family of Westeros?"

The wheels in my head are turning faster and faster, with each word he speaks.

They must have known Lord Eddard might be the next Hand. They couldn't have known that King Robert might be in need of a new hand quite this soon, but his previous Hand was an old man indeed. Perhaps they were hoping for it? It is a perfect opportunity for them to use my marriage as an excuse to bring Margaery closer to the King or the Prince.

It has to be it. The only question is whether or not Margaery is behind this or the Queen of Thorns.

I doubt Margaery would lose much sleep over using my wedding as one of her steps to the crown but this sounds as if it is too complicated to be her work. She is a highly skilled woman but she is hardly almighty. This has to be Olenna's work. This has to be her.

"No," I speak up, shaking my head. Willas is looking at me, confused, but I know exactly what I am saying. "I will not let them have that. I don't care. I have been used like a pawn in this game for far too long. I am here because I was a pawn. And I have had it. I don't care what it takes, if I have to run away with Robb and get married in a cave somewhere, we will not have the entire family royal family present at our wedding and I can assure you, our family with not make a parade out of it, if only for them to have some gain from it."

"And what are you going to do?" Willas rolls his eyes and doesn't even bother to hide his skepticism from me. "I do not like it either, Clara, you know that. You know I find all these political schemes and machinations foolish and ridiculous. But you cannot fight Grandmother. There's nothing you can do now that will change this course of events."

"You speak like you don't know me," I chuckle; it was stronger than me, I had to. "I was raised by one of the best and unfortunately for her, I still have a mind of my own. Just you watch me. Just you watch me, Willas. This will not go down the way Olenna Tyrell hopes it will. I will not let it, even if it is the last thing I do."

I might not know what my actual goal is but there is one thing I am absolutely sure of; I am going to need Robb's help for whatever it is. In order to get him to help me, I needed to tell him the truth though.

Telling him the complete truth would be revealing Margaery's possibly treasonous intentions. While I do not know the details her plan and she didn't specify it was a secret, I doubt she would feel comfortable with it me telling just anyone. And I do not enjoy the idea of betraying my sister's trust.

If Robb and I were a married couple, I might have told him. He would be my husband and I would hold no secrets from him. I could have trusted him, without a doubt, and I would know that he would keep the secret, even if he didn't like it. But we are not married yet and our betrothal could be broken far too easily. I would never forgive myself if I was to out Margaery to someone, only for it to end up not being worth it.

But I also can't lie to Robb. I needed to find my way around the truth, to tell him only what he absolutely needs to know and somehow not betray my sister's trust while doing so. It wasn't easy but I believe I did a good job. The only thing I did not explain is the exact reason why my entire family would like to be here at the same time as the King.

I doubt it's difficult to guess. We Tyrells are notorious for being the social ladder climbers. We have gone from mere stewards of a king to the second richest house in Westeros within just three centuries. Robb is a smart man; he can figure it out on himself, even without me pointing out the right direction to him.

"I understand what you're trying to say," Robb tells me, breaking the silence between us. We have been walking around in circles for a long time now; I needed to speak to him in private but seeing as we are followed by many curious eyes, sneaking around more would cause suspicion. The only way we can avoid it is if we act as if we are not sneaking around at all. So, we walk around the courtyard, our arms linked, while I explain everything to him with a fake smile on my face, acting as if I was just talking of the weather. No one has given us a second glance.

"But how… There is no way they could have known that King Robert might be needing a new Hand. Besides, even if they had known it, no one knows if he plans to ask my father to be his Hand or not. I know," he says once he sees my raised eyebrows. "I know and you know but I do not think your family could have been aware of it in any way."

"Perhaps you are right," I shrug my shoulders. "I can't claim that what you're saying is wrong, simply because I think they were very aware of it. It's just a suspicion I have. But I do know them quite well. You have met them but I can assure you, whatever you might think of them is exactly what they want you to think."

"The apple doesn't fall far from the tree," he points out, looking at me from the corner of his eye. "Are you trying to tell me something about yourself?"

I can't deny it, it's a fair question.

"Yes," I confirm. "I didn't fall far from the tree but there is a difference. What I have shown you is who I really am. I have no reason to pretend with you. Unless you are trying to tell me something?"

I don't like the way he is looking at me. I think I could deal better with a look of distaste. This… this is a look of affection. We have definitely passed the point of simply being two good friends.

"What do you wish to do about it? Is there even anything that can be done?" he asks.

