Rated M for mature content, language, adult situations. Lemons, people!

Don't read if you're under 18!

I don't own anything Twilight. SM owns it all, I'm just messing around! I hope you enjoy it.


Absolute chaos ensued as I wrapped my arms tightly around Jasper, mid-leap and threw the both of us to the left, away from the lake. I slid on my ass and back a few feet before coming to a halt and grasping Jasper to me securely. Every Native wolfed out except for Seth, who stood guard over the imprints and my mother furthest from the fray. Furry hackles were raised, growls resounded throughout the valley, spittle dripped from elongated canines as the wolves surrounded the two of us grappling on the mossy stone floor. Jasper struggled in my grip, venom dribbling from his snarling lips but he wasn't snapping at me.

"Bella! Bella, be careful!" My mom hollered from beside Seth. I saw her white knuckled grip on his bronze bicep and could smell her fear. The imprints stood quietly in a connected circle, as we had been taught well before my attack and Seth's eyes darted around constantly on alert for any and all threats. Garrett was crouched in a defensive stance beside his mates, his arms splayed wide, as he tried to decide how to help.

"Jasper, stop it!" I growled at him. Sheanna was gasping for breath as she spluttered and splashed wildly behind us in the deep lake waters. His black eyes never left her, even as he fought against me. I knew he wasn't using the strength that he could exert to get away from me. His monster may have wanted a meal, her fresh blood still swimming in the air around us, but he was also aware that it was his mate holding him captive.

Snarling growls and grunts were all that could be heard from my God of War, nothing coherent. Garrett didn't speak, simply waiting on guard for my word on how to help. I didn't need his help. Jake used his wolfy canines to lift Sheanna from the lake by the collar of her shirt and the moment she was on land, she huddled into his underside, shivering and crying. Jasper snarled louder in my ear as I tightened my hold on him. My legs were wrapped around his thighs, holding his legs together. One of my arms was around his throat and collarbone, my hand gripping his ribs while the other arm wrapped around his midsection, holding him in a vice grip to my body. I was slipping and his struggles were not letting up. I knew I had only a few moments to get him under control or he could kill an innocent human and risk war with my pack.

I squeezed my eyes shut and prayed to the gods that this next move would work. If it didn't, even though I had been getting better at manipulating it these last month's, I feared that I could break Jasper and I didn't want to do that. I felt my plasma bubble pulse in anticipation and I kept my hold on it tightly. I squeezed Jasper again and grunted when I took an elbow to the ribs. Garrett growled lowly but I couldn't speak to tell him that I was fine. I needed to concentrate. I could hear the wolves shift and pace around us, growling in warning at the crazed Major.

"Get her the fuck out of here." Garrett spoke angrily.

I was thankful that someone finally had the brains to suggest that.

My bubble pulsed again and I groaned as I felt it envelope us. It's electric current slithered over my skin and then pulsed again as it took Jasper with it. I sighed in relief as we were surrounded and I expanded the bubble so that we had a good three foot radius around our bodies. Garrett took a step back so as not to come into contact with the shield. Opening my eyes, I found Sam and he nodded his onyx wolfy head in approval. Both mine and Jasper's hair was waving and swishing around, trying to reach the outer edge of my electric ball. My braid probably looked comical the way it stretched above my head from the nape of my neck.

The wolves sat on their haunches, seemingly happy that I had my cowboy under control. Seth relaxed but only slightly and put a bulky arm around my mother as she sighed in relief as well, resting her weary head on her protector's shoulder. Jake and Sheanna were missing but Leah sat next to Paul and Quil, swishing her tail happily in the dirt.

"Stop, Jasper. She's gone." I whispered into his ear. He stilled in my arms and I relaxed so he could slip to the ground into my lap. I carded my fingers through his staticy hair as he laid his head on my thigh, my legs having gone lax after his struggles had ceased. He could breathe inside my bubble with no scent interference from beyond the shield itself and I watched his ribs expand and contract with each inhale-exhale. His eyes were closed and his body was tense so I made eye contact wordlessly with my family. They knew me so well thankfully and receded to the imprints, giving us a veil of privacy. I hummed deep in my throat as I soothed my mate, stroking his scalp and hair as I watched him fondly and let my calm emotions lull him into relaxation.

