Okay, shout out to PicassoPenguin for showing up out of nowhere and going through all my oneshots and leaving sweet comments for each! Screw making my night, that made my week! Anyways, they asked for more off this and I was sick so I wrote it and edited it. I'm so very dyslexic, I copied and pasted it into google translate and had the speaker thing read it to me so I could find the mistakes! How am I this bad with errors and spelling. Extra thanks to everyone who still reads my stuff and special thanks to every lovely soul that leaves comments!
Anyways, enjoy:
Dancing to the thundering rhythm of the band had been fun for all of four songs. Ash had completely lost track of Johnny in the sea of animals within a few minutes of dancing. She was about to head back to the table when suddenly another porcupine slid in front of her, clearly trying to catch her attention. He wore dark, slim shades and a flashy clothes, and to top it all off his quills were spiked into a Mohawk. He seemed like he thought he looked cool as he danced around, trying to show off.
Ash rolled her eyes and looked out to where she had left Meena at the edge of the dance floor. She found both Meena and Johnny casually leaning against a wall and watching the porcupine's predicament in amusement. Ash smirked and jabbed a thumb at her wooer, asking her friends opinions on the overzealous porcupine. Meena was clearly trying not to laugh as she shook her head, while Johnny just smirked and gave a brief thumbs down. 'The council has spoken.' Ash mused to herself. She really wasn't interested as it was and just wanted to see her friends' reactions for kicks.
The other porcupine was so caught-up in his own dancing, he didn't initially realize Ash had walked away. When he finally looked up and saw she had left to talk with her friends, he looked properly offended and strutted over as if to say something. He was stopped short by a cold warning glare from Johnny, the gorilla making it clear it was in the porcupine's best interest to leave it be. After staring down the smaller animal, Johnny turned and went to go catch up with Ash and Meena as they headed back to their table.
As the band's last song for the night played out, Ash got more and more excited. She tried to retain her cool and casual appearance, but the truth was Ash was internally giddy waiting for the band to finish up and come down to meet them. Their last song seemed like it was taking forever. She didn't realize how much she had been anticipating this until now. Normally, Ash would have a much easier time playing cool around these guys, but that was before Reggie had asked a favor of Ash. Of the four band members, Ash had come to think of the rhino as the quiet, grumpy type who didn't show much interest in anything. He had never really talked with Ash much and she only learned that his name was Reggie from one of the other members telling her. So it came as a complete shock to Ash when the rhino started asking her a number of questions about Meena. Not long after the open air theater performance, Reggie had asked Ash for the elephant's phone number in a surprisingly sincere tone. Granted, the porcupine wasn't too close with Reggie, but it was the first time Ash had seen him interested in anyone; and even though she wouldn't give her friend's number to someone else without said friend's permission, she did agree to introduce the two. Which was exactly what she was planning on doing tonight.
Ash had felt a little guilty about not telling Meena her true intentions, but she knew there was no way Meena would have agreed to come along if she knew Ash was trying to set her up with someone. And truth be told, Ash did like having Meena with her here. If it wasn't such a pain convincing her large friend to go, Ash would drag Meena to parties and clubs as often as she saw fit to help push her friend's comfort zone limits.
Ash glanced back over her shoulder at the unsuspecting elephant.
The porcupine nearly growled when she saw that, once again, Johnny was saddled right up next to Meena, showing her something on his phone and being right in her personal space. Not that Meena seemed to mind or even notice, her attention on watching whatever was on his phone.
Ash internally groaned and knew she had to get some space between them before the band members showed up.
"Hey, Johnny! Be a pal and grab me a soda, wouldja?" Ash pushed a couple dollars at the gorilla and tried to shoo him away. The cockney teen looked hesitant to leave but decided he would rather stay on Ash's good side, seeing as how she seemed unhappy with him earlier for some reason. He smiled as he got up, pausing quickly to ask if Meena wanted anything, and headed to the bar.
With Johnny gone, Ash went back to scanning the crowded club eagerly. "Looking for someone?" Meena piped up after a couple minutes of silence, as she finally took notice of Ash's anticipating look.