"Not if we do not wish to anger both of our families," I mumble, looking down at the grown as we keep on walking. "I wouldn't mind much if we were to anger my family. They would survive and they would forgive. But I know what your lord Father's thoughts would be on this. If we were to do something reckless, he would never forgive us. I do not wish to do that."

"What exactly do you mean when you say 'something reckless'?" he asks in suspicion.

"My first thought was to grab you by the hand, make a run for it and just get married," I answer him truthfully. He already knows that is what I would feel comfortable with. I see no reason to lie about it. "If we wouldn't have to face your father's wrath, I would have already suggested it. But he is your father and he will be my family too. I cannot start my life with your family in such a way."

"Clara, you don't need me to tell you that you can't change them," he sighs. He's the one that's sighing?! "I understand why you are bothered with this but wouldn't it just be easier if we were to simply do it their way? We can handle one day. Let them have their way so we can save both of our sanities."

"One day?" I genuinely laugh at that phrase. "If you think they are going to travel all the way up here, only to leave after one night, you truly do not know them at all."

"One month then," he rolls his eyes. "If it needs to be one month, so be it. We can endure it. After that, we will be left alone. No one will meddle with our marriage after the wedding. To hell with the ceremony and pomp; the wedding is for them but the marriage will be just us. Let's do it their way and then we will enjoy a little bit of freedom?"

And that's why not telling him everything is a problem. It's not about my family keeping a close relationship with the King; that is only the first step on the ladder they wish to climb. But I can't tell Robb the whole truth, especially given that I do not know the details of the damned plan.

All of the courage and determination I have had today, when Willas barged into my room with the news, had suddenly left me. I am back to being a girl who has no other choice but to do what her family tells her to do. And the saddest thing is that I am actually lucky. They have not meddled as much or using me as they could have. In a dark and twisted way, I know that I should actually be quite thankful. Yet all I feel is anger.

"Ugh!" I snap, barely managing to stop myself from stamping my foot into the ground; such tantrums should be kept away from Robb's eyes. At least for the first few years of our marriage. "All of this is… it is just so frustrating. Neither one of us asked for this."

"No, but in order to get to what we actually asked for, we need to go through with this," he says, smiling down at me. I didn't want to smile, not with all the frustration brewing in me. But his words are so sincere, I can't help it. I realize my face must be showing of the embarrassment I feel. "It is but an obstacle. We will get past it. It will be good practice."

"There'd better not be a situation like this down the road for us because even this is getting too much for me to handle." I smile when he starts laughing, linking our arms just a bit tighter.

Dearest Clara,

I imagine that you have probably received word of this, but I wanted to inform you of it myself. We have slowly begun preparing for our journey to Winterfell. I would like to emphasize the word slowly because I can assure you, we are nowhere near ready to leave. I it will take us weeks before we actually do.

It would be wonderful if we were to visit at the same time as the King. Having the King present at your wedding would be a story you could tell to even your grandchildren. Unfortunately, I fear that we will not make it on time. Unless the King decides to stay longer at Winterfell for some reason. I warned our parents and Grandmother, told them that we should not delay our departure but they have refused leave Highgarden sooner.

How are you? I was very happy to hear that all was going well for you the last time you wrote me and I hope that nothing has changed.

Yet, I do want to give you a reminder. I don't think you need one but as a good sister, I feel I should. Do not take it too far with Robb. You will know what I mean when you read this. You are both young, beautiful and I understand that you want each other in ways you have never wanted someone before but it is of the utmost importance that you remain a maiden until your wedding night.

I understand that it might get frustrating and that you do not wish to care for such trivial things. After all, you will share a bed with him eventually. Why not let him take what will belong to him anyways?

For many different reasons, my dearest sister. Men can change their minds as fast as the wind changes direction. From the little I have gotten to know him, your future husband seems less fickle than the rest. But he's still a handsome, hot blooded young man who's the heir of a great house. Many women would give anything to be in your position, Clara. You must be careful.

But, more importantly, be yourself, and I don't think you will have anything to worry about. After all, you are worth the wait. If he ever says or does anything to make you falter, to make you question your decision and duty, remind him of that. And if he still does not see it in such a way… well, the fault will not be with you.

I simply am worrying myself and I imagine that I am worrying you as well. As I said sister, your betrothed did not seem a fickle man. He seemed to me a good man, befitting for you. And you know I am very good at reading people.