After a few long minutes, Jasper spoke without opening his eyes, his southern drawl quiet and ashamed. "I am so sorry. Please forgive me." I wanted to cry for him. He had always been made out to feel like the outcast when he was with the Cullens. Always made to feel as if he was the weak link when in fact, he was the strongest of them all.

"Don't apologize, sweetheart." I murmured to him between my humming. "There is nothing to forgive." I couldn't say much more than that to him. He knew as well as I did how human blood affected us and since I had no trouble with her scent, I knew he had taken it into himself, causing him to lose control. If anything, I should be apologizing to him.

"You took my bloodlust, Jas. And don't try to tell me that you didn't. There's no way I could've handled being that close to an open wound without going on a massacre without your help. Thank you and I'm the one who's sorry."

Jasper rolled onto his back, my plasma bubble shifting slightly with his movement and rested the back of his head on my thigh to look up at me. My hands kept slipping gently through his silky blonde hair and I resumed humming softly, even as he spoke.

"I would do anything for you. If I hadn't helped, it could've been worse and I would rather have the blood on my hands, not yours." His smooth deep voice resonated through me along with his sincerity. I smiled down at him and sent him my gratefulness. He returned my smile and closed his golden eyes once more. Retrieving my shield back into myself, I saw Garrett's shoulders slump in relief before he made his way over to us and sat next to me, his leg draped along the length of mine. He grasped my hand that wasn't stroking Jasper and gripped my fingers snugly.

"Thank God that's over." He said at length and I huffed a laugh to which Leah echoed across the valley.

I noticed then that all the wolves were now human and had settled again around the food tables as they chatted quietly. Sam approached cautiously until I nodded with a smile. He plopped down next to us just as Jasper decided to sit up beside me, grasping my other hand.

Running a hand through his cropped hair, Sam sighed heavily. "Jake had to take Sheanna to the hospital to get stitches for her hand. All knife wounds need to be reported but he convinced her to tell them that she was cooking and fell with the knife in her hand. He says the imprint is broken and that he got Sheanna to confess herself to him. He wouldn't tell me more than that." He paused and looked down at the ground, playing with a patch of moss. I wondered just how Jake got Sheanna to listen to him. "He's bringing her back here after…"

Sam was cut off by my loud growl and Garrett's cry of indignation. "No! He will not!" Garrett said firmly, his eyes fading to black. Unfortunately, I could see in Sam's eyes that yes, he was bringing Sheanna back here. Jasper had stiffened and I laid my arm around his shoulders, pulling him into my side and kissing his temple.

"You'll be fine." I assured him.

He was already shaking his head. "It's not her blood I'm concerned with now. It's the fact that she's a lying, manipulative, snooping twat." He growled angrily.

I chuckled humorlessly. "Yes, she is, but if she has something to say, we should hear it out. Hey Leah, come here." I called to the she-wolf.

Leah patted my mom's shoulder before walking toward us and I wanted to get this over with so I could finally go see my mother. Her eyes met mine across the valley and I smiled at her. Her smile back was radiant as she finger waved at me before resuming her conversation with Kim, who was settled into Jared's lap.

"What's up, buttercup?" Leah asked as she sat beside Sam. He smiled at her quickly.

"Did you break the imprint or what?" I asked impatiently. The men around me chuckled.

Leah's smile could light up the pitch night sky. "I did! I don't know how but Jake said he would call Old Quil and get some answers for me. I know I wanted her to want me, but I also know it was the imprint telling me that. She was a rude ass person and I'm rude enough." She turned her eyes to the sky. "Gods knows what they were thinking with giving me her!"