Her eyes still surveying the crowd, Ash tilted her head back a bit to respond. "My friends said they'd meet up with us after their show." She could practically feel Meena become more nervous. "Don't worry," Ash continued. "They won't bite. ...Probably." The porcupine smirked when she heard Meena give a nervous squeak. She turned to tease Meena a bit more, only to see Johnny was already making his way back to the table. Ash glared wide-eyed and had to keep herself from growling in frustration. How was Johnny already heading back their way? Was the gorilla in a hurry to get back for some reason?
"...Ash? Are you okay?" Meena asked hesitantly when she saw Ash's expression turn angry. The porcupine's gaze flickered away from Johnny to meet Meena's worried eyes. She couldn't think of an answer before hearing a familiar voice behind her.
"Hey, Ash!"
Finally! Ash spun her head back around to see the band members making their way to the table. The porcupine's large grin faltered a bit when she saw all the members minus Reggie. The rhino wasn't in sight. Ash bit back her disappointment and greeted her friends as they pulled up chairs and made themselves comfortable at their table.
"What'd ya think of the show?" The bobcat, Cole, called up to Ash as he hopped up on his chair and leaned on the table casually.
The porcupine smirked. "It was great. My ears didn't bleed this time!"
Ash and the band members traded jabs at one another while Meena watched intensely. The elephant never could understand how Ash could socialize so easily while constantly teasing. Everytime the porcupine said something that made Meena freeze up and sure the other party would be offended, said party always laughed it off and joked back. It was fascinating to the elephant.
Johnny arrived back to the much more crowded table and gave the new animals a curious look. He took his seat and gently jabbed Ash with the soda can he had for her. "Aren't cha gonna introduce us t' your friends?" He smiled as he got the porcupine's attention.
"Oh, right! Duh!" Ash smiled as she took the can and stood up on the table. "Guys, meet Meena and Johnny. They're my friends from work!" Ash gestured to each proudly. "Meena and Johnny, these idiots are known as Cole, Blaze, and Marty." She pointed to the bobcat, coyote, and skunk as she said each of their names. She searched behind the cluster of band members, straining her neck a bit, looking with no avail for their last member. Ash sighed. "And where's Reggie?" She looked at Blaze, the coyote, for an answer, but he just smirked and glanced behind Ash.
Clap! Large hands clasped on both Meena and Johnny's shoulders, making both jump and causing Meena to give a sharp yelp. Both turned to see a grinning rhino between them, looking very pleased with his entrance. He took his hand off Johnny's shoulder to reach behind himself and grab a chair. "These your friends, Ash?" He asked as he sat between them, his arm still loosely wrapped around Meena's shoulders and his hand resting on the shoulder furthest from him. "They don't seem like your normal kind of friends." Reggie teased as he sized the unfamiliar animals up. He gave Johnny a quick glance before focusing on Meena, giving the elephant an easy smile.
Meena could only return it with a confused look. She was trying to figure out a number of the rhino's bizarre actions in the short span of time he was present. Why has this stranger felt the need to sit right between the two largest animals at the table? The rhino had all but pushed his way to sit between them when there was more room elsewhere around the table. Why was his arm around her now? And why was he currently smiling at her like that? Was she supposed to say something?
Before Meena could think of something to say, the rhino spoke. "We haven't been properly introduced. I'm Reggie." He smiled confidently, his introduction solely directed to her as he was practically ignoring Johnny. The gorilla was watching Reggie with a surprised stare that was borderline offended. No one seemed to notice though, less of all the rhino currently half wrapped around Meena.
"M-Meena. It's um... it's n-nice to meet you." Meena felt her face heat up under all the attention from the stranger, but after quickly looking at the others, she knew she was on her own for dealing with him. Ash was happily chatting with the bobcat and coyote. Meanwhile, Johnny was caught in a conversation he was too polite to bow out of, with the skunk about keyboarded playing. Meena resigned herself to making small talk with the oddly friendly rhino.