I do not have much to tell you about Highgarden other than that all has been well. We all feel a little bit on edge, preparing for such a long journey and grand wedding, but everything else is the same as always. Grandmother still has a sharp tongue, Mother is silent as usual, and Father is as joyful as ever. I think he is the happiest one around. He can't stop talking about the wedding and I do not think it is the alliance that makes him happy; I genuinely believe he cannot wait to give one of his daughters away. He might have his flaws but we have always been greatly loved, haven't we?

It is quieter without you and Willas around, I can't deny that. The food is still fresh and the music is still loud but all of it was so much more fun with you and Willas to share it with us. Loras is keeping me company; with the two of you away, I have managed to guilt him into staying by my side instead of running off to King's Landing to be by Renly's. He might not say it as openly as I, but he misses the both of you. It seems like half the time we talk, we are talking about the two of you.

We will see each other soon enough. A time will come when we will have to part ways once again but do not think I will ever miss you any less than I have missed you the first day after your departure. You are my best friend, Clara. The four of us… we will weather anything and everything, always.

Don't forget to write to me, and tell me everything. You know I am dying to hear!



Am I truly that paranoid?

I was expecting them to already be on their way and they… are not. Yes, Margaery did say that it is a shame but I had expected that she would rally them up and make them leave at once. Whatever it is that she wants to do, whatever Grandmother has in mind, it does not involve my marriage.

Well, perhaps it involves my marriage, but it does not involve my wedding.

Yet I'd felt certain they would use it. Use me. I all but insulted my own family, in front of Robb, of all people! Gods know what he thinks of them now! I only told him about their negative side. And every word I said was true, but they aren't bad people, they're very good in fact. They have an abundance of good traits, one of which is the sisterly love Margaery has always had for me, the loyalty our family has for each other. I overreacted; I might not have imagined the whole thing but it wasn't as I said it to be the. I have committed folly. It is as if I have forgotten who they truly are. And I have only been away for a few months; what will happen when I am away for a year, five years, twenty years?

No! I refuse to think about it.

I grab the second letter that arrived for me earlier; this one has a Dornish sigil on it that makes me smile instantly. I have no doubt who the author is.

My love,

I am angry with you, to the point of pure rage. How dare you?

I frown in confusion, rushing to read what exactly he thinks I have done.

Ever since I have left Highgarden, the thought did not leave my head. I lost sleep about it, I waited eagerly for a raven each day. It has been months! Months, my love! And I am yet to receive a wedding invitation!

I will end that man. I do not know how or when, but I will end him.

Have I taught you nothing? Did you even listen to a single word I said? Your belly should have been heavy with a child already!

What went wrong, my love? Why are you not married yet? When we were all together, the wolf pup seemed like he would gladly marry you at that very moment. Months have passed. You wrote me a letter, telling me that your betrothal has been finalized and that you had gone to live with his family. So why have you not taken action? Are you not the girl Oberyn Martell had taught how to seduce a man without lifting a finger?

Damn it, love, you need to do better than that! He was eating out of your hand back then! Make him eat out of your hand again! You have the power to do it!

Once again, I am a fool, aren't I? I am advising you when I still want you for myself. That will always be the case; I simply am respecting your decision to pursue another.

That being said, I would gladly open my arms to you if you ever chose to try and find happiness here in Dorne. It doesn't have to be with me; I could live with your refusal and you could live here with freedom. Dorne will always welcome you if ever you should wish it, even if you have spurned us for the cold and dark Winterfell.

That wedding invitation better make its way down South because I will be coming to it, invitation or not. I am willing to brave that dark, frigid land you've decided to make your home, just to see you again, and to talk with you and tease you like only I know how to do. I promise not to mention my invitation to your husband to be. I will play nice. Oberyn Martell doesn't play nice for everyone but for you my love, I will.

In all seriousness, tell me. What is the matter, why such a wait? I truly expected the two of you to marry as soon as possible. I hope that nothing serious has caused a delay.

All of the Martells told me to inform you that they miss you and wish for you to visit again. We are even willing to accept your Northern husband, if you decide to visit after the wedding. Ellaria offers her congratulations as well. Or should I say, condolences?

Write me, my love. Your life is never dull. Even when it is dull, it is not dull to me. Make me laugh with your antics and troubles, even from such a distance.



I will respond to Oberyn tomorrow, as I do not have a particular desire to go into details about things I myself do not understand. I can't tell if he is simply teasing me or if there truly is some concern behind his words. I sign in exasperation as I push his letter away and grab Margaery's, ready to read again, paying careful attention to each word.