I laughed and nodded. "I'm pretty sure she was just pissed off because she couldn't control you. Ya know how she told you she was the abused…" I paused for effect and it was Leah's turn to nod. "I bet my unlife she was the abuser."

"I suspected so myself." Sam spoke up before hugged Lee into his side. "I'm glad you're free."

"What will you do now?" I asked concerned. She wanted to be loved and love someone completely. She winked at me.

"I'll let you know when I know for sure. Now that I don't have to worry about imprinting anymore, I've got my eye on someone." She said with a smug grin as she tossed her short hair behind one ear.

I mock glared at her. She knew I hated secrets and we didn't have many from each other. She waved her hand dismissively. "Don't get your panties in a wad, Swan. I'll tell you eventually."

At that, Garrett snorted. "She's not wearing panties anymore." His smile was downright coy and I playfully slapped his arm, laughing. I'd be blushing if I had blood running through my veins.

"Let's go see your momma." Jasper said as he stood fluidly, pulling me up and effectively Garrett as well since we were all holding hands.

My smile just about split my face as I made my way to Renee. I was so excited to see her and I knew my control was alright so long as she didn't go bleeding on me. Renee stood from her highback oak chair and held her arms out with a wide fond smile on her face. Her v-neck long sleeved shirt hugged her skin under her gray zip up hoodie that was about two sizes too large for her small frame. Her dark wash jeans were loose. I blurred to her and embraced her gently. She gasped at my speed but returned the hug, sniffling back tears of joy.

"I missed you so much, babygirl!" She cooed into my hair.

My own voice was choked up as I replied, "I missed you too, Mom."

She pulled back and gripped my upper arms, her eyes widening at the solidity of my new frame. "How've you been? How's Charlie? Where is he, anyway? Have you seen Billy yet?" Her questions kept going and I laughingly answered each one as she listened with rapt attention. I sat next to her in another highback chair and smiled as Seth brought her a plate of food and a soda to which she rolled her eyes and wished aloud that we had wine.

We spoke at length about the commotion she arrived to and she clucked her tongue disapprovingly before looking to Leah, who was sitting at my feet.

"Well, you deserve the world, sweet girl so don't settle for less, even if the gods deemed it so."

Leah grinned at my mom. "Oh, now that Sheanna's bonds are broken, I plan on letting a certain someone know exactly how I feel."

At her words, a small twinge of jealousy flew through me but I shook it off. She deserved the best and I knew she wouldn't settle. I deftly avoided Jasper's stare as my emotions smoothed out, keeping my gaze steadily on my mother. He needn't worry. He and Garrett were more than enough for me, but some feelings were hard to extinguish. Jasper should know, as he was still battling his own jealousy whenever Garrett and I were alone.

Our little party moved to the water, everyone in swimsuits, splashing around after the humans and wolves had their fill of the food - for now. Jake hadn't returned yet with Sheanna and I hoped she wasn't giving him too hard of a time. I watched from the edge of the lake, my elbows on the mossy rocks behind me as my body stayed draped in the water. Paul and Quil were taking turns dunking each other as Jared held Kim close, kissing her neck and whispering sweet words in her ear. Sam had Emily on his shoulders as he swam around lazily. Mom clung to Seth and Embry, clearly pretending to be afraid of the crystal depths. She was an expert swimmer. Leah swam circles around Garrett, splashing him and laughing as he sputtered, spitting water from his mouth before lunging after her and giving chase. Jasper sat with Rachel across the lake as they watched her imprint throw his foe over his shoulders then jump onto him, pushing Quil further under water from his attacker's weight.

I closed my eyes and tilted my head back, wishing the sun would appear from behind the clouds and warm my ice cold skin. The sounds of the playful activity continued around me and I smiled toward the sky, immensely thankful for my friends and family.

I am extremely lucky for all that I have. I am theirs and they are mine...For all eternity.

Can anyone guess who Leah's got her pretty little eye on?

Welp, that's all for this one folks! There will be a sequel to tie up the loose ends - so stay tuned if you're interested!