Ash stole a glance at Meena every now and again to check on her. The elephant looked nervous, but Ash reasoned that Meena was always nervous and the elephant didn't seem like she was trying to get away from the situation. The conversation between the two large mammals seemed a bit awkward, but Meena would smile every so often and Reggie looked happy, so Ash thought it was fine. Johnny, on the other hand, was trying his best to be interested in whatever the skunk (whose name he hadn't bothered remembering) was saying, but there was a strange anger building in his chest ever since the newcomer had shown up. His anger spiked a little every time he looked over and saw the rhino leaning in towards Meena, clearly making her uncomfortable.
The conversations carried on and, for what felt like the hundredth time since the rhino had sat down and insisted on talking to her, Meena internally sighed and wished she was home. Finally, she stood up and said she needed some air. The crowded, dark club was starting to get to her and she really wanted some space. Unfortunately, Reggie immediately agreed with her on needing air and said he'd go with. He quickly got up and led the way, Meena hesitantly followed, as she didn't actually know which way to go or how to say she wanted to be alone.
After some weaving between crowds of animals, the two arrived at a door next to the stage. Reggie got it open quickly and they both ducked through, entering an area with no animals except themselves. Meena leaned back against the closed door and sighed in relief as her eyes slid shut. When she opened them, she saw that they were in a small backstage area, not nearly as large as the other in the theater, but spacious enough.
"Heh. Yeah, crowds aren't fun when your the largest one there." Meena looked over when Reggie spoke. He was leaning against a wall and smirking knowingly.
Meena smiled a little, finally relating to something he's said. "I know, right?! I'm alway scared I'm gonna step on someone!"
Reggie barked out a laugh. "Well, it's their fault for being in your way!" Meena smile faltered a little at the comment, but Reggie was checking to see if anyone else was backstage and didn't notice. "I mean, we're kinda hard not to notice." He look back at her with a grin. She managed to give back a half hearted smile while she wondered if it was ok to be back here with him. She still wasn't sure she wanted to be around him, let alone be left alone with him.
Reggie was actually feeling much better now that they were alone. He wasn't dumb, he could feel the burning glances he was getting from the gorilla next to him. What he couldn't figure out was why. Ash had said Meena was a free agent, so he doubted they were together. And besides, Reggie was sure pretty-boy gorilla had plenty of fan girls to pick from. So what was his problem?
Reggie figured he should ask. "Hey, you and the gorilla. You're not a thing are ya?"
Meena's stared bug eyed at him. "What? N-no! We're just friends! ...why?" Meena felt her ears draw close as she tried to hide behind them and fiddle with her hoodie.
"Any idea why he's been watching me like a hawk?" Reggie asked on a gruff voice as he jabbed a thumb in the general direction of their table.
Meena looked down and shrugged. "He's just protective. He's always been like that." She mumbled her answer, disputes the fact there was still loud music coming through the walls. Meena had never minded Johnny's protective behavior as he generally used it in good taste. She wished he were here now, honestly.
Reggie waited a moment for any more of an explanation before figuring that was all he was gonna get. "You're not much of a talker, are you?" He cocked an eyebrow at Meena with a cool smile. Meena looked up at him with big eyes and shook her head. His smile widen and he pushed off the wall to her. "That's cool. Me neither." His voice was low as he bent his head down slightly to be close to hers. Meena pressed herself further against the door, her mind panicking as the enormous rhino was so close to her. She was still slouched against the door, giving the oddly large rhino a height advantage.
The elephant stared up at Reggie with wide eyes in an expression he took to be shyness. He figured he'd have to make the first move. "Ya' know, I was always curious how elephants kissed with a trunk in the way." He spoke coyly and saw Meena's eyes get impossibly bigger. "Now seems like a good time to find out." He leaned in further, bringing one hand to Meena's cheek and placing the other one against the door by her waist.
Meena grabbed around behind her before finding the door knob, twisting it, and opening the door. It swung out with her still pressed back against it, causing Reggie to fall flat in his face against the club floor. Meena took her opportunity and rushed away, apologizing absentmindedly to everyone she bumped into in her hurry.
Meena has no idea how to handle a stranger making her uncomfortable. Sorry Ash, your heart was in the right place, but Reggie and Meena probably aren't a good fit! Please let me know what you think!