I don't think I am overly paranoid. Perhaps I am more paranoid than I should be but a healthy dose of paranoia could make the difference between life and death, as Grandmother once said, though I hope to never find myself in such extreme circumstances.

I do know that I should have kept my mouth shut. I should not have said anything to Robb. Then again, if I cannot confide in him, who can I confide in?

Everything is too confusing. I need to think.

A day will come when I will finally realize that Winterfell's courtyard isn't the right place to find a moment of peace, but it is not this day. As always, it is crawling with people and despite bowing my head down for, I am afraid that I was bound to be noticed by someone.

To my surprise, I pass the gate without attracting any attention. I'm not aware of where I am heading, not until I have gotten here. The Godswood of Winterfell does not feel any more welcoming than it did the first time I was here. I am foreign stranger from the south, and even after I marry a northerner, I will probably still remain a stranger.

But here, I have peace. I might not feel welcome but at least I will enjoy the silence for a while.


So much for silence.

I turn around and offer a smile to a confused Jon. "What are you doing here?" he asks. He knows very well that these are not the Gods I pray to. Even if I haven't been praying much at all, these days.

"Had to think," I answer truthfully. "I went for a walk and I somehow ended up here. I am sorry that I interrupted you." I say.

"No, I was… I was done anyways," he tells me. Jon doesn't often have a look on his face like the one he has now. Jon is a quiet man, I have come to learn as much. When he does speak, he means what he says. He doesn't waste breath on empty words. Never before have I seen him looking as if he wanted to ask something but does not dare to do so. I feel uneasy. Why would he struggle to tell me anything? Hadn't we turned over a new leaf before we left Highgarden? "Clara, you look very worried. Is everything alright?" he finally asks. And that look is gone.

I thought I had managed to repair things between us after what can only be described like a rough start but apparently, I did not. I thought he had grown comfortable with me enough to ask anything, to talk with me on any given topic. In all honesty, I thought we had become friends. While we might be friendly to one another, it is obvious that we are not as close as I thought. A true friend would not feel uncomfortable with asking whether or not everything is alright.

"I have just…" I start, only to realize that I cannot name what is wrong. Well, I could, if I was willing to explain everything to him in fine detail. But I do not want to go through it again. "Have you ever just… completely misunderstood something?" I ask him. The look on his face tells me that I am being far too vague. "Were you ever so… absolutely sure that you were right about something, only to realize that you were completely wrong?" I elaborate.

I watch as Jon thinks on my words. "More than I'd like to admit, unfortunately."

"What do you do then?" I ask him, frowning down at the ground before me. "I was mistaken but I did not wrong anyone so there is no one I can apologize to. It's only… guilt, I suppose? Guilt from knowing that I misjudged someone completely? What do I do?" I ask him.

"I'm not sure."

"Well, what would you do?" I ask.

"I would admit to myself that I was wrong," he tells me. Well, I have already done that, haven't I? That's the problem. "I have misjudged you, you know?"

"Why am I not surprised?" I chuckle when he smiles at me.

"It's difficult not to have prejudice, I suppose," he tells me as he sits down on the same tree trunk I am sitting on. I wait for him to find the right words, knowing all too well how difficult that can be. "So many people are the same. Different faces, different names, but essentially, one in the same. I thought that of you when I first met you. I did not even think about it, it was natural. Then, with watching Robb slowly growing smitten for you," he chuckles as I shake my head, probably all red in the face. I am still not comfortable with people commenting on the obvious fondness we have for one another. "I have started to see you through his eyes. I have noticed things that make you different. You have a good heart, Clara. If you have misjudged someone or something, it is alright. Everyone makes mistakes. What makes the good ones different from the rest is the ability to acknowledge their mistakes." He tells me.

"Does that mean you are one of the good ones, seeing as you have admitted to misjudging me?"

"I wouldn't say that," he mumbles. He doesn't know how to accept a compliment and he is obviously not good at complimenting himself either. "If your opinions have not caused anyone any harm, brush yourself off and move on from it. That's what matters. You were wrong and you will probably not be wrong again."

"Well, dear Jon, it would appear that you have taken the role of my confidant right out of Willas's hands," I joke, laughing along with him. "I don't know what I'm going to do when he leaves. At least you'll be here."

"I… I am not so sure about that."

"Do you… do you have plans?" I ask in confusion. Did I miss something? Did he mentioned this before and I wasn't paying careful attention? I'm fairly certain I would be aware of Jon's plans to leave, if he had them. Apparently, I hadn't.

"Perhaps," he tells me. It is clear as day that he does not want to speak about it. I may feel comfortable enough to confide in him but he obviously doesn't feel the same. And that is alright; I can't hold that against him. "I'm heading back to the castle. Do you want to come or will you stay here a while longer?"

"I think I will stay, thank you."

I sigh as I watch Jon walk away, feeling worried about his words. I have been so focused on my pending wedding, I did not even stop to consider what I what my life would be like once the whole wedding madness is over. I will have Robb and before, I thought I would have his parents here as well. Now, with the King riding North, I am not so sure. I imagine his siblings will stay, or at least most of them. My brother will leave, despite me wanting to keep him here for good. Highgarden is his home and one day, he will rule the castle and the entire Reach. He does not belong in Winterfell, his true place is elsewhere, even if I don't want to accept it.

And now Jon comments about leaving as well, shamelessly ignoring my further questions?

By the looks of it, it truly might end up being just Robb and I, all alone, with a castle to rule.

"Well, this is a surprise," I hear a chuckle and when I turn around, I come face to face with Theon.

I still do not know what I think about this man. At times, I enjoy his company and I find his humor as a relief from daily frustrations. Whether I like it or not, he can make me laugh most of the time. But then, on different occasions, his words make me roll my eyes so often, I think I might end up straining an eye muscle or two. Everything he says has a double meaning, absolutely everything. Every word out of his mouth is a game he plays and at times, the last think I want to do is play it.

"Why say that?" I ask, raising my hand towards the Godswood before us. "You believe a different God as well. Is it that difficult to imagine that someone might just come here to enjoy the silence?"

"You aren't exactly enjoying the silence when you're talking to Jon Snow, are you?" he asks, raising his eyebrow at me. He's playing his game again. I am almost certain that he will never grow up.

"I'm sorry?" I chuckle, acting all embarrassed. "I wasn't aware that I am not allowed to have a conversation with a man that will be my kin soon enough. It shall not happen again, cross my heart." I promise, still acting all innocent and shy.

"Love, it's not me you should worry about," he warns me. Calling me love and smirking at me? Somehow, Oberyn does it so much better than he does. "People love to talk. And you are giving them more very juicy gossip to talk about."

"Are you trying to say something, Theon?" I ask. If there was any part of me that was willing to play his childish game, that part is long gone. He took it one step too far for my liking.

"Oh, it's not me that will say something," he laughs. I get up and walk closer to him. A move like that would normally intimidate someone, but it does nothing to Theon; he is still standing, tall and proud. Or should I say cocky, with that annoying smirk of his. "Sneaking around the Godswood with Lord Eddard's bastard son, brother of your betrothed? It will raise eyebrows, Clara."

"Oh, I am sure it will," I nod my head, once again feigning defeat. "And I imagine even more eyebrows will be raised if anyone thinks I am sneaking around with his ward. Especially if I come back all… shaken and in tears." I gasp, putting a hand over my heart in an overly dramatic fashion. It works.

"Are you alright?" he asks, suddenly looking alert.

"No," I shake my head, pretending as if I am having difficulty breathing. "I did nothing. I do not know what happened. All I know is that I turned around and he was there and the rest is all a blur," I gasp as tears fill up my eyes. The moment Theon starts realizing what I am doing, I stop acting and smirk at him. Two can play at that game.

Another valuable lesson I have learned. And this one I learned all on my own. I do not have Margaery guiding me through this. I might have been a successful little rebel, but even we have our bad days. Whenever I got caught in the midst of my new mischief, I used tears to get out of it. I was young and it was easy to do that. I have not used that trick in years. It's nice to know I still have it in me.

"If you're going to challenge me, be prepared for a little resistance," I warn him as I take another step in his direction; this time, he takes a step back. "I do not like to play dirty but if I must, I will not hold back, Greyjoy. If you even begin to insinuate I would even entertain the notion of doing something that would harm Robb's reputation, my own reputation or the relationship we have, I will fight back. And you should know that a Tyrell doesn't always play fair. Use your brain before you threaten me again. And at least try to make up a decent lie; not a living soul would believe what you uttered earlier."

With that, I turn around and start to walk away.

"You know how to kick and scream, Tyrell," he yells after me. "I wasn't expecting that."

"Keep it up and you'll see just how loud and strong my screams and kicks can be."